This list of chemicals, pesticides and residue metabolites is what you would hope your grocer tests their products for on a routine, rotating basis. The list mostly reads like a who's who of farm, orchard, grove, ranch, dairy and greenhouse pesticide lockers. If these are the products/residues found commonly on farms, why do food bloggers assume these chemicals are magically absent in "Joe's Name-Brand Products"? Where is the beef, show me the test results that show zero parts per million, zero parts per billion on our dinner plates. Yes, "All-Naturally Sourced" food can contain 1-23 or more of these chemicals. Don't fall for Joe's/Aldi's employees word-games, "All-Naturally Sourced" is a marketing ploy that means absolutely nothing. PCB’s (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) Procymidone EBDC Residues (Maneb/Mancozeb) Benomyl (carbendazim, MBC) Alar Avid Benomyl / carbendazim / MBC Buctril (BROMOXYNIL) Carzol Chlordimeform Chlorophenoxy herbicides Screen Clofentezine (Apollo) Cryolite Cyromazine (triguard) Diphacinone Diquat DPA (diphenylamine) Ethrel (ethephon) Ethylene Dibromide (EDB fumigant) ETU Fenbutatin-oxide Fluazifop (-p-butyl) Fosetyl-Al Glyphosate/Roundup Imazethapyr Imidacloprid Maleic hydrazide Methoprene Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) OPP (ortho phenylphenol) Organotins (Hexakis,Plictran,Vendex) Oryzalin (surflan) Oxamyl (Vydate) Paraquat (gramoxone) Phenylurea herbicides screen (linuron, diuron, monuron, etc.) Phosphine (Al / Zn Phosphide) Rotenone Silvex(chlorophenoxyherbicides) Strychnine Tebufenozide Thiabendazole (TBZ) Thiocarbamates (Sutan, Vernam)