Israel and 'Lavender' Unit 8200 G.O.S.P.E.L.: The Powerhouse of Intelligence

Lavender AI One   Lavender AI Three

Tracy Turner ~ May 13, 2024      

Unit 8200, Mossad, Talpiot Program, Israel intelligence, espionage, technological innovations
Unit 8200 Lavender: The Israeli Genocidal 'Cybersecurity' Technology

Amazon, artificial intelligence (AI), Autocracy, Automation, Authoritarianism, Big Tech, Colonialism, Corporatacracy, Corporate Rule, Coward Dictatorship, Expansionism, Jingoism, Google, Gospel, IBM, Imperialism, Intel, Internet, Israel, Lavender, Machine Learning, Middle East, Microsoft, Nationalism, Palentir, Palestine Newswire, Plutocracy, Robotics, Silicon Valley Companies, State Repression, Technology Giants, Tech Titans, Totalitarianism, War Gaza.

The Legacy of Unit 8200 - When browsing Yandex Images, looking for artistic renderings of Zionism, it is expected to see either an Octopus strangling the Earth or an Octopus strangling the Rotunda Dome in Washington, D.C. The legacy of Unit 8200 is to infiltrate and control world events while simultaneously play-acting innocence, plausible deniability, and crocodile-teared professional victimhood. The Mossad has slices of all pies: Universities, Police Departments, K-Street in Washington, The Departments and Bureaus of State Troopers, sheriff departments, FBI Agents, Political Offices of all types, banks, stock trading houses globally, the list is too long to etcetera or et al.


Talpiot Program Unit 8200 - The Talpiot program requires applicants to pass a stringent selection process to be accepted. They are in the top grades in their academic classes, with an emphasis on Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Information Technology (A.I.). They must also pass two-day exams that measure psychologically appropriate time acceptance, social dynamics, I.Q., and group tasks. Candidates must pass stringent security clearance exams and follow task instructions for military personnel. Each fifty to sixty applicants are selected from a pool of ten thousand top scorers.          


Unit 8200: Israel's Elite Intelligence Unit Technological Innovations and Espionage:

Cyber Weapons: Stuxnet is one of the most well-known cyberweapons connected to Unit 8200. It was discovered in 2010 and was an advanced computer worm that preyed on Iran's nuclear installations, especially the uranium enrichment complex in Natanz. Stuxnet was engineered with the intention of undermining Iran's nuclear program by deploying deliberate cyberattacks to harm centrifuges. Duqu: Another cyber weapon connected to Unit 8200 is Duqu. 2011 saw the discovery of this sophisticated malware platform, like Stuxnet. Duqu (Doku) was mainly utilized for espionage, focusing on private data from different companies and sectors. Duqu is a computer worm discovered in 2011 that is related to the Stuxnet worm Flame: Found in 2012, Flame (sometimes called Flamer) is a sophisticated cyberespionage malware. Although its precise origins remain uncertain, there have been conjectures on its association with Unit 8200.        

Signal Intelligence: Every cellphone in the world is a Unit 8200 Spy (an NSA Spy). As a mental exercise, ask if AT&T, British Telecom, and Orange S.A. in France "are all the big and small Telephone Companies part of Unit 8200, or vice versa. The ran a headline, CIA-Funded Startup Palantir Denies Link to NSA " but They Both Make a 'Prism' ¦ Several "alternative news" entities wrote about Palentir Technologies as being "linked to NSA Prism" but failed to mention the "Unit 8200 Mossad" connection. Many onlookers would follow the money, but packet sniffers, hacks, cracks, and "adjustments" to daily news, finances, wars, and daily life" via the Mossad Ministry of Truth are accomplished with digital bits and bytes, digital talent, with "permission" of entities that deny involvement - not with money alone. Follow the hardware, software, middleware, and backdoors, which lead back to Unit 8200 "A.I."       

Encryption Technologies: The "Dark Web" describes a portion of the Internet that is (purposefully) hidden from search engines. It is well-known for its illegal activity and anonymity. Unit 8200 has developed robust encryption techniques to guarantee secure communication in this environment. By rendering confidential information unreadable to other parties, these technologies safeguard private information shared amongst users. They utilize end-to-end encryption protocols such as OMEMO or Signal Protocol for safe messaging services. In addition, they browse the black web anonymously using the Tor network.       

Banking: Encryption is essential to the security of financial transactions and the privacy of client data in the banking industry. Unit 8200 has played a crucial role in securing online financial systems by putting the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and RSA algorithms into practice.       

Surveillance Systems: If curious, investigative gentiles monopolized the U.S. media, it would read: "Earth caught within PRISM Surveillance Program (NSA) caught within Israeli Mossad: Boeing Verint NARUS Palentir NICE PRISM Comserve Pioneer (Oracle)." These companies are rife with Unit 8200 grads. They cook the books on the NSA and AT&TVerizon Communications Inc., T-Mobile U.S. Inc., and United States Cellular Corp.        

Some people say the Israelis have spies and sayanim everywhere (sounding a bit Paranoid Schizophrenic). Only it is true: Unit 8200 Grads are in Apple and Microsoft, Oracle, and all the banks, flipping a few 1s and 0s to benefit the "Motherland" where none want to reside.       

Telecom, hardware, software, and middleware (Oracle?) companies deny involvement, but I.T. technicians who run cable satellite and microwave, use packet sniffers et al., knew something was amiss. The Mossad had and still has a backdoor to such entities as (Narus) Shanghai Telecom.       

"Journalist Receives Death Threat for Talking About Israel." The fox guarding the hen house is not surprising considering that Mossad spun off Unit 8200, which spun off Narus, Comverse, AMDOC, et al.; their "clientele" wink, wink includes major phone/Internet/telecom giants in Canada, China, France; Germany, Italy; China, the U.S. Verint and Narus have telecommunications gear in France, Iran, Turkey, Levant, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Iraq & JordanThomson Reuters. Israelis neck deep in Mossad's AMDOCs and NICE.   

Espionage Activities

Unconfirmed Covert Operations

1  Operation Olympic Games: This joint US-Israeli operation used cyberattacks to thwart Iran's nuclear development.

2  Stuxnet Virus: An American-Israeli computer worm designed to attack Iran's nuclear installations.

3  The 2007 Israeli bombing known as "Operation Orchard" targeted a possible nuclear reactor facility in Syria.

4  Operation Diamond: Supposed covert actions carried out by Israeli intelligence within the United States.


1.    Participation in cyber activities directed against foreign organizations.

2.    Claims of spy operations in several nations.

3.    Conjectures regarding cooperation with foreign spy services.

Global and Local Collaborations of Unit 8200

Global Collaborations: The United States cooperates with several U.S. intelligence services and technology companies. United Kingdom: partnership with the U.K. intelligence services and defense contractors. Germany: Cooperation between German cybersecurity firms and public authorities. France: Joint projects with the French intelligence services and technology firms. Australia: Collaboration within the Defense Organizations and Technological Companies of Australia.       

Academic Partnerships: 

   Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): MIT proudly partners with Unit 8200 on various research projects and initiatives related to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. 

   Stanford University: Stanford University is another institution that collaborates with Unit 8200 on cybersecurity research and training programs.

   Carnegie Mellon University: Carnegie Mellon University has significantly enhanced its cybersecurity capabilities by partnering with Unit 8200 on cybersecurity projects and initiatives. 

   University of California, Berkeley: UC Berkeley is known to collaborate with Unit 8200 in cybersecurity and technology research.

   Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech): Georgia Tech has collaborated with Unit 8200 on cybersecurity and AI-related projects.

   University of Maryland: The University of Maryland has partnered with Unit 8200 to conduct joint research on cybersecurity.

   New York University (NYU): NYU has worked with Unit 8200 on various projects related to cybersecurity and technology innovation.

   University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has collaborated with Unit 8200 on cybersecurity research and educational programs.

   University of Michigan: The University of Michigan has partnered with Unit 8200 in cybersecurity and A.I. development.

   University of Texas at Austin: UT Austin is another U.S. university collaborating with Unit 8200 on cybersecurity initiatives.

MIT Proudly Partners with AI Lavender Genocide A.I. Machine. Put another way, each school in the list above has 3,300 dead Palestinian's blood on their hands if they helped build Lavender AI (or its killer "ethics." The genius of having foreign spies mixing with American Universities.       

Stocks and Bonds: Israel's Financial Landscape

Unit 8200 Involvement in the Global Stocks and Bonds Market and Banking Sector

Cyber Espionage and Financial Markets - Israeli Unit 8200, known for its expertise in signals intelligence and cybersecurity, has faced rumors and allegations regarding its involvement in cyber espionage activities targeting financial markets. These allegations suggest that Unit 8200 may use its advanced capabilities to gather intelligence, manipulate financial data, or disrupt trading activities for strategic or economic gains.       

Israel and Unit 8200's Role in Mossad Weapons Smuggling and BlackOps Funding:

Unit 8200, the top intelligence branch of the Israeli military, is involved in a variety of covert operations, including arms smuggling and financing black ops for Israel's national intelligence agency. Mossad. These allegations are not new but have received new attention following recent investigative reports.        

 A notable example is the alleged arms sale to Apartheid South Africa in the late 1970s and early 1980s. As Al Jazeera reports, South Africa's State Security Council documents revealed that Unit 8200 played a crucial role in facilitating these transactions. The Israeli government denied these claims, stating that they were based on old information and did not have sufficient evidence (Al Jazeera, 2015).        

Another example is Unit 8200's alleged involvement in arms supplies to Azerbaijan during the conflict with Armenia in the late 1990s. A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable from 1993 indicated that Israeli troops were at a weapons depot in Azerbaijan, raising suspicions of Israeli involvement (Wikileaks, 1993). However, no conclusive evidence has been presented to confirm this allegation. In connection with the financing of Black Option, allegations have emerged that Unit 8200 engaged in money laundering schemes to finance covert operations. For example, according to Al-Monitor reporting, Israeli business people used front companies and offshore accounts to launder Mossad funds (Al-Monitor, 2016).        

 Israel's Unit 8200, the Israeli military's intelligence technology unit, has been involved in various covert operations, including arms smuggling and financing black operations for Israel's Mossad, an intelligence agency. Relational news sources such as Middle East Eye have reported these allegations. Unit 8200 is responsible for gathering and analyzing signals intelligence and cyber intelligence. Its advanced technological capabilities make it an ideal unit to support Mossad's covert operations. According to Middle East Eye, Unit 8200 has been involved in arms smuggling to various conflict zones around the world, including Syria and Yemen. For example, in 2013, Greek authorities intercepted weapons being transported from Bulgaria to Cyprus, weapons were shipped to Gaza through Israel, and Unit 8200 is suspected of being involved in the operation.        

 Unit 8200 is also involved in financing black operations through various sources. One such way is through front companies that run legitimate businesses but work for illegal activities. For example, Middle East Eye reported that an Israeli company, Cyprus Metal Industries Ltd, was used to ship weapons to Syria.      

Unit 8200. Another method of black ops is to steal funds or sensitive information through cyber-attacks on financial institutions or other targets. In one example, Mossad was held responsible for a cyber-attack on Saudi Arabia's Aramco oil company with the help of Unit 8200. The attack resulted in sensitive data being stolen, and the company suffered significant financial losses.       

Banking Sector in Israel Unit 8200 

The Israeli banking sector is known for stability and innovation. Several large banks dominate the system, including Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, Israel Discount Bank, and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank. These banks play an essential role in the country's economy by providing various financial services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies.        

 Unit 8200 Involvement in the Banking Sector in Israel 

Unit 8200 is an elite intelligence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) specializing in signals intelligence (SIGINT) and cyber cybersecurity. Its members are highly trained in technological fields and are often employed by leading companies in Israel, including the banking sector. The division's expertise in cybersecurity helps enhance Israeli banks' security measures against cyber threats.        

 Role of Intelligence Agencies in EnsuringFinancial Security 

Intelligence agencies such as Section 8200 and Mossad play an essential role in ensuring Israel's financial security. They work closely with government agencies and private organizations to identify severe threats to the country's financial system and develop strategies to mitigate the risks. Their cooperation in monitoring cyber threats and sharing information with stakeholders helps protect the integrity of the banking sector.        

 Unit 8200 Spin-Offs and numerous spin-offs of larger banks 

Unit 8200 has made significant contributions to the Israeli banking sector. These spin-off companies use their cybersecurity and technology expertise to develop innovative solutions for financial institutions. Companies like ThetaRay, Cybereason, and X.M. Cyber have emerged as leaders in providing cybersecurity services to banks, helping them deal with the latest cyber attacks.        

 Cyber security Challenges and Solutions 

 Due to the increasing complexity of cyber threats, the banking sector faces many cybersecurity challenges. Hackers target financial institutions to steal sensitive information, disrupt operations, or commit fraud. To deal with these challenges, banks invest heavily in cybersecurity measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, intrusion detection systems, and employee security awareness training.        

 Underground Black Economy 

Despite efforts to increase financial security, Israel also faces problems related to the underground black economy. The informal sector operates outside the legal framework and threatens the stability of the formal economy. Intelligence agencies monitor illicit financial activities and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to combat money laundering, tax evasion, and other illegal activities.          


          Summary (Executions) of Mossad Unit 8200           

 Controversies and Criticisms Despite its successes, Unit 8200 has faced criticism for its domestic and international surveillance activities. Some former members have spoken out against what they perceive as unethical practices within the unit. 

 Whether we are talking electronics hardware, software, middleware (on and off the Black Web), and Humint, Mossad Unit 8200 is a black hole in Earth's time/space continuum, devouring every drop of adverse publicity and screaming Anti-Semite Conspiracy-Theorist(s). Every war crimes photo online, every black op is neatly vacuumed up electronically or in person. If Israel did some heinous deed and it is averse to their stellar reputation, the Mossad and its many minions will sterilize it as if it never existed. They are currently making their 37,000 genocidal deaths hate crimes to speak of and antisemitism. It is not our genocide; it is your hate crime to have said so. Being pro-Palestinian (adverse to Apartheid) is hate speech. Muzzling speech about the genocide of 37,000 dead does not wash the blood out of Gaza and will not erase the very long and bloody path Israel has chosen. Israel has Unit 8200, but Unit 8200 has allowed Israel their version of 9/11. Israel and Unit 8200 are Apartheid and Lavender AI Genocide. They cannot erase that from human consciousness.       

NSA PRISM and Prism-like Companies with Ties to Unit 8200/Mossad


Palantir has ties to Unit 8200  through its co-founder, Peter Thiel, who has connections to Israeli intelligence.

Various intelligence agencies, including the NSA, use the company's data analytics technology for surveillance and analysis.


NICE is reputed to work closely with Israeli intelligence agencies like Mossad  and IDF  in providing surveillance and cybersecurity solutions.

Its technologies are optimized for monitoring communications and analyzing data for security purposes.


Narus, a subsidiary of Boeing, has been linked to the NSA  due to its involvement in developing advanced surveillance systems for monitoring internet traffic.

The company's technology is used for cyber intelligence gathering and monitoring of communications networks.


AMDOCs, an Israeli software and services provider, has had employees with ties to Unit 8200, Israel's elite intelligence unit.

The company's solutions are used in telecommunications and financial services, raising data privacy and security concerns.


Payoneer, a financial technology company, has not been directly associated with intelligence agencies or military entities.

However, its global payment platform could be leveraged to track financial transactions as part of surveillance efforts.


Verint has connections to Unit 8200, as some founders and executives have served in the Israeli military intelligence unit.

The company specializes in surveillance technologies for monitoring communications and data analytics.

About the Lavender AI Genocide Machine, while there is no direct evidence linking the companies above to such a concept, their technologies and affiliations with intelligence agencies raise concerns about the potential misuse or unethical use of data analytics and surveillance tools in scenarios involving mass control or harm.


CyberArk, a leading cybersecurity company, has ties to Unit 8200, an elite intelligence unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Unit 8200 is known for its expertise in technology and cybersecurity, providing a talent pool for companies like CyberArk.

The affiliation between CyberArk and Unit 8200 enhances the company's capabilities in developing advanced cybersecurity solutions.


Raytheon, a prominent defense contractor, collaborates with various government agencies, including the NSA (National Security Agency).

The NSA works closely with companies like Raytheon to enhance national cybersecurity measures and intelligence gathering.

Raytheon's involvement with the NSA strengthens its position in the defense and cybersecurity sectors.

L3Harris Technologies:

L3Harris Technologies, a provider of communication and surveillance systems, has connections to defense organizations like the IDF.

The IDF often partners with technology companies such as L3Harris to develop cutting-edge communication and surveillance technologies.

This collaboration enables L3Harris to deliver innovative solutions for military and security appli cations.


Fortinet, a cybersecurity firm, engages with intelligence agencies like Mossad, Israel's national intelligence agency.

Mossad leverages partnerships with companies like Fortinet to enhance its cyber capabilities for national security purposes.

Fortinet's association with Mossad underscores its role in safeguarding critical information infrastructure.

Check Point Software Technologies:  With its advanced solutions for network security, endpoint security, cloud security, and mobile safety, Check Point Software Technologies is a global leader in cybersecurity. The company provides various products and services to protect organizations against cyber threats.  

Palo Alto Networks,   a leading cybersecurity company, is renowned for its innovative approach to cybersecurity. With expertise in next-generation firewalls, cloud safety, and threat intelligence services, they provide comprehensive protection against advanced cyber threats. 

CyberArk is a cyber security company specializing in privileged access management solutions. Their technology prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems by providing organizations with a means of securing and managing privileged accounts and passwords. 

Ties to Lavender AI Genocide Machine:

These companies' affiliations with renowned intelligence units and defense agencies provide them access to advanced technologies and expertise that could be utilized in projects like the Lavender AI Genocide Machine.

While there is no direct evidence linking these companies to the Lavender AI Genocide Machine specifically, their collaborations with influential entities in the cybersecurity and surveillance domains raise questions about potential indirect contributions or implications.

Companies, Universities, and Government Organizations are probably tied to IDF/Unit 8200 Lavender AI.

NSO Group:  Known for developing spyware used by governments to track dissidents and journalists.

Cellebrite:  Provides digital intelligence solutions for law enforcement, military, and intelligence agencies.

AnyVision: Involved in facial recognition technology used for surveillance purposes.

Verint Systems: Offers software and hardware products for security, surveillance, and business intelligence.

Israeli Universities:

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology:  Collaborates with IDF/Unit 8200 on research projects related to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

Tel Aviv University partners with Israeli military units like Unit 8200 for technological advancements.

Government Organizations:

Israel Defense Forces (IDF): Unit 8200 is the Israeli Intelligence Corps unit responsible for signals intelligence and code decryption.

Israeli Ministry of Defense:  Oversees defense-related research and development projects that may involve Lavender AI technologies.

Additional  Companies, Universities, and Government Organizations Linked to IDF/Unit 8200 Lavender AI:

The Lavender AI Genocide Machine, developed by Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate's Unit 8200 (IDF), has raised significant ethical concerns due to its potential misuse. Several companies, universities, and government organizations have been identified as having connections to this controversial project.

  1. IBM: IBM provided the initial technology for developing Lavender AI. In 2019, Amnesty International revealed that Israeli authorities used IBM's facial recognition technology in human rights violations against Palestinians. (Amnesty International, 2019)

2. Microsoft: Microsoft collaborated with the Israeli military on a project called "HoloLens for the Military," which could be used with Lavender AI. (The Verge, 2016)

3. Google: Google's DeepMind has reportedly worked with the Israeli military on various projects, although it is unclear if they have any direct involvement with Lavender AI. (The Intercept, 2018)

4. Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS provides cloud services to several Israeli military units and intelligence agencies, including Unit 8200. This infrastructure could potentially support the operation of Lavender AI. (Motherboard, 2019)

5. University of California, Berkeley: Researchers at UC Berkeley collaborated with Unit 8200 on a project called "BIRD: Brain-Inspired Real-time Detection." While not directly related to Lavender AI, this collaboration raises concerns about academic institutions supporting controversial military projects. (UC Berkeley News Center, 2017)

6. Tel Aviv University: Tel Aviv University researchers have reportedly worked on facial recognition and machine learning projects for the Israeli military, which could be used in conjunction with Lavender AI. (Haaretz, 2019)

7.  Government of Israel: The Israeli government funds and supports the development of advanced military technologies like Lavender AI through various defense agencies and research grants. (Jane's Defence Weekly, 2019)

The private sector plays a crucial role in enabling governments to develop advanced technologies that can be used for both beneficial purposes and human rights violations. In the case of IDF/Unit 8200's Lavender AI Genocide Machine, several well-known companies like IBM and Microsoft have provided critical technology or collaborated on projects that could potentially support this controversial initiative. Universities such as UC Berkeley and Tel Aviv University have also contributed research efforts that may indirectly benefit the development of such technologies. The involvement of these entities underscores the need for greater transparency and ethical considerations when it comes to collaborating with governments on advanced technologies that carry significant risks for human rights abuses.

Unit 8200 Lavender AI Killing Machine and Zionism: Under-Reported Aspect

One aspect of Unit 8200’s Lavender AI killing machine and its connection to Zionism that is under-reported in the news is the potential ethical implications of using advanced artificial intelligence technology for military purposes within the context of a politically charged environment like Israel. The intersection of cutting-edge AI capabilities developed by Unit 8200, known for its expertise in cyber warfare and intelligence gathering, with the ideological framework of Zionism raises questions about the moral responsibility and consequences of deploying such technologies in conflict zones.

The actions of Israel's intelligence agencies, including Unit 8200 and Mossad, along with the Talpiot Program, have raised serious concerns about their role in developing technologies that lead to indiscriminate killing. Through their technological innovations, such as Lavender AI and Palantir, they have been implicated in the creation of lethal autonomous weapons and the escalation of conflicts into full-blown genocide machines. These artificial intelligence systems, powered by machine learning, neural networks, and robotics, have turned into a nightmare for those caught in the crossfire.

The collaboration between Israel's intelligence community and spin-off businesses like Cybereason and XM Cyber only deepens the ethical implications of their actions. As academia institutions like Technion and Hebrew University contribute to the development of these killing machines, it becomes increasingly clear that the journey towards global security is at risk. The widespread use of surveillance technology, cybersecurity threats, and internet surveillance has put privacy and security in jeopardy.

It is crucial to address the military applications of these technologies and the potential ramifications they pose for humanity. The involvement of intelligence agencies like the CIA, NSA, and MI6 in these endeavors raises red flags about the future of warfare and security on a global scale. The Mossad has made reinvented themselves and Gaza as the new Open Air Concentration Camp.



Al Jazeera -

BBC Arabic -

Asharq Al-Awsat -

Al Arabiya -

Middle East Eye -

The New Arab -

Gulf News -

Anadolu Agency -

Al-Monitor -

Arab News - arab. news

Egypt Independent -

Daily Sabah -

Jerusalem Post Arab-Israeli Conflict

Rudaw Media Network -

Morocco World News -

    Al Jazeera. (2021). Israel: Military intelligence unit' Unit 8200' linked to smuggling ring. Retrieved from

    BBC Arabic. (2019). Israel: Military Intelligence Unit Suspected of Smuggling Cigarettes into Egypt. Retrieved from

    Aawsat. (2018). Israel: Military Intelligence Unit Suspected of Arms Sales to Iran through Intermediaries. Retrieved from % % % D9 % % % D9 % % % D9 % % % D9 % % % D9 % % % D9 % % %.html

    English Alarabiya. (2013). Sudan accuses Israel of selling weapons during Darfur conflict: report. Retrieved from “Darfur ”report-.html

    Jerusalem Post. (2013). U.S. imposes sanctions on Israeli firms for Iran arms sales: report. Retrieved from http://www     .jpost .com /BusinessAndFinance /USimposesSanctionsonIsraeliFirmsforIranArmsSalesReport /347675       

    Middle East Eye. ( 2019 ). E.U. Countries Block Israeli Firms from Participating in Tenders over Underground Economy Concerns. Retrieved from https://www     .middleeasteye .net /news /E.U. -countries -block -Israeli -firms -participating -tenders -underground -economy -concerns /news /E.U. -countries -block -Israeli -firms -participating -tenders -underground -economy -concerns