U.S. Government Black Projects and Operations - News, Articles & Blogs 2024
Compiled by Tracy Turner~updated December 5, 2024
There are some people who truly believe that the U.S. Government has a great moral character,is sinless,flawless and is like a physician who follows the Hippocratic oath,“first do no harm”.
The following U.S. Federal Government(OSS,CIA,NSA,FBI,DoJ,Homeland Security,Air Force Cyber Command Wing,(et al)alphabetized list of programs are still running. They don’t“stop”or“shut-down”;rather, they take all the evil“lessons learned”and go on running the finely-honed, tuned-up versions of these programs under new names(so as to confuse the public). One example Paperclip/Camelot/MK Ultra is now the NSA’s“The Program.”Paperclip’s architects are all probably dead, but the NSA’s version of Paperclip/Artichoke/Dormouse/Camelot/MK Ultra/NSA’s“The Program”is running full bore as of Fall 2021. This page is devoted primarily to well-known, documented,i ndisputable Government Black Operations, not“theory”…BTW, discrediting Dennis Montgomery or other leakers does not diminish the illegal, hateful campaigns of a government in cataclysmic failure mode. The U.S. is now Rome and electronic Pompeii, and the U.S. believes social media-urinating on whistleblowers will grant a failing government a few more years of Anthropocene profit taking. This work (correctly) assumes FBI Cointelpro is an "is" and is not a "was."The Zionist Nazi NSA is a Globalist Satanic Cabal, ignore brainwashing using the word"was." Prism was.Cointelpro was. THERE IS NO WAS!
Project Avalon
Questions from Project Avalon:EMF protection-Connecting ...
15/01/2013 ·Questions from Project Avalon: EMFprotection with Karelia from Project AvalonVideo Playback Transcript?? Project AvalonQuestions&Answers January 15,2018. This is a short question and answer interview with Simon Parkes and members of Project Avalon. Subjects discussed were the crashed Malaysian plane,conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza,CERN ...
The Avalon Archivecontains digitized media scanned from source materials that document the history of Avalon. Currently,the collection includes AvalonYacht Club Yearbooks starting in 1951-2007,The History of Avalonby Robert Matt and John Fallon's"World War II Memories of A Combat Engineer",Army Engineer Magazine,November-December,2009.
Mind-Controlled Sex Slaves-archive.org
Mind - ControlledSex Slaves And the CIAA collection of essays and interviews about Project MONARCH By Tracy R. Twyman. 3 Acknowledgements Special thanks to all of those who made this book possible,including Brian Albert,John DeCamp,Pamela Freyd,Noreen Gosch,Ted Gunderson,Cathy O’Brien,
CIA Microwave Weapons, Mind Control,and a Secret Dirty War–YouTube
Microwaves and Mind Control-pinknoiz.com
ending what they believe to be electronicharassment and mind-controlexperimentation,possibly involving the CIA. We decided to take a closer look at the situation. We are now in touch with approximately a dozen individuals throughout the United States who appear to be targets of harassment and mind-controlexperimentation involving directed ...
MIND-CONTROL-ARCHIVE:No-Touch Microwave Torture Electronic by ...
No-Touch MicrowaveTorture by ElectronicHarassment—New Socio-Criminal Problem of Global Proportions ... Email This BlogThis!Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels:Government GangStalking and ElectronicHarassment, MIND CONTROL. No comments:Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post ... ANTI-HILLARY ARCHIVEView my ...
Microwave Mind Control-UK Intelligence Forces And ...
The massive number of microwaveantennae that dot the country,some of which are used for the microwavephone network,all use pulse modulated microwaves,which makes their use for a strategic mind controldevice against the civilian population in times of trouble,or rioting,crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population. In ...
https://samim.io/dl/Synthetic_Telepathy_And_The_Early_Mind_Wars- by_Richard_ Alan_Miller...
Less than Lethal Weapons",by Shen-y Sweetman, 1987, p4, which cites" Non-Lethal Weapons for Law Enforcement: Research Needs and Priorities. A Report to the National Science Foundation by the Security Planning Corporation, 1972. Researchby Harlan Girard.) 1972"A U.S. Department of Defense document said that the Army has tested a microwave weapon.
Scalar Weapons-Read It and Weep-bibliotecapleyades.net
1 . THE DISCOVERYOF SCALAR WAVES It all started in the 18 th century with a Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell( 1831-1879).. Hewas a mathematical genius and his work led to the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s Relativity.
Volume III-Scalar Weapons:Read it and Weep
THE DISCOVERY OF SCALAR WAVES It all startedin the 18th century with a Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.( 1831-1879). Hewas a mathematical genius and his work led to the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s Relativity.
SCALAR WEAPONS:Read it and weep By C Verismo
1 . THE DISCOVERYOF SCALAR WAVES It all startedin the 18th century with a Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.( 1831-1879). Hewas a mathematical genius and his work led to the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s Relativity.
Understanding Mind Control Research
Scalar Weapons Read It And Weep Bibliotecapleyades NetMay 10th,2018- 1 THE DISCOVERYOF SCALAR WAVES It All Started In The 18 Th Century With A Scotsman Named James Clerk Maxwell 1831 1879 HeWas A Mathematical Genius And His Work Led To The Development Of Quantum Physics Which Later Led To Einstein’s Relativity'
How Secret Policing With Deadly“Non-Lethal”EMF/Scalar ...
14/03/2021 ·Please note here that the Department of Justice essentially declared in 1986 that two kinds of non-lethal weaponswere on the table for further development and testing in joint DoD/DoJ programs:one,open-domain non-secret non-lethal weapons,and…
The Intelligence Community has betrayed us the People are at war with the(IC)and the Deep State(DS).. The FBI is keeping Litterally Slaves in the name of NATIONAL…
Scalar Weapons&Targeted Individuals
evidence is also indicative of scalar weapons,because no high-energy frequency could penetrate that distance of solid earth. Diagrams and pictures are provided. We can deduce that the Vircator satellite weaponsemit scalarwaves at certain frequencies(3920–3935 MHz),and these electromagnetic waves penetrate very far into the earth and
Agenda 21 aka Agenda 2030,2050(Stack and Pack Refugee Camps Coming To You)
Globalism:U.N.S. Agenda 21 Agenda 2030 Vision 2050
01/08/2016 ·U.N. Agenda 21has morphed into Agenda 2030and now into Vision 2050,a plan to force 9 billion people to live by the globalistsprescription of“living well and within the planet’s resources.”. Vision 2050report is“a consensus piece that was compiled by 29 leading global companies from 14 industries and is the result of 18-month long ...
Globalists Openly Admitting To Population Control Agenda
19/11/2019 · GlobalistsOpenly Admitting To Population Control Agenda. Please Share This Story!Technocrats among the global elitehave long called for population controlto reduce the consumption of resources and to cleanse the human genome. Once regarded as a conspiracy theory,it is in plain view today. ⁃ TN Editor.
Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21,Agenda 2030,and ...
29/07/2016 ·U.N. Agenda 21has morphed into Agenda 2030and now into Vision 2050,a plan to force 9 billion people to live by the globalistsprescription of“living well and within the planet’s resources.”. Vision 2050report is“a consensus piece that was compiled by 29 leading global companies from 14 industries and is the result of 18-month long ...
Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21,Agenda 2030,and ...
27/07/2016 ·U.N. Agenda 21has morphed into Agenda 2030and now into Vision 2050,a plan to force 9 billion people to live by the globalistsprescription of“living well and within the planet’s resources.”
The Globalist Agendarepresents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the controlof a single,global state. There is a small,but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this"New World Order".
Agent Blue
Have You Heard of VA Disability Claims for Agent Blue ...
People also askHow does Agent Blue affect a rice field?
The Fate of Agent Blue,the Arsenic Based Herbicide,Used ...
Spraying Agent Blue added a significant amount of water soluble arsenic to the rice roots,rice grains,water and soil. The United States and Republic of Vietnam militaries sprayed and dumped Agent Blue on the rice paddies to desiccate rice plants and then burn the rice residue and seeds.
Episode 2099-Arsenic and Agent Blue in Vietnam
14/07/2021 · Agent Bluewas first used in 1962. Spraying continued until 1971. Vietnamese rice today remains tainted with arsenic. Most scientific studies associate bladder cancer,skin cancer,and lung cancer with arseniccontact. Bladder canceris listed most often. The men and women in the military in Vietnam were in the midst of the heaviest arsenicprogram in the world. The effects of arsenicoften…
Agent Blue haunts Vietnam War vets-Asia Times
07/12/2020 ·“Agent Blue was sprayed on 100,000 hectares(one hectare is about 2.5 acres)of mangrove forestsand about 300,000 hectares of rice paddies just before rice harvest time,”Olson said. That“resulted in destroying the standing crop and contaminated soils and water sediments with arsenic.”
(PDF)The Fate of Agent Blue,the Arsenic Based Herbicide ...
Agent Blue (Figure 8)contributed to the arseniccontamination crisis in the rice paddiesof South Vietnam and may have contributed to eleva ted levels in the Mekong Delta groundwater.
Agent Orange
America’s Secret Chemical Weapon:Agent Orange,a Dioxin ...
People also askCan a Vietnam veteran get cancer from Agent Orange?
Agent Orange and Cancer:An Overview for Clinicians ...
31/12/2008 ·The particular dioxinpresent in Agent Orange,2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,or TCDD,is unusually toxic. In postwar studies that compared Vietnam veterans with contemporary veterans who had served elsewhere, TCDDlevels were found to be elevated among those who had served in Vietnam,2-4 although the elevations diminished slowly over time.
What Is Agent Orange?What Types of Cancer Does It Cause ...
24/03/2020 ·A Highly Toxic Compound. In fact,the main ingredient in Agent Orange,dioxinTCDD,is a highly toxic compound that causes cancer,disrupts hormones and leads to other serious medical and reproductive problems. When people are exposed to dioxin,…
For poisoned Viktor Yushchenko,the dioxin vehicle was ...
27/04/2018 ·But the type of dioxindoctors found in Yushchenko,TCDD,was the most lethal kind;it was also used in Agent Orange,a herbicide sprayed by U.S. troops during the Vietnam War that has been linked to numerous health problems. After Yushchenko’s poisoning,he suffered severe gastrointestinal problems and his face was temporarily disfigured.
7 Cancer|Veterans and Agent Orange:Update 11(2018 ...
A third study(Akahane et al.,2017)examined the prevalence of self-reported long-term health effects(including bowel cancer)in people exposed to PCBs, dioxins(e.g.,PCDD/Fs),and dioxin-like chemicals through ingestion of contaminated ricebran oil(Yusho accident)compared with an age-,sex-and residential-area-matched group. Because no TEQs or other quantification of relevant exposures was…
Rainbow Herbicides/A Brief History-Vietnam Veterans of ...
Aspen Institute,2019). Thus,the Rainbow Herbicidestested and dispersed in Vietnamwas from 1961 to Fall 1971. In all,there were more than 19 million gallons of nine herbicidesand tactical herbicidesused in Vietnamand an unavailable number of gallons used in the Southeast Asia countries the U.S. included in its theatre of operation.
Exposure to the Herbicides Used in Vietnam-Veterans and ...
Assessment of human exposure continues to be a key element in addressing two of the charges that guide the work of this committee. This chapter first presents background information on the military use of herbicidesin Vietnamfrom 1961 to 1971 with a review of our knowledge of exposures of those who served in Vietnamand of the Vietnamesepopulation to the herbicidesand to the contaminant 2 ...
Rainbow Herbicides-Vietnam Veterans-VVA17
Agent Orange is an herbicideand defoliant chemical,one of the"tactical use" Rainbow Herbicides.It is widely known for its use by the U.S. military as part of its herbicidal warfare program, OperationRanch Hand,during the VietnamWar from 1961 to 1971. It is a mixture of equal parts of two herbicides,2,4,5-T and 2,4-D.In addition to its damaging environmental effects,the chemical has ...
Project Artichoke/Bluebird–Human Experiment and Ethics
08/11/2017 ·In the 1950s,during thetime of theKorean war,Project ARTICHOKEformally known as Project BLUEBIRDinvolved the CIAbeginning to venture more into thearea of mind control.To be more specific, ARTICHOKEinvolved“special”interrogations. Both of these projected had a great deal of work in thecreation of amnesia,hypnotic couriers and the...
1949—CIA’s Research in Covert Mind-Control Techniques i ...
18/01/2015 ·Among these: BLUEBIRD,ARTICHOKE,MK-NAOMI,MK-SEARCH,PANDORA,MIDNIGHT CLIMAX,and MK-ULTRA,the best known of CIA’s mind controlprojects. The unconscionable experiments tested the malleability of human consciousness;they were designed to erase memory and cause total amnesia using electroshock.
Mind Control&Ritual Abuse-BLUEBIRD:Deliberate ...
BLUEBIRD is the cryptonym for a CIA mind control programthat ran from 1951 to 1953. Other mind control programs include ARTICHOKE,MKULTRA,and MKSEARCH. The purpose of the book BLUEBIRD…
07/04/2019 · BLUEBIRD&MK ULTRA CIA MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTS:HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES BY PSYCHIATRISTS AND PSYCHOLOGISTS. April 2019. Conference:EPA Congress 2019. At:Warsaw. Project:Organised Ritualised Crime ...
Project ARTICHOKE|Mind Control Wiki|Fandom
Project ARTICHOKEwas a CIAproject that researched interrogation methods and arose from project BLUEBIRDon August 20,1951,run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. A memorandum by Richard Helms to CIAdirector Allen Welsh Dulles indicated Artichokebecame Project MKULTRA on April 20,1953 . The project studied hypnosis,forced morphine ...
Project MERRIMAC was a domesticespionage operation coordinated under the Office of Security of the CIA. It involved information gathering procedures via infiltration and surveillance on Washington-based anti-war groups that might pose potential threats to the CIA.
12/05/2021 ·Background Operation CHAOS or Operation MHCHAOS was the code name for a domesticespionage projectconducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. A department within the CIAwas established in 1967 on orders from President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson and later expanded under President Richard Nixon. The operation was launched under Director of
CIA Documents on Project MERRIMACK:U.S. Central ...
This is a copy of a selection of documents from Project MERRIMACKthat were declassified by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency( CIA),probably in the 1980s,...
archive.org/details/CIA-Project-MERRIMAC/c00017988 copy
Project MERRIMAC was a domesticespionage operation employing infiltration and and surveillance of anti-war groups. ProjectRESISTANCE was a domesticespionage operation to gather information on U.S. based groups the CIAbelieved might attack CIAfacilities or personnel. Major targets of CHAOS activity were the Students for a Democratic Society ...
CIA FILES–Operation ARTICHOKE–archive files ...
11/12/2010 · CIA ARTICHOKEFILES"Manchurian Candidate" ARTICHOKE CIAFiles- ARTICHOKEwas the CIA'Scryptonym for the study and/or use of special interrogation methods that have been known to included hypnosis,drugs and total isolation. It grew out of the Agency's OperationBLACKBIRD and was a forerunner to the Agency's MKULTRA. Project ARTICHOKEalso known as…
Operation ARTICHOKE CIA Files-PaperlessArchives.com
Title: Operation ARTICHOKE CIAFiles Author:BACM Research-PaperlessArchives.com Subject: Operation ARTICHOKE CIAFiles Keywords"Manchurian Candidate" ARTICHOKE CIAFiles- ARTICHOKEwas the CIA'Scryptonym for the study and/or use of special interrogation methods that have been known to included hypnosis,drugs and total isolation.
Document number CIA-RDP81-00261R000300050005-3 declassified and released through the CIA's CREST database. Previously available only on four computers located outside of Washington D.C.,the Agency was successfully pressured into putting the files onlineas a result of a MuckRock lawsuit and the efforts of Emma Best.
MK ULTRA,LSD,Hippie Movement,Mind Control ...-archive.org
05/11/2020 ·A line drawing of the Internet Archiveheadquarters building façade. An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass. ... Project Artichoke ... BLUEBIRD-CIA_page_numbers.json download. 1.3K . CIA- Bluebird_page_numbers.json download. 806.0B .…
Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects by Val ...-WHALE
Project MK-ULTRA,1953,CIA:Drugs,electronics and electroshock Targeting:Short range Frequencies:VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception:Local production Purpose:Programming behavior,creation of"cyborg"mentalities Effects:narcoleptic trance,programming by suggestion Subprojects:Many. Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
U.S. Government Ran Chemical Experiments on Military ...
by J.D. Heyes July 26,2012 from NaturalNews Website. The United States,for its warts,has achieved much in its short 230-plus year history. It is a benevolent world superpower,for the most part,that serves as a beacon of hope and freedom for an increasingly oppressed world,even as it serves as a guardian against tyranny for as many as half of the world's nearly seven billion people.
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control-The Evolution of ...
In August 1951, ProjectBLUE BIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE,which evaluated offensive uses of interrogation techniques,including hypnosis and drugs. The program ceased in 1956. Three years prior to the halt of Project ARTICHOKE, ProjectMK-ULTRA came into existence on April 13,1953 along the lines proposed by Richard Helms,Deputy ...
U.S. Government Ran Chemical Experiments on Military ...
by J.D. Heyes July 26,2012 from NaturalNews Website. The United States,for its warts,has achieved much in its short 230-plus year history. It is a benevolent world superpower,for the most part,that serves as a beacon of hope and freedom for an increasingly oppressed world,even as it serves as a guardian against tyranny for as many as half of the world's nearly seven billion people.
Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects
Project Moonstruck,1952,CIA:Electronic implants in brain and teeth. Targeting:Long range . Implanted during surgery or surreptitiously during abduction. Frequency range:HF-ELF transceiver implants. Purpose:Tracking,mind and behavior control,conditioning,programming,covert operations
02/08/2015 ·1947-1949 many subjects volunteered. ProjectBlueburd and Project Artichokewere part of this and there were 149 sub projectsthat splintered out of it. Dullos signed executive order for MK Ultra to catch up and surpass Russia in mind control. LSD–
Project ARTICHOKE-Organized Stalking Awareness
15/09/2020 · ARTICHOKEwas conducted and coordinated by the Central Intelligence Agency( CIA)to research interrogation methods. Preceded by Project BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKEofficially arose on August 20,1951 and was operated by the CIA'sOffice of Scientific Intelligence.
Project Artichoke/Bluebird–Human Experiment and Ethics
08/11/2017 · Project Artichoke/Bluebird. In the 1950s,during the time of the Korean war, Project ARTICHOKEformally known as Project BLUEBIRDinvolved the CIAbeginning to venture more into the area of mind control. To be more specific, ARTICHOKEinvolved“special”interrogations. Both of these projected had a great deal of work in the creation of ...
Project ARTICHOKE|Mind Control Wiki|Fandom
Project ARTICHOKE was a CIA projectthat researched interrogation methods and arose from project BLUEBIRDon August 20,1951,run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. A memorandum by Richard Helms to CIAdirector Allen Welsh Dulles indicated Artichokebecame ProjectMKULTRA on April 20,1953. The projectstudied hypnosis,forced morphine addiction(and subsequent forced withdrawal),…
Background on the Aviary-bibliotecapleyades.lege.net
Article in 1995. Nexus Magazine,Australia. from GovernmentMindControl Website I received an email from Filip Coppen,the editor of Frontier 2000,an alternative magazine in Belgium,that he was doing an article on the Crystal Skulls and asked if I was interested to participate(last year,April,1995). He told me he was molding his article after one published by NEXUS magazine,out of Australia.
People and Places-COINTELPRO,Remote Viewing,Mind Control
COINTELPRO,Remote Viewing, Mind Control. by Doc Hambone. from MindControlForums Website . Places;The AviaryCognitive Sciences Laboratory Esalen Institute Human Potential Foundation Institute for Advanced Studies Institute for Noetic Sciences Mankind Research Unlimited The Monroe Institute ...
Strahlenfolter Stalking-Ti-Mind Control ...
Strahlenfolter Stalking-Ti- Mind Control- Bibliotecapleyades.net[pon20eg57pl0]. ... Download&View Strahlenfolter Stalking-Ti- Mind Control- Bibliotecapleyades.netas PDF for free.
aviary main saga:long Tail Keywords(2 words)main file remote viewing flying objects mind controlrichard rick:long Tail Keywords(3 words)saga of flying hoagland richard rick richard rick c c hoagland richard richard c hoagland rick c doty c doty telephone
"Project Anvil"to'Project Oaktree'(mind control and ...
We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination,from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking,not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions,and keep an open mind.****Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer,more…
MIND-CONTROL-ARCHIVE:https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net ...
https://www. bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon02.htm https://www. bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mi...
Tavistock Institute of Mind Control–Forbidden Knowledge TV
24/01/2021 ·yes they use mind control/manipulation to fullfill their purpose. This satanic\m/afia has placed occult paraphernalia throughout society to sew the seed of spiritual bonbdage. they are witches,warlocks,black magicians bound together by a unholy baptism of spiritual captivity Revelation 13:10.
CIA Documents:Operation CHAOS-Internet Archive:Digital ...
18/06/2018 ·According to a November 30,2010 letter from the CIAto the historian Trevor Griffey,also included with this selection of documents,"The records of this operation,[ OperationCHAOS, ProjectMERRIMACK,and ProjectRESISTANCE]including the indexes,were destroyed in 1990 pursuant to a recommendation of the Commission on CIAActivities within the United States(commonly known as…
CIA Phoenix Assassination Program-Internet Archive
Many,if not all,of the Phoenix Program materials were created or collected and donated by Douglas Valentine. The Phoenix Program was a program designed,coordinated,and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency( CIA),United States special operations forces,special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam(AATTV),and the Republic of Vietnam's(South ...
Project PAPERCLIP:Central Intelligence Agency-archive.org
10/02/2016 ·Addeddate 2016-02-10 18:28:38 Identifier ProjectPAPERCLIPIdentifier-ark ark:/13960/t4tj2mt38 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Ppi 600 Scanner…
Blue Beam
What Is The Blue Beam Project?-A Simulated"Second ...
by David Openheimer. April 16,2000. from AlienAstronomer Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website Spanish version . What is the Blue Beam Project?It involves two things. A technologically simulated" second coming"and the reemergence of new"MONTAUK"type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a"rapture"type of situation and whisk the whole bunch ...
The Blue Beam Project-The Second Coming of Jesus Christ ...
23/05/2021 ·The Blue Beam project is a conspiracy theory proposed by Serge Monast who claims that NASA and the United Nations are trying to implement the New Age religio...
Project Blue Beam and Second Coming of Christ?–Corner Of ...
23/04/2016 ·Project Blue Beam and Second Comingof Christ?Ever heard of Project Blue Beam?Project Blue Beam is said to be a secret project ran by the Elite that will use lasers from highly sophisticated laser beam satellites in an attempt to create images in the sky of peoples most sacred beliefs.
28/06/2020 ·Are we living in the times of Noah?What will happen soon?What will be the signs of Christ's Second Coming?Is the Rapture close and the Second Comingof Ch...
Blue Beam-The Uncovert Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
Additional Information-Are You Ready for The Grand Illusion??-London-Zion-2012:Español-El León Se Despierta-Conciencia Global-Global Religion for Global Governance-Lasers in Space-Technological Options for Enhancing US Military Capabilities-Space Based Laser-SBL-The Fake Second Coming-TechnoRealities/What Is Going On In The Skies-Are Some UFO's from...
Blue Beam Project A Simulated Second Coming-Neets.me ...
09/07/2021 ·What is the Blue Beam Project?It involves two things. A technologically simulated" second coming"and the reemergence of new"MONTAUK"type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a"rapture"type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land.Ironically,portions of the holographic projections have the potential for changing the planet into ...
Project Blue Beam:The Electronic Second Coming
04/11/2012 ·As for Project Blue Beam-like schemes,Johnson says that in 1985 he was approached by a representative of televangelist Rev. Robert Schuller,pastor of the Crystal Cathedral,in Garden Grove,California.“He wanted to emulate the Second Comingof Christby projecting laser images in the clouds. I turned him down.”
Government Leaks File Describing‘Remote Mind Control ...
20/04/2018 ·The US governmentmay have been secretly collecting documents on‘remote mind control’and‘forced memory blanking’,accidentally leaked files suggest. A reporter claims to have been mysteriously sent the proof after filing a request for a different set of information. In what sounds like a plot from the X-files,they revealed research ...
Government Leaks File Describing‘Remote Mind Control ...
21/04/2018 · GovernmentLeaks File Describing ‘Remote Mind Control,’‘Forced Memory Blanking’ GovernmentLeaks File Describing ‘Remote Mind Control,’‘Forced Memory Blanking’A compressed file detailed research into bizarre‘psycho-electronic’weaponry Source
US government accidentally sends a strange conspiracy ...
20/04/2018 ·The US governmentmay have been secretly collecting documents on‘remote mind control’and‘forced memory blanking’,accidentally leaked files suggest. A reporter claims to have been mysteriously sent the proof after filing a request for a different set of information.
ADVERTISEMENT US government accidentally sends a strange ...
The US governmentmay have been secretly collecting documents on'remote mind control'and'forced memory blanking',accidentally leaked iles suggest. A reporter claims to have been mysteriously sent the proof after iling a request for a different set of information. In what sounds like…
Project Camelot-University of Toronto
Project Camelot :A mid-1960s U.S. Army-sponsored behavioral science research projectabout the revolutionary process and counter-insurgency measures. In April of 1965,Hugo Nutini,a Chilean-born assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh,went to
(PDF)Project Camelot|Mark Solovey-Academia.edu
Cold War in Latin America:The Camelot Project( 1964-1965)and the Political and Academic Reactions of the Chilean Left. Comparative Sociology,10,807-825. Price,D.H.(2011).
academia.edu/19627572/ Project_Camelot
Project Camelot and Chile|Free Ukraine Now
30/12/2014 ·30/12/2014 ·This release,dated December 4, 1964,is a summary version of a larger set of documents made available in August 1964and in December 1964[I.L.H.]. Project CAMELOTis a study whose objective is to determine the feasibility of developing a general social systems model which would make it possible to predict and influence politically significant freeukrainenow.org/2014/12/30/project- camelot-and-chile
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate-WHALE
The CIA named the operation CASTIGATE. After settling into a Frankfurt hotel,Wendt,Thompson,and the Naval Intelligence man set out to meet the ARTICHOKE crew at the local CIA headquarters. It was located in the huge,elongated building that had housed the I. G.…
Project Blue was/is the Guiana operation. ProjectSearchlight was the cover name for ProjectBlue:Resettlement of 34 Level 4 subjects. Level 4 refers to the degree of mind control that the subject has been programmed to. Level 4"sleepers"are programmed assassins,the co-called ManchurianCandidate. Jim Jones was only one of the projectleaders.
The CIA's Mind Control Program:Project MKUltra
16/05/2016 · ProjectMKUltra was officially started in 1953,and right away they started with the LSD. More specifically,government agents started covertly administering LSDto“people who could not fight back”,including mental patients,drug addicts,and prisoners. For some reason,the CIA also slipped acid to their own employees and military personnel.
The CIA's Appalling Human Experiments With Mind Control ...
MK-Ultra’s“ mind control”experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy,hypnosis,polygraphs,radiation,and a variety of drugs,toxins,and chemicals.
Mind Control|Justice4Poland.com
23/05/2015 · Castigate– 1952 Project CASTIGATEbegan when the Navy and the CIA teamed up to test a“secret potion”that consisted of a depressant,a stimulant,and the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs were to be administered over a three-day period.
U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments|Psychology Today
26/04/2020 · ProjectMKULTRA was the Central Intelligence Agency’s(CIA) mind controlprogram that used LSDand hypnosis techniques to brainwash individuals. Theodore Kaczynski,also known as…
The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control:Torture,LSD And ...
09/09/2019 ·MK-ULTRA,which operated from the1950s until theearly'60s,was created and run by a chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. Journalist Stephen Kinzer,who…
CIA Documents:Operation CHAOS:U.S. Central Intelligence ...
18/06/2018 ·This is a copy of two collections of documents from Operation CHAOS(MHCHAOS)that were declassified by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency(CIA). The first collection was probably declassified in the 1980s,and was later released on Dec. 21,2011 on CD-ROM in response to a FOIA request F-2011-00472.
Chapter 11 Special Operations Group-“‘Operation CHAOS”
Beginning in late 1969, Operation CHAOSused a number of agenta(130)131 to collect. intelligence abroad on any foreign connections with Ameri-can dissident groups. In order to hare sufficient“cover”for these a.gents,the Operationrecruited persons from domestic dissident ...
Domestic Surveillance:The History of Operation CHAOS–by ...
18/12/2011 ·Domestic Surveillance:The History of Operation CHAOSby Verne Lyon from Covert Action Information Bulletin,Summer 1990 Verne Lyon is a former CIA undercover operative who is now a director of the Des Moines Hispanic Ministry.For over fifteen years,the CIA,with assistance from numerous government agencies,conducted a massive illegal domestic covert operationcalled…
[PDF]Operation Chaos|Download ebook|Read Online Free
13/02/2018 ·Download or read book entitled Operation Chaoswritten by Matthew Sweet and published by Henry Holt and Company online. This book was released on 13 February 2018 with total page 320 pages. Available in PDF,EPUB and Kindle.
The NSA's Global Spying Network-bibliotecapleyades.net
After President Nixon came to office in 1969,all of these domestic surveillance activities were consolidated into Operation CHAOS. After the revelation of two former CIA agents’involvement in the Watergate break-in,the publication of an article about CHAOSin the New York Times and the growing concern about distancing itself from illegal ...
Some Declassified Mind Control Programs
Supposedly searching for Russian instigators(Never found) CHAOSwill eventually spy on 7,000 individuals and 1,000 organizations,utilizing the information for later experiments in domestic mind control and harassment programs. MK-DELTA 1950-1970s MKDELTA,like its successor MKNAOMI,was a mind control operationrun by the Central Intelligence ...
OPERATION CHAOS The CIA's War Against the Sixties Counter-Culture by Mae Brussell,November 1976. The CIA prepared for defense against American youth unrest in 1965,the same year as Camelot and Politica. With full knowledge of their illegal activities,they joined forces with the CIA and the Army.
OPERATION CHAOS:The CIA's War Against the ...-WHALE
By July,1968, Operation Chaos,identical to Chilean" Chaos,"went after the"Restless Youth."This wasn't a study. It was an attack. Mid-summer of 1969,one month before the Manson Family massacres, Operation Chaoswent into the most tight security of any assignment ever accomplished inside the CIA.
OPERATION CHATTER :For the purpose of interrogation. 1953-57: OPERATIONBLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE:Sodium Pentathol Injections,hypnosis Purpose;erase memory,create double,triple personalities,resist torture,conduct covert operations without memory later. 1/8/53:Death of Dr. Harold Blauer:Injections of Synthetic Mescaline Derivative.
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control-bibliotecapleyades.net
Project CHATTERwas developed in response to the Soviet’s"successes"through the use of"truth drugs."This rationale,however was simply a cover story if the program were to be exposed. The research focused on the identification and testing of such drugs for use in…
Telepathy and The Technology of Mind Control
Telepathy and The Technology of Mind Control. June 06,2006. from ArtificialTelepathy Website. A"profane"or materialistic view of telepathy became commonplace after World War II. Just as new mathematical models and theories of physics had been brought to bear on development of the atomic bomb,so too new tools were brought to bear on the ...
Chikwit(Project MKULTRA)
Project MKCHICKWIT|Military Wiki|Fandom
Project MKCHICKWIT,or CHICKWIT was a covert Department of Defense program developed in conjunction with the CIA. A partner program to MKSEARCH,the goal of MKCHICKWIT was to"identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain information and samples". Project MKULTRA
Project MKCHICKWIT-Kook Science
Project MKCHICKWIT was a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency program conducted in cooperation with the Department of Defense,operating under the aegis of ProjectMKSEARCH,for the purpose of identifying and studying"new drug developments in Europe and Asia."This projectreportedly ran from 1968-1971 at the United States Army's Edgewood Arsenal Research Laboratories.
Project MKCHICKWIT. An illegal mind control research programme. Project MKCHICKWIT,or CHICKWIT was a covert program of the US Department of Defense operated in conjunction with the CIA. A partner program to MKSEARCH,the goal of MKCHICKWIT was to"identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain information and samples".
Project MKCHICKWIT, or CHICKWITwas a covert Department of Defense program developed in conjunction with the CIA. A partner program to MKSEARCH,the goal of MKCHICKWITwas to"identify new drug developments in Europe and Asia and to obtain information and samples".
20/07/2021 ·MPD/DID through RSA torture is the proper term,along with hypnosis and chemical catalysts. Psychological magic mixed with Satanic methods of ancient times. Words that should scare even you:Aritchoke, MK-Ultra,Often, Chikwit,NAOMI,and on and on. Patsies and real killers created by assembly line,rendered sleepers into society for activation ...
Project Cloverleaf:You don’t know what you don’t know ...
Project Cloverleafwas a joint US&Canada military operation with the focus of distributing chemicals in the atmosphere above both countries. ... The only reason why“Killer Cuomo”was indicted for a sex crime is to cover up his Geriatric Genocide. ... Are these well planned assassinations of Texas police officers really stealthattacks on ...
The Stealth Genocide Program-Review:Death In The Air
Accomplish two objectives in a single operation:1. Kill off the America-centric military with slow deathGulf War Syndrome,and 2. Make money by selling polluted vaccines. The propaganda campaign waged through the media about the efficacy of vaccines is pure psychological operations,or…
Project Cloverleaf-Chemtrails And Their Purpose ...
11/09/2014 · Project Cloverleafis a joint US-Canadian Military Operationinvolving distributing chemicals into the atmosphere above Canada and the United States. Both US military refueling tankers and thousands of planes in private corporate aviation are used. Military&civilian aspects of Project Cloverleafare covert operations
OPERATION CLOVERLEAF:The Most Dangerous Weapons…
29/08/2015 ·We can trace the beginnings of Operation Cloverleafright to the Strangelove brain of Dr. Edward Teller,father of the hydrogen bomb and proponent of nuking inhabited coast lines to rearrange them for economic projects.31 Before he died in 2003,Teller was director emeritus of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,where plans for nuclear,biological and directed energy weapons are…
OPERATION CLOVERLEAF:The Most Dangerous Weapons…
19/02/2016 · OPERATION CLOVERLEAF:The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History Chemtrails:Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security.…
“Operation Cloverleaf”:The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing ...
19/01/2021 ·1.At least part of the aerosol projecthas been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf,probably due to its multi-faceted operations,which include:weather modification,military communications,space weaponsdevelopment,ozone and global warming research plus…
Project Cloverleaf|Laboratory of Hidden Alternatives
18/08/2012 ·CIA-led Project Cloverleafwas one of the initial“aerosolized heavy-metal particulate” operations.Massive spraying of the upper-atmosphere/Stratosphere commenced. The U.S. DOD operationssoon followed,as the US Air Force became embedded in the overall operations,strategically.
COINTELPRO is an acronym for a series of FBI counterintelligence programs designed to neutralize political dissidents. Although covert operations have been employed throughout FBI history,the formal COINTELPRO's of 1956-1971 were broadly targeted against radical political organizations. In the early 1950s,the Communist Party was illegal in ...
How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents-bibliotecapleyades.net
13/07/2003 ·by Laura Knight. from LauraKnightJadczykBlogspot Website The subject of COINTELPROcomes up quite a bit on our websites and has done so since we became fully aware of its activity in the various"alternative news/views"movements back in late 2001. Up to that point in time,we were thinking that it was probably likely that,now and again,a group might be infiltrated by an agent for a specific ...
Cosmic Cointelpro Timeline-1-bibliotecapleyades.lege.net
Return to Cointelpro. Introduction"The main threat to Democracy comes not from the extreme left but from the extreme right,which is able to buy huge sections of the press and radio,and wages a constant campaign to smear and discredit every progressive and humanitarian measure."-George Seldes ...
A Wider Perspective on the Bogdanov Affaire:COINTELPRO ...
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk. from Cassiopaea Webpage The following message has been making the rounds of various discussion groups:From:Marcello Truzzi Sent:Tuesday,November 05,2002 4:56 PM
COINTELPRO(Counterintelligence Program)
-Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO- COINTELPROand the Speed of Light-A Wider Perspective on the Bogdanov Affaire- CointelproCósmico-Extractos-Cosmic CointelproTimeline-Enochian Magicians,Aliens and the Nazis-Agents of Cosmic COINTELPROand The Stargate...-…
16/01/2018 ·Most of these tactics have been used in former Cointelprooperations by the United States,Russia,and Germany against their civilian population. This hidden evil’s genesis is obviously derived from known tactics such as bogus investigations,surveillance,smear campaigns,the use of noise,thefts,break-ins,character assassination,staged ...
COINTELPRO (Counterintelligence Program)[back]FBI[" COINTELPROwas the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge which swept the country during the 1960s.....The FBI set out to eliminate"radical"political opposition inside the US. When traditional modes of repression(exposure,blatant harassment,and prosecution for political crimes)failed to counter the growing insurgency ...
The COINTELPROPapers. In this brief statement,Assistant Special Agent in Charge Zigrossi summarized over two centuries of U.S. jurisdiction and'law enforcement"in Indian Country. From the country's founding through the present,U.S. Indian policy has consistently followed a program to subordinate American Indian nations and expropriate ...
HistoryIntended EffectsRange of TargetsMethodsLater Similar OperationsNotable People TargetedFurther ReadingCentralized operations under COINTELPRO officially began in August 1956 with a program designed to "increase factionalism,cause disruption and win defections"inside the Communist Party USA(CPUSA).Tactics included anonymous phone calls,Internal Revenue Service(IRS)audits,and the creation of documents that would divide the American communist organization internally. An October 1956 memo from Hoover recla…See more on en.wikipedia.org Estimated Reading Time:10 minsThe Modern COINTELPRO and How To Fight It|Deep Green ...https://dgrnewsservice.org/civilization/repression/...22/06/2014 ·Most of us have probably heard about COINTELPRO(shorthand for Counter-Intelligence Program),a covert FBI program officially underway between 1956 and 1971. COINTELPROmainly targeted socialists and communists,black nationalists,Civil Rights groups,the American Indian Movement,and much of the left,from Quakers to Weathermen.
The Hunt for Red Menace:Evidence is Immaterial ...
COINTELPRO was designed to"increase factionalism,cause disruption and win defections"inside the Communist Party U.S.A. The FBI program was later enlarged to include disruption of the Socialist Workers Party(1961),the Ku Klux Klan(1964),Black nationalist groups such as the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam(1967),and the entire ...
COINTELPRO[Counterintelligence Program](1956-1976)
14/03/2014 · COINTELPROwas a counterintelligence program run by the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)from roughly 1956 to 1976. It combined the efforts of the Bureau and local police forces to track,harass,discredit,infiltrate,destroy,and destabilize dissident groups in the United States.
FBI COINTELPRO in the 1990s-The Judi Bari Website
America's Secret Police- FBI COINTELPROin the 1990s. AMERICA'S SECRET POLICE:(This report was written by Noelle Hanrahan in association with the Redwood Summer Justice Project,which pursues Judi Bari's and Darryl Cherney's civil rights case against the FBIand Oakland Police.)On April 22,1970,as 22 million Americans rallied across the ...
Zinn's Offer of Expert Testimony on COINTELPRO in Bari ...
02/03/2016 · Judi BariWebsite. Learn more about the Judi Bariand Michael Cherney case at www.judibari.org. First FBIInterview with Howard Zinn . In July 2010,the FBIdeclassified 243-page file on Howard Zinn,dating back to 1949. The first recorded contact with Zinn is this report filed four years later on November 25,1953.
THE ESTATE OF JUDI BARI,and DARRYL CHERNEY,Plaintiffs,vs. FBISpecial Agent FRANK DOYLE,Jr.,et al.,...-- COINTELPRO:The FBI's Covert Action Programs ... USA—is consistent with the history of the Federal Bureauof Investigation. That history,for many years before 1990,and
Uncovering the FBI Bomb School-Earth Island Journal
Judi Bari ’s and Darryl Cherney’s defamation lawsuit against the FBIhas uncovered evidence that the bureau’s discredited COINTELPROoperations are still in effect. COINTELPRO(short for Counterintelligence Program)was a secret FBIplan to“expose,disrupt,misdirect,discredit or otherwis
Derby Hat Operation Top Hat
Mind Control By Harry V. Martin and David Caul-WHALE
In Operation Derby Hat,foreign nationals accused of drug trafficking were given L.S.D. by the Special Purpose Team,with one subject begging to be killed in order to end his ordeal. Such experiments were also conducted in Saigon on Viet Cong POWs.
The NSA's Global Spying Network-bibliotecapleyades.net-Mind Control.
Many of the companies that receive the most important commercial intercepts-Lockheed,Boeing,Loral,TRW and Raytheon-are actively involved in the manufacturing and operation of many of the spy systems that comprise ECHELON.
ECHELON:America's Secret Global Surveillance Network
The operation of ECHELON serves the NSA’s goal of spying on the citizens of other countries while also allowing them to circumvent the prohibition on spying on US citizens. ECHELON is not only a gross violation of our Constitution,but it violates the good will of our European allies and threatens the privacy of innocent civilians around the ...
Some independent privacy campaigners said the MEPs have not got far enough. They urged the committee to investigate new eavesdropping systems already in operationto address Echelon's shortcomings. They also warned that commercially available encryption software would be easily overcome by intelligence services.
But when asked to work on a projectin 1984,she refused,saying it could harm the US government. Shortly after, Echelon’s wire pullers in the NSA made sure she was fired. Newsham immediately sued her former employer for wrongful dismissal and contacted the…
Project Freedom-Echelon-bibliotecapleyades.net
Project Freedom- Echelon. ECHELON. This covertly run Government terrorist organization is designed. to monitor and manipulate EVERY citizen. Whoever or Wherever You Are!by Patrick S. Poole. Excerpts from Nexus Magazine Aug/Sept 1999. from MindControlForums Website. Patrick S. Poole is a lecturer in government and economics at Bannockburn ...
La Red Echelon-The Echelon Network-bibliotecapleyades.net
La Red Echelon-The EchelonNetwork. ECHELONis a name used in global media and in popular culture to describe a signals intelligence(SIGINT)collection and analysis network operated on behalf of the five signatory states to the UKUSA Security Agreement.(Australia,Canada,New Zealand,the United Kingdom,
ECHELON 2-bibliotecapleyades.lege.net
ECHELON :THEY’VE GOT IT TAPED. . . and they don’t give a damn about personal privacy or commercial confidence. Project415 is a top-secret new global surveillance system. It can tap into a billion calls a year in the UK alone. Inside Duncan Campbell on how spying entered the 21 st century . . .
Inside Echelon-bibliotecapleyades.lege.net
Echelon ,or systems like it,will be with us a long time to come. Echelonis a system used by the United States National Security Agency(NSA)to intercept and process international communications passing via communications satellites. It is one part of a global…
ECHELON :America's Secret Global Surveillance Network. Company 56. Robert Dreyfuss,“Company Spies,”Mother Jones,May/June 1994. 57. Cited in Bruce Livesey,“Trolling for Secrets:Economic Espionage is the New Niche for Government Spies,”Financial Post(Canada),February 28,1998. 58. Bibliotecapleyades.netVisit URL . Category ...
State-Sponsored Commercial Espionage. The Global Theft of ...
Echelon began with the UK spying on Russia and Eastern Europe,which plan eventually involved the US and then evolved into something called the“Five Eyes”network,which has been described as the most powerful espionage club in the world,a clandestine commercial intelligence collection and analysis network of astonishing proportion,engineered by the US,and involving Australia,Canada ...
Project FUBELT|Military Wiki|Fandom
Project FUBELT(also known as Track II)is the code name for the secret Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)operations that were to prevent Salvador Allende rise to power before his confirmation,and promote a military coup in Chile.. The highlights of Project FUBELTare cited in declassified U.S. government documents released by the National Security Archive on September 11,1998,25 years ...
Fubelt:Fubelt:Free Download,Borrow,and Streaming ...
Experimental live Fubelen Marimba caféDue to a planned power outage,our services will be reduced today(June 15)starting at 8:30am PDT until the work is complete.
Project FUBELT.[back][back] Chile[back]False flags. Project FUBELT(also known as Track II)is the codename for the secret CIA operations that were intended to undermine Salvador Allende's government and promote a military coup in Chile. The highlights of Project FUBELTare cited in declassified US government documents released by the ...
GRILL-FLAME . Major Edward Dames,formerly with the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency until 1992,was a long-serving member of the highly classified operation GRILL-FLAME,a program that focused on some of the more bizarre possibilities of intelligence gathering and remote interrogation.
GRILL-FLAME (Remote Viewing)T ime travel. Mockingbird The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA(eg:AboveTopSecret.com Godlike Productions)Operation Cloverleaf(Chemtrails)MK Ultra Project Monarch. MILABS . L.U.C.I.D. Oklahoma City bombing
JADE-HELM 2015-U.S. Government As Terrorist Home Invasion
Jade Helm Decoded-bibliotecapleyades.net
Jade Helm Decoded Level 9 News(below video),who appeared in the above interview with John B. Wells,gave a 38 minute YouTube presented about what exactly she has uncovered concerning JADE Helmas an artificial intelligence exercise-talk about adding layers…
The World's New Order-bibliotecapleyades.net
Jade Helm 15-10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercises. Source That"Truth and Action"reporting on JH15 is"mammoth"in size,scope,and videos!Readers will see video after video of military armored vehicles,etc. moving across the USA-but for what reason?With whom is the U.S. military going to war in 10 U.S. states?
PROJECT L.U.C.I.D.-universe-people-EN
Project L.U.C.I.D.-Excerpts from the book“Project L.U.C ...
Project LUCID -Audio Interview to Texe Marrs. from LastDay'sProphecy Website . It's Frightening,And It's Real. Project L.U.C.I.D.,the covert government operation destined to devour the whole world. Soon,every person on Earth-even newborn babies-will be issued the universal biometrics I. D. card. Resisters will have a mind control biochip ...
Project L.U.C.I.D.-Excerpts from the book“Project L.U.C ...
Officially called L.U.C.I.D.,it is a grotesque system of universal slavery which-even as you read this-is being implemented by federal and international intelligence police agencies. This computerized I. D. card-to be followed eventually by an implanted chip-is an electronic straitjacket that allows the New World Order's Gestapo to ...
PROJECT L.U.C.I.D.-angels-heaven.org cosmic-people.com
project l.u.c.i.d .-the beast 666-universal human control system:2. no place left to hide:3. the new mark card-"don't leave home without it!"4. implantable biochips:a"do or die"situation:5. mystery mark of the new age:6. iso 9000:the program to mark all-mammon…
MK Delta
MK Naomi
MK Often
MK-Ultra-The Monarch Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
26/03/2015 · ProjectMKULTRA,or MK-ULTRA,was the code name for a covert,illegal CIA human research program,run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s,continuing at least through the late 1960s,and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.
Project MKDELTA|Mind Control Wiki|Fandom
Project MKDELTA. Edit. Edit source. History. Talk(0)MKDELTA,like its successor MKULTRA,was a mind control operation run by the Central Intelligence Agency. It involved the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations. According to the Church Committee report(Book I,Chapter XVII):A special procedure,designated MKDELTA,was established ...
In MK Ultratraining,the Butterfly symbolizes the Transition from the caterpiller to the Free Flying Butterfly,after being in the Cocoon. MK- Delta. DELTA. This is known as“killer”programming,originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers(i.e. DeltaForce,First Earth Battalion,Mossad,etc.)in covert operations.
MK-Ultra-The Monarch Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
Español.- MK-ULTRA-Hacia La Muerte Mental.- MK-ULTRA(Reptoid)Mind Control Machine.- Project MK-ULTRA-The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification.- Project Monarch-Nazi Mind Control-The Evolution of ProjectMKULTRA. Italiano.-Svali-Prima Serie-Gli Illuminati-In che Modo il Culto Programma le Persone.
Ross MD,Dr. Colin Dr. Colin Ross MD speaks in 2009 in Los Angeles with Roseanne Barr,Cathy O'Brien and MarkPhillips about CIA mind control, MK-Ultraand the documented history of Project Blue Bird and Project Artichoke.There'sa myth that these mind control/psychiatric torture programs stopped in the 1970s. No they did not. They were outed in the 1970s-and the all…
MK-NAOMI(1949–1969)tested lethal biochemical agents ...
18/01/2015 · MK-NAIMI was a joint project of the CIA and the Special Operations(SO)Division at Fort Detrick. Hank Albarelli quotes an early memorandum in which a bacteriologist articulates MK- NAOMI’s mission:“Our mission was pretty simple and to the point:to provide the CIA with every means possible to maim or kill targeted groups or individuals through the use of toxic and…
BIO-WARFARE:Morgellons&The CIA’s‘MK/NAOMI’Project ...
22/04/2021 ·As some readers may be aware, MK/ NAOMIwas the cryptonym for an ultra-secret project instituted by the CIA for its partnership with the Special Operations Division(SOD)of the U.S. Army’s biological warfare center at Fort Detrick,Maryland. The general objectives of MK/ NAOMI,as stated in contemporaneous CIA documents,were:
Gain of Function exercises have been used for the deliberate releasing of a disease in order to gauge an effective way of switching it off. Furthermore,it can be argued that MK NAOMIis still being carried out with COVID-19 as a major worldwide Gain of Function exercise that is being used to destroy world economies and pave the way for the Great Reset.
MK UltraMKULTRA. MKULTRAhad about 139 to 150 sub-projects ... nobody knows what they all were,or even if that is the subtotal. It's the basic mind control project of the CIA after WWII. He has files on as many of these as he can possibly get."I have in my possession about 80 of the 149 sub-project files which I obtained through FOIA,filing ...
Project MOCKINGBIRD:Ongoing Covert Control of the Media--Propaganda,Cointelpro,CIA,Mass Mind Control and Surveillance
SourceWatch has Revised the History of the CIA's ...-WHALE
That is a project Mockingbird,and there are books that make mention of it. The Operation MockingbirdI've written about was a state propaganda program and it was,I've learned from Joe Trento's Secret History of the CIA,assembled by Allen Dulles in 1946,a year before the Agency was created by the National Security Act.
The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD-bibliotecapleyades.net
This unlikely land of enchantment is the creation of MOCKINGBIRD. It was conceived in the late 1940s,the most frigid period of the cold war,when the CIA began a systematic infiltration of the corporate media,a process that often included direct takeover of major news outlets.
Pentagon-CIA Influence and the Mockingbird Media it Owns
Operation Mockingbirdwas a CIA projectto infiltrate and covertly control the media. It began in the 1950s under then CIA director Allen Dulles. The declassified files(most are classified and secret,but a tiny fraction here)show how the CIA infiltrated the mainstream media and had its pieces inserted into TV,newspapers and journals ...
Project MOCKINGBIRD:Ongoing Covert Control of the Media ...
08/12/2016 ·In 1952,at MCA,Actors’Guild president Ronald Reagan–a screen idol recruited by MOCKINGBIRD’s Crusade for Freedom to raise funds for the resettlement of Nazis in the U.S.,according to Loftus–signed a secret waiver of the conflict-of-interest rule with the mob-controlled studio,in effect granting it a labor monopoly on early television programming.
The CIA's Project MOCKINGBIRD-Ongoing Covert Control of ...
In 1952,at MCA,Actors'Guild president Ronald Reagan-a screen idol recruited by MOCKINGBIRD's Crusade for Freedom to raise funds for the resettlement of Nazis in the U.S.,according to Loftus-signed a secret waiver of the conflict-of-interest rule with the mob-controlled studio,in effect granting it a labor monopoly on early television programming.
Monarch Mind Control
MK-Ultra-The Monarch Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
Español.-MK-ULTRA-Hacia La Muerte Mental.-MK-ULTRA(Reptoid)Mind Control Machine.- ProjectMK-ULTRA-The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification.- Project Monarch-Nazi Mind Control-The Evolution of Project MKULTRA. Italiano.-Svali-Prima Serie-Gli Illuminati-In che Modo il Culto Programma le Persone.
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control-The Evolution of ...
Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration,in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process,a Satanic ritual,usually including Cabalistic mysticism,is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or ...
The Bibliotecapleyades.net Present:The Evolution of ...
The Bibliotecapleyades.netPresent:The Evolution of ProjectMKULTRA/ Project MonarchNazi Mind Control by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace,through a multitude of manipulated mediums,lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race;a form of systematic mind ...
Project Monarch Nazi Mind Control
Project Monarch Nazi Mind Control The Bibliotecapleyades netPresent The Evolution of April 22nd,2019-The Bibliotecapleyades netPresent The Evolution of ProjectMKULTRA Project MonarchNazi Mind Control by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace through a multitude of manipulated
The Bibliotecapleyades netPresent The Evolution of April 22nd,2019-The Bibliotecapleyades netPresent The Evolution of ProjectMKULTRA Project MonarchNazi Mind Control by Ron Patton Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace through a multitude of manipulated mediums lies one of the most diabolical atrocities ...
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton-WHALE
Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration,in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process,a Satanic ritual,usually including Cabalistic mysticism,is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or ...
Monarch mind-control programming-WHALE
Project Monarch :Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton. Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley.(PDF)Perry,Katy Cat/Kitten alter A. Purple Cat Suit with Animal Print:Symbolizing Beta‘Sex Kitten’Programming+Purple represents the…
Operation CONDOR
The CIA’s'Operation Condor':Dirty War,Death Squads…
OPERATION CONDOR[South American Terror].pdf(PDFy mirror ...
01/01/2014 ·Addeddate 2014-12-06 05:00:10 Identifier pdfy-82jGhOMqaYgkFEPn Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8md1zc2k Ocr ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet ArchivePython library 0.6.3
The CIA’s'Operation Condor':Dirty War,Death Squads and ...
murdered and kidnapped in the South American Dirty War(Credit:AP)Operation Condor was the name given to a secret union of intelligence services of six US-supported,South American military governments-Argentina,Bolivia,Brazil,Chile,Paraguay and Uruguay,which operated during the 1970s into the early 1980s.
Jackie Chan Operation Condor:Free Download,Borrow,and ...
31/05/2016 ·jackie chan operation condor. Addeddate 2016-05-30 21:52:50 Identifier JackieChanOperationCondorScanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 21,585 Views . 23 ...
Operation Doormouse
Operation Dormouse and Artichoke|OUTPOSTS|OffPlanet ...
Project Artichoke and Operation Dormouse. Recently released documents show that although the horrors and atrocities of MKULTRA received most of the attention and public outrage over CIA mind control programs,the tortures earliest,deepest and most influential roots in…
Operation Dormouse-Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia
26/10/2010 · Operation Dormouse. Operation Dormousewas a covert operationlaunched in 1975 by the CIA to divert attention from ProjectArtichoke.[1] Operation Dormousewas to divert attention from ProjectArtichoke and direct it to the infamous ProjectMKULTRA .[2]
Operation Dormouse:The covert CIA operation to shift ...
Operation Dormouse :The covert CIA operationto shift public attention from ProjectArtichoke to the now infamous MKULTRA MKUltra,as horrible as it was,was only a limited hangout to keep public attention off of the atrocities being committed under ProjectArtichoke.
Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio-Internet Archive
22/08/2008 ·1992. Topics. gladio,terrorism. This 3-part series exposes the clandestine'stay-behind' operationsponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence after World War II in Italy,as well as in other European countries. The Gladionetwork of operatives is alleged to have been involved in various acts of terrorism,trying to influence ...
Operation Gladio-Internet Archive
30/01/2019 · Operation Gladio:The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican,The CIA And The Mafia,Paul L. Williams(2015)Item Preview
Operation Jefferson
Operation Jefferson . Also worth mentioning Battelle Memorial Institute(BMI)a major source of research and development expertise for our government owns laboratories in West Jefferson,Ohio. According to The New York Times,the laboratories are center to a top-secret defense projectnamed" Operation Jefferson."In a September 2001 article,the ...
Project MoonDust and Operation Blue Fly:The Retrieval of ...
On Stone's behalf,New Mexico Senators JeffBingaman and Pete Domenici agreed to make inquiries to the Air Force about ProjectMoon Dust and OperationBlue Fly. In response to a letter from Senator Bingaman in 1992,the Air Force told the Senator that,"there is no ProjectMoon Dust or Operation…
The Ultimate Secret-Majestic-12-bibliotecapleyades.net
The Top Secret OperationMajestic-12 was established by order of President Harry S. Truman in 1947. OperationMajestic-12,was created to take charge of the technical,sociological and other aspects of the crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants,dead or alive,that were recovered. In later years this operationevolved into and became known ...
Operation Dirty Trick/Operation Mongoose[Secret CIA]
Possible Actions to Provoke,Harrass,or Disrupt Cuba
Operation COVER-UP:a. Objective:The objective is to convince the Communist government of Cuba that Naval Forces ostensibly assigned to the MERCURY projectis merely a cover. b. Concept:It should not be revealed as to what the cover is--this should be left to conjecture. This could tie in with Operation DIRTY TRICK. 7. Operation DIRTY TRICK:a.
Operation Dirty Trick:Castro Blamed for Glenn Failure
20/02/2020 ·The proposal was called Operation Dirty Trickand was part of Operation Mongoose,a set of plans aiming at starting a revolution in Cuba to remove Castro from power.
Operation Mongoose-AKA:Cuban Project-The Black Vault
06/05/2015 ·The Cuban Project,also known as Operation Mongoose,was a covert operationof the Central Intelligence Agency( CIA)developed during the first year of President John F. Kennedy’s administration. On November 30,1961,aggressive covert operations against Fidel Castro’s government in Cuba were authorized by President Kennedy.
Operation Mongoose:Government Corruption and the CIA
Operation Mongoose :Government Corruption and the CIAGeorge H. W. Bush was a CIAoperative involved in Operation Mongooseduring the Kennedy Administration.i The Zapata Corporation—the Bush oil company—was a key player in the CIA’s mission to spark anti-communist revolutions in Latin America.ii With that being one of its goals,it was only fitting that the company should be named after ...
Operation Keelhaul
Operation Keelhaul;Untold American/British Genocide ...
TABU;Towards A Better Understanding Operation Keelhaul ...
Operation Keelhaul was created and executed by the U.Sand Britainliterally to the genocidaldeath of millions by U.S. Military hands that corralled the broken people and placed them on transports back to Russia where death or slave labor awaited. In 1945,General Dwight Eisenhower ordered that“ Operation Keelhaul”be put into effect.
I think you should have emphasized that Operation Keelhaulwas a Communist program of genocideconducted by the Americanarmy on behalf of Stalin,just as OperationEastwind was the same thing conducted by the Britisharmy,both on the orders of Dwight Eisenhower(and Franklin Roosevelt).
01/03/2013 · Operation Keelhaulwas carried out in Northern Italy by Britishand Americanforces to"repatriate"Soviet Armed Forces POWs of the Nazis to the Soviet Union between August 14,1946 and May 9,1947. The term has been later applied to other Allied acts of often forced repatriation of former residents of the USSR after the ending of World War II .
Deporting Russia’s Past: The Anti-Polish Operation of the ...
05/12/2017 · Operation“ Głębocki”In November,Professor Głębockiwent to Russia,yet,again. Aside from researching in the Russian capital,he was invited to give a talk on the Anti-Polish Operationfor Memorial and the Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg. On Friday,November 24,he returned to Moscow by train,arriving shortly before midnight.
Operation Paperclip-bibliotecapleyades.net
Operation Paperclip. OperationPaperclip(also credited as ProjectPaperclip)was the code name under which the U.S. intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany,during and after the final stages of World War II. In 1945 the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility ...
Operation Catapult-Operation Keelhaul-Operation ...
Operation Catapult-Operation Keelhaul-Operation ...
02/10/2013 · Operation Catapult-Operation Keelhaul-OperationUnthinkable-Churchill's Hall of Shame. The three operations above are certainly not the complete Hall of Shame for Winston ChurchIll but the lesser known facts which reveal. Churchill was a war criminal and a"conventional"mass murderer. France officially was at war with the Allied.
Operation Garden Potter
Operation Garden Potter-WHALE
Operation Garden Potter . Well,the red list are the ones that are going to be picked up and executed before martial law,the blue will be the ones that will be picked up and executed after martial l
Operations&Projects Blue ...(Vietnam war)Phoenix project Operation Garden Potter(re Martial Law)Operation Red Rock ... Of The Free Press By The CIA ...
From“Operation Garden Plot”To The Phoenix Program…
From“Operation Garden Plot”To Phoenix Program and CHAOS To“REX 84”To 9/11 To DHS To U.S. NORTHCOM:The Multiple-Decade DoD-CIA-DHS Plan For Perpetual War Against Dissidents(aka”Counter-Terrorism”and“Gangstalking”),Totalitarian Military Dictatorship,and Martial Law
Operation MILABS
Secret Space Program Disclosures and False Flag Alien ...
Operation Midnight Climax
Operation Midnight Climax:How the CIA Dosed S.F. Citizens with ... a Central Intelligence Agency operation that covertly tested lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD)...
History of LSD. The CIA Prostitutes remained ... Operation Midnight Climax. The CIA’s initial experiments with LSD were fairly simple,if shockingly unethical.
Secret CIA Operations-MKUltra,Operation Paperclip,Mind Control ...
Jul 22,2015-It marked the beginning of Project ARTICHOKE,a CIA investigation into mind control that experimented with hypnosis,forced addiction,and LSD. We're going to assume that the project was a failure when they realized participants were too busy studying the tiny galaxies in their fingerprints and having ...
Project Paperclip:Mother of MK-ULTRA ... projects that later morphed into MK-ULTRA,OPERATION MIDNIGHT ... by MK-DELTA,MK-SEARCH,MK-OFTEN and MK-NAOMI.
Project MKULTRA-Mind Control Wiki
Project MK-ULTRA,or MKULTRA,... Operation Paperclip was a ... and generally to explore any other possibilities of mind control. An MK-ULTRA program tagged ...
Operation Northwoods
Code named Operation Northwoods,the plan,which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,called for innocent people to be shot on American streets;for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas;for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington,D.C.,Miami,and…
Operation Northwoods:Us Planned Fake Terror Attacks…
US Planned Fake Terror Attack on Citizens to Create Support for Cuban War[Operation Northwoods]January 5,2015 By Sheep Media
Operation Pique
Operation Pique-WHALE
The CIA had a similar program in 1978 called Operation Pique,which included bouncing radio or microwave signals off the ionosphere to affect mental functions of
Propagation of microwaves has been very well studied and is very sophisticated,e.g.,a two inch beam can be sent from a satellite,point to point,to a receiving dish on earth;and,it was reported in 1978,that the CIA had a program called Operation Pique,which included bouncing radio signals or microwaves off of the ionosphere to affect the…
Operation Red Rock
Operation REX 84
Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program
Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program that ...
Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. by. Annie Jacobsen(Goodreads Author)4.06·Rating details·4,264 ratings·566 reviews. The explosive story of America’s secret post-WWII science programs,from the author of…
Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence Program That ...
07/06/2021 ·Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists To America:Annie Jacobsen:Free Download,Borrow,and Streaming:Internet Archive. In the chaos following World War II,the U.S. government faced many difficult decisions,including what to do with the Third Reich’s scientific minds.
Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program that ...
Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Programthat Brought Nazi Scientists to America.@inproceedings{Jacobsen2014OperationPT,title={ Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Programthat Brought Nazi Scientists to America},author={A. Jacobsen},year={2014}}A. Jacobsen. Published 2014. Political Science. View via Publisher.
Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence Program That ...
07/06/2021 · Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence ProgramThat Brought Nazi Scientists To America:Annie Jacobsen:Free Download,Borrow,and Streaming:Internet Archive. In the chaos following World War II,the U.S. government faced many difficult decisions,including what to do with the Third Reich’s scientific minds.
Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program that ...
22/03/2015 · Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Programthat Brought Nazi Scientists to America. By Annie Jacobsen. New York and Boston:Little,Brown and Co,2014. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Pp. xii,438.$30.00 ISBN:978-0316-22104-7 and The Nazis Next Door:How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men. By Eric Lichtblau.
thefreelibrary.com/Operation Paperclip:The Secret Intelligence Program that Bro...
Operation Paperclip the secret intelligence program to ...
01/01/2020 · Operation Paperclipwas the United States Office of Strategic Services(OSS) programin which more than 1,500 Nazis,primarily scientists but also engineers ...
Operation Paperclip-bibliotecapleyades.net
Operation Paperclip . Operation Paperclip(also credited as Project Paperclip)was the code name under which the U.S. intelligence and military services extracted German scientists from Nazi Germany,during and after the final stages of World War II. In 1945 the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility ...
Project PaperClip and The Space Race-bibliotecapleyades.net
This operationwas renamed Paperclipand formally authorized in August 1945 by President Harry Truman,who was assured that no one with“Nazi or militaristic records”would be involved. By mid-November,more Nazi scientists,engineers,and technicians were arriving in America,including Wernher von Braun and more than seven hundred other Nazi rocket scientists.
Operation Paperclip [back]Operations. Quotes. See:Nazi list NASA. Disney Nazis[vid]The True History and Purpose of NASA[vid]How the CIA was hijacked by the Nazis and their supporters in Corporate America From the book"America's Nazi Secret". Ford and the Führer By Ken Silverstein
In America,the Knights,with their OSS,later the CIA,were behind' Operation Paperclip'. After World War II,top Nazis and scientists were illegally secreted into the United States. Many were placed in the top-secret military installation in Tonapah,Nevada known as'Area 51'. The perfection of the Nazis'anti-gravity aircraft(flying saucers ...
Phoenix Project
CIA Black Ops,Mind Control,MK-Ultra,New Phoenix Project ...
Phoenix programme[back]Ass assinations[back]Vietnam war[CIA programme.The systematic killing and terrorising of civilians exposed in the My Lai massacre.C ontinues to exist and operate worldwide today(eg Iraqi and Palestinian civilians),was seen in Nicaragua under the code-name OperationPegasus,and in El Salvador with the El Mozote massacre,and in Indonesia with the Santa Cruz Massacre.
The Phoenix Program,My Lai and the“Tiger Cages”-WHALE
The PhoenixProgram,My Lai and the“Tiger Cages”excerpt from The PhoenixProgram. The following excerpt from The PhoenixProgram,by Douglas Valentine,is from Chapter 24:“Transgressions”. It deals with the My Lai massacre and the infamous“Tiger Cages.”. The chapter notes are given at the end of the text,together with a ...
THE PHOENIX PROJECT-part 1-bibliotecapleyades.net
THE PHOENIXPROJECT(PART 1)The PhoenixProject actually gets its start in the late 40's. It was an attempt to control the weather using information and technologies derived from the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich,an Austrian scientist.. Reich is said to have been a brilliant man,credited with discovering the highly controversial"orgone"energy. ...
PHOENIX II-bibliotecapleyades.lege.net
PHOENIX II(aka)THE MONTAUK PROJECT SETTING UP PHOENIXII. With the cancellation of the PhoenixProject,the people involved were on the horns of a dilemma.They had spent the better part of almost 20 years developing mind control and stealth technologies that…
The Montauk Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
Philadelphia -Rainbow -Phoenix-Montauk. The following material is primarily derived from the book The Montauk Project,written by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon. The book gives the supposed history of several government projects,starting with the infamous"Philadelphia Experiment"conducted in…
CIA Phoenix Assassination Program-Internet Archive
The PhoenixProgram was a program designed,coordinated,and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency(CIA),United States special operations forces,special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam(AATTV),[1]and the Republic of Vietnam's(South Vietnam)security apparatus during the Vietnam War.
Monarch The New Phoenix Program-Internet Archive
The PhoenixProgram,created by the CIA in 1967,was aimed at"neutralizing"—through assassination,kidnapping,and torture,the civilian infrastructure that supported the Viet Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It was a terrifying"final solution"that violated the Geneva Conventions. The PhoenixProgram's civilian targets of assassination ...
Project Pegasus
Note:The Bruneval,Freshman,North Africa,Italy,Greece,Ardennes,Norway and Far East sitesare not yet online.
An iconused to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.
29/12/2015 · CIA,DARPA and ProjectPegasus Basiago claims that in 1967/1968,when he was age six,his father Raymond Basiago introduced him to a teleportation device by which he was physically transported from New Jersey to New Mexico,as“the first American child to teleport.”. I was first brought into ProjectPegasus by my father in 1967-68,when at age six I teleported with him from New Jersey…
In the 39-part interview,he relates his experiences in DARPA’s ProjectPegasus as one of America’s early time-space explorers during the period 1969-72 and narrates the seven episodes over 40 years in which the CIA,in possession of a“quantum access”capability since 1967-68,briefed him about his destiny as a public figure who would ...
The CIA’s Operation Midnight, The Pegasus File
27/02/2018 ·5535. On April 13,1953, CIAdirector Allen Dulles authorized ProjectMKULTRA,the controversial series of experiments aimed at developing mind control techniques and discovering a“truth drug.”. Agents dosed subjects with LSD and other psychotropic narcotics,hypnotized them,and exposed them to radiation and electroshock therapy.
Prism(NSA Prism)
The NSA leaving data harvesting,data mining and data milling activity to the Mossad is leaving a Fox guarding a Henhouse.
NSA PRISM Powerpoint Slides-Internet Archive
National Security Agency ( NSA), PRISM,SIGAD US-984XN,Washington Post,Surveillance,Internet,FAIRVIEW,STORMBREW,BLARNEY,OAKSTAR,Edward Snowden,Glenn Greenwald These are copies of National Security Agency( NSA)powerpoint slides about its PRISMprogram,leaked by Edward Snowden.
NSA prism 13 1021-Internet Archive
Addeddate 2015-09-22 23:44:15 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier nsa- prism-13-1021 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9j42df5k Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Pages 15 Ppi 600
NSA Surveillance Program:PRISM-The Black Vault
22/11/2020 ·Background PRISMis a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency( NSA)collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies. The program is also known by the SIGAD US-984XN. PRISMcollects stored internet communications based on demands made to internet companies such as Google LLC under Section 702 of
Phoenix(CIA Vietnam)
CIA Phoenix Assassination Program-Internet Archive
The PhoenixProgram was a program designed,coordinated,and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency( CIA),United States special operations forces,special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam(AATTV),[1]and the Republic of Vietnam's(South Vietnam)security apparatus during the VietnamWar.
CIA Phoenix Assassination Program-Internet Archive
The PhoenixProgram was a program designed,coordinated,and executed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency( CIA),United States special operations forces,special forces operatives from the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam(AATTV),[1]and the Republic of Vietnam's(South Vietnam)security apparatus during the VietnamWar.
Phoenix programme[back]Ass assinations[back] Vietnamwar[ CIAprogramme.The systematic killing and terrorising of civilians exposed in the My Lai massacre.C ontinues to exist and operate worldwide today(eg Iraqi and Palestinian civilians),was seen in Nicaragua under the code-name Operation Pegasus,and in El Salvador with the El Mozote massacre,and in Indonesia with the Santa Cruz Massacre.
CIA and Operation Phoenixin Vietnam—Information about the CIA's assassination program in Vietnam. CIASupport of Death Squads William E. Colby on July 19,1971,before Senate Subcommittee testified that CIA's Operation Phoenixhad killed 21,587 Vietnamesecitizens between January 1968…
Starting in 1954 the CIAran operations attempting to overthrow the communist North Vietnamesegovernment,while supporting the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in South Vietnam. From 19571973 the CIAconducted what has been termed“The Secret War”in Laos during which they carried out almost one coup per year in an effort to overthrow their democracy.
Some Declassified Mind Control Programs
Phoenix Program I II?Ongoing Operation Phoenix. a classified military,intelligence,and security program designed by the Central Intelligence Agency( CIA)for use in the VietnamConflict. In operation between 1967 and 1972,but similar efforts existed both before and after this. The program was designed to identify and"neutralize"(via ...
Phoenix 2.0-CIA To Unleash Vietnam Era Terror Campaign in Afghanistan...
Phoenix 2.0-CIA To Unleash Vietnam Era Terror Campaign ...
24/10/2017 ·A similar campaignduring the Vietnamwar was known as Operation Phoenix. Then some 50,000-100,000 South- Vietnamese,all'suspected communists',were killed by the CIA's roving gangs. The polished Wikipedia version:
Project Mannequin
Project Mannequin,UK cloning,Mind Control and ...-…
Project Mannequin,UK Cloning,Mind Control and Genetic ...
By working with professionals who specialize in de-programming mind controlissues and also by working with NSA personnel,I have been able to confirm that these abductions and my working with MI-6 have all been part of a highly classified mind control, cloningand genetic enhancement program known as Project Mannequin.
Project Mannequin,UK Cloning,Mind Control and Genetic ...
By working with professionals who specialize in de-programming mind controlissues and also by working with NSA personnel,I have been able to confirm that these abductions and my working with MI-6 have all been part of a highly classified mind control, cloningand genetic enhancement program known as Project Mannequin.
Project Mannequin,UK cloning,Mind Control and Genetic ...
04/12/2013 · Project Mannequin, UK cloning, Mind Controland Genetic Enhancement Program-By James Casbolt
Project MKUltra
126:Project MKUltra:The CIA's Secret Mind Control ...
10/08/2020 ·A line drawing of the Internet Archiveheadquarters building façade. An illustration of a magnifying glass. ... Project MKUltra:The CIA's Secret Mind Control&Human Experimentation Program ... Project MKUltra:The CIA's Secret Mind Control&Human Experimentation Program by…
MKULTRA files-Internet Archive
comment1. Project MKULTRAwas a CIA projectconcerned with“the research and development of chemical,biological,and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to controlhuman behavior.”.
MK-Ultra-The Monarch Project-bibliotecapleyades.net
Español.-MK-ULTRA-Hacia La Muerte Mental.-MK-ULTRA(Reptoid) Mind ControlMachine.- ProjectMK-ULTRA-The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification.- ProjectMonarch-Nazi Mind Control-The Evolution of Project MKULTRA. Italiano.-Svali-Prima Serie-Gli Illuminati-In che Modo il Culto Programma le Persone.
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control-bibliotecapleyades.net
The Evolution of Project MKULTRA. With the CIA and National Security Council firmly established,the first in a series of covert brain-washing programs was initiated by the Navy in the fall of 1947. ProjectCHATTER was developed in response to the Soviet’s"successes"through the use of"truth drugs."
Additional Information- Mind ControlSlavery and the New World Order-Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican-The Disney Bloodline-The Skill Of Lying,The Art Of Deceit-from"13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati"-The Search for the Manchurian Candidate-The CIA and Mind Control-by John Marks
MK UltraMKULTRA. MKULTRAhad about 139 to 150 sub- projects... nobody knows what they all were,or even if that is the subtotal. It's the basic mind control projectof the CIA after WWII. He has files on as many of these as he can possibly get."I have in my possession about 80 of the 149 sub- projectfiles which I obtained through FOIA,filing ...
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton-WHALE
Project Monarch:Nazi Mind Control. by Ron Patton. A Brief History of ControlThe Anglo Alliance The Evolution of Project MKULTRADefinition and Description Alters and Triggers Bloodlines and Twinning Levels of MONARCH Programming Method and Components Programmers and Places Notable Names
Soul Catcher-aka Targeted Individuals aka"The Program"
Targeted Individuals-bibliotecapleyades.net
These are some of the victims who have fallen through the cracks,and their conditions have only worsened as they've begun to organize in greater numbers.' Targeted Individuals'is an intensely empathetic portrait of mental illness that feels specific to our…
Total Individual Control Technology-bibliotecapleyades.net
They are targetingspecific groups of people:those who are cognitively inclined,highly intelligent,knowledgeable about advanced technology or interested in alternative research(i.e.'conspiracy'research). In general,they are either targetingempowered individualswith free minds(to stop dissidents and revolutionaries)or those too poor and weak to fight back.
03/02/2019 ·TARGETING–Part 21:PROJECT SOUL CATCHER, MIND CONTROL,PSYCHIC WARFARE,GODS satan has dressed up mind controland made it like a shiny new toy so that it will be tempting and everyone will want it. What happens when everyone begins to ... Many CIA/DOD scripts for neural communication war games use religious metaphor.
Cherie Beltram sermon on"Targeting"in the End Times. Some of the things discussed in this message are: Project Soul Catchervolume 2, mind control,brain ...
Mind Control–Project Soul Catcher–Today’s MK ULTRA ...
Tags:World Mind Control Project Soul CatcherMKUltra Monarch programming trauma based behaviour modification about this map book to buy on amazon Dr. Robert Duncan is honest and concise in his description of some of the most intrusive surveillance and behavioral modification technologies ever created. His latest work is a must read for everyone concerned with the future of human rights in the ...
29/03/2015 · Project Soul CatcherSunday,March 29,2015. Summary of no-touch torture techniques. ... In mind control,trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.
Targeted Individuals,Electronic Harassment ...-WHALE
However, targeted individualsand victims of gangstalking can document stalking. Our analysis service teaches you how. One of the ways you document the stalking is via testing for barium. Barium is one of several chemicals,used by gangstalkers and electronic harassers. AnyLabTestNow is a testing service,which allows you to walk in at any time ...
Gang Stalking/Targeted Individuals-WHALE
We talk about the various reasons why some people become targeted individualsand the psychopathology that afflicts modern world's economic,political and governmental institutions. Dr. Horton's website is https://stop007.org[2016 July] Targeted Individuals,Electronic Harassment,Gangstalking,and ChemTrails
Starfish Prime
Operation Fishbowl Main article:Operation Fishbowl. ... YUCCA,TEAK,and ORANGE,... The Starfish Prime Explosion
Tailwind Project
Timeline of Human Experimentation&Population Control List of Top-Secret CIA/NSA/FBI/DOD Operations
From:Timeline on Human Experimentation and Population AND Resources Re:Top Secret CIA/NSA/FBI/DOD Operations
Project Monarch Operation Paperclip Timeline Secret U.S. Govt. Projects Steve Kangas Timeline CIA Atrocities Steve Kangas Origins of the Overclass
Mirrored from the following:
http://www.naturalnews.com Editors note:Years ago,there was a human torture/genocide/murder timeline similar to this that seems as if it is not even in waybackmachine. This is sourced from 6-7(linked to)sources in an attempt to recreate said page . . .
The Tartars had the idea of infecting the enemy by catapulting bodies infected with bubonic plague over the walls of the city of Kaffa. Some historians believe that this event was the cause of the epidemic of plague that swept across medieval Europe killing 25 million.
1763 The British during the French-Indian War. The Native Americans greatly outnumbered the British and were suspected of being on the side of the French. As an“act of good will”the British give blankets to the Indians,but the blankets came from a hospital that was treating smallpox victims and consequently smallpox raged through the Native American community and devastated their numbers.
1814 Andrew Jackson,whose portrait appears on the U.S.$20 bill today,supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses,the bodies of men,women and children that his troops had massacred,cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead,slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins.(Historian Ward Churchill,A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE;HOLOCAUST AND DENIAL IN THE AMERICAS,1492 TO THE PRESENT(San Francisco:City Lights Books,1997). ISBN 0-87286-323-9. pg.186)U.S. Presidents And The Masonic Power Structure
1833 Dr. William Beaumont,an army surgeon physician,pioneers gastric medicine with his study of a patient with a permanently open gunshot wound to the abdomen and writes a human medical experimentation code that asserts the importance of experimental treatments,but also lists requirements stipulating that human subjects must give voluntary,informed consent and be able to end the experiment when they want. Beaumont’s Code lists verbal,rather than just written,consent as permissible(Berdon).
1845–1849 J. Marion Sims,later hailed as the“father of gynecology,”performs medical experiments on enslaved African women without anesthesia. These women would usually die of infection soon after surgery. Based on his belief that the movement of newborns’skull bones during protracted births causes trismus,he also uses a shoemaker’s awl,a pointed tool shoemakers use to make holes in leather,to practice moving the skull bones of babies born to enslaved mothers(Brinker).
1895 New York pediatrician Henry Heiman infects a 4-year-old boy whom he calls“an idiot with chronic epilepsy”with gonorrhea as part of a medical experiment(“Human Experimentation:Before the Nazi Era and After”).
1896 Dr. Arthur Wentworth turns 29 children at Boston’s Children’s Hospital into human guinea pigs when he performs spinal taps on them,just to test whether the procedure is harmful(Sharav).
1900 A U.S. doctor doing research in the Philippines infected of number of prisoners with the Plague. He continued his research by inducing Beriberi in another 29 prisoners. The experiments resulted in two known fatalities. GERM WARFARE The Hall of Shame
1911 Turkey established gun control. From 1915-1917,1.5 million Armenians,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1915:A doctor in Mississippi produced Pellagra in twelve white Mississippi inmates in an attempt to discover a cure for the disease. GERM WARFARE The Hall of Shame
1918 The modern history of Biological Warfare(BW)starts in 1918 with the Japanese formation of a special section of the Army(Unit 731)dedicated to BW. The thought at the time was“Science and Technology are the Key’s to Winning War and BW is the most cost effective.”
1918-1919 Flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US.
1920’s Unlike the malignant twists of nature,ranging from bubonic plague through to potato blight,which have killed masses throughout the ages,both the beef and pituitary hormone CJD crises were manmade. Scrapie,the sheep equivalent of BSE and CJD,has been around for more than two centuries. Somewhat differently,human spongiform encephalopathy was unheard of before two German physicians,Creutzfeldt and Jakob,independently reported the initial cases in the 1920s. BSE,too,was unheard of until a decade after cattle(aka Mad Cow)began to be fed the protein-rich remains of scrapie-infected sheep to accelerate their growth.
1929 The Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953,approximately 20 million dissidents,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1930,April The Dallas-based law firm of Waters&Kraus announced today(March 2002)that it has received documents as a result of the discovery process in the case of Counter v. Eli Lilly&Company,et al,currently pending in Brazoria County,Texas that come from the archives of Eli Lilly&Company. The documents clearly demonstrate that Lilly’s thimerosal product,the mercury-based vaccine preservative implicated in a number of recent law suits as causing neurological injury to infants,was known as early as April 1930 to be dangerous. Docs Show Eli Lilly Knew Mercury In Vaccines Was Known Dangerous In 30’s
1930’s Less known to the public is that fluoride also accumulates in bones.“The teeth are windows to what’s happening in the bones,”explained Paul Connett,Professor of Chemistry at St Lawrence University,New York,to these reporters. In recent years,pediatric bone specialists have expressed alarm about an increase in stress fractures among young people in the US. Connett and other scientists are concerned that fluoride-linked to bone damage in studies since the 1930s-may be a contributing factor. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/
1931 Japan expanded its territory by taking over part of Manchuria and Unit 731 moved in to secure“an endless supply of human experiment materials.”Essentially all prisoners of war were available for Biological Warfare(BW)experiments.
1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads,under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations,infects human subjects with cancer cells. He later goes on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland,Utah,and Panama,and is named to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there,he begins a series of radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients. http://www.sightings.com/general4/usb.htm
1932 The Infamous Tuskegee Study
In recent history,we have seen the influence of occult population control advocates here in America. Nowhere is that influence better demonstrated than in the Tuskegee Study,a scientific research program in which 400 syphilis-infected black men were recruited by the U.S. Public Health Service back in 1932. The participants were all told that they would be treated for their infections,but instead of treating their illness,all medicines were withheld. The black men were then actively prevented from obtaining treatment elsewhere as their bodies,and the bodies of their wives and children,were systematically ravaged by disease. The evil men who conceived that Nazi-style study justified their atrocity by alleging that scientists needed to learn how untreated syphilis progressed in the human body. For a period of forty years,between 1932 and 1972,the genocidal Tuskegee Study continued. It was not until 1972,when one newspaper finally had the courage to break the story to the public,that the Tuskegee Study was finally terminated. The Population Control Agenda
1934 The original lesson about the infectious nature of these brain diseases mad cow disease”or bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE)in cattle,and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease(CJD)in humans)came from a 1934 vaccine catastrophe in the UK which brought scrapie,or“mad sheep disease”,to almost 5,000 out of 18,000 lambs within two years of their immunization against louping-ill virus infection. Tracing back,scientists discovered that the vaccine serum was prepared from a number of lambs whose dams had subsequently developed scrapie,but the significance of scrapie passing vertically from ewes to their lambs,and horizontally from lamb to lamb by virtue of the vaccine injections,was kept from international eyes by a series of egotistical carry-ons which prevented the data from reaching the pages of the scientific literature for a further 15 years.
1935 The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from Pellagra over a span of two decades,the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least 20 years that Pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occurred within poverty-stricken black populations. http://www.sightings.com/general4/usb.htm
1935 China established gun control. From 1948 to 1952,20 million political dissidents,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1938 Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945,6 to 7 million Jews,gypsies,homosexuals,the mentally ill,and 12 million Christians who were unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1939 Margaret Sanger organized her“Negro project,”a program designed to eliminate members of what she believed to be an“inferior race.”Margaret Sanger justified her proposal because she believed that:“The masses of Negroes…particularly in the South,still breed carelessly and disastrously,with the result that the increase among Negroes,even more than among whites,is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit…”The Population Control Agenda
1940 Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust. http://www.sightings.com/general4/usb.htm
1941 Japanese planes sprayed bubonic plague over parts of China. At least 5 separate instances of this occurring have been documented. In 1942“bacterial bombs”were deployed on mainland China but these attacks were determined to be ineffective.
1942 The United States(US)becomes aware of the Japanese efforts in Biological Warfare(BW)and decided to start its own program. These acts were not the only atrocities committed,however. The Japanese released thousands of plague infested rats prior to their surrender,with unknown consequences. They also tested on American POW’s during the war and the U.S. Government apparently knew about it,but did nothing(perhaps a worse atrocity). These people killed over 3000 POWs,including many Americans,in a variety of grisly experiments. What they did instead was to offer immunity to would-be war criminals in exchange for the information the Japanese learned from these experiments!
1942 Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on approximately 4,000 servicemen. The experiments continue until 1945 and made use of Seventh Day Adventists who chose to become human guinea pigs rather than serve on active duty. http://www.sightings.com/general4/usb.htm
1942 Great Britain was also developing a program in Biological Warfare(BW). The program focused on anthrax spores and their viability and“range of spread”when delivered with a conventional bomb. The fateful Gruinard Island off the coast of Scotland was chosen as the site for this testing. It was thought that it was far enough off the coast as too prevent any contamination of the mainland,which later turned out to be false. The data gathered from these experiments was used by both Great Britain and the U.S. to develop bombs that were better able to effectively disperse spores.
1943 After an outbreak of anthrax in sheep and cattle in 1943 on the coast of Scotland that directly faced Gruinard,the British decided to stop testing. A tragic consequence of this testing is that even today Gruinard Island is contaminated with Bacillus anthracis spores. The original idea for decontamination was to start a brushfire that burned off the top of the soil and killed all traces of the organisms. Unfortunately,the spores unexpectedly embedded themselves in the soil so total decontamination of the island was/is impossible. As long as no ground is disturbed,we are supposedly safe,but birds that travel back and forth from mainland to island probably don’t know this!
1943 Planning began in 1943 with the appointment of a special New York State Health Department committee to study the advisability of adding fluoride to Newburgh’s drinking water. The chairman of the committee was,again,Dr Harold C. Hodge,then chief of fluoride toxicity studies for the Manhattan Project. Subsequent members of the committee included Henry L. Barnett,a captain in the Project’s Medical Section,and John W. Fertig,in 1944 with the Office of Scientific Research and Development-the super-secret Pentagon group which sired the Manhattan Project. Their military affiliations were kept secret. Hodge was described as a pharmacologist,Barnett as a pediatrician. Placed in charge of the Newburgh project was David B. Ast,chief dental officer of the New York State Health Department. Ast had participated in a key secret wartime conference on fluoride,held by the Manhattan Project in January 1944,and later worked with Dr Hodge on the Project’s investigation of human injury in the New Jersey incident,according to once-secret memos.
1944 A Manhattan Project memorandum of 29 April 1944 states:“Clinical evidence suggests that uranium hexafluoride may have a rather marked central nervous system effect…It seems most likely that the F[code for fluoride]component rather than the T[code for uranium]is the causative factor.”The memo,from a captain in the medical corps,is stamped SECRET and is addressed to Colonel Stafford Warren,head of the Manhattan Project’s Medical Section. Colonel Warren is asked to approve a program of animal research on CNS effects.“Since work with these compounds is essential,it will be necessary to know in advance what mental effects may occur after exposure…This is important not only to protect a given individual,but also to prevent a confused workman from injuring others by improperly performing his duties. The author of the 1944 CNS research proposal attached to the 29 April memo was Dr Harold C. Hodge-at the time,chief of fluoride toxicology studies for the University of Rochester division of the Manhattan Project.
1944 When a severe pollution incident occurred downwind of the E.I. DuPont de Nemours Company chemical factory in Deepwater,New Jersey. The factory was then producing millions of pounds of fluoride for the Manhattan Project whose scientists were racing to produce the world’s first atomic bomb. The farms downwind in Gloucester and Salem counties were famous for their high-quality produce. Their peaches went directly to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City;their tomatoes were bought up by Campbell’s Soup. But in the summer of 1944 the farmers began reporting that their crops were blighted:“Something is burning up the peach crops around here.”They said that poultry died after an all-night thunderstorm,and that farm workers who ate produce they’d picked would sometimes vomit all night and into the next day.“I remember our horses looked sick and were too stiff to work,”Mildred Giordano,a teenager at the time,told these reporters. Some cows were so crippled that they could not stand up;they could only graze by crawling on their bellies. The account was confirmed in taped interviews with Philip Sadtler(shortly before he died),of Sadtler Laboratories of Philadelphia,one of the nation’s oldest chemical consulting firms. Sadtler had personally conducted the initial investigation of the damage. The farmers were stonewalled in their search for information about fluoride’s effects on their health,and their complaints have long since been forgotten. But they unknowingly left their imprint on history:their complaints of injury to their health reverberated through the corridors of power in Washington and triggered intensive,secret,bomb program research on the health effects of fluoride. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/
1944 U.S. Navy uses human subjects to test gas masks and clothing. Individuals were locked in a gas chamber and exposed to mustard gas and lewisite. http://www.sightings.com/general4/usb.htm
chaos cointelpro monarch mkultra intelligence program domestic operations american project human control research been being experiments biological children public agents operation health government warfare fluoride chaos study helms control population
1945 mirrored from:globalresearch.ca
OSS is abolished—Operation PAPERCLIP–While other American agencies are hunting down Nazi war criminals for arrest,the U.S. intelligence community is smuggling them into America,unpunished,for their use against the Soviets. The most important of these is Reinhard Gehlen,Hitler’s master spy who had built up an intelligence network in the Soviet Union. With full U.S. blessing,he creates the“Gehlen Organization,”a band of refugee Nazi spies who reactivate their networks in Russia.
These include SS intelligence officers Alfred Six and Emil Augsburg(who massacred Jews in the Holocaust),Klaus Barbie(the“Butcher of Lyon”),Otto von Bolschwing(the Holocaust mastermind who worked with Eichmann)and SS Colonel Otto Skorzeny(a personal friend of Hitler’s). The Gehlen Organization supplies the U.S. with its only intelligence on the Soviet Union for the next ten years,serving as a bridge between the abolishment of the OSS and the creation of the CIA. However,much of the“intelligence”the former Nazis provide is bogus. Gehlen inflates Soviet military capabilities at a time when Russia is still rebuilding its devastated society,in order to inflate his own importance to the Americans(who might otherwise punish him). In 1948,Gehlen almost convinces the Americans that war is imminent,and the West should make a preemptive strike. In the 50s he produces a fictitious“missile gap.”To make matters worse,the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Gehlen Organization with double agents,undermining the very American security that Gehlen was supposed to protect.
1945 May. Newburgh’s water was fluoridated,and over the next 10 years its residents were studied by the New York State Health Department.
1945-1955 Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists who had been secretly ordered to provide“evidence useful in litigation”against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the American A-bomb program were not over radiation,but over fluoride damage,the documents show. Human studies were required. Bomb program researchers played a leading role in the design and implementation of the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoridating public drinking water,conducted in Newburgh,New York,from 1945 to 1955. Then,in a classified operation code-named“Program F”,they secretly gathered and analyzed blood and tissue samples from Newburgh citizens with the cooperation of New York State Health Department personnel. The original,secret version(obtained by these reporters)of a study published by Program F scientists in the August 1948 Journal of the American Dental Association1 shows that evidence of adverse health effects from fluoride was censored by the US Atomic Energy Commission(AEC)-considered the most powerful of Cold War agencies-for reasons of“national security”. The bomb program’s fluoride safety studies were conducted at the University of Rochester-site of one of the most notorious human radiation experiments of the Cold War,in which unsuspecting hospital patients were injected with toxic doses of radioactive plutonium. The fluoride studies were conducted with the same ethical mindset,in which“national security”was paramount. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/
Hitler claimed to have gotten his inspiration for the“final solution”from the extermination of Native Americans in the U.S.
1947 By then,as the 1950s dawned,mad sheep disease was shown in the United States to jump the species barrier when a scrapie-infected food supplement brought a similar brain illness to farm-raised mink in 1947. By this stage,the medico-scientific fraternity was intensely preoccupied with another incurable brain illness,kuru,which had reached epidemic proportions amongst the Fore people living in the highlands of New Guinea. Anthropologists from the University of Adelaide unraveled a chain of events to trace the origin of kuru back to the reverent consumption of deceased tribal members’bodies. Kuru was essentially eradicated by New Guinean authorities acting in 1959 on the anthropological clue to outlaw the eating of human flesh.
1947 The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon for use by American intelligence. Human subjects(both civilian and military)are used with and without their knowledge.
1947 Colonel E.E. Kirkpatrick of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission issues a secret document(Document 07075001,January 8,1947)stating that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects.
1949 U.S. Army begins 20 years of simulated germ warfare attacks against American cities,conducting at least 239 open air tests.
1950 Sept. 20-26. One of the biggest experiments involved the use of Serratia marcescens and bacillus globigi being sprayed over 117 square miles of the San Francisco area,causing pneumonia-like infections in many of the residents. The family of one elderly man who died in the test sued the government,but lost. To this day,syraceus is a leading cause of death among the elderly in the San Francisco area.
1950 Department of Defense begins plans to detonate nuclear weapons in desert areas and monitor downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates.
1950 In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack,the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.
The French conducted research on infrasonic weapons.(From“The Road From Armageddon”,by Peter Lewis,Resonance#13,pp 9-14)The newly-formed CIA initiated studies in mind control programs“in 1950,with Project BLUEBIRD,rechristened ARTICHOKE in 1951. To establish a‘cover story’for this research,the CIA funded a propaganda effort designed to convince the world that the Communist Bloc had devised insidious new methods of re-shaping the human will;the CIA’s own efforts could therefore,if exposed,be explained as an attempt to‘catch up’with Soviet and Chinese work. The primary promoter of this‘line’was one Edward Hunter,a CIA contract employee operating under-cover as a journalist,and,later,a prominent member of the John Birch society.”
“Hunter offered‘brainwashing’as the explanation for the numerous confessions signed by American prisoners of war during the Korean War and(generally)UN-recanted upon the prisoners’repatriation. These confessions alleged that the United States used germ warfare in the Korean conflict,a claim which the American public of the time found impossible to accept. Many years later,however,investigative reporters discovered that Japan’s germ warfare specialists(who had wreaked incalculable terror on the conquered Chinese during WWII)had been mustered into the American national security apparatus—and that the knowledge gleaned from Japan’s horrifying germ warfare experiments probably WAS used in Korea,just as the‘brainwashed’soldiers had indicated.
Thus,we now know that the entire brainwashing scare of the 1950s constituted a CIA hoax perpetrated upon the American public:CIA deputy director Richard Helms admitted as much when,in 1963,he told the Warren Commission that“Soviet mind control research consistently lagged years behind American efforts.”
1953 U.S. military releases clouds of zinc cadmium sulfide gas over Winnipeg,St. Louis,Minneapolis,Fort Wayne,the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland,and Leesburg,Virginia. Their intent is to determine how efficiently they could disperse chemical agents.
1953 CIA initiates Project MKULTRA. This is an eleven year research program designed to produce and test drugs and biological agents that would be used for mind control and behavior modification. Six of the subprojects involved testing the agents on unwitting human beings.
from blackvault.com:
Project MKUltra—sometimes referred to as the CIA’s mind control program—was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects,designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency(CIA). Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs,alcohol,stick and poke tattoos,and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture,in order to weaken the individual to force confessions through mind control. Organized through the Scientific Intelligence Division of the CIA,the project coordinated with the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army’s Chemical Corps. The program began in the early 1950s,was officially sanctioned in 1953,was reduced in scope in 1964,further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities;in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects,which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy. MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions,including the surreptitious administration of drugs(especially LSD)and other chemicals,hypnosis,sensory deprivation,isolation,verbal and sexual abuse,as well as various forms of torture.
The scope of Project MKUltra was broad,with research undertaken at 80 institutions,including 44 colleges and universities,as well as hospitals,prisons,and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations,although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement. As the US Supreme Court later noted,MKULTRA was:concerned with“the research and development of chemical,biological,and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.”
1955 Another case was the joint Army-CIA BW test in 1955,still classified,in which an undisclosed bacteria was released in the Tampa Bay region of Florida,causing a dramatic increase in whooping cough infections,including twelve deaths.
1956 The Soviet Union accused the U.S. of using biological weapons in Korea,which lead them to threaten future use of Chemical and Biological weapons. This changed the focus of the U.S. program to a more defensive one. Before this,the bulk of the research was based at Ft. Detrick and used“surrogate biological agents”to model more deadly organisms. Most of the offensive tests were based on“secret spraying”of organisms over populated areas. This program was(supposedly)shut down in 1969.
1956 Cambodia established gun control. From 1975 to 1977,one million“educated”people,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
Other experiments included tests on Minneapolis that were disguised as“smoke screen tests”because residents were told a harmless smoke was being tested so that cities might be‘hidden’from radar guided missiles.
1956 U.S. military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah,Ga and Avon Park,Fl. Following each test,Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
1956 to Present FBI COINTELPRO/NSA“The Program”:The U.S. Government’s War Against Dissent mirrored from noi.org/cointelpro
Description:BI COINTELPROCOINTELPRO(an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program)was a series of covert,and often illegal,projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)aimed at spying on,infiltrating,discrediting,disrupting and destroying domestic organizations considered“subversive”. According to the FBI,“intensified attention under this program should be afforded to the activities of such groups as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,the Southern Christian Leadership Conference,Revolutionary Action Movement,the Deacons for Defense and Justice,Congress of Racial Equality,and the Nation of Islam.”
On March 8,1971,a group of anonymous activists broke into the small,two-man office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Media,Pa.,and stole more than 1,000 FBI documents that revealed years of systematic wiretapping,infiltration and media manipulation designed to suppress dissent. The Citizens’Commission to Investigate the FBI,as the group called itself,forced its way in at night with a crowbar while much of the country was watching the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight. When agents arrived for work the next morning,they found the file cabinets virtually emptied.
Within a few weeks,the documents began to show up—mailed anonymously in manila envelopes with no return address—in the newsrooms of major American newspapers.
COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare,planting false reports in the media,smearing through forged letters,harassment,wrongful imprisonment,extralegal violence and assassination. Covert operations under COINTELPRO took place between 1956 and 1971,however the FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception and circa 2017 continues to do so now(italics mine).
1959 Operation Chaos mirrored from http://www.serendipity.li/cia/lyon.html
Verne Lyon is a former CIA undercover operative who is now a director of the Des Moines Hispanic Ministry.
For over fifteen years,the CIA,with assistance from numerous government agencies,conducted a massive illegal domestic covert operation called Operation CHAOS. It was one of the largest and most pervasive domestic surveillance programs in the history of this country. Throughout the duration of CHAOS,the CIA spied on thousands of U.S. citizens. The CIA went to great lengths to conceal this operation from the public while every president from Eisenhower to Nixon exploited CHAOS for his own political ends.
One can trace the beginnings of Operation CHAOS to 1959 when Eisenhower used the CIA to“sound out”the exiles who were fleeing Cuba after the triumph of Fidel Castro’s revolution. Most were wealthy educated professionals looking for a sympathetic ear in the United States. The CIA sought contacts in the exile community and began to recruit many of them for future use against Castro. This U.S.-based recruiting operation was arguably illegal,although Eisenhower forced FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to accept it as a legitimate CIA function. Congress and the public showed no interest in who was recruiting whom.
The CIA’s Office of Security was monitoring other groups at this time and had recruited agents within different emigréorganizations.(1)The CIA considered this a normal extension of its authorized infiltration of dissident groups abroad even though the activity was taking place within the U.S. Increased use of the CIA’s contacts and agents among the Cuban exiles became commonplace until mass,open recruitment of mercenaries for what was to be the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion was no longer a secret in southern Florida. It was no secret to Fidel Castro either,as we later found out.
This activity led the CIA to establish proprietary companies,fronts,and covers for its domestic operations. So widespread did they become that President Johnson allowed the then CIA Director,John McCone,to create in 1964 a new super-secret branch called the Domestic Operations Division(DOD),the very title of which mocked the explicit intent of Congress to prohibit CIA operations inside the U.S.(2)This disdain for Congress permeated the upper echelons of the CIA. Congress could not hinder or regulate something it did not know about,and neither the President nor the Director of the CIA was about to tell them. Neither was J. Edgar Hoover,even though he was generally aware that the CIA was moving in on what was supposed to be exclusive FBI turf.(3)
In the classified document creating the DOD,the scope of its activities was to“exercise centralized responsibility for the direction,support,and coordination of clandestine operational activities within the United States….”One of those was burglarizing foreign diplomatic sites at the request of the National Security Agency(NSA). The CIA also expanded the role of its“quasi-legal”Domestic Contact Service(DCS),an operation designed to brief and debrief selected American citizens who had traveled abroad in sensitive areas of intelligence interest. Because the interviews took place in airports between the aircraft and customs and immigration control,the operations were not technically considered domestic. the DCS also helped with travel control by monitoring the arrivals and departures of U.S. nationals and foreigners. In addition,the CIA reached out to former agents,officers,contacts,and friends to help it run its many fronts,covers,and phony corporations. This“old boy network”provided the CIA with trusted people to carry out its illegal domestic activities.
The Justification With the DCS,the DOD,the old boy network,and the CIA Office of Security operating without congressional oversight or public knowledge,all that was needed to bring it together was a perceived threat to the national security and a presidential directive unleashing the dogs. That happened in 1965 when President Johnson instructed McCone to provide an independent analysis of the growing problem of student protest against the war in Vietnam. Prior to this,Johnson had to rely on information provided by the FBI,intelligence that he perceived to be slanted by Hoover’s personal views,which often ignored the facts. Because Hoover insisted that international communism was manipulating student protest,Johnson ordered the CIA to confirm or deny his allegations. All the pieces now came together.
To achieve the intelligence being asked for by the President,the CIA’s Office of Security,the Counter-Intelligence division,and the newly created DOD turned to the old boy network for help. Many were old Office of Strategic Services people who had achieved positions of prominence in the business,labor,banking,and academic communities. In the academic arena,the CIA sought their own set of“eyes and ears”on many major college and university campuses. The FBI was already actively collecting domestic intelligence in the same academic settings.(4)The difference between the intelligence being gathered was like night and day. The FBI Special Agents and their informers were looking for information that would prove Hoover‘s theory. The CIA wanted to be more objective.
In April 1965,Johnson appointed Vice-Admiral William Raborn CIA Director(DCI,or Director of Central Intelligence)and Richard Helms Deputy Director. Since Raborn’s days at the helm of be CIA seemed numbered from the outset,he never really became involved in the nuts and bolts of domestic operations;that was left to Helms,a career intelligence officer who had come up through the ranks(he had been Deputy Director for Plans(DDP)since 1962 and Deputy DCI from 1965-66)and who could be trusted. Helms became DCI in June 1966. As Deputy Director,he had allowed the CIA slowly to expand its domestic intelligence operations and understood his orders from President Johnson were to collect intelligence on college and university campuses with no governing guidelines other than“don’t get caught.”Helms now had a free hand to implement Johnson’s orders and,by August 1967,the illegal collection of domestic intelligence had become so large and widespread that he was forced to create a Special Operations Group(SOG). The SOG was imbedded in the DDP’s counterintelligence division and provided,data on the U.S. peace movement to the Office of Current Intelligence on a regular basis.(5)
As campus anti-war protest activity spread across the nation,the CIA reacted by implementing two new domestic operations. The first,Project RESISTANCE,was designed to provide security to CIA recruiters on college campuses. Under this program,the CIA sought active cooperation from college administrators,campus security,and local police to help identify anti-war activists,political dissidents,and“radicals.”Eventually information was provided to all government recruiters on college campuses(6)and directly to the super-secret DOD on thousands of students and dozens of groups. The CIA’s Office of Security also created Project MERRIMAC,to provide warnings about demonstrations being carried out against CIA facilities or personnel in the Washington area.(7)
Under both Projects,the CIA infiltrated agents into domestic groups of all types and activities. It used its contacts with local police departments and their intelligence units to pick up its“police skills”and began in earnest to pull off burglaries,illegal entries,use of explosives,criminal frame-ups,shared interrogations,and disinformation. CIA teams purchased sophisticated equipment for many starved police departments and in return got to see arrest records,suspect lists,and intelligence reports. Many large police departments,in conjunction with the CIA,carried out illegal,warrantless searches of private properties,to provide intelligence for a report requested by President Johnson and later entitled“Restless Youth.”(8)
SOG was being directed by Richard Ober,a CIA person with an established record of domestic intelligence operations in academia.(9)When Ramparts magazine disclosed the relationship between the National Student Association and the CIA in early 1967,Ober was assigned to investigate the magazine’s staff members,their friends,and possible connections with foreign intelligence agencies.(10)
In July 1968,Helms decided to consolidate all CIA domestic intelligence operations under one program and title. The new operation was called CHAOS and Ober was in charge.(11)Its activities greatly expanded from then on at the urging not only of President Johnson,but also his main advisers Dean Rusk and Walt Rostow. Both men were convinced that Hoover was right and foreign intelligence agencies were involved in anti-war protests in the U.S. Johnson was not convinced and wanted the CIA’s intelligence in order to compare it with that provided by the FBI.
The Nixon Administration After Richard Nixon took office in January 1969,Helms continued operations with the assurance that nothing would ever be leaked to the public. But he began to face pressure from two opposing factions within the CIA community.
One wanted to expand domestic operations even more,while the other reminded him that Operation CHAOS and similar activities were well“over the line”of illegality and outside the CIA’s charter. To put a damper on this internal dissent,Helms ordered Ober to stop discussing these activities with his direct boss in counterintelligence,James Jesus Angleton. The internal protests continued,however,as White House aide and staunch anti-Communist Tom Charles Huston,pressed for ever increasing domestic operations.
Huston was eager to expand Operation CHAOS to include overseas agents and to“share”intelligence with the FBI’s intelligence division,directed by William Sullivan. There were more than 50 CHAOS agents now,many receiving several weeks of assignment and training positions to establish their covers as radicals.(12)Once they returned to the U.S. and enrolled in colleges and universities,they had the proper“credentials.”
In June 1970 Nixon met with Hoover,Helms,NSA Director Admiral Noel Gaylor,and Defense Intelligence Agency(DIA)representative Lt. Gen. Donald V. Bennett and told them he wanted a coordinated and concentrated effort against domestic dissenters. To do that,he was creating the Interagency Committee on Intelligence(ICI),chaired by Hoover. The first ICI report,in late June,recommended new efforts in“black bag operations,”wiretapping,and a mail-opening program. In late July 1970,Huston told the members of the ICI that their recommendations had been accepted by the White House.(13)
John Dean replaced Tom Huston as White House aide in charge of domestic intelligence,and at his urging,a Justice Department group,the Intelligence Evaluation Committee,was established to study domestic groups,over Hoover’s protest. Deteriorating relations between the FBI and the other intelligence agencies,especially the CIA,caused Hoover to fire William Sullivan. At that time,Sullivan was the liaison officer between the FBI and the other intelligence agencies and he strongly favored the expansion of domestic operations.
Second Thoughts Even Helms began to have second thoughts about how large CHAOS had grown,but Nixon made it clear to him that the CIA was a presidential tool he wanted at his disposal. Helms got the message,yet he also understood the growing uneasiness in other government circles. In 1972,the CIA’s Inspector General wrote a report that expressed concern about Operation CHAOS in the following way:“…we also encountered general concern over what appeared to be a monitoring of the political views and activities of Americans not known to be or suspected of being involved in espionage…Stations were asked to report on the whereabouts and activities of prominent persons…whose comings and goings were not only in the public domain,but for whom allegations of subversion seemed sufficiently nebulous to raise renewed doubts as to the nature and legitimacy of the CHAOS program.”(14)
Helms was being squeezed by White House demands to expand Operation CHAOS and the fear that the whole question of domestic operations was going to become public knowledge,as Hoover feared. Helms found himself constantly shoring up one lie with another and then another. He found himself deceiving Congress and lying to the public as well as CIA employees. In March 1971,a group of young CIA executives known as the Management Advisory Group(MAG)protested Operation CHAOS and similar domestic operations by issuing a statement saying,“MAG opposes any Agency activity which could be construed as targeted against any person who enjoys the protection of the U.S. Constitution…whether or not he resides in the United States.”(15)
Helms of course denied the CIA was involved in domestic operations,or using basic American institutions such as the Peace Corps,the business community,or the media as covers for CIA operations. Just a few years later,Oswald Johnston of the Washington Star reported that over 35 American journalists,some full-time,some free-lance,and some major media correspondents were on the CIA payroll. And in 1974 the CIA admitted that over two hundred CIA agents were operating overseas posing as businessmen.(16)
The Collapse of the House of Cards The web of deception,misinformation,lies,and illegal domestic activities began to unravel with speed in the summer of 1972 when Howard Osborn,then Chief of Security for the CIA,informed Helms that two former CIA officers,E. Howard Hunt and James McCord,were involved in a burglary at the Watergate complex in Washington,D.C. The house of cards was about to come crashing down and Helms now wanted to salvage what he could and distance himself from not only Watergate but also the domestic operations. He appointed CIA Executive Director William Colby to handle any investigations into the Agency’s domestic operations and began to prepare for the inevitable.
Helms was called to Camp David by President Nixon and subsequently fired. His replacement was James Schlesinger(who would last but a few months). Schlesinger would be replaced in July 1973 by Colby,and Helms would become U.S. Ambassador to Iran to get him as far away as possible. In an effort at damage control,Colby decided that Operation CHAOS and Project RESISTANCE should be terminated.
In 1975 the CIA underwent public investigation and scrutiny by both the Church and Rockefeller committees. These investigations revealed considerable evidence showing that the CIA had carried out its activities with a tremendous disregard for the law,both in the U.S. and abroad.
During the life of Operation CHAOS,the CIA had compiled personality files on over 13,000 individuals including more than 7,000 U.S. citizens as well as files on over 1,000 domestic groups.(17)
The CIA had shared information on more than 300,000 persons with different law enforcement agencies including the DIA and FBI. It had spied on,burglarized,intimidated,misinformed,lied to,deceived,and carried out criminal acts against thousands of citizens of the United States. It had placed itself above the law,above the Constitution,and in contempt of international diplomacy and the United States Congress. It had violated its charter and had contributed either directly or indirectly to the resignation of a President of the United States. It had tainted itself beyond hope.
Of all this,the CIA’s blatant contempt for the rights of individuals was the worst. This record of deceit and illegality,implored Congress as well as the President to take extreme measures to control the Agency’s activities. However,except for a few cosmetic changes made for public consumption such as the Congressional intelligence oversight committee nothing has been done to control the CIA. In fact,subsequent administrations have chosen to use the CIA for domestic operations as well. These renewed domestic operations began with Gerald Ford,were briefly limited by Jimmy Carter,and then extended dramatically by Ronald Reagan.
Any hope of curbing these illegal activities is scant. Recently,George Bush and current DCI William Webster announced a need to again target political enemies of the U.S. for assassination. It is ironic that Webster,a former Federal Judge,would chose to ignore the limits and constraints placed on the government by the Constitution. During his tenure as Director of the FBI,the bureau was once again involved in the infiltration of groups practicing their constitutional right to dissent against U.S. government policies. Once again,the FBI compiled thousands of files on individuals protesting Reagan’s war against Nicaragua and support for the genocidal Salvadoran military. Now,Webster is in a position of perhaps even greater power and,without doubt,would have no qualms about abusing it.
Conclusion Given the power granted to the office of the presidency and the unaccountability of the intelligence agencies,widespread illegal domestic operations are certain. We as a people should remember history and not repeat it. It is therefore essential that the CIA be reorganized and stripped of its covert operations capability. Effective congressional oversight is also an important condition for ending the misuse of the intelligence apparatus that has plagued every U.S. administration since the formation of the CIA. A great deal is at risk our personal freedoms as well as the viability of this society. The CIA must be put in its place. Should we demand or allow anything less,we will remain vulnerable to these abuses and face the risk of decaying into a lawless state destined to self-destruction.
1958 LSD is tested on 95 volunteers at the Army’s Chemical Warfare Laboratories for its effect on intelligence.
1960 The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence(ACSI)authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the European population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE;testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT.
1963 The mass vaccination campaigns of the 1950s and’60s may be causing hundreds of deaths a year because of a cancer-causing virus that contaminated the first polio vaccine,according to scientists. Known as SV40,the virus came from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the first Salk vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was injected into tens of millions during the vaccination campaigns,including several million in Canada,before being detected and screened out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to be most at risk of having been infected.
1964 Guatemala established gun control. From 1964 to 1981,100,000 Mayan Indians,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1965 Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names,NutraSweet,Equal,Spoonful,and Equal-Measure. Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965,when James Schlatter,a chemist of G.D. Searle Company was testing an anti-ulcer drug. Aspartame was approved for dry goods in 1981 and for carbonated beverages in 1983.
1965 Project CIA and Department of Defense begin Project MKSEARCH,a program to develop a capability to manipulate human behavior through the use of mind-altering drugs.
1965 Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin,the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Viet Nam. The men are later studied for development of cancer,which indicates that Agent Orange had been a suspected carcinogen all along.
1966 CIA initiates Project MKOFTEN,a program to test the toxicological effects of certain drugs on humans and animals.
1966 July 7-10,The virus Bacillus subtilis was released throughout the New York subway system,conducted by the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Division. Due to the vast number of people exposed it would virtually impossible to identify,let alone prove,and specific health problems resulting directly from this test.
1967 CIA and Department of Defense implement Project MKNAOMI,successor to MKULTRA and designed to maintain,stockpile and test biological and chemical weapons.
1968 CIA experiments with the possibility of poisoning drinking water by injecting chemicals into the water supply of the FDA in Washington,D.C.
Often/Chickwit-1967 Or 1968,Project OFTEN/CHICKWIT was initiated by the Army Chemical Corps and the CIA’s Office of Research and Development to create new drug compounds“that could be used offensively.”Hallucinogens were tested on inmates in Pennsylvania,but very little is known about the experiments.“CIA documents mention‘several laboratory accidents’in which a drug designated as EA-3167 produced‘prolonged psychotic effects in laboratory personnel’”U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. It would appear that the CIA’s drug testing continued throughout the 1970s since,“A CIA memo dated March 8,1971,indicates that a backlog of more than twenty-six thousand drugs had been acquired‘for future screening’
1968–69 The Hong Kong flu,which was influenza A type H3N2,killed over 30,000 people in the U.S. alone. That was a fortuitous learning event for some because it taught them that the flu could still conceivably be used to wipe out a population. But at the same time,it pointed out the need to precondition the populace so that those who might normally be resistant could be rendered susceptible. Hence the development of the vaccine program and the aerial spraying procedures to condition the population. The purpose of the chemicals in the chemtrail’s is to help the viral envelope fuse with lung cells,permitting easier penetration and infection.
1969 At a House Appropriations hearing,the Defense Department’s Biological Warfare(BW)division requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new disease that would both resist and break down a victim’s immune system.“Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases.”The funds were approved. AIDS appeared within the requested time frame,and has the exact characteristics specified.
1970 Uganda established gun control. From 1971 to 1979,300,000 Christians,unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
1972 The World Health Organization(W.H.O.)published a similar proposal:“An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function,e.g.,by…affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens.”(Bulletin of the W.H.O.,vol. 47,p 257-274.)This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.
1972 It was discovered that black children as young as age five were having psychosurgery performed on them at the University of Mississippi in Jackson in order to control“hyperactive”and“aggressive”behavior. Their brains were being implanted with electrodes that were heated up to melt areas of the brain that regulate emotion and intellect. When we first opposed these experiments,and eventually stopped them,we did so despite resistance from organized psychiatry and the research community.
Mid-1970’s The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970’s(London Times,May 11,1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.
1975 Two neuroscientists,Laura and(the late)Eli Manuelides,from Yale University in the US,went on to illustrate by 1975 that injections of human blood,like injections of brain taken from kuru and CJD victims,transmitted the disease across the species barrier to laboratory animals. Their prophetic,but unheeded,message implied that blood was the vehicle that carried the agent of CJD around the body until it chanced upon an hospitable residence like the brain. This meant that the blood route was the key to the transmission of CJD from a primary host to a secondary host.
1975 The virus section of Fort Detrick’s Center for Biological Warfare Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute(NCI). It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the U.S. Navy,purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity exists. It is later named HTLV(Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).
On October 5,1976,just as the so-called“SWINE FLU”inoculation program was getting under way,news reports suddenly told us that we were experiencing fallout from an alleged Chinese atmospheric nuclear blast on September 26. Oddly enough,the initial reports about this came from the East Coast,especially Pennsylvania,New Jersey,Delaware,and Connecticut;but certain areas of the Pacific Northwest were soon mentioned as being affected too. We were told that radioactive iodine-131 was showing up in milk at various locations;but we were also assured,as we invariably are whenever any radioactive hazard appears,that there was really no danger. In the days that followed we continued to hear about the supposed Chinese fallout,but other things probably seemed even more worrisome. For example,elderly people began dying of heart attacks shortly after taking swine flu shots,causing widespread alarm at first. But the Government quickly assured us that their deaths didn’t really matter at all,that they would have died anyway;and the swine flu inoculation program went right back into high gear. Dr. Peter Beter
1976 the joint KGB-CIA chemical warfare experimentation program began in Philadelphia at the American Legion Convention. A convenient test group was assembled,and it was exploited. Data was desired for the effects of a formulation of the new family of poisons on older men in particular,and the American Legion Convention was chosen as the perfect target. Aerosol spray cans containing poisoned room freshener were used to selectively saturate the atmosphere of the Legionnaires. Afterwards the special spray cans were taken from the hotel,leaving the city by airplane from a small airport on the northwest side of Philadelphia. Two of the active ingredients in the poison that produced the Legionnaires Disease were plutonium and zirconium. Dr. Peter Beter
August 1976 about a month after the Legionnaire episode,and had quite a different purpose;and so a different poison formula was used. Plutonium was again an ingredient,as it is in the entire line of chemical warfare agents now being tested;but this time the formula was designed for very rapid effect with the victims receiving a massive dose. On a day late in August two Air Force C-141 Starlifter transport aircraft that were preparing to leave McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on flights over the Atlantic were sabotaged by the placement in their cockpits of concealed canisters of poison gas,rigged so that the gas would be released in flights without being detected. The two planes left McGuire at nearly the same time,and crashed within hours of one another when approaching separate destinations in Greenland and England. The very next day,with the wreckage of the aircraft hardly cooled,a Pentagon spokesman said,quote:“Sabotage does not appear to be a factor. It’s not even being considered as a factor.”Officials also said there was no apparent connection between the crashes. Apparently leaving the same Air Base at practically the same time and then crashing almost simultaneously without warning is not supposed to suggest the possibility of anything but coincidence. No doubt it is also coincidence that McGuire Air Force Base,the origin of these two strange fatal flights,is right next door to Fort Dix where the whole swine flu cover-up scare originated!Dr. Peter Beter
1976 Nobel Prize went to American scientist Carleton Gajdusek for his experiments demonstrating that injections of kuru brain(1967)and CJD brain(1969)reproduced similar illnesses in chimpanzees.
A striking feature of AIDS is that it’s ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks,Latinos and Native Americans as among whites,with death coming two to three times as swiftly. And over 80%of the children with AIDS and 90%of infants born with it are among these minorities.“Ethnic weapons”that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective.(Harris and Paxman,p 265)
The“discovery”of the AIDS virus(HTLV3)was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute,which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick,Maryland,a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility.
1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirm that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969. Some of the areas included San Francisco,Washington,D.C.,Key West,Panama City,Minneapolis,and St. Louis.
1978 The Hepatitis B vaccine study appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only,and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50%of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984,64%of the vaccine recipients had AIDS,and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice,and“unavailable.”
1978-1987 Even as the understanding of spongiform encephalopathy increased,various human pituitary hormone programs in countries such as Australia,France,New Zealand,the United Kingdom and United States were attracting hefty government sponsorships. Few of the programs’stalwarts caught on to the implications of the Manuelides’experiments,and unsuccessful attempts between the years of 1978 and 1987 to filter the CJD agent out of the pituitary hormones being injected into unsuspecting short-statured children and infertile women were left to one of this era’s rare visionaries,British scrapie expert Alan Dickinson. At about the same time,a British Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in 1979 raised the possibility that the unregulated cycling of protein-rich sheep remains back into animal feed might spread scrapie to cattle,as it had done to farm mink in the US three decades beforehand,via the oral route.
1979 There was an explosion at a Soviet plant in Sverdlosk and an outbreak of anthrax followed. At the time,all accusations of BW research were vigorously denied by Soviet officials,with the explanation that anthrax outbreaks can occur naturally and that the explosion was merely a coincidence.
1979 June,a well-dressed,articulate stranger visited the office of the Elberton Granite Finishing Company and announced that he wanted to build an edifice to transmit a message to mankind. He identified himself as R. C. Christian,but it soon became apparent that was not his real name. He said that he represented a group of men who wanted to offer direction to humanity,but to date,almost two decades later,no one knows who R. C. Christian really was,or the names of those he represented. Several things are apparent. The messages engraved on the Georgia Guidestones deal with four major fields:(1)Governance and the establishment of a world government,(2)Population and reproduction control,(3)The environment and man’s relationship to nature,and(4)Spirituality. In the public library in Elberton,I found a book written by the man who called himself R.C. Christian. I discovered that the monument he commissioned had been erected in recognition of Thomas Paine and the occult philosophy he espoused. Indeed,the Georgia Guidestones are used for occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations to this very day. Tragically,only one religious leader in the area had the courage to speak out against the American Stonehenge,and he has recently relocated his ministry. The Georgia Guidestones
1981 Aspartame was invented by the G D Searle Co. acquired by Monsanto in 1985. For 16 years FDA refused to approve it until 1981 when Commissioner Arthur Hayes overruled the objections of a Public Board of Inquiry and the protests of the American Soft Drink Association and blessed it. The tests submitted by Searle were so bad the Department of Justice,initiated prosecution of Searle for fraud. Then the defense lawyers hired the prosecutors,Sam Skinner and Wm. Conlon,and the case expired when the statute of limitations ran out. Aspartame/Nutrasweet,a toxin that blinds,drops intelligence,eradicates memory,grows brain tumors and other cancers,brings fatigue. Depression,ADD,panic,rage,paranoia,diabetes,seizures,suicide and death. This toxin is supported by unlimited advertising and the manufacturers pay off the American Diatetics Association,the American Diabetics Association,the AMA,and whomever else,to convince us its safe as rain. These lies are backed by a Federal Bureaucracy knowing it may kill your child,but the bureaucrat who approved the poison got a fat job as have many of his successors. Suppose this government watchdog,ignoring thousands of consumer complaints,has become an Attack Dog protecting corporate corruption. This is the bitter reality of Aspartame/Nutrasweet,Monsanto,the FDA,Coca Cola,Pepsi,and the hundreds of food,drink and drug makers who add to their products a known poison Conceived in Fraud and Dedicated to the Proposition that Profit is all that Matters!(They’re Poisoning Our Kids–Aspartame Warning The Facts From Betty Martin Mission-Possible-USA@altavista.net
Dr Miguel A. Baret of the Dominican Republic removed milk from 360 children’s diets,because cow’s milk has a specific protein that can cause diabetes,especially in children. They drank juice laced with aspartame instead and many developed“abnormal restlessness,lack of concentration,irritability and depression.”When Dr Baret removed it:“The results were astonishing. Their symptoms disappeared in 4-6 days in ALL of them!”Thank you,Dr Baret,for this study showing what aspartame does to the brains of our kids!
1984,July 4. The first detailed charges regarding AIDS as a BW weapon were published in the Patriot newspaper in New Delhi,India. It is hard to say where the investigations of this story in the Indian press might have led,if they had not been sidetracked by two major domestic disasters shortly thereafter:the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31 and the Bhopal Union Carbide plant“accident”that killed several thousand and injured over 200,000 on Dec. 3.
1985 The first of the fatal legacies of this form of medical madness emerged with four cases of CJD in human pituitary growth hormone-treated children.
1986 According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(83:4007-4011),HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements,except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV. This leads to speculation that HTLV and VISNA may have been linked to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity exists.
1987 Dr Louis Elsas,Professor of Pediatrics&Genetics at Emory University,testified before Congress;“Aspartame is in fact a well known neurotoxin and teratogen[triggers birth defects]which in some undefined dose will irreversibly in the developing child or fetal brain,produce adverse effects I am particularly angry at this type of advertising that is promoting the sale of a neurotoxin in the childhood age group.”[Nov 2,1987]
Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock,MD,declares Aspartame is a toxin like arsenic and cyanide that causes confusion,disorientation,seizures,cancer,pancreatic,uterine,ovarian and brain tumors and leads to Alzheimer’s. Read Excitotoxins,the Taste That Kills[505-474-0303]. Hear Dr. Blaylock’s radio interview on www.dorway.com’Courageous whistleblowers like these have spoken in three congressional hearings,but industry’s lobbying and political action keep the poison in the foods of the world. Our recourse as consumers is personal communication since the media is paid by advertising to push Nutrasweet/Equal/Diet Coke,etc..
1987 Department of Defense admits that,despite a treaty banning research and development of biological agents,it continues to operate research facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.
1989 During which time the number of French children at risk of growth-hormone-related CJD had practically doubled,the first French children fulfilled that tragic legacy. In 1993,those responsible for this travesty were threatened with manslaughter charges. By 1997,France had half of the world’s 100-plus cases of pituitary hormone-related CJD.
1990 More than 1500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an“experimental”measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.
1991 Although the general elitism of human-pituitary programs restricted this brand of medical madness to North America,Europe and Australasian,Third World children and women did not altogether escape the insanity of applying Frankenstein medicine to social conditions. A medical report in 1991 linked the CJD death of a young Brazilian man,like those of five youthful New Zealand men and women,with a childhood treatment involving pituitary growth hormone obtained from the US. Unfortunately,the fate of women in Mexico City whose breasts were injected with US pituitary hormones in an appalling experiment to increase the volume of milk in lactating mothers(some already pregnant again)will probably never be known.
1992 It was discovered the federal violence initiative–the federal government’s agency-wide plan to go into America’s inner cities to experiment on children in the hope of finding genetic and biological causes for violence. We opposed this program as racist and abusive of children. Our efforts led to the cancellation of this program. It also led the chief sponsor of the program,psychiatrist Frederick Goodwin,to resign from his post as director of NIMH and to leave a career in the government. The fenfluramine studies at Columbia and Queens College are part of the violence initiative. They were created under its umbrella before it was cancelled. They confirm our fears that while the public aspects of the violence initiative were withdrawn,the actual individual projects continue unabated.
1992 Boris Yeltsin confirmed that anthrax was being researched at Sverdlosk and vowed to stop all“Soviet”BW research. Unfortunately,defectors have contradicted Yeltsin and there are rumors that although the‘official government’statement and ideal may be an elimination of biological weapons,the military is still actively pursuing a BW program on its own.
1993 The FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always be heated to above 86°degrees F(30°Degrees C). An act that can only be described as“unconscionable”
1994 One has only to learn what really happened to the Christians in Rwanda between April and July of 1994 to imagine what may lie in store for Christians here in America at some time in the not-too-distant future. After the Christian Tutsis had been disarmed by governmental decree in the early 1990s,Hutu-led military forces began to systematically massacre the defenseless Christians. The massacre began in April 1994 and continued until July 1994. Using machetes rather than bullets,the Hutu forces were able to create a state of abject fear and terror within the helpless Christian population as they systematically butchered hundreds of thousands of them. The United Nations immediately convened hearings on the genocide taking place in Rwanda,but Madeline Albright,the American Ambassador to the United Nations,argued strenuously that neighboring African nations should not be allowed to intervene until the“civil war had come to an end.”In reality,of course,there was no civil war since those being slaughtered had no weapons with which to defend themselves;it was simply a matter of mass murder. In addition to blocking intervention by neighboring nations,Madeline Albright also insisted that the word“genocide”must not be used,and that the United Nations forces stationed in Rwanda were not to be allowed to intervene. In the three months that followed,between one-half and three-quarters of a million Christians were systematically dismembered,hacked to death,and slaughtered in the bloody carnage that ensued. Tens of thousands of Christians were murdered in their churches;tens of thousands more were murdered in their hospitals and in their schools. On several occasions,United Nations soldiers stationed in Rwanda actually handed over helpless Christians under their protection to members of the Hutu militia. They then stood by as their screaming charges were unceremoniously hacked to pieces. At the end of the carnage,in late July 1994,the American government rewarded the Hutu murderers with millions of dollars in foreign aid. Strangely,the American press has remained silent Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA about the fact that almost all of those who were slaughtered were Christians,and it was the policies of our government that were primarily responsible for blocking efforts by neighboring African countries to intervene. The Population Control Agenda
1994 With a technique called“gene tracking,”Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston,TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus,a microbe commonly used in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40 percent of the HIV protein coat,indicating that it had been man-made.
1995 Dr Phyllis Mullenix,former head of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston and now a critic of fluoridation. Animal studies which Mullenix and co-workers conducted at Forsyth in the early 1990s indicated that fluoride was a powerful central nervous system(CNS)toxin and might adversely affect human brain functioning even at low doses.(New epidemiological evidence from China adds support,showing a correlation between low-dose fluoride exposure and diminished IQ in children.)Mullenix’s results were published in 1995 in a reputable peer-reviewed scientific journal.
1995 The University of Rochester’s classified fluoride studies,code-named“Program F”,were started during the war and continued up until the early 1950s. They were conducted at its Atomic Energy Project(AEP),a top-secret facility funded by the AEC and housed at Strong Memorial Hospital. It was there that one of the most notorious human radiation experiments of the Cold War took place,in which unsuspecting hospital patients were injected with toxic doses of radioactive plutonium. Revelation of this experiment-in a Pulitzer Prize&endash;winning account by Eileen Welsome-led to a 1995 US presidential investigation and a multimillion-dollar cash settlement for victims.
1995 U.S. Government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
1995 Dr. Garth Nicolson,uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston,TX and Boca Raton,Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1996,27 June without public notice,the FDA removed all restrictions from aspartame allowing it to be used in everything,including all heated and baked goods. The truth about aspartame’s toxicity is far different than what the NutraSweet Company would have you readers believe.
1996 A new scientific paper dealing with a meta-analysis of 23 different scientific studies on the relationship between first-trimester abortions and breast cancer was published in a British medical journal. That study clearly demonstrated a higher incidence of breast cancer in women who had had first-trimester abortions. In response to that publication,the American Medical Association(AMA),the American Cancer Society(ACS),and pro-abortion/population-control advocates joined together in an unholy alliance to attack the conclusions of the authors,and to block all efforts to disseminate that information to American physicians. The Population Control Agenda
1997 October. Speaking from Washington,DC,Nobel Prize winner for discovering the role of molecules known as“prions”in the invariably fatal brain illnesses such as“mad cow disease”or bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE)in cattle,and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease(CJD)in humans,Dr Stanley Prusiner from the University of California predicted that the first drug therapy,which would not necessarily be a cure for BSE or CJD,was at least five years away. At the same time,on the opposite side of the Atlantic,the post-mortem of Chris Warne,a 36-year-old fitness fanatic from Derbyshire,England,revealed that he was the 21st victim of the new variant of CJD which had spread from BSE-infected cattle to humans via the food chain. Only 18 months earlier,a British House of Commons admission that BSE-infected meat had probably caused the CJD deaths of 10 youthful Britons left the British meat industry in tatters. Since then,the history of BSE has gradually unfolded to reveal a brain-dead imperialism,one which,while blinded by its own arrogant greed to inflate market profits,has treated public and,indeed,world health with gay abandon. Formerly a rare disease which affected less than one per million in most countries,one worst-case scenario predicts that BSE-infected meat will push the incidence of CJD in humans to claim 10,000 British lives by the year 2000,and a further 10 million by the year 2010. Another predicts that half the British people,some 30 million,will be left brain-dead by CJD. As Chris Warne’s mother commented,her son was a health-conscious sportsman,but“after winning medals in March,by July he couldn’t stand on his feet,and by October he was gone”. Volume 5,#1
Researchers at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases(or USAMRIID)at Fort Detrick in Frederick MD have reconstructed and modified the H1N1 Spanish Flu virus,making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was responsible for the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US.
FRANCE is facing a new health scandal following allegations that the prestigious Pasteur Institute willfully ignored warnings that up to 600 children were being injected with cancerous hormones.
The disclosures that children may have been put at risk emerged during a new investigation into the link between the growth hormones and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease(CJD),which caused A major scandal when acknowledged in the Nineties . So far,74 children have died of CJD after being treated with growth hormones extracted from the bodies of victims of neurological illnesses in the Eighties.
That scandal and the contaminated blood affair in which 4,000 people were infected with HIV through unscreened blood transfusions–despite the availability of an American test for the virus–have contributed to France’s acute sensitivity on health issues. When the contaminated blood affair came to trial in 1998,it was alleged that authorization for the American test was withheld to give the institute time to develop a rival French test.
The latest claims suggest that in 1985 the institute sold a batch of growth hormone to French hospitals without waiting for safety checks which showed the batch to have cancer marker cells at five times the permitted limit for use. The institute is further alleged to have made no efforts to withdraw the batch once it was aware of the risk.
1997 to 2017 and Ongoing The NSA allowed Edward Snowden to“leak”Prism(this was and is old news from 1980 Reagan-era);Snowden’s“leak”was controlled as preventative damage control. Imagine you are committing murder(summary execution of Americans),genocide,and infecting people with Morgellon’s transgenic disease–you cover it up by allowing yourself to be“busted”for warrantless wiretaps on all cellphones and landlines.
The NSA/FBI are running“The Program”and it includes daily summary executions and far and wide use of Morgellons also Organized Harrassment as a Cointelpro-style mind control experiment.
Targeted Individuals aka Gangstalking aka Organized Harassment aka Military Role Player jobs aka Surveillance Role Player jobs aka Jewish Psychotronic Warfare aka cellphone mobbings are all some of the elements of“The Program”. The articles that differ the most from this article are mostly or solely bullshit,disinfo. The author of this article should be(hopefully)flattered to see his work mirrored on this site,as extreme pickiness exists here.
To be more concise,“gangstalking”(do not use this word,it is the FBI’s word)or“Targeted Individual”webpages abound about lizard people,aliens,time travel,alien planets headed towards Earth,flying saucers,…yoda yoda yoda…)are NSA/FBI disinformation designed to discredit truth pages precisely like you are now reading. . Sometimes,there is a grain of truth even in the worst of disinfo pages.“Role Players”are an abhorrent,vile evil–one could easily call them Satanic. Targeted Individuals seem to always be some flavor of boy or girl next door,who had the worst of“luck”to piss off someone rich,powerful or both.
The only things lacking in“A World of Stalking Fools”is no mention whatsoever of Jews,Jewish Psychotronic Warfare,Morgellons Transgenic Disease(man-made in Israel)and Buckminster Fullerene NASA Vacuum Death Shells…
It’s the NSA Jews,stupid…,as in Militant Judaism and Organized Crime.
Videos embedded
Cops Police Firefighters Firemen EMS Paramedics Gangstalkers NSA
by Katherine Smith,PhD.
Can and will you concede that there is a difference between“Conspiracy”and“Theory”?The Project Mockingbird Mass Media and Government Trolls on the Internet would have you believe that the‘true meaning’of the word‘Conspiracy’is‘Theory’. The CEO’s and Lawyers,the K Street Lobbyists have circumvented the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Cops Police Firefighters Firemen EMS Paramedics are here to Protect and Serve Big,Occupied Government,CEO’s and Lawyers,the K Street Lobbyists and the Project Mockingbird Mass Media
To understand how the Police and Firefighters became part of the NSA/Homeland Security“Gangstalking”Program(more aptly described as the Thought Control Regimen of the Uber-Elite and Wealthy),one needs to read far beyond a few Twitter posts.
This article is researched in depth on the rise of Psychopath Totalitarianism,aka American U.S./NATO revocation of“freedom,liberty and democracy”.
We digress…Is a Cop or Fireman who is intent on controlling the thoughts in our brains for the benefit of Senators,Congressmen,Multinational CEO’s,et al?Is that Cop or Fireman,when he or she inserts themselves into our thinking,within or outside of their respective jurisdictions?
To understand how“American”cops and fire fighters became NSA Paid Snitch Mind Control Stooges,the following(Operation Paperclip)articles/videos shed some light:
By Mae Brussell,November 1976…and the CIA’s Operation Chaos,…after the JFK assassination,the FBI formed their COINTELPRO,counterintelligence program.
maebrussell.com/Mae Brussell Articles/Operation Chaos.html
Mae Brussell:Richard Nixon&Project Paperclip(01-10-1977)
OPERATION CHAOS The CIA’s War Against the Sixties Counter-Culture by Mae Brussell
The performance of human mind control“psychiatric”experiments by Corrupt Rogue NSA/DHS-Snitch Cops and Firemen evolved from other“American”human experimentation and a plethora of government dark operations,including but not limited to:
Agent Blue,Agent Orange,AVIARY,Blue Beam,Blue Flag,Camelot,CHAOS,Cloverleaf,COINTELPRO,FUBELT,GRILL-FLAME,L.U.C.I.D.,MK Chikwit,MK Delta,MK Often,MK Naomi,MK Search,MK Ultra,Mockingbird,Monarch,Paperclip,Phoenix Project,Project Pegasus,Operation Artichoke/Bluebird,Operation Chatter,OPERATION CONDOR,Operation Doormouse,Operation Jefferson,Operation Keelhaul,Operation Garden Potter,Operation MILABS,Operation Midnight Climax,Operation Mind Control,Operation Northwoods,Operation Pique,Operation Red Rock,Operation REX 84,
Catcher,Starfish,Tailwind Project,Control,Operation,Mind,Whale.To,Bibliotecapleyades.Net,Government,Corrupt,Blue,Monarch,Agent,Artichoke,Mk-Ultra,Condor,History,Secret,Montauk,Security,Chaos,Intelligence,Program,Mockingbird,Mkultra and Nazi-CIA Canadian Experiments with Mind Control on Children(Paperclip).
If you do nothing else today,at the very least,read:<http://whale.to/b/paperclip.html>and
There are some people who truly believe that the U.S. Government has a great moral character,is sinless,flawless and is like a physician who follows the Hippocratic oath,“first do no harm”.
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Big tech and censorship|The Economist
16/01/2021·Free speech Big tech and censorshipSilicon Valley should not be given control over free speech. Jan 16th 2021. T HE FIRST reaction of many people was one of…
The following U.S. Federal Government(OSS,CIA,NSA,FBI,DoJ,Homeland Security,Air Force Cyber Command Wing,(et al)alphabetized list of programs are still running. They don’t“stop”or“shut-down”;rather,they take all the evil“lessons learned”and go on running the finely-honed,tuned up versions of these programs under new names(so as to confuse the public). One example Paperclip/Camelot/MK Ultra is now the NSA’s“The Program”. Paperclips architects are all probably dead,but the NSA’s version of Paperclip/Camelot/MK Ultra/PIQUE/Monarch is still running full bore(invisible to Mockingbird"Press"aka"Investigative"(Blind,Corrupt,Complicit)"Journalists"as of early 2022. They love mind-fuck(anti-)psychology. Project Moonstruck 1952 is now"new,faster 5G for your convenience"cough cough,wireless mind implants. 5G victims are labelled"Schizophrenic."
· [Rumble 2024] King Charles and Close Friends Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony https...
· addition to april 2024. "They [Puerto Ricans] are beyond doubt the dirtiest, laziest, most degenerate and thievish race of men ever inhabiting this sphere.
· Links to the page contain: Captura de ecrã_19-5-2024_13650_www.whale.to.jpeg....
AHPb Magazine for Self & Society | No. 11, 2023-4
...‘the internal Cabinet Office Government Communication Service Behavioural Science team provided insight and guidance to Conrad Bird’ (WhatDoTheyKnow, 2024).
Andrew mitchell: apologist for genocide
· Mark curtis 18 march 2024.
Censored: keir starmer’s emails about israeli war crimes case
· JOHN MCEVOY 25 MARCH 2024 https://www.declassifieduk.org. The coalition government changed UK law in 2011 to enable Israeli ministers accused of...
Rishi sunak is ninth UK prime minister to bomb yemen from AIR
· 9. Rishi Sunak, Conservative – 2024. Yemen’s Houthi movement, which traces its lineage back to the Imamate, survived an onslaught of UK-backed Saudi airstrikes...
Israel control of UK government
· [3/2024] CENSORED: KEIR STARMER’S EMAILS ABOUT ISRAELI WAR CRIMES CASE Livni was the Israeli minister of foreign affairs between 2006 and 2009, and a...
[24th June 2007] Jones & Deagle - “Micronukes vs...”
· ...www.checktheevidence.com/audio/911/Prof%20Steve%20Jones%20&%20Dr%20Bill%20Deagle%20on%20WTC%20Destruction%20-%20Vancouver%20-%2024...
Psychopathic treatment of vaccine victims
March 2024.
UK Disclosure, Insider Lawsuits, Emergency Total Eclipse...
· The 2024 Global Assessment of space weapons possessed by major spacefaring nations not surprisingly focuses on conventional weapons and delivery systems.
When Solar Flares meet Cyberattacks at the Confluence...
· We are in the midst of a new helical cycle called Solar Cycle 25, which began in December 2019 and is expected to peak into a "solar maximum" between late 2024 and...
Globalists plot Worldwide Genocide via 'WHO Pandemic Treaty
· As documented by the Human Life International website (January 3, 2024)
Germany's Green Movement has 'Run Amok at the Expense...
· by Pierre Gosselin May 26 2024 from NoTricksZone Website. Wind energy. is an environmental destruction machine
This is what 'They Don't Want You to Know' about the Climate...
· The full interview covered a lot of topics and lasted 48 minutes, and was posted online on January 9th, 2024 on Tucker Carlson's website.
Evidence shows that Geological Features play Major Role...
· It shows that beginning in 2023 and through the first three months of 2024 the surface temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean surface experienced an extremely...
Dissecting "Disease X" and the Pandemic Agreement
· One thing is for certain: those who are paying attention need to know that 2024 is going to be a big year for the Predator Class as they finally attempt to cement their...
Is this '$7 Trillion A.I. Takeover' the End of Work as We Know It?
· by Dr. Joseph Mercola March 01, 2024 from Mercola Website. Story at-a-glance.
Report says 'Green Transition is Crumbling...
The report concludes that 2024 marks a challenging year for the green transition as the
RFK Jr. - Another 'Former Associate' with Jeffrey Epstein Files...
· Like his potential opponent in the Presidential 2024 elections, Donald Trump, who is also a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, I am sure Mr...
The WHO and possible Worldwide Soft Coup - Emergency...
· Dr. Meryl Nass, MD exposes exactly how the World Health Organization (WHO), could turn into a de facto world government by May of this year 2024.
· 2024 BCE : Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon.
Novedades Semanales - May 2024
· - Vladímir Putin asume la Presidencia de Rusia en 2024.
This is what The Globalists Really Fear...!
· But this is 2024, and things have changed completely.
The Great American Eclipse - An Astrological Analysis
· Saturn Entering Capricorn In December, Another 'American Eclipse' in 2024.
WHO's Pandemic Treaty is Dead - For Now...
· Last night (24 May 2024), in a high-level pre-World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting (17 May-1 June 2024), in Geneva, WHO management and key member country...
WHO suffers Defeat as Countries Massively oppose Globalist...
· Rather, they have formed a new working group to 'provide technical recommendations on the proposed amendments', which will be re-tabled in 2024 at the 77th Health...
UK Disclosure, Insider Lawsuits, Emergency Total Eclipse...
The 2024 Global Assessment of space weapons possessed by major spacefaring nations not surprisingly focuses on conventional weapons and delivery systems.
CoIntelPro 2021 Gun Control Oathkeepers NSA Satanism Anti-Freedom Anti-Democracy Radicalized Judaic Gangstalking
Secret Government
Dark Secrets of the US Government
Secret Government Projects
Secrets that the Government keeps from us
Secret Government Programs and Operations
Government Black Projects and Secret Government Operations
Documented U.S. Government Black Projects,Programs and Operations
Secret Netowork of Constitutional Traitors,aka"Surveillance Role Players"
Surveillance role players Jobs-Glassdoor
24/09/2016·The top companies hiring now for Surveillance Role Players jobs are River City Casino&Hotel,Bobcat of Nashville,Stones Gambling Hall,Nationwide Guard Services,Inc.,Ameristar Casino Hotel East Chicago,RMGS Inc, L'aubergeCasino Resort Lake Charles, XatorCorporation,Parasol,Margaritaville Resort Casino
Court To Probe SRP’s Role In Empire Plot-The Cambodia Daily
21/05/2007· PursatProvincial Court will investigate whether the SRP may be behind an alleged plot to attack Vietnam and Thailand,a court official said Sunday,following the Friday arrest of an SRP-affiliated suspect in the so-called“Khmer Empire Movement.”SRP officials immediately denied any involvement in the movement,which authorities allege was plotting to take back[…]
SRP Player Software|Roland DGA
SRP Player Software technical support page such as support articles,support guides,software updates,firmware,drivers and manuals.
rolanddga.com/support/products/software/ srp-player
Program Manager-Surveillance Role-Playing(SRP)Internet
Company Name: ClearedPathJob Number:406755 Location:Mclean,VA Category:Program Management Security Clearance Status:Active Security Clearance Type:TS/SCI with Polygraph Experience Level:Regular Travel Required:0%Shift:1st US Citizenship Required:Yes Posting Date:07/03/2014 Lead a large team of Surveillance Role-Players(SRP)in the delivery of…
Need a Job this summer?Bea Surveillance Role Players
14/04/2015·SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense. For this position,EKS is looking for part-time personnel to play a vital role in assisting with this security related training. All candidates irrespective of qualification level or prior background will be evaluated for their ability/suitability to provide surveillance role playing that results in fully…
More SRP(Surveillance Role Players)driving around-YouTube
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy&Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...
youtube.com/ watch?v=WpPto4-kWYg
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ.-Must…
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ.-Must maintain a Secret DoD clearance.
Are surveillance role players gang stalkers?-Quora
Surveillance role players are real living humans whose job it is to keep suspected criminals under surveillance. NOTE FOR THOSE WHO OBJECT TO MY DISABLING COMMENTS ON MY ANSWERS REGARDING THE MENTAL ILLNESS OF BELIEVING YOU ARE A“TARGETED INDIVIDUAL”AND A VICTIM OF“GANGSTALKING”:“Don't try and teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time,and it…
Super Role Player|SRP|Sports-Basketball-Male-protagonist
Super Role Player|SRP:In the 21st century,the league has entered the era of small balls,the decline of centers,the rise of point guards,and three-pointers become king. This is ho-Super Role Player Chapter 701-Super Role Player Chapter 700-Super Role Player Chapter 699
readwuxia.world /super-role-player
About Us-SRPS Pro
Our Story Run by women professionals with five decades of collective experience in various industries,predominantly-IT services. Our affiliate is S R P S&Associates,a chartered accountancy firm in India. We along with our affiliate firm offer best-in-class business advisory services,compliance and outsourced accounting solutions,primarily to start-ups and SMEs.…
20 Best surveillance role players jobs(Hiring Now ...
408 surveillance role players jobs available. See salaries,compare reviews,easily apply,and get hired. New surveillance role players careers are added daily on SimplyHired.com. The low-stress way to find your next surveillance role players job opportunity is on SimplyHired. There are over 408 surveillance role players careers waiting for you to apply!
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Qualified personnel should demonstrate an understanding of surveillance tradecraft,surveillance detection techniques and terminology Role Players will contilctsurveillance activities,evaluate students'performance,provide feedback and participate in exercise debriefiw Canddatessupporting role players responsible will be
More SRP(Surveillance Role Players)driving around-YouTube
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy&Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...
youtube.com/ watch?v=WpPto4-kWYg
Special Forces Association Chapter 76/South Florida ...
26/02/2022·SURVEILLANCE ROLE PLAYER OPPORTUNITIES IN MIAMI . 5326 Consultants,Inc. is looking for a few additional surveillance role players(SRPs)in Miami,Florida for work that has been awarded and is starting 23 February. Requirements:-SRP experience or real-world surveillance experience-Secret-level clearance or above
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ ...
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ.-Must maintain a Secret DoD clearance.
Jade Helm and the Forced Relocation of ...-DC Clothesline
12/04/2015·We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in the Phoenix,AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense.Forthis position,EKS is looking for part-time personnel to play a vital role in assisting with this security related training.Allcandidates irrespective of qualification level or prior background will be…
Working at EKS Group,LLC:Employee Reviews|Indeed.com
Surveillance Role Player(Former Employee)-Virginia Beach,VA-January 30,2020. ... but the James Bond feeling of it wears off when you get stuck in NoVAtraffic. ... Surveillance Role Player(SRP)(Current Employee)-Sierra Vista,AZ-August 30,2017.
indeed.com/ cmp/ Eks-Group,-LLC/reviews
Gangstalking-Training Manual-TARGETED JUSTICE
31/01/2017·Dr Rauni Kilde,M.D. was the Chief Medical Officer for Northern Finland,where she became aware of the government's Gangstalking program. She wrote a book exposing the Targeted Individual program,that included the training manual for Gangstalking.
targetedjustice.com/ gangstalking---training-manual.html
What Is Role Conflict?-Definition,Types&Examples ...
13/10/2021·Role conflict occurs when an individual is expected to perform the duties of two contradictory roles. Learn about the definition,types,real-world examples,and consequences of…
Banking Laws and Regulations|South Africa|GLI
The SARB is the Central Bank of South Africa and its main role is to ensure price stability with a view to facilitating sustainable economic growth as well as to oversee other banks. On 1 stApril 2018,the Minister of Finance determined that operations commence under the FSRA. As a result,the Prudential Authority(the“PA”)is now ...
Surveillance Role Players-TARGETED JUSTICE
Surveillance Role Players-TARGETED JUSTICE. Boston-Gangstalking.“Is Mind Control Possible?Absolutely. There is a mountain of evidence... Today we know there are technologies that can induce sound into the brain at a distance,can monitor and alter brainwaves at a distance,can alter behavior at a distance,can induce images into the ...
SURVEILLANCE ROLE PLAYERS;Do you know what that is?–The ...
29/01/2022·“My surveillance role players were specifically given a script to carry out a year’s long intimate relationship with me. We co-habituated . And what I mean is he moved in with me and we shared my bed for at least 16 months until his off Broadway debut was over. It was curtains then. Curtains for me and curtains for my kids.
21/02/2022·5326 Consultants,Inc. is looking for a few additional surveillance role players(SRPs)in Miami,Florida for work that has been awarded and is starting 23 February. Requirements:-SRP experience or real-world surveillance experience-Secret-level clearance or above-POV available to use for surveillance work
Need a Job this summer?Bea Surveillance Role Players ...
14/04/2015·SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense. For this position,EKS is looking for part-time personnel to play a vital role in assisting with this security related training. All candidates irrespective of qualification level or prior background will be evaluated for their ability/suitability to provide surveillance role playing that results in fully…
Surveillance role players Jobs|Glassdoor
24/09/2016·463 surveillance role players Jobs 3.3 River City Casino&Hotel Entry Level Surveillance Agent Saint Louis,MO$14 Per Hour(Employer est.)30d+Physical Demands-This position will require you to be in a confined room for extended periods of time. Thorough knowledge of casino games and operations,……4.0 Bobcat of Nashville
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ ...
Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ.-Must maintain a Secret DoD clearance. Close. 2. Posted by 7 years ago. Wanted:Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in Phoenix,AZ.-Must maintain a Secret DoD clearance.
Surveillance Role Player-Telum Protection Corp
Role Players will conduct surveillance activities,evaluate students’performance,provide feedback and participate in exercise debriefing. Candidates supporting role players responsible will be responsible for providing any support props and clothing articles. Additional Information
Surveillance role player, upto$70,000-Jobs now- Ecityworks
We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in the Phoenix,AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the ...
Need a Job this summer?Bea Surveillance Role Players
We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in ... SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the Department of Defense.
7 posts
· https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=&w=1484 ...
Telum Protection Corp Surveillance Role Player
https://www.smartrecruiters.com› TelumProtectionCorp
Role Players will conduct surveillance activities,evaluate students'performance,provide feedback and participate in exercise debriefing. Candidates ...
Missing: srp|Must include: srp
Surveillance Role Player Jobs- ClearanceJobs
https://www.clearancejobs.com›q-surveillance-role- pla...
Find Surveillance Role Player jobs with security clearance in defense,intelligence,and homeland security on ClearanceJobs.
Missing: srps|Must include: srps
Need a job?you can be a role player for DOJ|Texas Gun Talk-The ...
https://www.texasguntalk.com›...›Off-Topic Chat
Job Description:We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in the Phoenix,AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player ...
Surveillance Role Player job in Fredericksburg at EKS Group
https://lensa.com›surveillance-role-player-jobs› frede...
As a Surveillance Role Player(SRP),employee will operate as a member of a surveillance role playing team conducting static,foot,vehicle and/or ...
Missing: srps|Must include: srps
Need a Job this summer?Bea Surveillance Role Players This was ...
https://gangstalkingworldwide.quora.com›Need-a-Job- th...
We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in the Phoenix,AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player services to the ...
SRP ad–Telum Protection Corp.-Fight"Gang Stalking"
https://fightgangstalking.files.wordpress.com› srp...
SURVEILLANCE ROLE PLAYER Southern Pines,NC ... Prior to participating in actual exercises,all SRPs must have passed the basic surveillance training class.
Surveillance Officer Jobs Near Me in March,2022(Hiring Now!)
https://www.zippia.com›...›Surveillance Officer
Surveillance Role Player·Perform foot surveillance up to six miles per run;up to three runs per day·Perform vehicle surveillance up to three hours per run;...
Missing: srps|Must include: srps
Thread by@XKeyscore1-Thread Reader-Thread Reader App
(5)Surveillance Role Players:These are civilians who engage in overt public ...(6)Here is a link to Surveillance Role Player(#SRP)jobs on Glassdoor:
Surveillance Role Players
Surveillance Role Players·Interest in becoming a role player supporting field exercises·Map reading and navigational capability·Availability to work flexible ...
Missing: srp srps
USAWC Publications-Army War College Publications
It also recommends development of a standing National Security Council Policy ... The Army's Preventive Medicine community will play a crucial role in ...
Presidential Directive 51&FEMA Prison Camps|Lighthouse ...
Job Description:We have an exciting opportunity for Surveillance Role Players(SRP)in the Phoenix,AZ area. SRPs will provide surveillance role player ...
(PDF)Thinking Interestingly:The Use of Game Play to ...
Oct 15,2018—who utilisedrole-playing games as part of the method of instruction in which. terrorism and homeland security were major themes.
Table of Contents-Department of Distance Education-Army.mil
It addresses the role that the National. Security Strategy,the National Defense Strategy,and the National Military Strategy play in develop-.
https://www.easa.europa.eu› dfu›EPAS_2020-2024
Nov 7,2019—Impact of security on safety ... related safety issues,which play a role in improving safety ... Cyber Security in Aviation(ECCSA)34.
Bd of Vet.Med. SRP Manual-Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
http://www.townhall.virginia.gov› GetFile
consider the appropriateness of developing historically-based SRPs for health ... Board felt should consistently play a role in a sanction decision were ...
Applicatiom :Angel Lopez-The Last Outpost
As for your name and age,you shouldn't put down your actual name and age,but the ones of the character in the Role Play you are going to play;)...
Dell EMC PowerMax:Family Overview
Secure snapshots,role-based authentication,and tamper-proof audit logs ... configurations,and continued security hardening of the system.
Liberal International Relations Theory:A Social Scientific ...
by A Moravcsik·2001·Cited by 88—is a distinct“Liberal”Scientific Research Program(SRP)in the study of ... facts that did not“play some heuristic role in that theory's ...
Molecular mechanism of cargo recognition and handover by ...
by A Jomaa·2021·Cited by 5—The structures reveal the role of eukaryotic-specific features ...(C)Surveillance of the SRP72 and SRP RNA G232 insertion into the GTPases ...
Surveillance Role Player|US National Labor Exchange
Locations are in Tucson,AZ and Phoenix,AZ. As a Surveillance Role Player(SRP),employee must meet the following:+Generally,physically fit with the ability ...
FM 1-0-Intelligence Resource Program
https://irp.fas.org› doddir›army
Aug 25,2021—Figure 1-1 emphasizes the critical role of personnel information management as the connective ... and moves into the joint security area.
Republika Srpska-Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org›wiki› Republika_Srpska
Republika Srpska is one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina,the other being the ... Ljubijamine and companies like Agrokomercplayed a vital role in much of ...
Study and Research Paths to Improve Web-Based Inquiry ...
by A Moreno·2021·Cited by 1—of using SRPs and Q–A maps to improve Web-based inquiry learning. ... playing an increasingly important role in engineering jobs.
iHospital Solutions-Advantech
https://www.advantech.com›campaign› iHospital-Sol...
Your browser can't play this video. ... Advantech's iOutpatientsolutions are solution-ready packages(SRPs)that include digital signage devices and a ...
Software Restriction Policies for Windows Server 2016-Study ...
https://study.com›Courses›Computer Science Courses
In this lesson,we will review the role of Software Restriction Policies and how ... Select Computer Configuration;Under Windows Settings,select Security ...
Short rotation plantations policy history in Europe:lessons ...
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com› doi›full›fes3
by KN Lindegaard·2016·Cited by 56—Abstract Short rotation plantations(SRPs)are fast-growing trees(such ... of the current state of play for the SRP market in each country,...
EnergySource Innovation Stream:Sustainable biofuels
https://www.atlanticcouncil.org›event› energysource-...
Apr 24,2020—She shares a case study of implementing SRPs in the Western Balkans and ... chair for global energy security at the Atlantic Council,...
Measuring sexual relationship power equity among ...-PLOS
https://journals.plos.org› plosone›article›file
by K Closson·2019·Cited by 9—These power inequities play out within intimate relationships through ... In turn,young men may experience gender role strain[35,36].
measles outbreaks-strategic response plan-WHO|World ...
by World Health Organization·2021·Cited by 1—surveillance and other core risk mitigation capacities ... measles contingency plans and SRPs. ... played in the global measles resurgence and regional.
Advanced Windows Security Midterm Flashcards|Quizlet
https://quizlet.com›advanced-windows-security- midter...
Weeks 2-6 of Advanced Windows Security with Tall Harry Learn with flashcards,... You can change and play with these setting to customize the workstation ...
Using Payments to Attract and Retain Gen Z Customers-ICBA
https://www.icba.org›SRP Resources
Sep 17,2020—ICBA grants its affiliated State and Regional Partner(SRP)associations ... opportunity for community banks—one where payments play a role.
Supply Chain Packaging Guide-Walmart Corporate
https://corporate.walmart.com›_ proxyDocument
Feb 9,2022—FDA DSCSA(Drug Supply Chain Security Act)... Consolidation centers play a specialized role in moving products quickly on their journey to ...
Blueprint for a More Effective Family Court Intake Process and ...
https://www.floridabar.org›the- florida-bar-journal›b...
1)Self-represented parties(SRPs)include those who are unrepresented by attorneys ... The SRP committee has created several completed forms as samples,...
Star Trek Expanse:Sign-Up Thread-The United Federation of ...
https://ufplanets.com›...›CL1-Star Trek:Expanse
Aug 7,2014—These roles lead to more freedom when it comes to role-playing because you are free to ... Security Officer-Petty Officer-Ensign-(SEC)
The regional laboratories continued to play a crucial role in EPA's Strategic Plan for. Homeland Security. In FY2011,three regional laboratories made ...
NUREG-1913,"Design Control in Pursuit of Engineering ...
the SRP. SRPs are also not inspection procedures. Inspectors can use SRPs as ... Engineers play a vital role in the design,maintenance,and operation of ...
Mortgage Banking,Comptroller's Handbook-OCC.gov
https://www.occ.treas.gov›publications›files› pu...
by M Risk—As a result,a loan sold into a security by one bank ... Models play a critical role in the process of managing and accounting for MSAs. A model's.
Military Department-CT.gov
processed 123 military and 103 civilian investigations for security clearances ... first responders who play a critical role in protecting our personnel and.
Advocacy Handbook- Refworld
https://www.refworld.org› pdfid
strengthening engagement with the General Assembly,the Security Council,... champions have clear roles to play in GBV advocacy―especially in the absence ...
Editorial:Genome-Wide Analyses of Pectobacteriumand ...
Mar 3,2022—High levels of virulence associated with these SRPs involves the ... Genomics analyses play a dominant role in elucidating bacterial ...
Aug 4,2015—briefing to the Security Council,the UN Under-... coordination role globally,... unfunded humanitarian projects including in the SRP,...
The Army Ammunition Management System-Atterbury ...
Apr 1,2019—Ammunition surveillance records and reports•13–11,page 97 ... The AISs play a significant role in our ability to manage the ammunition ...
Security& DefenceEuropean
Apr 28,2021—batteries will be stockpiled for possible plug and play/cassette replacement. ... many'srole as a cooperation and alliance.
How Not to Be Lakatos Intolerant:Appraising Progress in IR ...
by C Elman·2002·Cited by 96—offered to buttress a theory played some heuristic role in that theory's ...(1990)argue that by adding security dilemma variables to Kenneth N. Waltz's.
Crime and Violence in Trinidad and Tobago-Publications
https://publications.iadb.org› english›document
by R Seepersad·2016·Cited by 29—data from the UNDP Citizen Security Survey with police data in Trinidad ... and 12 hours daily,which limited their time for play,leisure,and education.
Tanium™Enforce User Guide
Jul 14,2021—Role-based access control and configuration visibility ... Tanium™Enforce enables unified endpoint management and security by providing ...
Naval Transformation and the Littoral Combat Ship-CSBA
by RO Work·2004·Cited by 31—and maritime domain awareness and maritime patrol and security tasks(e.g.,... exist[ed]and play[ed]a vital defense role,”well before the exact nature ...
annual historical summary of the-American Bar Association
https://www.americanbar.org› armed_forces_law
the important role Army legal professionals play in supporting the Army's ... Over the past year,FCD fostered relationships with the National Security.
Defense in Depth:How Application Whitelisting Can Increase ...
https://www.faronics.com›assets› AE_WP_Appl...
Nov 16,2009—No single technology guarantees security,however application ... AV still has a role to play,and it is a good baseline security to have.
Proteins find their way with address label and guide
Feb 23,2011—The SRP binds to the signal sequence and guides it and the attached ... They provide us with detailed explanations of what role SRPs play in ...
Genetic insight into zinc and antimicrobial toxicity uncovers a ...
by RJ Edgar·2019·Cited by 36—These conserved glycopolymers,referred to as the Lancefield group A. Carbohydrate(GAC)and Serotype c specific Carbohydrate(SCC),play significant roles in ...
Drinking Water Security
ToWARdS dRInkIng WATeR SecuRITyIn IndIA... created by the SRP in developing ... documentary films,role play technique to simulate.
Advantech Industrial IoT Online Showroom
http://iotsummitchina.chinacloudsites.cn› advantech-iot...
Advantech's DeviceONManagement Services provide convenient plug and play ... Advantech's M2I/CNC machine management solution plays a critical role in IoT ...
I wrote Surface Shaders 2.0 so you don't have to deal with ...
https://forum.unity.com›...›General Graphics
Jan 20,2021—Shaders automatically upgrade between SRP versions(*assuming I have ... Last year,supporting SRPs was about half of my development time,...
A Rights in Crisis Guide to Influencing-cloudfront.net
https://d1tn3vj7xz9fdh.cloudfront.net›ml- ric- gui...
Oxfam believes that the right to life and security–while taking ... Members of civil society play a vital role in humanitarian crises–as early ...
The FDIC's Resolution Planning Process
https://www.fdicoig.gov›publications› fdics-resolutio...
DRR's Receivership Processes Also Play a Role in Mitigating Risks ... FDIC ombudsman,public affairs,physical security,and records management strategy.
Surveillance Role Player-EKS Group-Monster Jobs
4 days ago—As a Surveillance Role Player(SRP),employee will operate as a member of a surveillance role playing team conducting static,foot,...
Missing: srps|Must include: srps
MASTER'S HANDBOOK 2020-2021-DU Portfolio-University ...
https://portfolio.du.edu› downloadEditorItem
Aug 28,2020—Thus,all. International Security students are strongly encouraged to complete all Korbel Core coursework,Degree Core coursework,and the ...
Wyoming 2021 State Rail Plan.pdf
May 1,2021—SRP. Statewide Rail Plan. UP. Union Pacific Railroad ... CHAPTER 1 The Role of Rail in Wyoming's Statewide Transportation System .
West Mojave(WEMO)Route Network Project Final ...
https://eplanning.blm.gov›projects› nepa›West_...
access routes for safety and/or security reasons. ... Grazing cattle could play a role in seed dispersal,either through soil disturbance.
Oct 2,2014—(f)Conduct security and stability operations and assist the ... will play a key role in all USMC missions across the range of military.
Aviation Security and Surveillance BN on Southwest Border ... ACA personnel,Command Post,Intel,MXS and OPS all played a role in receiving“Mission.
The Safe Alternatives to Segregation Initiative:Findings and ...
ways to reduce the use of disciplinary segregation at lower-security level ... While not a replacement for QMHPs,the counselors play a unique role in.
Programme -AITVM
for surveillance in Africa,Renaud Lancelot,France ... Culicoidesspp. play an important role as vectors of several vector-borne pathogens such as ...
Governance in South Asia-Page 238-Google Books Result
Rumki Basu,M. ShamsurRahman·2016·Political Science
... Integrated Watershed Management Programme,Social Security Pension,MDM,... the field staff has been playing a vital role to lead the social audit.
Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
THE ROLE OF ELECTRIC PROPULSION IN EXTENDING THE ECONOMIC LIFE-CYCLE OF ... E03 Electric propulsion can play a dominant role in alleviating mass/volume ...
c't Security(2018): Sicherheitsratgeber2018 fürInternet&PC
·Translate this page
c't-Redaktion ·2018·Computers
Die Überwachung durchdie SRP schlägt aberin allen Fällen vorher zuund ... ganz ohne Ausnahmeregeln imBrowser;Sie finden ihn unterplay.spotify.com.
Measuring sexual relationship power equity among young ...
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