Roe v Wade Overturned 2022 by Patriarchal Theocracy

How Trump, Wingnut Extra-Judicial Men and a Lady Sycophant

Turned US Women Into Chattel

roe v wade supreme court justices article

In 1849, Justice and Ginni Thomas would never, under any circumstances, have been in the same place at the same time, and would never have been "alone." He's cherry-picking, from an awful era none of us wants to "go back" to... "Justice Thomas" has proven himself to be a Radical "Conservative" who cherry picks convenient "truths" from the era of slavery and miscegenation laws. Law is not cherry-picked factlets.


We are now living in a post-democracy society, where lunatics in a theocratic patriarchy (Supreme Taliban Court) are in denial over 50 years of laws and institutions regarding women, contraception, family planning and termination of pregnancy.The oath of five of our "Justices" has collapsed and we have collectively become a Patriarchal Theocracy with no fungible social compact. Our so-called rights are dirt. To fully understand what (Patriarchy 2.0) just happened, there are salient points that need to be understood:


1.    What is the crux of the Woman’s Movement?

2.    What is the crux of the (Old Boy Network) 'Men’s Movement'? (Not the 'real' men's movement, but the Right-wing Cointelpro version).

3.    What is Cherry Picking Vanity and how does it apply to the law?


What is the crux of the Woman’s Movement? 


The women’s movement and civil rights movement was largely portrayed by New York and Hollywood, via All In the Family, Julia, etc., et al. This portrayal was written, produced, and acted by one tight-knit ethnic group pretending to be a moral megaphone “for us all.” 


Remember the scene in all in the family where Edith, Meatball, and Sally Ann Struthers (Gloria Stivic) roasted Archie? Sure, he was a bigot and an egoist, and yes he may have had it coming. But the message was that “The Women’s Movement” (Hollywood’s take on it) was to roast men, to defile the masculine ego, to create big, strident women with disdain for little men (FBI CoIntelPro) ... little, diminutive men who passively-aggressively pretend(ed) to “support” cruel, strident, abusive “feminism.”


If the “Edith Stivic” feminist movement works so well, how did Roe v Wade get overturned? The modern “Woman’s Movement” of the last 50 years has no male supporters because all men get from it is scorn and ridicule. You have turned men into their version of “stupid, barefoot and in the kitchen.” Such a feeble tactic will someday be pie on your face if it is not already. You have “killed” the wrong “Archie,” the wrong villain.


What is the crux of the (Old Boy Network) Men’s Movement?


There are 4 Old Boy Networks, that you can see and 1 Old Boy Network that is “invisible.” 




The Judao “Mainstream Mockingbird Mass Media” Cartel (Right-Wing)

The Catholic Republican Cartel (Right-Wing)

The Evangelical Republican Cartel (Right-Wing)

The Judao Cartel (Right-Wing)


This last is often referred to as The One Percent. All four Cartels work mostly in tandem, pulling the strings of government and “citizens” (subjects). There is also an invisible, slit-your-political-throat-in-the-dark Cartel, supported financially with “citizen's” (subject's) tax money:


Invisible (Right-Wing):




Custer Battles


Jorge Scientific Corporation


MAG Aerospace

MPRI, Inc.

MVM, Inc.

Northbridge Services Group

Northrop Grumman


Titan Corporation

Triple Canopy

Vinnell Corporation

Xe (Blackwater)


These corporations “are people too,” in the words of Mitt Romney. To see what these corporations are into, just search for “Surveillance Role Players” on multiple search portals (not just “Scroogle.” These invisible players see, hear and affect **everything,** (9-11, 1-6, Overturning Roe v Wade (choreographed with 1/6 and new “Open Carry/Concealed Carry” law. Surveillance Role Players, "SRPs" are illegal torturers used to expand the Deep South's (aka GAWD) losing its grip on Fascism in America - GAWD wants yer ovurryys, yer eggs...


So, to sum up, what we have, so far, is that while Grandma, Mom, and Sisters were busy flogging Grandpa, Dad, Brother, Boyfriend, Fiancée, and Husband (to further “woman’s rights…” – Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, XE Blackwater were stacking the deck to overturn Roe v Wade (mega-NSA/FBI Old Boy Network Private Armies Coup de Tat. While many women lived out their Daddy issues with a string of suitors, 


Meanwhile, Joe Biden has “forcefully” (Mr. Potato-head Persona) promised to step on his Pope’s toes. 


Supreme Court Mass Media Mind-Washing... Is this a CIA Operation CHAOS, by Supreme Court Proxy, On Women? The so-called "Left-Wing," who wants you to 'left-vote your way out of being mere chattel,' is completely complicit in this cluster-fuck psychological operation.

California's Governor Newsome has vowed to fight the new Texas Vigilante Informant Law. Perhaps these two old Federal Laws (Anti-KKK Laws) would help:

18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—

They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.



The Judao “Mainstream Mockingbird Mass Media, ”the Catholic Republican Cartel, the Evangelical Republican Cartel, and the Judao Cartel were waging a Messianic, Fascist War of Terror on America. You, Ms. Liberty, are charged with crossing State Lines and illegally consuming an Abortion Pill. The Fascist State you did not believe in before asks, "how do you plead?"


CNN and MSNBC are showing one Right-Wing Fascist Wingnut woman after another spewing about their monopoly on God and how rejoiceful they all are. They are pickled, deeply pickled, in their Fascist juices. Walking on the freeway won’t faze them. Denying them medical care by staying home from work will faze them.


The single most meaningful thing women can do right now is massive walkouts from work, pulling money out of investment firms, pulling money out of the stock market, and then missing work, many more times, in unison.


“Justice” Thomas wishes to Cherry Pick obscure sections of 1849 law and “bring it back now.” Should he also bring back 1849 Caning, Birching, and Whipping? You cannot cherry-pick how glorious something is and ignore the overall context and the periods. If you bring back 1849, you have to stop using Penicillin, but you must bring back slavery, the rule of thumb, etc. The Right-Wing Fascist Wingnuts want to spoon-feed us delusional drivel about how good this or that obscure law or measure was – forgetting that people died in droves of spotted fever, yellow fever, scarlet fever, and TB. Is “Justice” Thomas going to bring back all the 1849 diseases to go with his “illustrious period?” No Cherry picking, it is deceitful and patently false.


The Universal Mantra of the Right Wingnuts is “God is on our side, we are doing God’s will to you and you just need to chill and let us trample upon you, as per God. God, God, God – we own “Him.” He’s ours and we must inflict him on you. The Supreme Court’s Justice Thomas is sicking his Papal God upon us all, with Justice Comey-Barret sicking her Evangelical God upon us, like a pair of unwanted pit bulls (but it is GAWDs will!), we are in psychotic lock-step with GAWD and all of you have no freedoms under our punitive, close-minded GAWD!

If you want to understand the fanatical "Gawd" and "Vast" Minority Right Wing (Cancer) America, read Jeremy Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army. If you want to understand your Dad, his Father, and all your ex-boyfriends, Iron John: A Book about Men Paperback - Bly, Robert. To understand Amy Comey Barrett and the psychosis/clan/cult she instills, Google "psychotic religious cults."


Mass Targeted Well-Orchestrated Walkouts from Work and School is the way to go. Shut the whole shithouse down.

Stolen from a friend

“Theocracy" is a word that doesn't get enough attention these days, but it's an important one. There is a large group of citizens (including a majority of the Supreme Court) that camouflage their desire for an American theocracy by using terms like, "religious freedom," "small government," "constitutional originalism," and "rule of law." The more educated of this group will regale you with prose about legal principle, the framer's intent, and grandiloquent monologues about how they just want the best for the citizenry.

They are liars. Stop taking them at face value. Stop believing that they are good, respectable people who just have a "difference of opinion." Don't let their deceitful silver tongues convince you that the arguments they make are in earnest. These people want to put their boot on your neck and force you to submit to their worldview. They are Machiavellian, gruesome people who will do anything to ensure you submit. They are not interested in your feelings or your opinions -- they want you to shut up and fall in line and if you don't, they want to pass laws that will throw you in jail. They would rather you rot in a cell than disobey them.

This is theocracy. It's no coincidence that the same people who are trying (still) to overturn the 2020 election are also the ones cheering on the fall of Roe V. Wade. Laws are just obstacles to circumvent. Our worldly laws are no match for their God's laws. When you are a zealous follower of this cult mentality, nothing is off limits. Lying, cheating, stealing, violence, murder, genocide... it's all on the table. Nothing is forbidden when the work is done in God's name.

You can't reason with these people because they are not reasonable. *You* may want to affect change by persuasion, protesting, voting, and working to change the system. They want to burn the system down, and you with it. They hate you. They hate what you stand for. They hate the system you participate in. Democracy no longer serves their desires, so it has to go. YOU have to go. There is no room for you in their vision of the world.

What we saw today is not the first step, but one of many to come in service of bringing to fruition the regressive, totalitarian regime that aims to confer the power of life and death to a small group of religious fanatics who worship purity over liberty. Make no mistake, they came for women today. It will be you tomorrow.


All life is precious, that is why our 'highest court' just filled the streets of America with millions of guns... We need your fertilized Ovum to cannon-fodder fuel World War III, life is so precious, GAWD!!!

Scotus Supreme Court Overturn Roe v Wade Article OpEd News

Scotus Supreme Court Overturn Roe v Wade Article OpEd News


Our founding fathers actually wrote about the subject. Benjamin Franklin’s views can be inferred from an incident that occurred in 1729 when his former employer, newspaper editor Samuel Keimer of Philadelphia, published an encyclopedia whose very first volume included a detailed article on abortion, including directions for ending an unwanted pregnancy (“immoderate Evacuations, violent Motions, sudden Passions, Frights … violent Purgatives and in the general anything that tends to promote the Menses.”). Apparently the 5 "Justices" cannot Google. Related Article

From George H. W. Bush to Obama to Trump, all women, all persons are unwitting dupes in CIA Operation MH CHAOS (years 2000-2022 and ongoing)...

Extreme Search Alternatives to Google, Bing & Yahoo

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade

Alito (Draft), Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas and Barrett ~ Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Jealousy, Envy and Sloth


by Tracy Turner

Roe v Wade SCOTUS leak

Pro-Choice Protestors, Pasadena Courthouse, California - May 4, 2022

To Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America: The original US Constitution does not give women the right to vote - by your reasoning, women should not vote, because there is no text saying they can do so in the original document. The original does not give blacks freedom from slavery.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America - you claim "the will of the people, even though 24% of you are the tail wagging the 76% dog. The Republican 3-Ring Circus Power Grab is not a Democracy, it is a badly managed Coup de Tat. The Republicans are using Guns and Abortion as their own personal 3-ring circus to take the heat off of Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, Louie Gohmert, et al. The timing is too impeccable, the contrived cognitive dissonance too rife.

Chief Justice John Roberts has no problem gutting Roe v. Wade - putting American Women back into the 1800s. But a leaker, a whistleblower? Justice Roberts is like a little Dutch boy with his finger in the dam, screaming "look elsewhere, it is just grand over here!"

25% of Americans identify as Republicans, MarketWatch in 2021 said "The number of Republicans is the lowest it's been in a decade." The number of Republican Men is even lower. Judge Alito's sentiment that "Roe was egregiously wrong" needs to be expanded to Citizen's United, et al. To see no fault in Citizens and knockdown Roe v Wade is purely political and has no slight shred of "democracy," it is minority rule.


Fox News and One America News, CNN, and NBC talking heads use the hackneyed phrase "our democracy" around the clock - with no "truth in advertising." About 12% of America, Republican Men, hold hostage and under unceasing siege to "our democracy" via Gerrymandering, Voter Suppression, Race, and Gender Baiting. Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Barrett are America's Womb Czars - it is they who decide the fate of all Wombs in America - over 75,000,000 women are between 15 - 59, and five male, one cult-heavy female misguided, misdirected, retirement-aged "judges" speak for the wombs of 75,000,000 women. The Alito Supreme Court conveniently find Roe v Wade "egregious" but will continue to "find" Citizens United convenient to their David Koresh-style Cult.


"But it is "god's will..." It was also "god's will" when David Koresh Branch Davidians all drank poison Kool-Aid. It was "god's will" when the FBI burned Men, Women, and Children alive in the Waco, Texas Massacre. The 12% of "Americans" claiming both a "democracy" and stacking the court deck with five "god's will" Womb Zealots is not a democracy - No more than Waco was a "democracy" and "god's will."


An article about the tiniest of minorities thrusting dogma upon us as "law" and "god's will" would never exist in a true democracy, but the Internet is rife with such articles in our red-lined, gerrymandered, cheating, stacked deck, religious zealots posing as "non-political," Citizens United Military Technocracy Complex. What is next, mandatory cervical exams via a drone sent to your domicile, touted by OAN and Fox as a "smaller government?"


Hands Off Guns

Regulate All Ovaries


If there was equal justice under law, 25+ states would enact trigger laws making possession and use of Viagra a felony. To clearly understand the 2022 Overturn of Roe v Wade, it is important to realize the 25 US States that wanted to and wish to overthrow the Government are overthrowing Roe V Wade - the Government Coup de Tat minority are "deciding" for the majority, 30% of America are imposing their will on 70% of America and calling it "our democracy..." Most of this was put into motion by a 75-year-old man with Alzheimer's symptoms, whose father died of Alzheimer's. Trump's NRA says no touchy my guns, but regulate ovaries as smaller government.


All Life Is Precious

Bred Special For Death In Perpetual US Wars


The Pro-Lifers love to say, "all life is precious" and yet they cheer on the napalming of the Viet Cong, the Shock and Awe of Baghdad, and a long list of military atrocities that brings them glee. All life is precious, EXCEPT everyone our Military Technocracy Complex Kills. Oh, let's rescue a fetus so that in 18 years we can "sacrifice" that same human being in our endless Wore On Terror. The Republicans want free license to kill anyone they please in rabid-dog, "god's will" wars - but fetuses have more rights than mothers, soldiers, and "foreign combatants." 


This obvious, nauseating hypocrisy is now being thrust upon us by a red-lined, gerrymandered "supreme" court that is very, acceleratingly losing its supremacy. Alito's Draft, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Barrett are the Koresh Kool-Aid of "democracy." 25 States need to make it a felony for a man to have an erection, and Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Barrett need to uphold those laws as "equal justice under law." 


Every time a married male Senator or Congressman knocks up their mistress, Abortion is just fine, because it is they and their mistress. This is one of those "felony crimes" that will once again fill our prisons with the poor, the black, etc. Congressmen and Senators will continue "making it go away" when it is their mistresses. Only poor or ethnic people go to prison for abortion. There's a shortage of baby food, so the Government of the Global Elite is making many more births mandatory.

Sometimes a "calamity" shows people's true colors, such as Ted Cruz's: "The Texas junior senator said the individual responsible for divulging the private court records published by Politico on Monday night day should be "prosecuted" and serve jail time for their actions."

Nothing like "Republican 'small government'" creating a new law, flying right out of his mouth, trying and convicting someone of being "an angry left winger," supposedly sentenced by Ted Cruz "to real time" for the crime of making our murky, dishonest government "transparent and accountable" for a few seconds. With what crime shall you charge them, Constable Cruz? Someone is accountable for taking the law away from our Czars, momentarily, a placing it with "We the People." In what universe is an important event, dissected by "We the People," a "crime" replete with "real time?" One of the same rubber-stamps that wanted Trump to steal "The Presidency" cannot stand government transparency via "We the People."

What Texas' Ted Cruz has so succinctly and accurately outlined for us is Our Authoritarian Autocracy. OAN and Fox, if they were honest, would be to use the phrase, 'Our Authoritarian Autocracy,' and have each of the talking heads repeat it, hundreds of times per day. Authoritarian Autocracies imprison whistleblowers, Ted.

The Supreme Court is making us join the list of abortion illegal countries, such as Afghanistan and Algeria and now America. The laws in countries where abortion is legal vary widely. But here in "America," Authoritarian Autocracy (US Sharia Law) is becoming our new normal. Ted Cruz's statements proved Texas Senator's are now Judge, Jury and Executioner. We will legislate you ovaries and your eggs, whistleblowers will be horsewhipped then shot by firing squad. But if the cops shot you, they sit at home collecting their pay. Potentate Alito and his Cadre of Ovum Sovereigns will prevail and their "angry lefty leaker" will be thoroughly punished for doing the right thing.

One extremely unanswered question is, where do all the unwanted newborns go? Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas and Barrett ~ The Womb Czars must step up and adopt the unwanted newborns. Every life is precious to them, so they need to build some huge nurseries and adopt and keep on adopting. Surely they plan to do this? You cannot put in motion events that create millions and millions of unwanted children, and then turn your back on the whole mess, right?

America needs *real* Tort Reform, to clear a wide path so that these "Justices" can be sued in court for damages - for saddling millions of people with children they do not want. For creating scenarios where two completely incompatible persons are stuck co-parenting a child they did not plan for and do not want. This is the reality of the "preciousness" the Republican Brute Force Insurrection Minority has fought so hard for. Every Republican in America should just be handed six kids and be told, "here, these are yours!"

Making strict, theological laws that impose the will of the evangelicals on the rest of society is an American version of the Taliban and Sharia Law, it violates the First Amendment. It specifically follows a destructive formulae, what is good for our small church group must be adhered to by a much larger society that wants no part of Taliban (Republican "Evangelicals") Sharia (one-size fits all) Anti-Abortion "law". The inverse would be if all the Atheists in America imposed their Atheism on the Evangelicals, making Atheism the law of the land. Atheists would then be violating the majorities First Amendment Rights...

Roe v Wade SCOTUS leak

Louisiana is set to charge women who have "suspicious miscarriages" with murder charges - is this what is meant by the term, "Compassionate Conservatism?" Is putting Mother's into For-Profit Prisons "Pro-Life?" To lie in wait to put women in For-Profit Prisons for "murder" does not seem very "Pro-Life," it is more of a Trumped Up Death Cult, the Death of Human Beings for the crime of being Mothers. UnCompassionate UnConservatives should really call their For-Profit Prison Plan what is is, a Death Cult, Death to future Women locked in Louisiana Prisons. No exceptions for incest, rape or a very significant health threat to the Mother - we are Pro Death. The Alt Right Religious Zealots are a Cult, like all "good" Cults, you must believe their trash.

The US Autocracy and the Maim Slime Media will work in concert to give you amnesia about 75 million women (150 million, including the fathers) having their rights trashed by 5-6 men. They will make this about some evil, villanous, treasonous whistleblower, not about six "justices" with a penchant for power and more power. Don't give them the power they seek, don't let them fill For-Profit Prison workhouses with slaves.

For many decades, the Federal Government has interlaced (unjust) law after law, pursued policies and news sound bites that divide (conquer) America. Cannabis is a felony, Cannabis is legal, Cannabis is recreational. Alcohol is illegal, alcohol is legal, et al. The purpose of these laws and of moving the lines around so many times is to make people afraid and 'guilty." Fearful, guilty people are easier to control. If you pass enough laws, then everyone, everywhere is guilty of violating this or that law or ordinance. Guilty people are afraid, timid and quiet. Divided people are easier to control than "One people under God." Our pledge of "allegiance" should read "Divided, fearful people under Quasi-Fascist "law..." Women were becoming or indeed were the biggest voting block in America. "Justice" Alito forgot to mention that he and his' peers have divided women as a voting block into numerous, warring factions. In the states that have passed, or will pass, draconian anti-choice laws - - men and women can and will argue over "what is the right thing to do." Reproductive rights will extend to men also, meaning the "Conservative" States will put men, also, into For-Profit Prisons as workhouse slaves. In plainest English, men are guilty, also and therefore should be tame, docile and void of opinion. This law, among many other CoIntelPro laws, is a real gem of the action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.

Justice Thomas wants to dictate contraception, choice and same-sex-marriage rights to the masses. Justice Thomas does not see how ironic it is that a miscegenation couple wishes to lay down the law, literally - while enjoying their mixed-race marriage fought for by Justices who were his diametrically opposed opposites. Clarence and Genni Thomas are too blind to see the irony of the positions their drunkeness of power are fomenting, but both are going to outlaw Gay Marriage.

It is *not* your *body* - It IS the **State's Body.**

Alito (Draft), Roberts, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas and Barrett ~ Pride, Lust, Anger, Greed, Jealousy, Envy and Sloth

Tracy Turner was raised in a family of Horticulturists and Farmers turned Petroleum Industry Workers. Tracy has written numerous articles for OpEdNews, BeforeItsNews, Salem News, FourWinds10, and Activist Post. Tracy enjoys growing vegetables, studying plants, cooking, and listening to music. Studying the collapse of the West, via its denial, could keep millions of writers busy. Writing has become pointless - the Internet is filled with propaganda, disinformation and censorship. Last Monday, several people on Facebook were marveling over disinfo propganda while completely overlooking some pretty amazing truth right in front of them. The lies had shinier graphics, those so mesmerized were like squirrels with a bit of foil fallen from a sandwich.


Roe v Wade SCOTUS leak

Pro-Choice Protestor's placard, Pasadena Courthouse, California May 4, 2022.

Roe v Wade SCOTUS leak

Roe Wade Overturned

Roe Wade Leak

Roe Wade Protest

Roe Wade Draft

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Roe Wade Op-Ed

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