Proof Joe Biden Committed Election Fraud, Vote Tampering


Two Articles, Two Authors, Two Points of View on 2020 Election Fraud

Proof Trump Biden Voter Election Fraud


"Just Look At All of His' Accomplishments"


by TracyTurner November 21, 2020


"Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor expressed by writer Christopher Hitchens. It says that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the party who makes the claim; that if this burden is not met, the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further to dismiss it." (1)


Entities as vociferous as Hannity and Rudy Giuliani claim that "they have proof of election fraud, voter fraud, and election rigging." In each case, they make the non-epistemological razor claim "that they know of this dead guy in Georgia who rose out of the grave to vote..." 


In each allegation, in whatever media, they don't show you his ballot, his signature, his death certificate, his entry in Social Security Death Index. The "proof" is their word alone. Fox and OAN prevaricate, we spent the entire week looking at 'things like this' and 'we know we will have the proof soon.' 


Trump puts it best, "This is the greatest witch-hunt in human history."


Bret Baier, Maria Bartiromo, Tucker Carlson, Patrick Hussion, Stephanie Myers, Greta Wall - have all stated either that "they have seen proof (why don't they put that proof on the screen?) or that "the proof will be here soon." The proof will be here soon puts the burden of proof off-shore, along with Trump's Chinese Bank Accounts. Seriously, running around screaming voter-fraud is just more of Trump's infamous three-ring chaos circus. One America News and FoxNews repetitive "I know this guy who rose from the grave to vote" is hearsay. If anyone, anywhere, can show me proof, absolute proof, of wide-spread, systemic election tampering, please send proof <>.


Aside from Trump monetizing his election loss and Trump's usual three-ring circus, what is the ultimate pay-off, what is the motivation, aside from throwing political spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks?


History gives us a clue, such as the Anti-Catholicism of the 1960s did not just entirely evaporate. Trump's followers are Evangelical Christians, and Trump is fanning the flames for countless individuals who detest some "Evil Papist Other" winning the Presidency. Trump and his followers (and the McConnell insiders) have permanently stained the Biden Presidency with malicious gossip swirling rumors "of proof that will be here by next week..." The Proud Boys or Proud Goys must just be laughing in stitches.


Watching the Right-Wing Evangelical Christians take on the "attributes" of the Jim Crow South in 2020 (the Pope is heading to the Oval Office) should be repugnant to most people, most moral people. America already has two dead Catholic Politicians via assassination. While the Evangelical Right squirms in the dirt, pissing themselves, 1.2 billion Catholics are watching in horror. It feels like the Kennedy Brothers all over again.


It appears that the U.S. Ultra-Conservative Minority wants to have a monopoly on both the Presidency and on God. Specifically, the Republican Party in modern times has strayed from the Party of Lincoln (this is *not* a Lincoln-Project plug) to the Party of Ism-Worship and election chicanery.


Ronald Reagan, a second-rate character-actor with an Occultist wife, replete with her Ouija Board, is still Reaganism-remembered-as-a-Messiah. A false-conspiracy spewing liar is "Trumpism," and both "isms" relegated to the status of (cult) religions. In modern Republicanism, a bankrupt thug with mafia ties "is a genius. In the Trump Whitehouse, Ivanka Trump is the Occultist and Jared Kushner is the Israeli Ouija Board. Is not that what some refer to as "Trumpism," but is Kushnerism?" Ouija this: Toka Cyber Black Cube Wikistrat.


Trump compared himself to Lincoln. Lincoln held the positions of railsplitter, boatman, manual laborer, store clerk, soldier, store owner, election clerk, postmaster, surveyor, state legislator, lawyer, Congressman, and President of the United States. (2)


Conversely, Trump worked himself up from Platinum spoon in this mouth to third-rate reality-show host - mainly by making himself notorious with (now debunked) birtherism claims. Trump's assertion that he will bully himself into a second term fits within the narrow, myopic, low-IQ of his 5-year run of flim-flam politics, aka "Trumpism." Trump inherited wealth and continues grifter lies in place of being educated and intelligent.


HAMR, The Hammer, predates the election and is a mind-control, civilian-population experiment. Biden could have, probably did win, without cheating. The cheating rumor was not started by the CIA, NSA, etc., it was started by Trump. If you want to know about CointelPro 2020, then divide America into two or more weak factions and write more "those Americans are shit" articles (welcome to Mind Control, you are now behaving as planned). Regardless of who cooked up the Hammer/Scorecard malicious poison, the effect is a weakened populace. Any CIA/NSA agent (lining their own pockets with job security) can tell you, the country is oozing with Right-wing zealots and Left-wing zealots. Somebody is brewing another Cointelpro decade. Also, the CIA likes Republicans, it is very far-fetched that the CIA would 'elect' Biden. The Trump/Bannon camp spews false theories, all the while ignoring real Conspiracies that have either been published or should be published. Trump appears to think false talk of imaginary espionage is "The Apprentice." 


 Since Circa 1980, U.S. and Russian spy satellites routinely watched CPU (Main Processor(s), RAM (Memory) and Hard-drives - from Space. 


 Many High-Security Buildings were constructed with Copper sheets in the walls and Copper-clad outdoor walls, roofs, louvers and awnings - but voting centers are not copper-clad. But it is apropos to ask, "why cheat on an election where all the swing voters are going to vote against Trump 2020?" 


 In 1980, they could read and record. In 2020, they can read, write, modify, erase, etc. from Space. They don't need a physical, wired Internet connection. But why cheat for Biden, who won with no cheating? Trump's life is filled with fake conspiracy theories, while all of the real conspiracies go by untended. But Trump is using this to re-monetize himself, so he can "fight" more fake conspiracies. 


 They did not need to cheat to win. They needed to have mass rumors of cheating to have one more lame-duck President, one more half-loved, half-vapidly-hated lame-duck leader. The funniest thing of all is the brainwashed, never questioning why a man with enough votes to win would cheat (false flag, Psyops: 2020 Operations Hammer, The Hammer, Scorecard, Scorecard, Blockchain)? Biden and Operations Scorecard and HAMR, are Trump's hate-mongering, fear-mongering, a spear through the heart of a divided America - a riddle in an enigma surrounded by a hoax. Taking NSA component names and pretending Trump is worth the NSA's time is the new mass hysteria. 


 Trump is merely poisoning the well of a system that dethroned its Alzheimer's King, its pathetic loser Despot. Anyone can hate and blog, but if you want to know the truth about Mind Control in America (before you blame Dems or Repubs), read about Black operations


The truth of "election fraud vote tampering" is found in the same place as "birtherism and Barry Soetoro," mainly in Trump's growingly senile mind. It was human survival instinct for Greens, Libertarians, and Democrats alike to separate Trump from 'his' nuclear launch codes. It is time for Republicans to come clean that they worship their Senility-ism, worshipping the Gog and Magog of Birtherism, Senility-ism, Ouija Boards, etc. "Trumpism" is how the Republican Party, once again, split the Red ticket with Greens, Libertarians, Democrats (many of whom voted Biden) and even Kanye West. Trumpism (Thugism) was and will continue to be the perfect recipe for more one-term Presidencies - it is all the proof you need. 


 There are numerous articles, best described as vapid, "all Democrats are shit" rants with authors who have never heard of Agent Blue, "The Program," CointelPro, Montauk, etc. and suddenly these "writers" are experts on the CIA and Black Operations. In 2016, about 3-5 million Democrats voted against Hillary, but these same people in 2020 voted against Trump. Those who voted against Hillary once voted against Trump in the 2020 race. Blaming this on the CIA is hubris, junk, the worst kind of fake news. 


 How many of the Voting Machine Manufacturer’s Companies/Data Harvesters are tied to the Mossad/Unit 8200? Tied to Palantir/George Soros and Stock IPO? 


 How many of the votes go through Israel-Loving AT&T? AT&T is the Mossad's Open the Front Door. 


 How little or how much influence does Palantir, NICE, AMDOCS, Narus and AT&T have to Election: Networks, Databases, Machines, etc.? 


 Nobody's articles are talking about Palantir IPO'ing, how it inflated in price when George Soros pumped money into buying Palantir shares. Palantir is the Mossad's rectal thermometer into the lives of Americans. Could these aforementioned entities be part of your stories? 


 If you search this out, start with these words: Pioneer Payonner Kidon, Thompson Reuters Oracle, AT&T Spinoff Unit 8200 Spinoff Spy Spying Surveillance Nanny State Israel *and* they spell differently in Egypt, Africa, etc. 


 The single biggest threat to our Democracy: 


  Mossad Prism - Verint, Narus, NICE, Amdocs, Unit-8200, Pioneer, Payoneer, Kidon, ... Mossad's Narus provides AT&T, Brasil Telecom, Egypt Telecom with Deep Packet Intelligence ... within Israeli Mossad: Boeing Verint NARUS Palentir NICE PRISM Comserve. How many of these Mossad/Unit 8200 companies have "voted" in U.S. elections? 


 The Israeli side of NSA Prism and the many (fake) CIA Hammer (HAMR) stories make less than sense. Asking if the Unit 8200 players rigged an election is very likely closer to the truth than writing Woo Woo Halloween and "The Hammer" and "Scorecard." and the "CIA". The Israelis have more to gain by rigging an election solely to drive a wedge into a Nation suffering an extremely deep Schism. A weak America creates a vacuum that will be filled by the Israelis via culture war, political incursion and corrupt media. Verint, Narus, NICE, Amdocs, Unit-8200, Pioneer, Payoneer, Kidon, etc., could rig **any election, anywhere** ( Cybereason, Venable and Operation Blackout) Another good Whitney Webb article on Israel's interest in Trump 2020... Israeli Talpiot, aka World Domination.  at any time. And blame the CIA... 


 Ultimately, there will be a victim (you), a perpetrator (The Mossad or The CIA, not both, either one or the other but not both) perpetrating a bloodless,  Coup D'etat. The Israelis have nearly every capability that the CIA has, and some capabilities unique to Israel. To rule them out is naive. Colonialism Israelis: A Control Mentis et Hegemony Within...  


The Trump/Kushner claims of election fraud, in perspective, seem rather rich... 

Tracy Turner has written articles for Before It's News, Activist Post, Salem News, The People's Voice, Four Winds Ten, From the Trenches World Report and OpEdNews. His family background is Horticultural, Wildlife and Petroleum Science.




1 - Hitchen's Razor, Wikipedia


2 - Lincoln's Jobs, Lincoln Collection


Proof Trump Biden Voter Election Fraud







The “Dominion” of Election Fraud?

…Exposing the Dominion Voting Machines.


Brett Redmayne-Titley • November 17, 2020

(Locations of US voting machines: Dominion is shown in Orange; ES&S in Blue.) [ Source: Penn Warton]


The maintenance of Americans’ constitutional rights should not depend on the good graces and sketchy ethics of a handful of well-connected corporations… who have stonewalled Congress, lied to Congress, and have questionable judgment when it comes to security…”


-Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore)


Barely two weeks ago allegations that the 2020 US Presidential election had been rigged on behalf of DNC presidential spawn Joe Biden were met with almost universal scepticism. This past week may have changed that.


In the article of Monday, Nov 9 the author examined the problems with the mail-in ballot totals in the five key swing states and the legal and legislative challenges to them including re-counts and the SCOTUS intervention of the PA Supreme Court.


The subject of alleged DNC election fraud has now shifted to an examination of the machines that count each ballot and render the results. The voter is supposed to believe that Joe Biden defeated Trump and at the same time lost seats in the US House and state legislatures. This is possible but highly improbable.


Today, Nov 17, in preparation for a multi-state legal challenge to results created by these voting machines, lead Trump attorney and former Assistant US Attorney Sidney Powell, said:


“They need to investigate the likelihood that 3% of the vote total was changed in the pre-election voting ballots that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and the software program called Scorecard. That would have amounted to a massive change in the vote.”


Here, begins that examination. As shown, there is reason for concern.




Numbers don’t lie. Mounting evidence to date suggests that voting machines do, particularly the ones sold by Dominion Voting Systems Inc. As the third part of this chronology begins it has now become obvious that Trump’s campaign operatives expected election fraud. They have since very quickly brought legal challenges to bear in AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI, and NV. However, most of this news first circled around only the mail-in ballots.


From Trump’s perspective, as of this writing, 87,804 (WI-20,540; GA-14,045; PA- 53,219) are needed to flip the election. MI is the toughest and shows Biden up by a reported 146,123 votes.


Interestingly, regarding the numbers in each state- and AZ- the Dominion voting machine’s results are in dispute in all. Whereas, the proceedings regarding the mail-in ballots may provide a switch of perhaps thousands of votes, issues with the Dominion machines, if proven, could be in the 100’s of Thousands. Or More.


This past week, evidence is surfacing.


Before 2020: Warning Signs


Days before the 2020 election important news was buried. On September 30 a report in the Philadelphia Inquirer detailed that “a laptop and several memory sticks” used to program Dominion voting machines in Philadelphia had mysteriously vanished.


But concerns about Dominion had begun far earlier.


The U.S. Constitution leaves election management up to state and local officials, so voting systems and protocols vary across thousands of jurisdictions. Partly for this reason, a 2019 investigation was launched by senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and other Democratic lawmakers into the three largest suppliers of US digital voting machines, Dominion Voting Systems, Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic. Together they hold over 92% of all US distribution of voting machines.


In review, the Senate committee wrote to all three firms saying in part,


“(W)e have concerns about the spread and effect of private equity investment… including the election technology industry—an integral part of our nation’s democratic process These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack.”


The Committee revealed that the Dominion machines were vulnerable to internal and internet hacking. Because all these machines interface their ballot totals via wireless digital modem external interference is all too possible. Further concerns were provided by NBC news in very early 2020.


In the State of Texas, well before the 2020 election Dominion Voting Systems and their proprietary “Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5” was rejected three times. From the summary:


“The reports identified multiple hardware and software issues that preclude the Office of the Texas Secretary of State from determining that the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system satisfies each of the voting-system requirements…Specifically, [if] the system is suitable for its intended purpose; operates efficiently and accurately; and is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation.”


A 2019 report by the Brennan Center for Justice highlighted a lack of vendor oversight, raising this Congressional concern about voting machines in general, according to The Associated Press




Previously, Federal regulation attempts on voting machines in 2018 were fruitless since this was opposed by some state election officials and the White House on the grounds that it would impose on states’ rights.


A prudent measure that had some bipartisan support (S. 2593 in the 115th Congress) ended up going nowhere. Introduced by Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) this bill would have required voting machines to produce a printout to let election officials confirm electronic votes. Lankford and Wyden had said that they intended to reintroduce paper-trail bills. They did not.


The Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative published a report that explored their attempts to look into Dominion and other voting companies:


“Part of the challenge…is that it is difficult to compile even basic facts about it. The industry earns an estimated $300 million in revenue annually…is dominated by three firms…[and is] limiting the amount of information available in the public domain about their operations and financial performance.”


Nonetheless, Republicans and Democrats agreed in a 2018 omnibus bill (Public Law 115-141) to divide among the states $380 million for voting system upgrades. Georgia’s legislature also approved a plan to spend as much as $150 million on equipment that cybersecurity researchers say is still hackable. Most of that equipment was supplied by Dominion.


According to Business Insider, Georgia “became the only state in the country last year to overhaul its entire election system, paying Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems $106 million for new voting machines, printers and scanners.”


The NY Times reported that some Democrats in the Georgia Legislature opposed purchasing the Dominion system and there is “some evidence that heavy lobbying and sales tactics have played a role in their adoption in Georgia and elsewhere.”


In hotly contested Georgia, during 2019’s test run a now-deleted Atlanta Journal Constitution article detailed “a glitch” that surfaced when six counties tested the Dominion system. The problem occurred in at least four of the six counties where the new voting system was being tested before being used statewide during the March 24 presidential primary. The problems weren’t rectified by primary date, which was moved to June due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the New York Times:


“Georgia’s statewide primary elections on Tuesday were overwhelmed by a full-scale meltdown of new voting systems… Scores of new state-ordered voting machines were reported to be missing or malfunctioning, and hours-long lines materialized at polling places across Georgia. Some people gave up and left before casting a ballot… Predominantly black areas experienced some of the worst problems.


Who is Dominion?


Dominion Voting Systems is a company from Toronto, Canada, that has headquarters in Denver, Colorado, and is one of the three major firms providing voting machines in U.S. elections. The others are Election Systems & Software, and Hart InterCivic with ES&C in the top spot and Dominion at number two.


A 2014 form filed with the State of California says Dominion was founded in 2003 in Canada and in 2009 moved to the U.S. Its principal officers were listed as John Poulos, CEO; Ian MacVicar, CFO; and James Hoover, vice president of product line management. Dominion Voting Systems, claims to work with 1300 voting jurisdictions including nine of the 20 largest counties in the nation.


Dominion produced the software used in MI , GA and all the remaining states in question.


Like many corporations, Dominion purchased influence in congress. Bloomberg reported in April of last year that Dominion hired lobbying firm, Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff, Nadeam Elshami, is one of the lobbyists for that firm.


At the state level, Dominion employs eight registered lobbyists in GA alone. They include Lewis Abit Massey, a former Democratic Georgia Secretary of State, and Jared Thomas, former chief of staff for Republican Governor Brian Kemp.


ES&S also has its own lobbying effort recently adding Peck Madigan Jones to the lobbying firm Vectre Corp. ES&S paid Vectre $80,000 during the last three months of 2018 alone. According to the Washington Post, Dominion also reported donating in between $25,001-$50,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Why the Clinton Foundation?


Locations of US voting machines: Dominion is shown in Orange; ES&S in Blue. (Source: Penn Warton)


Locations of US voting machines: Dominion is shown in Orange; ES&S in Blue. (Source: Penn Warton)


The news site, Truthout, reported that Dominion “was recently acquired by New York-based hedge fund Staple Street Capital.” An executive board member of Staple Street Capital, William Earl Kennard, is a former ambassador to the EU who was appointed to that position by Barack Obama. In 2018, Dominion publicly announced it had been acquired by its management team and Staple Street Capital.


Interestingly, on November 6, Deadline reported that Kennard was named to the board of WarnerMedia parent company to AT&T, which owns CNN.


Long ago, Dominion earned $44 million in 2012. It listed its addresses for manufacturing and development as Toronto; Belgrade, Serbia; Denver; Plano, Texas; and Baldwin Park, California. A 2020 filing lists their registered agent as Cogency Global in Florida. Its directors were listed as Hootan Yaghoobzadeh of Staple Street Capital, Stephen Owens, also of Staple Street, and Benjamin Humphreys. Yaghoobzadeh and Owens both have past ties to the Carlyle Group investment firm. In 2015, Carlyle was the world’s largest private equity firm.




Beyond the reports of problems with the mail-in ballots, in the aftermath of the election two weeks ago, the independent reports of voting machine irregularities have in combination developed serious concerns about Dominion and their software that they feature as “Democracy Suite 5.5.” All of these problems favored Biden, never Trump.


First, on Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning Dominion machines erroneously gave Democratic candidate Joe Biden a 3,000 plus vote advantage in Antrim County, MI. After a manual recount of the votes, officials posted updated results showing President Trump won the county with 9,783 votes making up 56.46% of ballots cast. Joe Biden earned 7,289 votes or 42.07%. CNN “went blue” for Biden before the error was discovered.


With the machine results being utterly mathematically disconnected to the hand-count tally Antrim County officials have blamed the county’s election software saying totals counted did not match tabulator tapes.


In Oakland County, Michigan, according to the Royal Oak Tribune another glitch in a completely different ballot counting system, Hart Intercivic, switched over 1,200 Republican votes to Democrat. The switch initially caused County Commissioner Adam Kochenderfer to lose. Once the glitch was found, and the votes were properly attributed, Kochenderfer went from losing by 100 votes to winning by over 1,100. Hart uses its proprietary system called Verity. Eleven Michigan counties use Hart’s systems


Back in GA, voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. In response to the delays, Superior Court Judge W. Fletcher Sams extended voting until 11 p.m.


The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Elections. Ridley said that a representative from Dominion called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight. Said Ridley,


“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election.”


There is a reason for Ridley’s observation. By GA law the machines are supposed to be certified for accurate use by the state before the election day. How was this possible with Dominion uploading data unknown during that night?


This matter may be far from over in GA. Trump has already filed for an injunction, per state statute, which cites, “These vote tabulator failures are a mechanical malfunction that, under MCL 168.831-168.839, requires a “special election” in the precincts affected.” The keyword here is precincts. Plural.


In Oakland County Michigan, Dominion machine errors resulted in a Democrat being wrongly declared the winner of a commissioner’s race by 104 votes – only to have their seat flip back to the rightful Republican candidate after the error was caught.


More importantly, Wisconsin reports came in that showed that the vote totals for Rock County appeared to be switched between President Trump and Joe Biden. 9,516 votes were eliminated from President Trump and moved to Joe Biden. If this one report is proved true, then the 19,032-vote shift would nearly wipe-out, of its own, Biden’s reported 20,540 vote lead in Wisconsin and his electoral votes.


Pennsylvania and its twenty electoral votes are also hotly in contention. Dominion machines are being used in Armstrong, Carbon, Clarion, Crawford, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayette, Fulton, Luzerne, Montgomery, Pike, Warren, York counties.


State Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill, R-York, says she started getting calls shortly after the polls opened Tuesday morning that the machines were jamming and causing delays.


Phillips also highlighted another problem. “If that ballot is rejected, for example, if they over-voted for county commissioner, and that ballot is rejected, then that person has no way of knowing that their vote has been invalidated. That’s not acceptable,” she said.


Due to Dominion machine delays, PA election officials admitted that if ballots could not be immediately scanned by the machines, those ballots were instead stored so they could be counted later in “emergency holding boxes will be scanned at the polling places.”


Those “stored” ballots were not always scanned. The Pennsylvania GOP had to bring a lawsuit to ensure that all York County ballots were counted. These had been placed in suitcases quickly purchased by Dominion and none were scanned.


AZ is also reporting problems. Boasts Dominion’s website: “Arizona: “Serving 2.2 million Maricopa County voters with Democracy Suite 5.5…”


Yep. Maricopa County. The contested county where this week, Arizona GOP Chair Rae Chorenky was been forced to resign after failing to sign the required Certificate of Accuracy for the Dominion voting machines.


Concerns Mount.


The key difficulty in examining potential election fraud by Dominion and possibly their counterparts is in going beyond isolated incidents and establishing a systemic fraud. One safety mechanism Dominion and other providers tout is that while voters might make their choices on a touchscreen machine, a paper ballot with a bar code is printed out where the voter can confirm their choices before inputting the paper ballot into a machine. Here’s the problem, according to a US News story:


“[The machines] register votes in bar codes that the human eye cannot decipher. That’s a problem, researchers say: Voters could end up with printouts that accurately spell out the names of the candidates they picked, but, because of a hack, the bar codes do not reflect those choices. Because the bar codes are what’s tabulated, voters would never know that their ballots benefited another candidate.”


These bar codes are vitally important to the subject of election fraud. They are also of great interest to Ray Lutz of California based Citizen’s Oversight.


For those unfamiliar with Lutz and Citizen’s, his organization has garnered great respect across the state for, among other examples, championing the successful closure of the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS) and next the exposure of demonstrative election fraud in the 2016 California primary that tipped the scales for Hillary Clinton rather than Bernie Sanders. Lutz is no stranger to using the courts effectively for the public good.


To this end, Lutz just a month before the election announced the launch of Citizen’s new ballot checking software called AuditEngine. In reply to an inquiry for data, Lutz said,


“We are still gathering information at this time. We may have a lawsuit in NC to get poll tapes data. Also, we will be seriously looking at PA.”


In a press release this week Lutz forewarned:


“Ballot images can thwart changes to paper ballots, magically losing or finding new ballots in the recount. Citizens’ Oversight… today sent a request to keep the images… By preserving the ballot images, we can make sure the paper ballots recounted in Georgia match ballot images that were made on election night, and are not modified by any unscrupulous campaign operatives.”


As Citizen’s takes a closer look at GA and possibly PA while others examine the swing states, the likely hood of this showing a massive shift towards Trump in every state is a difficult proposition. However, in the era of the citizen investigator, the work of one anonymous source is picking up traction, so much so that many alternative media sources are quoting it, as is the Trump campaign.


The methodology of this investigation is thorough but needs corroboration by experts. However, the person releasing this analysis obtained the same data as was captured by the New York Times on election night from Edison Research. It is the same data that was used for election coverage by ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News. The report provides a careful and plausible methodology and a state-by-state list of votes switched from Trump to Biden and of votes simply erased by Dominion machines. His results show discrepancies- some very large- in every state and particularly in GA and PA where, if proven, those states would flip for Trump.


Following the Dots Down the Rabbit Hole?


For the reader who cares to look beyond “Plausible Deniability” and connect the dots of possibility, days before the election of Nov 3 Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (Ret.) cast his own suspicions that were in keeping with the charges levelled today by Sidney Powell.


McInerney stated he was warned in 2018 by Admiral James Aloysius “Ace” Lyons Jr., just before his death, that a plot to fix the 2020 election was in the works. Lyons served as Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from 1985 to 1987. He also wrote a column about Seth Rich being the one who leaked the 2016 DNC email tranche that blew HRC out of the water and which The Washington Times deleted.


McInerney, although previously discredited for his backing of the 2002 Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” claims, thus described the two US/ CIA covert operations called “Hammer” and “Scorecard.” Both were designed for the CIA in the aftermath of 9/11.


The author has verified the existence of both programs.


The Hammer” is a counter-intelligence surveillance program used to spy on activities carried out through protected networks (like voting machines) without detection. “Scorecard” is a vote-manipulation application that changes votes during data transfer.


Adding credence to the allegations of both men is a previous report by Alan Jones and Mary Fanning of the American Report that was published on March 17, 2017. The claims in that report mirror those of Lyons and McInerney and refer to the information provided by the man who designed both Hammer and Scorecard, Dennis Montgomery, who has turned whistleblower.


Montgomery states that Hammer and Scorecard were designed by him under the supervision of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper and then CIA director John Brennan. In a subsequent article, The American Report connects the dots from Brennan and Clapper to Christopher Krebs, currently the head of the DHS’s Cyber Security and Infrastructure Agency (CISA). It should be noticed that it is Krebs who has in recent days been the DHS point man for denying any and all allegations of election fraud as an MSM spokesperson on the matter.


[Breaking News: Moments ago, Trump fired Christopher Krebs effective immediately]


John Brennan, James Clapper and Krebs are all DNC disciples and have been vociferous in their public disdain for Trump over the past four years. With this and the week’s aforementioned national news in mind, next came the news yesterday, that Sidney Powell considered the reports about Hammer and Scorecard credible, saying on Fox News, that,


“… it explains a lot of what we’re seeing… All of those districts need to be checked for the software glitch that would change the vote for Michigan dramatically. The same thing is happening in other states. We’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots appear for solely Mr Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics. It can all be documented it is being put in files that we will file in federal court.”


As if this all were not enough to create bi-partisan concern for the 2020 election, just moments ago it was revealed that a memory card was found during the audit in Fayette county GA with 2,755 votes, most of them for Trump. The news comes one day after 2,600 uncounted ballots were found on another memory card in Floyd County, GA – which were also mostly cast for President Trump.


The new margin total statewide in GA is now a 12,929 lead for Biden.




Observers might notice that there does not appear to be any sense of panic by the Trump campaign, nor their lawyers and that all have so far moved methodically via the courts and in announcing the steady stream of reported violations.


Certainly, Trump has lost in some court proceedings so far, but the big cases, such as the SCOTUS intervention with the rulings of the lower PA Supreme Court are still in play as are the states final vote certification, the results of which preclude further legal action.


[Breaking News: Officials in Wayne County, Michigan – home to the city of Detroit, have refused to certify the results of the Nov. 3 election.]


As suggested in the first article in this series, “Trump’s (64Day) Election End Game” Trump continues to play the long game at least until the Jan 6 meeting of the Electoral College in Wash. DC. Since the time of that article, the subject of the Electoral College has been examined across the nation’s news media and transformed from skepticism to probability.


What should become most important, if these many allegations come together as substantial truth, is that the issue of 2020 Election fraud must become a bi-partisan issue and quickly.


As was suggested in the previous article, “Of Color Revolutions, Foreign… and Domestic,” the advent of America’s own color revolution may be at hand and become the most significant threat to America since the civil war. To view this only as an indictment of one party allows those loyal to that party to ignore consideration of facts. This will only split the country further.


To prevent a US color revolution, the one the Dems are already calling, “Purple,” there must be a bi-partisan investigation by both sides of the aisle that transcends party loyalty to that of the priority of saving the country. Not Joe Biden. Not Donald Trump. Criminal charges and indictments must be brought against one and all proved to be involved in the attempt to circumvent the American election process.


That indictment: Treason.


About the Author: Brett Redmayne-Titley has authored and published over 180 in-depth articles over the past twelve years. Many have been translated and republished worldwide. He can be reached at: live-on-scene ((at)) Prior articles can be viewed at his archive:


Dominion Election Voting Machines Trump Votes County Ballots

State Biden News Systems Ballot

Fraud 2020







WHITNEY WEBB: “Cybereason — A Front For Israeli Military ...

7/28/2020 · "A cybersecurity firm tied to Israeli intelligence’s Unit 8200 that simulated a series of terrorist attacks occurring on the U.S. 2020 election has announced a new hire with deep ties to the U.S. intelligence and defense communities with the goal of gaining greater access to U.S. government networks. Notably, Cybereason stood to gain nothing financially…

Why a Shadowy Tech Firm With Ties to Israeli Intelligence ...

In early November, a team of “hackers” working for the private U.S.-based, Israeli-founded company Cybereason conducted a 2020 election simulation with members of various U.S. agencies, namely ...

How an Israeli spy tech firm gained access to most ...

9/13/2020 · Through its main investors, SoftBank and Lockheed Martin, Cybereason not only has ties to the Trump administration but has its software running on some of the U.S. government’s most classified and secretive networks. – Originally published on VT 15 January 2020 – by Whitney Webb, Mint Press

How an Israeli Spy-Linked Tech Firm Gained Access to the ...

Given that it is Cybereason’s top investor and shareholder by a large margin, SoftBank’s ties to the Trump administration and key allies of that administration are significant in light of Cybereason’s odd interest in 2020 U.S. election scenarios that end with the cancellation of this year’s upcoming presidential election.

OPERATION BLACKOUT: How an Israeli Spy-Linked Tech Firm ...

By Whitney Webb | 14 January 2020 MINT PRESS NEWS — If the networks of the U.S. military, the U.S. intelligence community and a slew of other U.S. federal agencies were running the software of a company with deep ties, not only to foreign companies with a history of espionage against the U.S. but also foreign military intelligence, it would ...

Cybereason, Election 2020 and the Faux Civil War | The ...

February 5, 2020 828 Derrick Broze breaks down a recent article from Whitney Webb regarding a simulation of election 2020 by Cybereason, a company with ties to American and Israeli intelligence.

ISRAEL HACKING & HIJACKING? ~ Reality Engaged with Angelo ...

3/11/2020 · Today we are joined by writer and researcher Whitney Webb to discuss the cyber treason that is going on in our own big tech industries; specifically focusing on the company Cybereason and what their role is in all this, along other special interests undermining our country.

Whitney Webb - Expose Covid-19

– Mint Press, Whitney Webb. July 2, 2020 Meet the Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm Using AI to Profile Americans and Guide US Lockdown Policy – Last American Vagabond, Whitney Webb. May 20, 2020 Media Ignores Israel Connection to Eric Schmidt’s Push For NY “Smart Cities” – Last American Vagabond, Whitney Webb. May 18, 2020

“Bipartisan” Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan For ...

9/6/2020 · (Whitney Webb) A group of “bipartisan” neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been “simulating” multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020 election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes “unprecedented” measures, which the Biden campaign could take to foil a new Trump

How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed ...

By Whitney Webb Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb ... run by the Israeli-American company Cybereason, ... 2020 Threats Mount,” “ Iran-linked Hackers Target Trump 2020 ...



Project Butterfly Boycott Divest Sanctions BDS Unit 8200 Mossad


How the CIA & Mossad Creating an Orwellian Nightmare?

As MintPress noted earlier this year, SUNC was founded as part of a deliberate Israeli government effort to counter the nonviolent Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement and to make Israel ...


Boycott Israel News: London Protest Demands Microsoft ...

11/8/2019 · On 17th July 2020, Inminds held a vigil outside the German Embassy in London, in solidarity with three BDS activists, the Humboldt 3, that are on trial in Germany for interrupting a propaganda speech by an Israeli war criminal. [2020-07-21]


The Selling of the Israeli Surveillance State - Tikun Olam ...

5/26/2019 · Unit 8200 and the Breakdown of Palestinian Society. Israel uses other methods of social control as well. For Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, the IDF’s SIGINT branch, Unit 8200, uses some of the most sophisticated technology to monitor every aspect of Palestinian life. They intercept landline and smartphone calls.


New Yorker: 'Private Mossads for Hire' use avatars to ...

Project Butterfly launched in February, 2016, and Psy-Group asked donors for $2.5 million for operations in 2017. Supporters were told that they were ‘investing in Israel’s future.’ In some cases, a former company employee said, donors asked Psy-Group to target B.D.S. activists at universities where their sons and daughters studied.


How the hand of Israeli spy tech reaches deep into our lives

11/11/2019 · Psy-Group, which marketed itself as a “private Mossad for hire“, was shut down last year after the FBI began investigating it for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. Its “Project Butterfly”, according to the New Yorker, aimed to “destabilize and disrupt anti …


Israeli Spyware Technology, Tested on Palestinians, Now ...

According to The New Yorker, its “Project Butterfly,” launched in early 2016, aimed to “destabilize and disrupt anti-Israel movements from within.” It used fake IP addresses to gather information on BDS activists, and then waged psy-ops using false online identities and websites to damage the activists


Private Mossad for Hire | The New Yorker

2/18/2019 · Project Butterfly launched in February, 2016, and Psy-Group asked donors for $2.5 million for operations in 2017. Supporters were told that they were “investing in Israel’s future.”





tags: Scorecard Hammr The Hammer Proof President Donald Trump Election Claim Lincoln Fraud Trumpism Party Tampering Vote Birtherism Reaganism Verint Narus NICE Amdocs Unit-8200 Pioneer Payoneer Kidon Cybereason Venable Operation Blackout Whitney Webb Trump 2020 Israeli Talpiot aka World Domination Evangelical Presidency Conservative Republican Election Trump Dominion Voting 2020 Machines Biden Votes State News Ballots Fraud County Proof Vote Israeli Mossad Unit 8200 Ballot Systems Whitney Webb Black Cube PSY-Group WhiteKnight Wikistrat Inspiration



Proof Joe Biden Committed Election Fraud, Vote Tampering