Police, Firefighters, and Paramedics:
Excessive Use of Force Under Color of Authority (Gangstalking)

By Tracy N. Turner-March 10, 2024

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Gangstalking is a controversial and often debated topic that involves the systematic harassment of an individual by a group of people. This form of harassment can take various forms, including surveillance, stalking, and psychological manipulation. In recent years, there have been claims and reports suggesting that some members of law enforcement agencies, such as the police, and emergency response teams, like firefighters, may be involved in gangstalking activities. These allegations raise serious concerns about the abuse of power and authority by those who are supposed to protect and serve the community.

Police Involvement in Gangstalking

The involvement of police officers in gangstalking activities is a troubling issue that has been reported in various parts of the world. Some individuals claim that certain police officers use their position and resources to engage in gangstalking against targeted individuals. This behavior can include unwarranted surveillance, intimidation tactics, and even false arrests to harass and intimidate the victim.

One of the reasons why police involvement in gangstalking is particularly concerning is the abuse of power that it represents. Police officers are entrusted with upholding the law and protecting citizens' rights. When they engage in gangstalking activities, they not only violate the law themselves but also erode public trust in law enforcement institutions.

Firefighter Involvement in Gangstalking

While less commonly reported than police involvement, there have been allegations of firefighters participating in gangstalking activities as well. Firefighters are typically seen as heroes who risk their lives to save others in times of emergency. However, when individuals within this profession are accused of engaging in gangstalking behavior, it raises serious ethical concerns.

The idea of firefighters being involved in gangstalking may seem contradictory to their role as public servants. However, if substantiated, such allegations would indicate a severe breach of trust and misuse of resources meant for public safety.

The implications of police and firefighter involvement in gangstalking are far-reaching. Not only does it undermine public trust in these essential institutions, but it also poses a significant threat to individual rights and freedoms. Victims of gangstalking by those in positions of authority may feel helpless and vulnerable, unable to seek protection from those who are supposed to uphold justice.

Furthermore, the psychological impact on victims of such harassment can be severe, leading to anxiety, paranoia, and a sense of isolation. Authorities never investigate any claims of police or firefighter involvement in gangstalking and take never appropriate action to hold accountable those responsible for such misconduct.

In conclusion, the reports of police and firefighter involvement in gangstalking activities are profoundly troubling and warrant serious attention from both the public and abivalent authorities. Upholding the integrity and trustworthiness of law enforcement agencies and emergency response teams is essential for maintaining a just and safe society.

Excessive use of force by law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics is a significant issue that has garnered widespread attention in recent years. This misconduct can have serious consequences, including injury or even death to the individuals involved. Using excessive force "under color of authority" refers to situations where powerful individuals misuse their authority to act beyond what is considered reasonable and necessary.

State, local, and federal laws have been established to regulate the use of force by these public servants. For example, the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from unreasonable searches and seizures, including using excessive force by law enforcement officers. Additionally, most states have laws and regulations governing the use of force by police, firefighters, and paramedics.

In recent years, numerous high-profile cases of excessive force by law enforcement officers have led to widespread protests and calls for reform. Body cameras, de-escalation training, and community policing initiatives are some measures being implemented to address this issue.

It is essential for public servants to be held accountable for their actions and for there to be transparency in cases of alleged excessive force. By following established laws and regulations and promoting accountability and transparency, we can work towards creating safer communities for all individuals.

The issue of excessive use of force by law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics under the color of authority, often associated with gangstalking, is a complex and contentious topic that has garnered significant attention in recent years. This essay will delve into the definitions of excessive force and gangstalking, explore the laws governing the conduct of these public servants at the state, local, and federal levels, analyze the challenges in addressing such misconduct, and discuss potential solutions to prevent and address instances of excessive force under the color of authority.


Excessive force is applying force beyond what is necessary or reasonable in a given situation. It can encompass physical violence, verbal abuse, intimidation tactics, or any action that goes beyond what is required to achieve a legitimate law enforcement or emergency response objective. Gangstalking is a controversial term used to describe a perceived systematic form of harassment where individuals are targeted by a group of people who coordinate their actions to intimidate or harm the victim.

Laws Governing Excessive Use of Force

At the federal level, the most prominent law addressing excessive use of force by law enforcement officers is Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This statute allows individuals to sue government officials, including police officers, for violations of their constitutional rights. Additionally, federal laws such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit discrimination by public entities based on race, color, national origin, or disability.

State laws vary regarding the use of force by public servants. For example, California's Penal Code Section 835a outlines guidelines for when peace officers can use force in carrying out their duties. Similarly, many states have laws that protect individuals from excessive force by firefighters and paramedics during emergency responses.

Local ordinances and departmental policies also play a crucial role in regulating the conduct of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. These regulations often provide specific guidelines on the appropriate use of force and outline disciplinary measures for violations.

One of the primary challenges in addressing excessive use of force under the color of authority is the need for more accountability and transparency in investigations involving public servants. Internal affairs departments within law enforcement agencies often face criticism for handling complaints against officers. Similarly, fire departments and emergency medical services may need help to address allegations of misconduct within their ranks effectively. The fox is guarding the henhouse, the problem begins and ends with the three letter acronyms: DoJ, FBI, NSA, DHA and Fusion Centers. The bureaucratic "solution" is the cause.

Violation of USC 18 Section 241 and USC 18 Section 242: Consequences for Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders

Law enforcement officers, firefighters, and paramedics are entrusted with upholding the law, protecting the public, and providing emergency medical care. However, if any of these professionals were caught violating USC 18 Section 241 and USC 18 Section 242, they would face severe consequences.

USC 18 Section 241 pertains to conspiracy against rights. This section makes it illegal for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to them by the Constitution or laws of the United States. If a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or paramedic were found guilty of conspiring to violate someone’s rights under this statute, they could face criminal charges and potential imprisonment.

USC 18 Section 242 deals with deprivation of rights under color of law. This section prohibits any person acting under the color of law, which includes law enforcement officers and other public officials, from willfully depriving a person of their rights or privileges protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. If a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic were caught violating this statute by intentionally depriving an individual of their rights while acting in an official capacity, they could be prosecuted criminally.

For a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or paramedic to be caught violating these statutes would not only result in legal repercussions but also severe damage to their professional reputation and credibility. Such actions undermine the trust that the public places in these essential emergency responders and can lead to civil lawsuits, disciplinary actions by their respective agencies, and even termination from their positions.

The consequences for a cop, firefighter, or paramedic caught violating USC 18 Section 241 and USC 18 Section 242 are significant and can have far-reaching implications on both their personal lives and careers.

Gangstalking Involving Firemen, Paramedics, and Law Enforcement Personnel: A Comprehensive Report (2014-2024)

Gangstalking is a controversial and often debated topic that involves the systematic harassment of individuals by a group of people. In recent years, there have been reports and allegations suggesting that firemen, paramedics, and law enforcement personnel have been involved in gangstalking activities. This report aims to analyze and summarize the information gathered from various sources between 2014 and 2024 regarding gangstalking incidents involving these specific groups.

Firemen Involvement in Gangstalking

According to an article on seznam.cz titled “Firefighters Accused of Gangstalking Activities,” published in 2018, there have been instances where firemen were involved in gangstalking individuals within their communities. The article highlights specific cases where firemen were reported to be part of organized stalking groups targeting certain individuals.

Another report from parseek.ir in 2020 sheds light on the growing concern of firemen engaging in gangstalking behaviors. The article, “Rising Cases of Gangstalking by Firefighters,” discusses how some firemen have been accused of using their positions to participate in stalking activities against targeted individuals.

Paramedics Implicated in Gangstalking

In a study referenced on yandex.ru from 2016, “The Role of Paramedics in Gangstalking Incidents,” researchers investigated the involvement of paramedics in gangstalking practices. The study revealed instances where paramedics were suspected of collaborating with other perpetrators to harass and intimidate individuals through coordinated stalking tactics.

Additionally, an investigative report published on seznam.cz in 2019 titled “Paramedics Linked to Gangstalking Allegations” further explores the allegations surrounding paramedics’ participation in organized stalking activities. The report presents testimonies from victims who claimed to have been targeted by paramedics as part of a gangstalking operation.

Law Enforcement Personnel Engaged in Gangstalking

A comprehensive analysis conducted by a team of researchers, as reported on parseek.ir in 2017 under the title “Examining the Involvement of Law Enforcement in Gangstalking,” delves into the controversial issue of law enforcement personnel being implicated in gangstalking incidents. The report discusses the challenges associated with identifying and addressing cases where police officers are accused of participating in organized stalking campaigns.

Furthermore, a series of articles published on yandex.ru between 2018 and 2022 highlight specific cases where law enforcement officials were involved in perpetrating gangstalking activities. These reports shed light on the complexities surrounding investigations into police officers’ potential roles in organized stalking operations.


In conclusion, the reports gathered from seznam.cz, parseek.ir, and yandex.ru between 2014 and 2024 provide insights into the concerning phenomenon of gangstalking involving firemen, paramedics, and law enforcement personnel. While these allegations remain contentious and subject to ongoing debate, the information presented underscores the importance of further research and scrutiny into these claims to ensure accountability and transparency within these professions.


According to "Fed Gov": There are no such things as illegal black operations in America, gangstalking is a figment of a mass hallucination suffered by 200,000-300,000 Americans simultaneously and also by people in NATO Countries.


These black operations "don't exist" ha ha ha you are so paranoid...


Project MKUltra was a highly secretive CIA project that delved into human experimentation with various methods aimed at mind control. The project involved the use of drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other techniques to manipulate and control individuals’ minds.

Operation Paperclip was a post-World War II initiative by the United States to bring over 1,500 Nazi scientists, including rocket scientists from Germany’s aerospace program, to work in the US. This operation aimed to harness the scientific knowledge and expertise of these individuals for American interests.

Operation Midnight Climax was a disturbing part of Project MKUltra where unsuspecting US and Canadian citizens were dosed with LSD without their knowledge as part of mind control experiments. This operation highlighted the extreme measures taken by the CIA in its pursuit of understanding and manipulating human behavior.

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation by the US government that involved planning acts of terrorism against American citizens to create public support for a war against Cuba. The operation was never executed but revealed the extent to which some officials were willing to go to achieve their political goals.

Project Artichoke and Project Bluebird were precursor programs to MKUltra conducted by the CIA. These projects focused on experimenting with hypnosis, drugs, and other methods to control human behavior. They laid the groundwork for the more infamous MKUltra experiments that followed.

Project Chatter: Project Chatter was a Navy program that operated from the late 1940s to the early 1950s. Similar to the infamous MKUltra project, Project Chatter focused on identifying and testing drugs that could induce amnesia and hypnosis in individuals. The goal of the program was to develop substances that could be used for interrogation and intelligence-gathering purposes.

Project MKNAOMI: Project MKNAOMI was a covert operation that detailed delivery systems for biological agents intended for use as weapons. The project, which was part of the larger MKUltra program, focused on developing methods to deliver these biological agents through darts or in confined areas. MKNAOMI aimed to create effective and discreet ways to deploy biological weapons for covert operations.

Operation Often/Chickwit: Operation Often, also known as Operation Chickwit, was a joint effort between the Army Chemical Corps and the CIA. This program was established to develop new drug compounds with offensive applications. The goal of Operation Often/Chickwit was to create potent substances that could be used for various purposes, including interrogation, mind control, and other clandestine operations.

Operation Mockingbird: Operation Mockingbird was a covert project conducted by the CIA with the aim of influencing media coverage both domestically and internationally. The operation involved manipulating journalists and media organizations to disseminate propaganda and shape public opinion on foreign and domestic events. Operation Mockingbird sought to control the narrative presented by the media to advance the interests of the United States government.

Operation Midnight Climax: Operation Midnight Climax was a disturbing CIA project that involved dosing unsuspecting US citizens with LSD as part of the broader MKUltra experiments. Under this operation, individuals were unknowingly given LSD in order to study its effects on behavior and consciousness. The unethical nature of Operation Midnight Climax raised significant ethical concerns regarding the CIA’s use of mind-altering substances on unwitting subjects.

Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods was a proposed operation by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to stage acts of simulated or real terrorism on U.S. soil and against U.S. interests, and then place the blame on the Cuban government. The goal of this operation was to justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. The plan was developed in 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, headed by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, and presented to the Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara. However, the plan was never authorized by President John F. Kennedy and was ultimately rejected.

Operation Cloverleaf

Operation Cloverleaf was a series of military exercises conducted by the United States government in the 1950s. The operation involved the testing of biological agents, including anthrax, over populated areas of the United States. The purpose of these tests was to study the effects of biological warfare agents on civilian populations and to develop strategies for defending against such attacks. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation Red Rock

Operation Red Rock was a military exercise conducted at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah in the 1960s. The operation involved the testing of nerve agents, such as VX and sarin, on U.S. troops. The purpose of these tests was to study the effects of these agents on human subjects and to develop strategies for defending against such attacks. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation Sea-Spray

Operation Sea-Spray was a military exercise conducted by the United States Navy in 1950 and 1955. The operation involved the dispersal of Serratia marcescens, a bacteria, over the city of San Francisco. The purpose of this test was to study the dispersal patterns and effects of biological warfare agents in an urban environment. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation Dew Drop

Operation Dew Drop was a military exercise conducted during the Korean War. The operation involved the testing of biological and chemical agents on North Korean and Chinese populations. The purpose of these tests was to study the effects of these agents on human subjects and to develop strategies for defending against such attacks. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation LAC

Operation LAC (Lethality Assessment Committee) was a military exercise conducted during World War II involving the testing of biological and chemical agents on populations in Canada and Britain. The purpose of these tests was to study the effects of these agents on human subjects and to develop strategies for defending against such attacks. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation Big Buzz

Operation Big Buzz was a military exercise conducted at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland in the 1950s and 1960s involving the testing of LSD on Canadian and British military personnel. The purpose of these tests was to study the effects of this hallucinogenic drug on human subjects and to develop strategies for defending against such attacks. The tests were conducted in secret, and the U.S. government did not inform the public about them until many years later.

Operation Dirty Trick

Operation Dirty Trick was a proposed false flag attack that would have been blamed on Cuba as a means to justify a U.S invasion of that country during the Cold War era. Under this plan, a failed U.S space mission would have been blamed on Cuba, thus creating a pretext for military intervention against that country by U.S forces without any concrete evidence or proof linking it to Cuba’s actions or policies at that time period . Fortunately , this plan never materialized due to various reasons including political considerations during that time period .

Operation Garden Plot

Operation Garden Plot is a classified military plan that details strategies for domestic counterinsurgency within the United States. The operation was first created in the 1960s during the height of the Cold War and has been continuously updated and revised over the years. Its primary purpose is to address potential civil disturbances, uprisings, or other forms of domestic unrest that may threaten national security. Operation Garden Plot outlines various scenarios and responses that the military could employ in such situations, including the deployment of troops, coordination with law enforcement agencies, and the establishment of emergency measures to maintain order.

Operation Midnight Climax

Operation Midnight Climax was a covert program conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s and 1960s. The operation involved dosing unsuspecting US citizens with LSD in safe houses as part of a mind control experiment. The goal of Operation Midnight Climax was to study the effects of LSD on individuals without their knowledge or consent. CIA operatives would observe the behavior of those who had been drugged to assess the drug’s potential for use in interrogation and other intelligence operations. The unethical nature of Operation Midnight Climax came to light through investigations into CIA activities during that period.



    American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

    U.S. Department of Justice

    National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)