China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout

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China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout

China’s Bank Economic Failure


If you “Google” the words (any order or number/combination): China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout “China’s Shadow Loans System”… 


…You will find tame articles on Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg telling you “don’t worry”. But if you search for the same keywords at or you will find articles from Independent Foreign Press writers that are comparing this to the Greek Austerity/Bank Crash, only on a Global Scale. Use and and search for Foreign Press articles about Baoshang Bank, Bank of Jinzhou, Heng Feng Bank and Henan Yichuan Rural Bank silently becoming state-owned. They are not calling it bank failure, not calling it government bailout – but the State of China now owns and/or manages four banks. One other good search portal for China Bank Failures is DuckDuckGo.

4 Largest Banks in the World: ICBC: $4TN, China Construction: $3.4TN, Agri Bank of China: $3.3TN and Bank of China: $3.1TN.

China has a $40 Trillion banking System. 569 of 4,379 Banks (13%) are at high risk (as per China's Central Bank).


Not taking out loans right now is prudent. Avoid putting purchases on credit cards.



1. Learn simple economics so you can identify early warning signs. ... 

2. Cash is king. ... 

3. Start building an emergency cash fund. ... 

4. Start being more frugal with your monthly bills. ... 

5. Generate an additional (collapse-proof) form of income. ... 

6. Get out of debt.


The fact that four banks have failed in China already (they are now government-owned banks) and there’s not one word about it on TV is extremely troubling. There are about 500 Chinese Banks flagged for impending failure (to be taken over by the incredibly-in-debt-Chinese Government).


A death sentence was given to a corrupt banker as China cracks down on high-risk loans Former chairman of Hengfeng Bank imprisoned for siphoning off millions through corruption and embezzlement. 

From What is shadow banking in ChinaShadow banking refers to activities performed by financial firms outside the formal banking sector, and therefore subject to lower levels of regulatory oversight and higher risks. Such activities are off the balance sheets due to accounting practices. China’s Shadow Banking Loans are uglier than Western Bank’s “Derivatives”.


What CNBC, Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal do not tell you is that the Chinese Shadow Loan System is a potential house of cards “WMP’s” (Wealth Management Products, Shadow Loans, off-the-books loans) and Indebted Businesses built next to closely stacked Dominoes (the Chinese Banks putting Investor money into WMP off-the-books and cooked-books-loans.


This article traces out how the failure of Greek Banks drags down the Global Economy. Chinese banks and the Chinese government have their debt spread out over all of the Continents and Islands of Earth. The Chinese Government is quietly propping up at least four failed banks.


The most prudent thing the average family can do right now is to have everyone in the family with a job seek some overtime hours. Don’t prepare for a financial meltdown with credit card debt (much of which is bought up by China). Work one day of overtime per week for several months. Stock up on food that does not spoil, pay down some debt and keep some cash on hand.




"The government’s takeover of Baoshang Bank in May 2019 was China’s most high-profile bank failure in two decades.


This led some speculators to declare an economic collapse of China would happen soon.


Then Bank of Jinzhou and Heng Feng Bank failed in July and August, respectively, requiring bailouts by some large state-owned banks and the sovereign wealth fund Central Huijin.


Predictions have since emerged that more bank failures would follow."


There is little research contemplating shadow banking in developing markets, including what many accept to be an enormous division in China, the second-biggest economy in the world. Recent choppiness in China's securities exchange has been ascribed to be a source of the greater danger of the worldwide money related framework, with the shadow-banking segment allegedly giving a lot of utilized capital filling the market bubble during the main portion of 2015.


A significant part of China's shadow banking sector—wealth the executive's items (WMPs) given by banks, and link the development of this sector to the RMB 4 trillion stimulus initiated by the Chinese government in light of the worldwide monetary emergency in 2008. To boost and actualize this massive stimulus plan, the biggest four-state-claimed banks ('Big Four' banks) gave the gigantic volume of new loans into the economy and raised deposits to satisfy prerequisites for on-accounting report lending.


The degree of extending their equalization sheets were distinctive for the Big Four banks, creating a conceivably exogenous stun in the local market to small and medium-sized banks facing a differential challenge from the Big Four banks. We find that SMBs (Small Businesses) significantly expanded the issuance of WMPs after 2008, and the scale is greater for banks that are increasingly compelled by on-asset report loaning and have the more noteworthy probability of losing market to nearby offices of the fastest expanding huge bank.


China’s Banking System is a 40 Trillion Dollar system. The central bank of China is the People's Bank of China. The "big four" state-owned commercial banks are the Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the Agricultural Bank of China, all of which are among the largest banks in the world as of 2018.


Some would argue China’s Bank System is “too big to fail”. As we saw with JP Morgan, Chase, Washington Mutual, et al, banks can also be too corrupt not to fail. Kyle Bass, a hedge fund manager who has long warned that the Chinese banking system is underfunded, claimed that "nearly 500 banks in China are labeled troubled by the government." If true, the Chinese Banks may soon face their biggest financial failure in the modern age.


Bank Collapse In China! $40 Trillion Dollar Debt Heading To Economic Collapse & China’s Yuan CRASH

Submitted by redaksi on Rabu, 4 Dec 2019 - 09:24

China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout

KONFRONTASI -   When will the Economic Collapse of China happen? Well, it's already started. First, it was Baoshang Bank , then it was Bank of Jinzhou, Now it is  Heng Feng Bank. This is the third bank failure in China in only three months! And they're getting bigger in size! Kyle Bass is saying that the Chinese banking regulators have at least 500 banks flagged for potential collapse. A Chinese banking regulator admitted at the beginning of this year (this was not covered in Western media) that there would be many bank failures, bailouts, and potential bank runs. He said that the mess is way more extensive than anyone's guess.

According to the French investment bank Societe Generale, The Chinese banks are looking down the barrel of a staggering $1.7 trillion - worth of losses which to put this in perspective that's the entire GDP of Australia. Put another way, 60 percent of capital in China's banks is at risk as authorities start the delicate and dangerous process of reining in the debt-bloated and unprofitable state-owned enterprise (SOE) sector. China is lending itself a large amount of money that it doesn't have and, more importantly, that its banks don't have. China could lose as much as half of its banking capital if a chinas yuan crash or a financial crisis ensues. So China has a significant banking problem. China's financial system is quietly dealing with this major crisis, although some of the activities are disclosed, they're underreported and largely downplayed.  


This is an attempt to prevent the imminent economic collapse as it rots from the still lingering problems first highlighted in 2008. No country is immune; no Domino will be left standing. The Chinese economy is definitely heading to economic collapse, and there are a lot of headwinds. It seems reasonable to worry that China could be heading for a huge chinas yuan crash in the coming year. Understand what's happening here in 2019: three banks have failed in China. Now you might argue: well, there weren't failures the government just took them over. Well If the government didn't step in, they would have collapsed entirely. This is a rapid deterioration of the situation in the financial system of China. And as China's economic and debt pain spreads We'll see more banks going belly up with a major stock market crash.


China's four biggest state banks have fallen to an average price to book ratio of 0.6, one of the Hong Kong exchange a level not seen since 2016. We are watching right now as all of these companies lose to the value of where they were at their peak. There is no chance of actually fixing the coming economic collapse with central bank easing. They're trying to get back to what they thought was this impeccable growth that would persist forever, and they can't have it. People aren't prepared, and they never will be, and they'll see after it's too late China's 40 trillion dollar banking system heading to a huge bank collapse and chinas yuan crash. It's not just China; it's not only the US; it's not Europe; this is a global problem. The entire financial system top to bottom is interconnected. We will see a world economic collapse.  It's a conundrum that China is dealing with at this time.

Watch the video: (Jft/Epic Economist)


Bank Collapse

In China!

$40 Trillion Dollar

China’s Yuan CRASH



China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout


Will The China's Economic Collapse Happen In 2020?


The Economic Collapse Of China! $40 Trillion Dollar Dark Cloud Of Debt - China’s Yuan CRASH!




Among the many things that are worrying international investors today, from plunging oil prices to the specter of a global economic recession and deflation in Europe, one of the most crucial, and the least understood aspect is China's debt. As of October, the national debt of China, which is the total amount of money owed by the Chinese government and all state organizations and government branches. It stands at approximately CN¥ 38 trillion or $5.4 trillion dollar at around 54.44% of GDP. This figure, though, this does not include local government financing vehicles. So we should multiply by at least 3.25 for this figure, then consider adding value for China's shadow banking (loans outside of formal banks). Local debt is the biggest problem in China. In July 2019, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) reported that in the first quarter of 2019, China's total stock of corporate, household and government debt rose sharply to over $40 trillion dollar and is now exceeding 303% of gross domestic product GDP, from 297% in the same period a year earlier, the IIF wrote in a report . China's debt now accounts for around 15% of world global debt. And this is just the tip of the iceberg for what may becoming. The idea that China is somehow a frugal saving nation that doesn't have a lot of debt is, at this point, bluntly wrong. As of today, China is very much past the tipping point where the debt simply can no longer be ignored. China's Debt to GDP Ratio Is Growing as Its economy loses steam. For the past few years, China has been on a borrowing binge. The world's second-biggest economy, which is slowing, is past a point where it cannot ignore its enormous debt anymore. The cost of servicing the debt distracts from almost everything else. And even China's efforts to shore up sagging economic growth are leading to a resurgence in indebtedness. For at least a generation, China has relied on borrowing to fuel its economic expansion. This abrupt pace of growth, with many borrowing heavily in the process, has caused its total debt—the sum of government, corporate and household borrowings to sore by 100% of since 2008, and is now 300% of GDP; a little less than wealthy nations, but far higher than any other emerging market. China's debt mania, and by this, I mean madness, craziness, and frenzy, is now the largest ever experienced in the emerging postwar world. As the China story unfolds, it is comprehensible that the scope for a debt meltdown in China remains immense. China's Debt trap will end with a major chinese yuan crash or much worse. The truth is we don't know what China's actual debt is, and I bet it is way more than the official figures, way more. Defaults, wealth investment products, state-owned enterprises, loan sharks, off the books, empty cities, real estate, local government debt, corporate debt, consumer debt, dollar shortage, non-convertible currency, dollar-denominated debt. China is The People's Republic of Non-Performing Loan. And there is a whole host of other hidden debt. The Chinese economy is definitely heading to economic collapse, and there are a lot of headwinds. It seems reasonable to worry that China could be heading for a huge chinas yuan crash in the coming year. Of course, China being China, the media probably won't learn about it until things are starting to boil.




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China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout


China’s ties with Africa go beyond the “debt trap”


Do Quynh Anh

Authors: Do Quynh Anh & Francis Kwesi Kyirewiah*

Over the past decades, there have been numerous arguments about China’s relations with Africa which is seen as the foundation of Beijing’s diplomacy. Some scholars have linked China-Africa relations to a new form of colonialism and resources diplomatic strategy of China. For historical and political reasons, China has been close with African countries because they share common past of their former colonial suffering and the common tasks of promoting their economic development. Now as the largest developing country as well as the second largest economy of the world, China’s economic relations with Africa en bloc is obviously changing from the previous low-technology aid to a rapidly medium- and high-technology assistance. To that end, China is able to provide more financial aid to all the developing countries including Africa.

To be sure, it is normal for any country to provide aid to each other in terms of borrowing and lending. Historically and politically, the parties involving international financial interactions might end up as enemies. Professor J. A. Frieden, of Harvard once argued, in general, developing countries are by definition short of capital, so most of their governments are eager to borrow abroad. It is therefore presupposed that the prospect of using borrowed money is to speed up growth and increase national output. Yet, sometimes the borrowers could have little incentive to use the money wisely. It is also true that the lending powers have used or misused or even abused the financial weapons available: they can cut off debtor governments from future lending, and they may be able to retaliate in related areas, such as freezing debtor governments’ bank accounts or taking other government-owned properties. Equally noted is that lending governments are able to use broader foreign policy considerations to induce the borrowing side into compliance with the lenders’ demands. That is true in terms of many cycles of lending and debt crises. For example, all through the 19th and early 20th centuries, rapidly growing countries borrowed heavily from the major European financial creditors, primarily London but also Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin. Usually, debts appear to have contributed to economic development, but there are also plenty of crises and political disputes. Therefore, debt crises have existed in world politics for centuries, and now it appears in a new face as “debt trap.”

China’s relation with Africa is relatively new due to the fact that the rise of China and the independence of Africa are the most recent scenario over the past 40-60 years. As Dr. DambisaMoyo, a scholar in international affairs anda native from Zambia, argued, “No country has come to symbolize the profound economic transformation witnessed in the past half-century than China. It has become the largest exporter and the largest foreign currency-holder of the world and it has already surpassed Japan to rank second in terms of GDP.” By 1978, China’s world GDP share was only 1.75%, but since then, it share has risen up to 17% in 2017.Today China is the largest FDI source to Africa and the bilateral trade has been rising substantially. The resultant fact is not necessarily because of China’s smart policy, but equally due to the West’s own folly policymaking.

Yet, China has been targeted by the West headed by the United States as the “debt-trap maker”. The reasons might be different but it argues that China has tried to use its increasing financial power to dictate its Communist will and nationalistic goal in the world affairs, in particular towards the Africans. This is really ridiculous. First, a closer look into the Marshal Plan endorsed by the United States in 1948 to assist European recovery from the war-time destruction, the West called it the “European Recovery Plan” which aimed to invest billions of U.S. dollars to help the war-worn states of Europe. However, when they discuss the economic plan from Beijing and Moscow, they use the terms of traps and conspiracy, such as “Beijing’s expansion is inexorable, has a global scope and is driven by the depression in the West.” Ideologically, the United States has tried to distort any Chinese economic plan including the “Belt & Road Initiative”. Second, the United States and many other countries of the West as well have entertained the mentality of their superiority. They do hold the perception that Europeans are the only most creative people on the Earth. Thus the rise of China is surely regarded as the loss of their superiority and prestige as well. In light of this, the third point is that they have perceived China as a potential or even a real rival or enemy in a geopolitical sense, as U.S. politician Mike Pompeo has repeatedly targeted China both publicly and privately.

However, the relationship between China and Africa has gone beyond the so-called “debt trap diplomacy”. From the mid-1950s, China was committed to supplying all possible aid and supports to the African peoples who were struggling for their national independence, while newly-independent states consistently extend their supports to China diplomatically and politically. Since the last decades of the 20th century, China-Africa relations have been primarily focused on economic cooperation. With its economic power growing, China’s aid has been focused on infrastructure development, consisting of constructing railways, roads and hydropower to business cooperation such as mining, farming and tourism. In return, Africa has made all possible efforts to improve its investment and business environment in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies. This is now urgent for both sides need to work decisively to transform and upgrade the quality and efficiency of the cooperation in strategic terms. As Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto argued, it is quite possible for there to be an action in an economy that harms no one and helps at least one by one. Whether it is accepted or not, China’s sustained growth can’t be in isolation from the rest of the world in a long perspective.

China’s aid to Africa has never been a lip-service as it believes that in order to insure sustainable economic growth, it is strategically necessary for any country, either small or large, to have a complete transportation network and reliable power-supply system. This is what is referred to as ‘two wings theory for development.’ Today, most African countries lack basic transportation system and sustainable power supply for accelerated and sustainable economic development. For example, agreements signed in various fields between China and Africa wasvalued at over $50 billion between 2015 and 2016. Most African states have been eager to accelerate their national industries’ production capacity in order to achieve their economic independence. Thus far, Chinese companies have been instrumental in the construction of numerous symbolic infrastructure projects, including but not limited to the newly-completed railwayline connecting the capital of Kenya (Nairobi) to its coastal city and port hub of Mombasa, and the highly anticipated network of Chinese-built railway in East Africa. In addition, China is currently the largest contributor to peacekeeping missionin Africa,rangingfrom non-combat peacekeepers in medical and engineering servicesto the deployment of troops in Sudan.

For sure, China’s overall capacity in Africa has been much greater than 50 years ago when it started the first railway from Tanzania to Zambia during the Cold War heydays. Now is the time for China to link infrastructure development to a grand strategy, such as “the Belt & Road Initiative” proposed by Chinese President Xi in 2013. This is manifested by the completion of the railway line from Nairobi to Mombasa in 2018. Politically, according to the consensus between China and Africa, the leaders of the two sides vowed to promote their comprehensive ties to a new-level of strategic partnership. Also unlike Western foreign-aid policies, which generally prioritize political issues and social values, China’s aid has been primarily driven to economic issues. On one hand, this is consistent with China’s adherence to non-intervention policy in domestic affairs of other states. On the other hand, both China and Africa look forward to a future of unprecedented transformation on the launch of the Nairobi-Mombasa railway  that would not only revolutionized the transport sector of Kenya, but also more important stimulating investments in advanced manufacturing in Kenya and African as a whole.

For China, the pace of transformation of Africa has been remarkable. Even though its short-term goal remains economic and diplomatic, it seems inevitable that China’s basic interests will eventually lead it to far greater involvement in the continent. Though diverse in both economics and politics, Africa remains sided with China on international issues, and this quasi-alliance strictly delimits the scope of Sino-African collaboration and the opportunity to assist in the formation of Chinese conceptions and strategy in the world politics for decades to come. It is true that Chinese leaders are well-aware of this advantage.

In conclusion, China has high expectations for Africa as the latter has an immense reservoir of resources to spur its envisioned growth and China’s economic growth. As a rising power, Chinawillwork in conjunction with Africa towards the creation ofa more just and impartial world order and that places the East Asian giant in a stronger position to provide more substantial aid to Africa under win-win cooperation. As expressed at the G-20 FM meeting in Bonn in 2017, Chinese Foreign Minister reconfirmed that China would carry on enhancing strategic relationships with Africa. China would alsoabide by the key tenet which aims to develop the local, regional and international economics in light of “Africa’s initiative, Africa’s consent and Africa’s first”. Due to this, China’s strategic partnership with Africa is patently beyond the debt trap diplomacyin terms of Beijing’s global strategy.

*Francis Kwesi Kyirewiah, a PhD student in International Affairs, at SIPA, Jilin University, China.

Chinese Bank On Verge of Collapse After Sudden Bank Run…

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Tags: china bank bailout

china bank failure

baoshang bank

baoshang bank failure

bank of jinzhou

hengfeng bank

Day American Activism Died   Hollywood MSM   What Is An Oligarchy?   Documented Government Black Ops

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China Economic Meltdown 2019 2020 Bank Collapse Banks Failed Failure Bailout