MossadGate: 'NSA Prism' Mossad Spying Cousins Out of the Closet
The NSA leaving data harvesting, data mining and data milling activity to the Mossad is leaving a Fox guarding a Henhouse.
(SAN FRANCISCO) - In San Francisco the "secret room" is Room 641A at 611 Folsom Street, the site of a large SBC phone building, ... spy operation is the fact that only people with security clearance from the National Security Agency can enter this room.
Mossad Unit 8200 Prism Spying Scandal longer summary:
The US National Security Agency has an Israeli Mossad cousin or two “wishing” to come out of the Telecom closet. The Israeli Mossad spin-off companies are all over the planet: Verint, Comverse, Unit 8200 (preceding names Mossad synonyms)... Brasil Telecom, Orange S.A., formerly France Télécom
S.A., Egypt Telecom, AT&T, Microsoft, Apple are all ‘infiltrated/compromised’.
Mossad’s Narus provides AT&T, Brasil Telecom, Egypt Telecom with Deep Packet Inspection equipment (DPI) technology (Spy Ware). Others involved (include but not limited to: Sandvine (Canada), Allot (Israel), Ixia (USA), Advanced IO (Canada) and Procera Networks (USA)
The NSA leaving data harvesting, data mining and data milling activity to the Mossad is leaving a Fox guarding a Henhouse.
I really think many “journalists” with “unconscious sympathy” for poor ol’ Israel have been a Mossad-tail wagging a planetary-dog with disinformation. The Bush/Obama NSA is guilty as sin – probably numerous lives were snuffed keeping this secret. But the Unit 8200 Mossad spin-off “corporations” use the Reuters Cartel to pin all of this on NSA. Few articles have Mossad Unit 8200 Prism Scandal in title or body, making 99% of the “Scandal” nothing but propaganda.
If the US media were monopolized by curious, investigative gentiles, would read: “Earth caught within PRISM Surveillance Program (NSA) caught within Israeli Mossad: Boeing Verint NARUS Palentir NICE PRISM Comserve Pioneer (Oracle?)”.
Telecom, hardware, software, middleware (Oracle?) companies deny involvement, but IT technicians who run cable satellite and microwave, or use packet sniffers, etc. surely knew something was amiss. The Mossad had and still has a backdoor to such entities as: (Narus) Shanghai Telecom
“Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel”. Not surprising considering the Mossad spun off Unit 8200, which spun off Narus, Comverse, AMDOC's, et al; their "clientele" wink, wink includes major phone/Internet giants in Canada; China; France; Germany; Italy; China & the US. Verint and Narus have telecommunications gear in France; Iran; Turkey; Levant; Syria; Palestine; Israel; Iraq & Jordan.
Note, numerous telecoms seem affiliated with Unit 8200; individual persons may or may not be affiliated. FYI, only, From
Yechiam Cohen - General Counsel, AMDOC’s
Tamir Ginat - APAC Vice President of Sales at AMDOCS | EMEA President at NICE
Bernard Heuse = Director of Delivery - AMDOC’s jNetX at AMDOC’s Location Nice Area, France Industry Télécommunications
Oracle DBA at NICE Systems Location Israel Industry Computer Software Avishai Schlesinger's ... AMDOC’s
Johanna Avraham, MBA's (Canada) professional profile on LinkedIn. Experience: Financial Analyst, NICE Systems; Senior Financial Analyst, AMDOC’s
Judith Polak's - Controllership of delivery contracts within Enterprise Services in large companies such as Converse, AMDOC’s, ECI, Tnuva, Lumenis, etc. CEO Assistant
Desislava Marinova discover inside connections to recommended job candidates ... TELECOM Billing IT Jobs - AMDOC’s, CGI, Comverse, CSG, Intec, MaxBill, Openet, Oracle Billing, NetCracker, Eri, TM Forum.
GSS Div. at AMDOC’s Location Israel Industry Telecommunications Anat Dagan's Overview ... Anat Dagan, Data and Compliance Specialist
at Thomson Reuters. Israel.
Thomson Reuters. Israel is neck deep in Mossad’s AMDOC's and NICE, but will keep you "informed"?
Ranjit Jha's Overview Current System Lead
at Thomson Reuters; Past IT Asset Management Lead at AMDOC’s
Krzysiek Szymczyk
–Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie ... Head of Technology Control Office at Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A., Language Resources for Public Security Applications - Verint. Internal Communication Specialist at Reuters, Intern at Banca Mediolanum SpA Wykształcenie: Community of European Management Schools (CEMS), Warsaw School of ...
The US Lamestream Media report the French are distressed about having their embassy, national telecom systems, etc. “tapped”. De Dallas a Montreal by Maurice Philipps was published at the same time that France is seething with (justifiable) indignation at Israel and the US. The book makes a strong connection between the JFK Assasination and the Mossad. France’s seething rage at the Mossad Kidon, Pioneer
and Unit 8200 in palpable to old school Internetphiles.
The goal is apparently to infiltrate the computers of individuals in Iran, Israel, Palestine and elsewhere who are engaged in activities that interest Israel’s secret police including military intelligence.
Within Israel and the Palestinian territories Flame is implemented by the Shin Bet. No Israeli police officer would ever investigate a case of an Israeli computer infected with Flame since it would lead to exposing Israeli security services.
They have received additional reports from customer machines in Austria, Russia, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates. . . (excerpt) Israel has neither confirmed nor denied being involved with Stuxnet” and Flame.
Ed Clark - Founded Natsam to lead Amdocs into European IT solutions ... Cegetel, CGI France, Compaq France, France Telecom, Narus
Inc., Thales, UshaComm, XaCCT Technologies • Developed, sold, taught management course in telecom CRM and Billing IT
“Li” is Amdocs vice president, APAC Division, Amdocs company is billing and customer management solutions for leading software ... LinkedIn; Google+; More from Business Wire. Blog; Apps; Canada; UK / Ireland; Deutschland; France; Hong Kong; Italy; Japan;
EON: Enhanced Online News ...
* “Enhanced Online News”? * 'EON'
Pop-tart toaster-news…
Syed Kamran Gardezi discover inside connections to ... International IP Traffic Monitoring System under partnership agreement with NARUS ... Japan Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea China Russia India Pakistan Malaysia
If California Had a Monopoly on Russian News, Would Average Russian’s Be Served by Said Monopoly? Imagine thousands of Russians discussing business tactics and strategy, while a few hundred telecommunications espionage "Californians" do inside trades on the stock market. Or plan the next middle east land/water/oil/gas grab. Now substitute the Mossadi front companies. In 1997 we could read brilliant Energy White Papers for free from Universities around the globe. But thanks to telecommunications espionage and censorship, mostly you find advertisements for Mossad-affiliated businesses. |
Boeing NARUS Spy Cartel Gives New Meaning To Off-Shored Jobs. How much of the $115 billion in Israeli 'foreign' aid went to setting up loyal Mossad spies on 'suspect' Americans, French, Brazilians, et al? |
Use 6-7 Foreign Search Engines, Search 1-2 words per search, for: Unit-8200, Pioneer, Payoneer, Kidon, Palentir, Comserve, Natsam, AT&T Back Door, Bamford, DGSE, Dragnet, France, Intelligence, ISNU, Israel, Mark Klein, Mossad, Narus, Nicolas Sarkozy, NIE, NSA PRISM, Sigint, Snowden, Surveillance, Verint, Verizon, Deep Packet Inspection DPI, FLAME, STUXNET |
The ran a headline, CIA-Funded Startup Palantir Denies Link to NSA — but They Both Make a 'Prism'… Several “alternative news” entities wrote about Palentir Technologies as being “linked to NSA Prism” but failed to mention the “Unit 8200 Mossad” connection. Many onlookers would follow the money; but packet sniffers, hacks, cracks, “adjustments to daily news, finances, wars and daily life” via the Mossad Ministry of Truth
are done with digital bits and bytes, digital talent, with “permission” of entities that deny involvement - not with money alone. Follow the hardware, software, middleware and backdoors.
“Mossad, the Israeli intelligence force, has an Old Testament motto that is described two ways. Politely as, “For by wise guidance you can wage your war.” Or, from a former agent critical of the agency, “By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.”
Google Search - Thomson Reuters Mossad- Verint, Narus, NICE, Amdocs, Unit-8200, Pioneer, Payoneer, Kidon, Palantir, Comserve, Natsam ... - did not match any documents.
· Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
· Try different keywords.
· Try more general keywords.
· Try fewer keywords.
The crazy information, Kärcher, and freedom of expression in its essence: "Better to die standing than live on your knees" Dolores Gómez Ibárruri
The Mossad does not object to 9/11 Truth, they just object to all Truth. If Americans are not careful, someday the Mossad Ministry of Truth could allow faux-hero videos, skateboarders breaking bones videos to go viral… And censor, suppress truth and free speech online.
Reuters is involved in this and reporting “the truth”? Someone needs to invent ‘virtual-newr ass-wipe’ for real-life Thomson Reuters outhouses… Compliments Israeli Mossad Unit 8200 "deep-packet-sniffing" half of the Globe, and Reuters cranking out article after article about their bipolar cousin, NSA PRISM!
What evidence of Mossad shooting JFK is in De Dallas a Montreal by Maurice Philipps?
Are both Thomson Reuters and Unit 8200 "Deep Packet Sniffing" to cover it up?
What other Mossad Head of State Assassinations are covered up on phones, pads, laptops, blogs, etc.?
How many failed banks "relied" on Narus, Verint, AMDOC's, Comverse, etc.?
How many wars, near wars and future wars will originate from Telecom Spinal Taps and lack thereof by Mossad?
Tags: Thomson Reuters Mossad - Verint, Narus, NICE, AMDOC’s, Unit-8200, Pioneer, Payoneer, Kidon, Palentir, Comserve, Natsam, AT&T Back Door, Bamford, DGSE, Dragnet, France, Intelligence, ISNU, Israel, Mark Klein, Mossad, Narus, Nicolas Sarkozy, NIE, NSA PRISM, Sigint, Snowden, Surveillance, Verint, Verizon, Deep Packet Inspection DPI, FLAME, STUXNET, Boeing, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Bing, Facebook, NSA, AMDOC's, Hayden
Sources: By Gilles Munier (Africa Asia - October 2013) From: Israel and the NSA: Partners in Crime 2 weeks ago by Censoo in Intelligence
Media (Press,TV, Cinema & Internet) - Who controls the Media?
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11 - JONES REPORT
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