Fortune 500 Corrupt Government Legislature Presidency Judiciary Mitch Mcconnell America Nancy Pelosi Trump Impeachment


 Fortune 500 "Impeachment"


Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election” Era

By Tracy Turner

Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election Trump Impeachment Hearings Vote Live Polls McConnell Pelosi Roberts” Era


The 2018 Fortune 500 includes 13 aerospace and defense companies. A total of 25 aerospace and defense firms are on the Fortune 1000. Before you go to the polls with the cataracts of false hope in your eyes, you might realize that The Presidency, Legislature and Judiciary are the dog’s tail and the 25 “Defense Contractors” are most of the dog. The Presidency, Legislature and Judiciary only have the power to “Fight Juul," other than that they are merely ringing-bells resounding before a Pavlovian-public. America as a dog analogy, imagine yourself as a flea on the tail. Politicians as ticks on the tail. The coat is Dalmation-like, but each Spot is Apple, Exxon Mobile, Boeing, etc. Since Apple is on the body, it cares nothing about the fleas and ticks (people and politicians) trying to "wag the dog". Apple, Amazon and the Tech Giants don't just want money, you data be them's data...


When Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell use the phrase, “The Constitution,” it is a misnomer. Their smoke and mirrors hide the fact that The Fortune 1000 companies are guaranteed “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” et al while the rest of us are denied such matters. The fortune 1000/revolving government door is the De Facto Government that Occupy Wallstreet tried to nick the shins of (before they were vendetta-attacked with mace, sound-cannon, baton and jack-boots). "K" Street in Washington, DC is the De Facto Legislature ("K" CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION Avenue to Hell). "Blue" history revisionists long for the 'good old Obama years' of cops shooting an Oakland Veteran in the head with a tear gas canister. Red Revisionist revile the Blues and pray for the return of Alzheimers Ronnie and Nancy's Ouiga Board.


Nobody seems to do the math… Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Raytheon and Blackwater/XE are going to outlive Trump, Biden and Sanders by many, many years. The militarized Police Forces and the “Space Force” own you, own your data, have hundreds of images of your face in their Facial Recognition Database.


When McConnell/Pelosi pretend to “spar” you have to put their *SHAM BATTLE* into context. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel have metaphorical Blue and Red Tee-Shirts on that, indicate Nancy Pelosi is on the Titanic Engine Mechanic Team and Mitch McConnell is on the Titanic Rudder Controls Team. Preceding each election, their teams pull the same rabbits out of the same hats and surprisingly the same people are tricked one more time. 2/3 of America believes the Blue Engine Mechanics or the Red Steering Mechanics “will save the Titanic this time”. This is how we ended up with The Bush Patriot Act and Bush Homeland Surveillance (Stasi), The Obama Pesticide Act and Obama Kill Switch on Occupy Wallstreet and the Bush/Obama/Trump NDAA 1021 and 1022, and Trump’s Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Health Care Executive Orders.


The most amusing thing in America is that America is the Land of the Disappeared, Home of the Disappeared *And* most people still endorse a “red” or a “blue” as our New Age Savior. All Politicians should be mandated by law to:


1) Display how many citizens they have disappeared...

2) Display a corporate logo (like NASCAR Racers), an insignia on his or her suit representing his or her corporate sponsors: BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, et al...


What you will not see during the 2020 election cycle, the “disappeared” will not turn up “found”. The Bush/Obama/Trump War on Free Speech will not become “Glasnost”. Homeland Surveillance and the Department of (In)Justice will not become “Transparent”. The trend is ever more sinister and secretive. Face it, DHS and DOJ are The Stasi and the KGB, respectively. No country in the world is disappearing its “Citizens” more rapidly than the United States.


Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Donald John Trump are “the frontrunners”. Although one of these persons is very likely to “Swear to Uphold the Constitution” in January 2021 – not one of them will glance towards the disappeared numbers of former civilians. The Fortune 1000 and their political minions are “purging the voter rolls” by making dissidents, activists, politically outspoken persons, former Occupiers, etc., disappear for good.


Biden will give us “his word” that he’ll throw a few dollars at Obamacare. Same with Warren. Sanders will promise “free” this and “free” that. Trump will Xenophobe, Narcissist, Iron-Wall and make several bunts at War up until election day to garner the Albino/Albina-vote. But not one of these gutless, spineless lizards will lift one finger to protect us from the Fortune-1000-Occupied Government. The Fortune 1000 are the dog, the government but the tail. You, the 99%, are but the fleas they scratch and fumigate away.


Adam Schiff keeps over-using the cliché, ‘the rule of law’. But he does not define it as it truly is. If you are a politician or a Fortune 1000 executive, then you are truly above the law. If you write articles like this one, then you may be “legally” disposed of, vanished with no trace. That is the rule of law, circa 2000-2019, under NDAA 1021. The laws of the 1%, imposed only on the other 99%.


The United States and its Fortune 1000 Non-Allies exudes a malodorous stench, the lewd smell hypocrisy and a deeper level of evil than one finds in the average religion. America and its cronies see betrayals of the state everywhere except in the mirror. You and you are Un-Patriots, but I see myself in the mirror as the savior of the latest puppy-country upon the globe. You, the fleas (the 99%) are destroying the country. But we, the warmongers, the fearmongers, the profiteers, polluters and poisoners of both freedom and humanity -we are the saviors. They cannot admit that all they manage to save is an evil, odious snare-trap that kills anyone or anything good.

As the clock rolls down to zero on the 2020 Elections, you will hear or read the phrases: "your vote, your voice" and "we are defending 'The Constitution' from tyranny" and "the rule of law".

You have no voice, this is not news. Only politicians pretend to not notice. The ruling elite ripped the Constitution into nattered tatters in the 1980's. Every day, more and more of us wake up and know that this is our Brave New Zionist World. Our Constitution is not given us, is not provided to us by our Fortune 500 'Government'. We are supposed to demand our Constitution, the way the Occupy Wallstreeters did, before being beaten, jailed, having their laptops stolen, etc. The rule of law only applies when they, the ruling class, need to legalize shagging us by force. The politicians and Fortune Executives could not possibly be much more lawless. They make their enemies disappear forever, vaporized into thin air... "Your Vote Your Voice" is as illusory as changing deck chairs on the Titanic.

Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election Trump Impeachment Hearings Vote Live Polls McConnell Pelosi Roberts” Era
Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election” Era Trump Impeachment Hearings Vote Live Polls McConnell Pelosi Roberts

According to NamUS, over 600,000 people go missing each year in the United States, ranging from young children to older individuals. Most of them are still missing. Justice Roberts, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, et al have a duty to find these people or solve their murders. Instead, they play Patti Cake with our civil rights and fight Sham Battles.


Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election Trump Impeachment Hearings Vote Live Polls McConnell Pelosi Roberts” Era
Don Rickles-Democracy In the Stacked-Deck “Election” Era Trump Impeachment Hearings Vote Live Polls McConnell Pelosi Roberts
Welcome to Impeachment Box, may I take your order?

I'd like two Hearings, with Vote Sauce. Give me two Children's Impeachments, one with News Sauce and one with Polls sauce.

Would you like those Live or Dead?

Pardon me, I'm hard of HEARINGS... Oh, I definitely want my Hearings live.

The general populace engages in endless mindless diatribe over surreal red or blue or purple ideology while the chasm of the disappeared and departed grows ever wider. and deeper.     Senate and House of Represntatives Switchboard (202) 224-3121.


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Lies And Damn Lies About Fortune 500 Corrupt Government Legislature Presidency Judiciary Mitch Mcconnell America Nancy Pelosi Trump Impeachment