Chris Spencer
Abstract: The question is not abstract or rhetorical. Since the beginning of the 20th century, in concert with the military-industrial complex, the tech-industrial complex, and private intelligence networks, the US federal government has waged a secret and not-so-secret war upon American patriots and dissidents. It has taken many forms: physical violence, for-profit prisons, PSYOPS, surveillance, and the systematic erosion of civil and constitutional rights. From J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to the modern-day surveillance state, the government has declared war on its people using tools of repression that have grown more sophisticated with time.
1. A Chronology of Warfare: Whom the US Government Has Targeted Since 1900
Targets of the US Federal government and its methods of war used against individuals, groups, and movements Throughout history:
Early 20th Century: The Roots of Repression
1919: The Palmer Raids, a watershed moment in the history of government repression. Target: Anarchists, socialists, and labor activists. Despite the overwhelming power of the government, these brave individuals stood up for their beliefs.
1920s-1930s: The Bonus Army
Mid-20th century: Cold War and COINTELPRO
1950s: McCarthyism
Target: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Black Panthers, etc.
Target: Protestors against the Vietnam War, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Weather Underground.
Late 20th Century: The War on Dissent Expands
21st Century: The Modern Surveillance State
2. The Rise of the Military-Industrial Complex and Tech-Industrial Complex
The Eisenhower Warning: A Prophetic Vision of Power and Peril In his 1961 farewell address, five-star general and wartime leader turned President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave an amazingly prescient warning that had reverberations for decades to come. Still, Eisenhower allowed the grave nature he had held against the engine of war into a letting-in-the American public--that rise--the coming of this thing he termed "industrial-military-complex," an unholy amalgamation of armament makers, warriors, and political bosses. He contended that this symbiotic relationship could only distort national priorities, replacing the quest for peace with an insatiable drive toward profit and power. Ike predicted that the economic temptations thrown off by permanent war might eventually compete even with the moral mandates of diplomacy and restraint.
By the dawn of the 21st century, Eisenhower's warning had metastasized across new dimensions of space. Companies such as Google, Amazon, and Palantir--errant knights of innovation and progress--turned overnight into the leading instruments of the country's national security apparatus. Herein, if anywhere, was how this military-industrial complex reached into, coddled, and favored a nascent techno-industrial complex.
"These companies got paid huge amounts of money through government contracts building tools with unparalleled capacities to surveil, collect, and analyze human information. What began as a marriage of convenience for greater security slowly turned into some very uncomfortable questions about privacy, autonomy, and the centralization of power. The lines blurred between what was in the public interest and what was private profit, as tools designed to protect citizens were increasingly being used to monitor and control them."
The Hoover-McCarthy Era: Shrouded in Fear
Under Hoover, the FBI would turn from a law enforcement-oriented bureau into an instrument of political control. Dissenters, activists, and intellectuals were surveilled, harassed, and often ruined; their lives were upended by Hoover's obsessive crusade against perceived subversion. The FBI's COINTELPRO program targeted civil rights leaders, labor organizers, and anti-war protesters, branding them as threats to the nation. The dangerous precedent of Hoover's tactics was to equate dissent with disloyalty and claim the state's right to suppress it, a gross injustice.
This atmosphere of fear was at least cultivated by Senator Joseph McCarthy and his witch hunts to clean up the government and beyond from the so-called communists. McCarthy's wild accusations and sensational hearings produced an atmosphere in which paranoia was enough to destroy careers and lives. The term " McCarthyism" became synonymous with suppression of free speech and the political opposition's demonization. The duo Hoover and McCarthy made the notion acceptable and expected that questioning authority was akin to treason, instilling a culture of conformity that would outlive them by several decades. Their legacy would stand in memory as a testament to how insidiously and with ease fear can be used as a weapon in undermining democracy.
Post-9/11 Expansion: Surveillance in the Age of Terror
The attacks on September 11, 2001, were a game-changer for the psyche of America and the thought of security in America. Enacting zeal to widen the scope of surveillance, the government almost unanimously passed the Patriot Act right after the tragedy. Broad legislation gave unprecedented powers to law enforcement and intelligence agencies for wiretapping communications, conducting warrantless searches, and detaining individuals without due process. Further centralization came with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, a vast bureaucracy dedicated to fighting terrorism.
It was not until 2013 that the true extent of the government's spying apparatus was finally laid bare, as whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked top-secret documents exposing the NSA's PRISM program. PRISM showed a government hellbent on collecting data on its citizens, often without their knowledge or consent. It systematically mined, analyzed, and stored calls, emails, and internet activities across an expansive digital dragnet.
3. Presidential Complicity: From Truman to Biden
The Government's War on American Patriots: A Systematic Assault on Liberty
But the notion of a government against its citizens is too ghastly to contemplate. Yet, in America, there's been a pattern of actions over recent decades that suggests a quite deliberate and escalating campaign against anyone who dares challenge its authority. The "war against American patriots" is not pursued on the battlefields of public declarations but rather through a series of calculated operations, sometimes noiseless, aiming at quelling dissent, generating fear, and consolidating power. From armed confrontations and psychological manipulation through pervasive surveillance, this war encompasses an insidious range of tools as vicious as their employment.
Armed Warfare: Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Bundy Standoffs
The armed forces the government has utilized against citizens have left permanent scars on the national consciousness.
Psychological Warfare: COINTELPRO, Media Manipulation, and Demonization of Dissent
Beyond physical force, the government employs psychological operations to harass, demoralize, and discredit political opponents.
Surveillance: NSA Spying, Facial Recognition, and Social Media Monitoring
Role of Private and Foreign Networks
A Call to Vigilance
The government's war on American patriots is not an isolated campaign but a systematic assault on liberty and self-governance. Armed force, psychological manipulation, and pervasive surveillance work in tandem to suppress dissent and consolidate power. However, the American spirit thrives in resisting oppression. The fight for freedom is never easy, but history proves it is worth waging.
JFK and RFK's Warnings
Both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy warned against unchecked government power and the military-industrial complex. Their assassinations silenced these warnings, enabling further repression.
The Government's Armed Insurrection
It is not patriots who have declared war on America -- it is the government. From the Palmer Raids to the War on Terror, the state has employed violence and repression to maintain control.
The Mockingbird Press and PSYOPS
COINTELPRO and Chaos: 1965-2025
The COINTELPRO tactics continue today under different names:
Individuals Killed or Seriously Injured by Police/Government Forces During Lawful Protests
Conclusion: A State of Civil War
The evidence is clear: The US government has declared and waged war against its people. This is not a conspiracy but a documented history. The real question is: How long will the American people tolerate this?
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