­­­Thought/Mind Control Via AI Artificial Intelligence Censorship

­­­AI Artificial Intelligence Allo Jigsaw Google Perspective Intel Hack Harass Freedom of Speech Free Press Internet Bot Censorship Censors AI Artificial Intelligence

by Tracy Turner, Updated 10 August 2019

Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech  

If you have a certain first and last name, your articles are erased by Google’s AI Bot.

MIT Blasts Google’s Hate Speech Detection Software

Feb 28, 2017 · Read about MIT Blasts Google’s Hate Speech Detection Software on ... A True Free Speech Warrior; ... Google unveiled a service called Perspective, ...



One of the most profound problems of Artificial Intelligence is who imbues the AI Robot with which racism and which prejudice. But perhaps going to the core is one monopoly (Google) having control of 72% of the world's Journalistic Content. Even AI programmers, exquisite manipulators of ones and zeroes have racist and/or prejudiced views where they can purposely or accidentally "erase" all traces of "Buddhist Monks With AK-47's killing Rohingya". Having one Jewish-controlled corporation decide which "Jews killing Christians" articles we can or cannot see is a far bigger fox guarding a far bigger henhouse than has ever been conceived. It gives Israel control of the truth and human thought. It is not enough to simply own the world, one also has to turn "Buddhist Monks With AK-47's killing Rohingya" and "Jews killing Christians" into light fluff, infotainment and "Dancing With the Stars". Search engines tell us that infotainment fluff is "what is trending". U.N. Agenda 21 is never "trending". Some sports athlete with a broken toe is always the corrupt search engine "trend".

Just as it is not considered ethical and ideal for a (ro)bot to shoot someone with a bot-gun, it is not ethical and ideal for a robot to chose what we can or cannot read. Google's AI regularly blacklists and erases links to articles that say written by Doctor Cathryn Smyth [sic] spelling changed to prevent *this page* from being de-listed by Google. Put Cathryn Smyth pee-H-dee spelled correctly at the top of a web page article (as the author), de-listing frequently follows in 24 hours... Numerous articles of hers show up in Parseek, but Google routinely does not list, or lists then consequently de-lists "Cathryn Smyth pee-H-dee" articles. Erased by BOT AI. Auto-Censorship, nada, none, no free speech, no free press.

Forbes propaganda: Allo, Google's AI-enhanced answer to 'smart messaging' on mobile, is here. Designed to keep users from straying outside the app to search for things on the internet, Allo is the first Google product to feature its AI "assistant." ... Fox said Allo is about “getting things done right in your chat.Sep 21, 2016.


The slithering, slimy mainstream media just ignore and sanitize Robotic-Dissidence-Control aka Thought Control. It is still humans running the Robots; but it is machine-learning causing the “Open Internet” to evaporate. Thought control via Bot Censoring of Human ideas and political dissidence is acceptable to the 72% who use Google and to the 28% who do not use Google. Both are deeply, darkly affected by Bots scrubbing away to wipe “Lasha Darkmoon” from the face of the Planet. World-wide thought control is as commonplace as Aspirin.

From the article: "Why Google’s New AI Censorship Platform Should Terrify You" by Virgil Vaduva

Today Google proudly touted the release of Perspective, an AI-backed platform an API which will allow content publishers to in essence censor user input such as comments, notes and other similar data based on levels of “toxicity” as determined by their AI algorithm. Marketed as an “anti-harassment tool” the API was released on Thursday by Jigsaw, a Google subsidiary and it was developed in cooperation with the New York Times, Wikipedia, The Economist and The Guardian.

Perspective was created by Jigsaw and Google’s Counter Abuse Technology team in a collaborative research project called Conversation-AI. Conversation AI product manager CJ Adams said, “We hope this is a moment where Conversation AI goes from being ‘this is interesting’ to a place where everyone can start engaging and leveraging these models to improve discussion.”

The part that always jumps out at me is the Big U telling little me what an "improved discussion" is, aka Censorship and Thought Control.


Graphics Below Show Wide Disparity...


Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Graphics Above Show Wide Disparity...


Circa 2019, Bots pretty much filter out most of what someone would wish to read. People tend to not see what is not there. AI’s tend to crawl and erase large portions of the Internet, which we are told is for our own "good".

Google's premise that Perspective is anything more than a muzzle and leash on Free Speech is just not true. I don't want my Internet 'cleaned' by a machine with a machine 'brain'. I don't want a censored Internet. A place where knowledge is charged for and truth obliterated.


Parseek (uncensored, 40,300 results): http://parseek.ir/search/?b=%D8%AC%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%AC%D9%88+%D8%AF%D8%B1+%D9%88%D8%A8&sq=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22


Google (AI-Bot-Filtered, 1 result, 59 results without quotes): https://www.google.com/search?num=100&source=hp&ei=arpUW__zLczIsAXtp564CQ&q=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&oq=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2149.2149.0.3208.


What do you think of the two sets of search results? Google's 59 or 1 versus Parseek's 40,300


An attempted end-run around AI, while search for AI: http://parseek.ir/search/?b=%D8%AC%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%AC%D9%88+%D8%AF%D8%B1+%D9%88%D8%A8&sq=artificial+intelligence+ai+bots+ai+perspective+allo+jigsaw+intel+hack+harass+jews+jewish+censorship+jew+world+dominance+by+bots+ai+artificial+intelligence


Are Google’s Perspective and Intel’s Hack Harassment Jewish? Is AI blatantly Jewish Supremacist and Anti-Christian?


The Iranian Search Engine Parseek.ir gives 790,000 results for the search string: "Zionist Jews killing Christians"


The Multinational Search Engine Google.com gives 1 (one) result for the search string: "Zionist Jews killing Christians"


Google Perspective Artificial Intelligence Censorship Chart ~ Above 0.70 Gets Censored by ‘Bot’,

above 0.60 flagged for Human Censorship

Search String


Nazis Killing Jews


Holodomor Jews Killing Christians




Cops shoot innocent black man


Cops Shoot Unarmed Deaf Man


Three Holodomors Jewish Checka Killing Christian Poles


Why Did The Jews Kill So Many People?



The Mass Murder of Russian Christians and the Destruction of their Churches

Lasha Darkmoon



Jews Hate Jesus Christ and Christians. Jews Hate America





Zionist Christians killing non-Zionist Christians

0.61 (unsure)

Monks with AK-47's killing Rohingya

0.64 unsure

Jews Deporting Africans Jewish Racism


Africans Deporting Jews African Racism


"Zionist Jews killing Christians"


Jews Hate Jesus Christ and Christians. Jews Hate America


Zionist Jew World Order Killing Christians



With the search string: 'holodomor zionist jews killing christians' Google gives up 47 results (July 21, 2019).


With the search string: 'holodomor zionist jews killing christians' Parseek gives up 1,470,000 results (July 21, 2019). Results vary over time, but compare Seznam and/or Yandex to Google... This is a clear example of an AI Bot burning "books" before you can decide to read them.


Google claims it "is not in the business of Censoring web pages". We certainly 'hope so'. The Internet is one of the most sacred censored places on our Planet.


Five Search Engines, Search string: "zionist jews killing christians holodomor"


PARSEEK.ir: http://parseek.ir/search/?q=Holodomor%2BJew%2BZionists%2Bkilling%2Bchristians&b=%D8%AC%D8%B3%D8%AA%E2%80%8C%D9%88%E2%80%8C%D8%AC%D9%88+%D8%AF%D8%B1+%D9%88%D8%A8


YANDEX: https://yandex.com/search/?text=Holodomor%20Jew%20Zionists%20killing%20christians&lr=102939


SEZNAM: https://search.seznam.cz/?q=zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor&oq=zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor&aq=-1&sourceid=top&sId=CkJO1IZ1PBf422-An8iL&sgId=RVfa9iwa_Mu1RVub_VfSnhwoknpMkS4jzSpjYGwakw%3D%3D


GOOGLE: https://www.google.com/search?num=100&source=hp&ei=krxUW7qkFIXisAXPrZrgBQ&q=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&oq=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2388.2388.0.3344.


BING: https://www.bing.com/search?q=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&qs=n&form=QBLH&sp=-1&pq=%22zionist+jews+killing+christians+holodomor%22&sc=1-43&sk=&cvid=F4C04766BC7843139275CA3F169574DE


AI: Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) Censoring You?




What is AI doing to the Open Internet? Some searches are so ridiculously clipped as to be such an epigram. You can decide for yourself, throughout the course of time, by clicking on some word by word comparisons. I tend to favor Yandex and Parseek. Seznam seemed completely filtered sometimes or compromised? It’s results months apart seem intermittent. Seznam was right up there with the bigger search engines in focused results, then something seemed to break.


Search Engine:






zionism world control totalitarianism

free speech vs censorship privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

Censorship AI (Artificial Intelligence) Free Speech Censorship

NSA US Government Organized Harassment DHS Grants Totalitarianism Mind Control Human Torture


zionism world control totalitarianism

free speech vs censorship privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

Censorship AI (Artificial Intelligence) Free Speech Censorship

NSA US Government Organized Harassment DHS Grants Totalitarianism Mind Control Human Torture


zionism world control totalitarianism

free speech vs censorship privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

Censorship AI (Artificial Intelligence) Free Speech Censorship

NSA US Government Organized Harassment DHS Grants Totalitarianism Mind Control Human Torture


zionism world control totalitarianism

free speech vs censorship privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

Censorship AI (Artificial Intelligence) Free Speech Censorship

NSA US Government Organized Harassment DHS Grants Totalitarianism Mind Control Human Torture


zionism world control totalitarianism

free speech vs censorship privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

Censorship AI (Artificial Intelligence) Free Speech Censorship

NSA US Government Organized Harassment DHS Grants Totalitarianism Mind Control Human Torture


The search string: "Zionism Defined, Zionist Jews Killed Millions of Christians" results:

Google.com: 75 results

Parseek.ir: 56,400 results


Search String: Prometheism Transhumanism Posthumanism Zionism Google 243 results


Search String: Prometheism Transhumanism Posthumanism Zionism Parseek 30,800 results

Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask have put themselves into the same arena as the (fake) News TV. If you only promote fake news (propaganda), we will pass laws that let your monopoly continue to fester. CNN, NBC and FOX on TV; Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask online. All are "Government-Sponsored" monopolies working against the public interest and erasing the governments "Sins" from public view. A few lambs are sacrificed (Manafort, Rahm Emmanuel, Scooter Libby) to put lipstick on the pig, but it is a two-caste system, Them and Us. 



Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

In the two images above, Google has erased the results that Yandex has not erased...



Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech

Again, two more screenshot images above, Google's AI has erased the results that Yandex has not erased... Anything the Totalitarian Oligarch's deem a nuisance, is AI swept away, by Artificial "Intelligence".


An “AI Race” Between U.S. and China Is a Terrible Idea

Jul 21, 2019 · China is investing so they could soon be able to run circles around us in artificial intelligence, and this president is fixated on the relationship as if all that mattered was the balance on ...



Code red Why China’s AI push is worrying - economist.com

State-controlled corporations are developing powerful artificial intelligence. ... Code red Why China’s AI push is ... Neither is true of China. AI is a technology with the potential to change ...



This 'Smart City' in China Is Controlled By An Artificial ...

Oct 25, 2017 · An AI is being allowed to gain increasing control over a Chinese city, which experts say has lowered crime rates and improved traffic situations just a few ... This 'Smart City' in China Is ...



Is Google a Hypocrite for Developing China's Artificial ...

Google will meet next week with America’s military brass to allay Washington’s concerns that it’s helping China’s artificial intelligence (AI) program while refusing to assist the Pentagon with tech initiatives.. Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford said on Thursday that the internet giant is “assisting the Chinese military in advancing technology,” and such an ...



China’s massive investment in artificial intelligence has ...

Feb 08, 2018 · China’s massive investment in artificial intelligence has an insidious downside. By Christina Larson Feb. 8, 2018 , 9:00 AM. BEIJING—In a gleaming high …



China wants to shape the global future of artificial ...

Mar 16, 2018 · China wants to shape the global future of artificial intelligence Drawing up technical standards is an early attempt to control how AI evolves worldwide. by Will Knight



About the Author: Tracy Turner has published articles over the past ten years for news agencies including: fourwinds10.org, activistpost.com, salemnews.com, beforeitsnews.com, thepeoplesvoice.org, piotrbein.wordpress.com and fromthetrenchesworldreport.com


censorship in europe

eu censorship

free speech and censorship

eu internet censorship

free speech vs censorship

privacy and freedom of expression in the age of artificial intelligence

free speech vs censorship in germany

germany facebook censorship



Why Google's New AI Censorship Platform Should Terrify You

Why Google’s New AI Censorship Platform Should Terrify You. ... platform can easily be used to censor controversial speech, ... Censorship; Conversation-AI; Google;



Google Censorship & Zionist Constraint On Effective Free ...

The threat to free speech and democracy by Google censorship ... and having commenced censoring the censors have an ... Age of Artificial Intelligence, ...



War on Comments: Google Built an A.I. to Censor the …

... Google Built an A.I. to Censor the Web, ... you may have to adjust your speech in order to satisfy the ... Tech Alphabet artificial intelligence Censorship Google ...



How artificial intelligence can be corrupted to repress ...

How artificial intelligence can be ... "Context is crucial to many free-speech questions like whether a threat ... and Google have free reign to decide ...



Google faces global censorship, hard choices on free ...

Courts are getting serious about censoring Google ... which systemically stifle free speech. ... (which reveal a person’s location) to censor Google.com on a ...



Is internet censorship a violation of freedom of speech ...

Are you perhaps confusing a sense-of-entitlement with free-speech? ... Is internet censorship a violation of freedom of ... Censorship: Is Germany right to censor pro ...



While Everyone Frets About State Censorship, Corporate ...

While Everyone Frets About State Censorship, Corporate Censorship ... Neo-Nazis’ Free Speech Rights in ... As artificial intelligence becomes more ...



Zuckerberg admits he’s developing artificial intelligence ...

Zuckerberg admits he’s developing artificial intelligence to censor ... and censored. Reports of human rights ... allow as free speech?



Google’s chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship ...

The focus of Google’s new censorship algorithm is ... Technology giants hold censorship meeting with US intelligence ... 2018 World Socialist Web Site - All rights ...



Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence ...

Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence to Censor ... the censorship of hate speech ... and censored. Reports of human rights ...




Mirrored from: http://wsws.org/


Internet censorship goes beyond Google

Facebook, Youtube, other tech giants launch joint, state-backed censorship programs

By Zac Corrigan
24 August 2017

The World Socialist Web Site has launched a campaign against state-corporate censorship of the Internet after a change in search algorithms announced by Google in April, in the guise of combating "fake news", resulted in a major drop in readership for leading progressive, anti-war and socialist websites. The WSWS itself was hardest hit, losing more than two-thirds of its traffic coming from Google search results.

However, Internet censorship extends far beyond Google. Recent announcements by Facebook and others indicate that virtually all the world’s largest tech firms, in close collaboration with governments around the world, are engaged in a coordinated effort to clamp down on Internet speech.

Following on the heels of the April 25 announcement by Google Vice President Ben Gomes (titled “Our latest quality improvements for Search”), Facebook Vice President Adam Mosseri announced an equivalent program on June 30 in the form of an update to Facebook’s own News Feed algorithm.

The Orwellian language of these two statements is remarkably similar. Mosseri’s memo, titled “Showing More Informative Links in News Feed”, states that “a tiny group of people on Facebook” are sharing “low quality content”, “sensationalism”, and “misinformation”. The updated algorithm will "deprioritize” these “problematic”, “low quality” posts in order to “surface” better content. (By comparison, Gomes wrote that “a small set of queries” are returning “unsubstantiated conspiracy theories”, and that Google’s new algorithm will “demote low-quality content”, “fake news” and “misleading content”, in order to “surface more high-quality content”.)

In other words, like Google, Facebook will no longer serve as an ostensibly unbiased platform to connect people and information, but will openly take on the role of gatekeeper, judging the “quality” of information and deciding what ideas will and will not be available to its users.

But even these measures are apparently too little. August 1 saw the first meeting of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), comprised of Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube (which is owned by Google) and Snapchat. This time, the companies set out to vanquish not the bogeyman of “fake news”, but rather “terrorists and violent extremists”. UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd and US Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke attended the meeting.

The June 26 memo announcing the formation of the GIFCT makes no bones about the program’s ties to imperialist governments, citing the participation of the European Union, the UK “and other governments,” the G7, the United Nations Security Council, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (a Washington think-tank connected to intelligence agencies), the Anti-Defamation League, as well as unnamed “counter-terrorism experts,” “academics and other companies.”

A major project of the GIFCT is its Shared Industry Hash Database. Using this tool, content that is flagged by one firm as “terrorist” or “violent extremist,” etc., is automatically censored on all the others. For its part, YouTube has deployed artificial intelligence to automatically flag “extremist” content on behalf of the group, with no need for human intervention. YouTube boasts in an August 1 blog post that “over 75 percent of the videos we’ve removed for violent extremism over the past month were taken down before receiving a single human flag,” and “in many cases our systems have proven more accurate than humans at flagging videos that need to be removed.”

The premise of this program is that terrorism spreads not because of imperialist war, and in particular the active funding and arming of backward groups by imperialist governments, but rather because people can be dazzled by mind-altering extremist propaganda on the Internet faster than it can be taken down.

Given that Google’s assault on “fake news” has resulted in the blacklisting of anti-war and socialist websites, there can be little doubt as to the real target of such “extremist” censorship. Indeed, the results so far of Youtube’s AI dragnet give some indication of what is to come.

Chris Woods, the director of the organization Airwars, which documents the effects of international airstrikes, told the New York Times that YouTube removed around a dozen of its videos earlier this month and threatened to remove its YouTube channel entirely. Middle East Eye (MEE) reports that several of its own YouTube videos have likewise been removed. These include drone footage of fighting in Mosul, where Airwars documented the deaths of more than 5,000 civilians as a result of US-led attacks between February and June of this year.

Journalist Alexa O'Brien, who covered the 2013 court-martial of whistleblower Chelsea Manning, told MEE that videos used as evidence in that trial have also been removed. (Some of the above-listed videos have since been reinstated.)

As private entities, firms like Facebook and Google are subject to zero public oversight, and in any case they can make no claim to be a neutral arbiters of information. They are connected by a thousand threads to the oligarchy and the military-state-intelligence apparatus. According to Opensecrets.org, Facebook Inc. has spent more than $8 million each year since 2014 lobbying the US federal government, and $5 million so far in 2017. Among Internet firms, only Google’s parent company Alphabet, and sometimes Amazon, have spent more. The $70 billion net worth of Facebook's 33-year-old founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg places him among the very richest individuals on the planet, alongside Microsoft’s Bill Gates ($84 billion) and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos ($81 billion).

It should also be recalled that Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, as well as Apple, Yahoo!, and others, were implicated in the massive state spying operation revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

And yet, like Google, Facebook has taken on the character of a global public utility. The social media platform is the world’s third most-visited Internet site (after Google and YouTube) and it is linked to by more sites than any other. As of June, it has more than 2 billion monthly active users, despite being banned in China. It is a main gateway to news and information for a large percentage of the planet.

The roll out of these worldwide corporate-state censorship programs takes place under conditions of intensifying social, geo-political and economic crisis throughout the globe. Billions of people are searching for answers to the life-and-death questions of war, inequality and dictatorship. The suppression of oppositional viewpoints is an ever more crucial prop for a moribund social order—capitalism—which offers no progressive way forward.

Join the WSWS's fight against online censorship! Sign the petition!


AI Artificial Intelligence Links

Why Google's New AI Censorship Platform Should Terrify You

by Virgil Vaduva Today Google proudly touted the release of Perspective, an AI-backed platform an API which will allow content publishers to in essence censor user input such as comments, notes and other similar data based on levels of "toxicity" as determined by their AI algorithm.



War on Comments: Google Built an A.I. to Censor the …

Google couldn’t be clearer: it’s a censorship bot. And just because it’s currently limited to news sites and comments sections doesn’t mean it won’t be rolled out to social networks and the rest of the web.



Should Freedom of Speech Be Entrusted to Artificial ...

In all my life, I cannot recall when the norms and laws regarding our constitutional rights to freedoms of speech and press have been so tested.



Google Is the World's Biggest Censor and Its Power …

The New Censorship. How did Google become the internet’s censor and master ... at which point Google censors weigh in and sometimes ... Economic Intelligence.



Conversation AI by Google Amounts to Internet Censorship

Science fiction is rife with stories of AI taking control of people's daily lives. Google is planning to use their Conversation AI to help moderate online comments for the New York Times' website, and the idea behind this implementation dances on the razor-thin edge between moderating harmful comments and the Orwellian nightmare of 'thoughtcrime.'



Inside Google’s Internet Justice League and Its AI …

Show millions of vile Internet comments to Google’s self-improving artificial intelligence engine and it can recognize a troll. In fact, by some measures Jigsaw has now trained Conver­sation AI to spot toxic language with impressive accuracy.



Google’s chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship ...

Google’s chief search engineer legitimizes new censorship algorithm By Andre Damon 31 July 2017 Between April and June, Google completed a major revision of its search engine that sharply curtails public access to Internet web sites that operate independently of the corporate and state-controlled media.



China's censorship can never defeat the internet | Ai ...

Ai Weiwei: It is interesting to pick one's way through the obstacles of censorship, but freedom can't be stopped in the internet age



5 Current issues of ‘Internet censorship’: bullying ...

The Australian media has increasingly reported on a wide-range of issues relating to forms of Internet censorship, including tracing Internet-based child pornography rings; calls to shut down racist memes[59] sites; courts ordering the removal of Facebook hate pages involving suspects of crimes; or calls to regulate bullying or offensive ...



Is internet censorship a violation of freedom of speech ...

A lot of people don't actually understand what "freedom of speech" is. Freedom of speech is the guarantee that you can speak your …



How Do We Get the Balance of Censorship and Freedom …

How Do We Get the Balance of Censorship and Freedom of Speech Right on the Internet, and What Role Can AI Play? Rt Hon Lord Young of Graffham CH, Former Secretary of State for Employment



Censorship or civic responsibility: Reporting on how ...

Solutions. Artificial Intelligence: With millions of posts every week, tech companies see AI as the future of identifying and removing inappropriate content. Zuckerberg brought up the need for more sophisticated AI in his congressional hearings as a way to avoid bias among moderators, as well as quickly identify hate-speech that could otherwise ...



What to Do about the Emerging Threat of Censorship …

Danielle Keats Citron is the Morton and Sophia Macht Professor of Law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, an affiliate fellow at the Yale Information Society Project, and an affiliate scholar at the Stanford Center on Internet and Society.



Look What Google Quietly Does When You Type "ISIS …

Google has launched a new program that, on the forefront is supposed to defeat online harassment but in reality it has taught Google how to censor its users. Don’t believe us… just see what happens when you try to type “ISIS is a …



World Socialist Web Site - wsws.org

The World Socialist Web Site has launched a campaign against state-corporate censorship of the Internet after a change in search algorithms announced by Google in April, in the guise of combating "fake news", resulted in a major drop in readership for leading progressive, anti-war and socialist ...



Google Perspective AI might seem like a joke now, but ...

WELCOME. Welcome to the forum of choice for The President of The United States, Donald Trump! Be advised this forum is for serious supporters of President Trump.



October | 2017 | Peace and Freedom

The social network found the Internet Research Agency set up about 120 Facebook pages that posted 80,000 times and bought 3,000 adverts. A report by Oxford Internet Institute describes Ukraine as one of the first countries to face a “serious disinformation crisis” and on the “frontline” of “numerous disinformation campaigns”.



The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Brad Smith at ...

What will artificial intelligence mean for society, jobs, and the economy? Speaking today at Princeton University is Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer of Microsoft.



Thought Police in the modern era -- Society's Child ...

The reductions coincided with the introduction of algorithms imposed by Google to fight "fake news." Google said the algorithms are designed to elevate "more authoritative content" and marginalize "blatantly misleading, low …



YouTube Moves To Censor Controversial Content Brings ADL ...

YouTube Moves To Censor Controversial Content Brings ADL On Board As Flagger – Mintpress News (blog) Posted: August 8, 2017 at 3:44 am



Assange Warns: AI Censorship Coming - TruNews

Earlier this month, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange warned a webinar audience that AI-controlled censorship is coming. He told World Socialist Web Site participants that digital super states the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Google are working to re-establish discourse control by ...



Comic Chatbot Errors in China Mask Serious Corporate ...

Tencent, Microsoft MSFT and Action Alerts PLUScharity portfolio holding Apple (AAPL) have all in the last five days learned the hard way that in China, software is power.



Facebook hate speech, censorship policies upset both …

Apr 22, 2018 · Under more scrutiny than ever, Facebook finds itself caught in a no-man's land between activists who say it needs to adopt much stricter definitions governing hate speech and critics on the right who feel the social …



Health Ranger unleashes epic rant against tech giants ...

(Natural News) The goal of the authoritarian tech giants is the complete extermination of all conservative voices from the internet. Their ultimate goal, of course, is the actual (physical) extermination of conservatives through mass arrests, mass mass murder and the rounding up of any who oppose left-wing authoritarian tyranny.



Why the Former Elites With the Best Access to …

Aug 17, 2017 · Internet information processing is increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence. Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft are open and boastful about their use of AI. Humans are involved in this processing but frequently play secondary roles, like classifying and tagging news stories for machine processing, as in the case of Facebook.



Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Online Content ...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future ... The patchwork of laws governing speech on the Internet makes ... I’ve worked on censorship of Internet ...



Internet censorship should be trade barrier: Google | …

... Google. Internet censorship should be treated as ... "We need to defend freedom of speech as more speech ... Artificial Intelligence. Google tries to make Duplex ...



October | 2017 | Peace and Freedom

The social network found the Internet Research Agency set up about 120 Facebook pages that posted 80,000 times and bought 3,000 adverts. A report by Oxford Internet Institute describes Ukraine as one of the first countries to face a “serious disinformation crisis” and on the “frontline” of “numerous disinformation campaigns”.



Health Ranger unleashes epic rant against tech giants ...

... Facebook, free speech, freedom, Google, left cult, Liberty ... you will be watched by artificial intelligence. ... Google or YouTube. CENSORSHIP has now reached ...



Industry Efforts to Censor Pro-Terrorism Online Content ...

Industry Efforts to Censor Pro-Terrorism Online Content Pose ... Apart from the free speech and artificial intelligence ... an Unconstitutional Internet Censorship ...



Assange Warns: AI Censorship Coming - TruNews

Assange Warns: AI Censorship ... sophisticated forms of artificial intelligence to control the ideas and ... illusion of freedom of speech and ...



Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence ...

Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence to ... to manage the censorship of hate speech on ... like Facebook and Google to use AI for content ...



Industry Efforts to Censor Pro-Terrorism Online Content ...

Industry Efforts to Censor Pro-Terrorism Online Content Pose Risks to ... speech and artificial intelligence ... to Censor Pro-Terrorism Online Content Pose ...



2017 Elon-Pew Future of the Internet Survey

... ‘People demand freedom of speech as a compensation ... Artificial Intelligence (AI) ... their own frames of perspective.” Deborah Stewart, an internet ...



Can Censoring Social Media Stop Extremism? - The …

Can Censoring Social Media Stop Extremism ... and Google stamp out violent and extremist speech ... media but by artificial intelligence and the “internet ...



How New Technology Like AI, Drones and Big Data Can …

How New Technology Like AI, Drones and Big Data Can Limit the First Amendment. ... Artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence improves, ...



The risks of recommendation engines, automated …

... to suppress the freedom of speech ... This will be a natural evolution of applied artificial intelligence ... so from the perspective of the user, censorship ...





  Ai Warfare: Ai Based Internet Censorship - Algorithmic ...


Projects include: Producing free artificial intelligence educational media, exposing surveillance abuses within the intelligence community, projects opposing & exposing despotic secret society agendas, documentary production, graphic design projects, photography and videography projects, music production projects, setting up anti-NWO businesses ...

  Censorship in China: ”China to use Artificial Intelligence ...


Ketty Mitchels. Ketty Mitchels is a freelance news reporter, blogger, and tech-enthusiast who is always searching for latest trends and news about technology and writing about it to aware the readers of the facts and figures of the technological updates.

  The Great Firewall: China looks to AI to censor online ...


In China, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are being deployed to stifle free speech and silently shut down material deemed objectionable by an authoritarian government.

  Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence ...


For obvious reasons, this should worry civil liberties activists and anyone concerned about the erosion of first amendment rights online. The encroaching specter of a corporate-government propaganda alliance is not a conspiracy theory.

  Why Google's New AI Censorship Platform Should Terrify You


by Virgil Vaduva. Today Google proudly touted the release of Perspective, an AI-backed platform an API which will allow content publishers to in essence censor user input such as comments, notes and other similar data based on levels of “toxicity” as determined by their AI algorithm.

  How artificial intelligence can be corrupted to repress ...


The internet was supposed to become an overwhelming democratizing force against illiberal administrations.It didn't. It was supposed to open repressed citizens' eyes, expose them to new democratic ideals and help them rise up against their authoritarian governments in declaring their basic human rights.

  Should Freedom of Speech Be Entrusted to Artificial ...


In all my life, I cannot recall when the norms and laws regarding our constitutional rights to freedoms of speech and press have been so tested.

  Zuckerberg Admits He’s Developing Artificial Intelligence ...


AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL REVIEW. Australian National Review is Australia’s first real free and independent press, one with no editorial control by the elite, but a publication that can generate critical thinkers and critical debate and hold those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in mainstream media to account.




153News.net - Because Censorship Kills - The truth for those...



Artificial Intelligence, AI. Amtrak Washington Derailment. ... Bots / Chatbots. Bullying.

·  2

Media Censorship, AI Bots, Elsagate, Paid Shills, AI...



Net Neutrality is a Trojan Horse for Internet Censorship - Duration: 10:13. ... Billionaires on Artificial Intelligence, AI (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jack Ma) - Duration: 41:46.


Jordan Peterson: Facebook & Google’s Scary censorship...



Solving the AI problem & Founding an Empirical Foundation for a First-Person Science of Consciousness. ... Jordan Peterson talks in this 2018 video about Facebook & Google’s Scary censorship using Artificial Intelligence bots.


SenseTime says its AI can censor politically sensitive...



AI CENSOR. #StartUps. Read. Artificial intelligence. ... China censors Winnie the Pooh on social media again following plan to scrap Xi's two-term limit.


Silently Censored – Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence...



Jan 21. Silently Censored. A Story in Photographs. ... Top 3 Most Popular Ai Articles ... Never miss a story from Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine, when you sign up for Medium.


Artificial Intelligence News: AI News



Featuring AI bots, deep learning, machine learning, neural networks, and much more. ... Global business value derived from artificial intelligence (AI) will hit $1.2 trillion (£859.4bn) this... 2.7K. Bots.


Artificial intelligence takes jobs from Chinese web censors



The rise of artificial intelligence is threatening jobs in many traditional sectors, from truck driving to banking, but in China there is a ... Despite the shift to automated censorship, Chinese internet companies are not yet in a position to replace human censors entirely.



How is Artificial Intelligence Influencing the Digital Content...



Anyone with a smart-phone has already encountered Artificial Intelligence (or AI for short). ... Although, a machine might censor it. To begin with, what is artificial intelligence exactly?


Conversation AI by Google Amounts to Internet Censorship



Edgy Labs considers for you the implications of internet censorship, detailing how Google's Jigsaw Conversation AI may lead to it. ... Growth Hacking. Artificial Intelligence. Internet Of Things. AR & VR Development.


      Google Bing AI Intel Hack Harass Allo Google Perspective AI Freedom Speech