Trader Joe’s and Aldi’s Menu |
Recent studies have revealed the presence of pesticide residues in organic products offered by popular supermarket chains like ALDI’s and Trader Joe’s. This discovery has raised concerns among health-conscious consumers regarding the quality of organic options available at these stores. Upon closer examination, varying levels of pesticide residues have been found in the name brand foods sold at ALDI’s and Trader Joe’s. This finding contradicts the expectation of many consumers who trust these stores for providing high-quality organic products.
Research by Harvard University found that men who ate the greatest amount of fruit and vegetables with high levels of pesticide residue had a 49%lower sperm count and a 32%fewer normally formed sperm than those who consumed the least-The Guardian. Exposé on Trader Joe's: GMO's( Transgenic Food Crops Explained In-Depth), Pesticide Residues & Testing, E. coli, HUS, Listeria, Salmonella, Conflict Palm Oil, Arsenic Wines, Arsenic Rice, Pesticide Tea, Heavy Metals Chocolate(Cadmium and/or Lead), Anti-biotic-Meat and Trader Joe's Factory-Farm-Affiliations. Trader Joe's response to this article/criticism? Deplatform the article. But isn't the decision the homeowners, the customers, informed by themselves (immediately below?.
Agro-100 Pesticide
Test Strips:
PT-110 Pesticide
Test Strips:
Home Pesticide Test
Pesticide-Positive Food Examples from Trader Joe’s and Aldi’s during 2023
Environmental Working Group (EWG)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
If you don't have time to read the full article, at least decide where in Trader Joe's/Aldi's you are going to shop: The Roundup/Soy Aisles, the Roundup Corn Syrups Aisle(s), the Roundup Cornstarch/Corn Meal Aisle(s) or the Pesticide-tainted, Earth-destroying, Slave-labor Palm Oil Aisle(s)? The myth is that all Trader Joe's name brand products are "organic"and "all natural." Please read on.
NEW YORK, Jan 4(Reuters)-Trader Joe's was sued on Wednesday by a consumer who accused the grocery chain of misleading and endangering shoppers by selling dark chocolate containing harmful Lead and cadmium levels. The proposed class action was filed in the federal court in Central Islip, New York, one week after a similar lawsuit was filed there by the same four law firms against Hershey Co(HSY.N). Both lawsuits filed after Consumer Reports last month said 23 of the 28 dark chocolate bars it tested contained potentially harmful levels of Lead, cadmium, or both heavy metals for people who eat more than one ounce of chocolate daily.
The items named in the Trader Joe's lawsuit, along with their respective Lead levels (the 'recommended' daily maximum for ingested Lead is 0.5 micrograms total):
Super Spinach Salad:25.3 micrograms
Panak Paneer:16.2 micrograms
Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry:10.4 micrograms
Organic Pesto Tortellini:10.0 micrograms
Vegetarian Spring Rolls:4.4 micrograms
Trader Joe's, Aldi's, and Lidl are International Agro-Corporations trading Factory Farmed merchandise, masquerading as local Ma and Pa Shops. Most of their Air, Land, and Water Degradation is tidily off-shore in Third-World Hells-Holes imagineered via'Ma and Pa'Joe's depredation. Trader Joe's, Aldi's, and Lidl are the Mini-Me's of Dole, Chiquita, The United Fruit Company, and Ralcorp/Conagra, et al. One of the most irksome corporate behaviors of Trader Joe/Aldi's is the employees pushing Soy as"health food"and the brainwashing corporation's ongoing denial that they are destroying the planet, crushing huge ecosystems with their"health food"(more on this later). Trader Joe's long list of Suppliers seems suspiciously monoculture and not small, family farms. Many are Fortune 500 multinationals. There are 564 Trader Joe's locations in the US and about 12, 596 Aldi locations worldwide. Regarding pesticide residue and GMO and non-GMO food testing, Trader Joe's and Aldi ask for our blind trust but refuse to publish food pesticide test results . Over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the United States annually, and 5.6 billion pounds are used worldwide in factory farming. No mass food market is somehow"magically exempt"from 1 billion domestic or 5.6 billion global pounds of pesticides, particularly not a"Joe's" de facto subsidiary of Conagra/RalCorp. Q: Is All Food At Trader Joe's Organic? A: No, Trader Joe's Food is not "all organic," a clever marketing, untruthful rumor.
The United States uses more than 1.8 million tons of Glyphosate every year. The weed killer doesn't just kill weeds. Roundup is present in about 90%of food products tested by the US government, including honey. In the years since Roundup's linkage to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, there has been an ever-burgeoning amount of Roundup shills, trolls, and apologists. They post comments like"so-and-so factory-farm is well under the EPA's guidelines on Glyphosate, the food is safe..."They make it sound like you are getting the proper amount of daily intake for Vitamin C rather than that you are eating and drinking an extremely potent carcinogen.
According to a 2016 study, 276, 424, 074 pounds of Roundup were sprayed, mostly on food crops, in 2014 alone.
To quote Trader Joe's, "We don't allow pesticides and GMOs in our'name-brand'products?"It is tantamount to a soft drink company stating that"we don't allow plastics in'our'ocean."Stating that it is so does not make it so. Instead, it is nonsense, hubris, a lie. Trader Joe's arrogance and the Pandemic have caused droves of former customers to"abandon ship." We don't allow pesticides in our name-brand products, except for Glyphosate in Joe's O's and in Joe's Granola Bars and Joe's Oats... oh, and there was Glyphosate in TJ's Corn Chips, but our hypocrisy knows no bounds... We don't allow, err, we allow heavy metals in our Chocolate, Lead, and Cadmium. Other than that... High levels of Glyphosate in our Hummus... ... Glyphosate in Oatmeal by Brands, which brands to buy. This Suit alleges Costco, Trader Joe's , and others hiked egg prices during the Pandemic.
Wouldn't the World be better if Aldi's and Trader Joe's became completely honest and transparent with the food'products'listed below?160 Countries ban many items on the list, but these items are available in Trader Joe's and Aldi's food. John. Q. Public's Unacceptable Ingredients List:
*Food Products Containing Heavy Metals may include meats, seafood, grains, nuts, candy, vegetables, etc. Mercury, Lead, chromium, cadmium, and Arsenic are the bad actors. Every day, hundreds or thousands of people Google, "Trader Joe's near me."They never search for Trader Joe's Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic . Or they are searching for Trader Joe's Greenwashing . An example of Trader Joe's greenwashing is marketing"cold-pressed"apple Juice as cold-pressed, even though it is not. Furthermore, according to, " A sample of Trader Joe's Fresh Pressed Apple Juice exceeded a ten parts-per-billion threshold for Arsenic that is an allowable level. "
The World Health Organization reports that 220, 000 people succumb every year worldwide from pesticide poisoning. That number is only acute poisonings, exclusive of chronic poisonings. According to Women Engage for a Common Future , pesticides, and harmful chemicals cause more than 900, 000 deaths annually.( Source ).
The major players in the pesticides market are Syngenta, Bayer AG, BASF SE, Dow DuPont Inc., FMC Corporation, LG Chem Ltd, Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd, Wacker Chemie AG, Arkema SA, Kuraray Co Ltd, Jiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co.
New York, Sept 23, 2022(GLOBE NEWSWIRE) announces the release of the report"Pesticides Global Market Report 2022"-
The global pesticide market is growing from$78.16 billion in 2021 to$85.11 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate(CAGR)of 8.9%. The pesticides market will grow to$105.39 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate(CAGR)of 5.5%.(From Yahoo News).
In Africa, the consequences of the use of pesticides constitute the third-largest health cost after HIV/AIDS and malaria. If there was a way to accurately track chronic pesticide poisonings, the 900, 000 pesticide deaths annually would be much higher. Chronic poisoning is not harmless ;chronic poisoning is difficult to detect, track, and counteract medically. Most people, domestically and globally, are unaware that they are bioaccumulating and biomagnifying victims . As top predators, the"junk"ends up in our bodies. Think of your body as a giant sponge, absorbing microgram amounts of pesticides from your overall diet daily. Garbage in is more significant than garbage out over a lifetime.
Trader Joe's repeatedly asks us for our"blind trust, "so long as we keep eating Trader Joe's Organic Brown Arsenic Rice Pasta Fusilli …Trust us, it is all Non-GMO, "only unlabeled."Trust us, it is just Arsenic Rice Pasta... Unquestioningly, trust us while we pontificate the words"food safety"while having repeated E. coli and Salmonella food poisonings. How did Trader Joe's Rice Fusilli come to be contaminated with Arsenic ?
In February 2020, gave numerous recall policies of"Giant Food Chains"an"F"grade. PIRG gave only four supermarkets of the 26 surveyed:Target, Kroger, Smith's, and Harris Teeter-a passing grade(a grade of C.)All others, including Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Aldi's, Shop-Rite, Walmart, and many more, earned an"F"grade.
Trader Joe's/ALDI's Class I Recalls(A Class I recall involves a health hazard situation in which there is a reasonable probability that eating the food will cause health problems or death). Always check and for the latest info.
The terms GE and GMOs are slowly losing their relevance, which Transgenic Food Crops genuinely deserve. We are all, unfortunately, consumers of Transgenic Food Crops. You wouldn't want someone inserting pig or horse genes into your three-year-old child. Are we expected to eat algae and bacteria genes inserted into our three-year-old asparagus and artichokes?What's for supper? Transgenic Fish/Eel...
Remember the movie"A Few Good Men"by Colonel Jessup in Court?" You can't handle the truth !". The preceding link will take you to every known or suspected cancer-causer ever sprayed on human food! Carcinogenic Chemicals that were or are permeating food, fiber, and plantation agricultural sites are overwhelming human health.
Many bloggers write along these lines:Does Trader Joe's sell GMOs, are their "organics" tainted with GMOs, are GMOs evil?Weep and gnash teeth, the sky is falling…
GMOs are unproven, either safe or unsafe. But Agent Orange(which breaks down to Dioxin) is proven unsafe. Given a choice between Monsanto's Agent Orange Corn( Monsanto's Enlist®Corn)and Corn not soaked with 2, 4-D, I'd rather eat the non-2, 4-D Corn…Numerous ignorant bloggers write, woo, GMOs!Too. Look, I have a blog, and I eat societally ineffectual food. But if you, the public, demand the Pesticide Test Results on all of the PAN Dirty Dozen Pesticide Lists, actual test results printed out in your hand……then you will at least have an idea how much of the PAN Dirty Dozen Pesticides go through your gut. It is scientific;it is hard evidence. It is not"the sky is falling, Genetically Engineered Food, the devil!"Follow the pesticides, demand test results, and not get Salmonella from"Ready packed"death in a baggie. On Genetically Engineered Food(GMOs), just saying GMOs are evil is not scientific.
Why are they evil?Glyphosate interrupts your gut bacteria's( Shikimate pathway, metabolic pathway )like a plant's Shikimate pathway. Roundup Ready®food crops come to our dinner plate replete with Roundup®residue, and then Roundup®kills beneficial gut bacteria in your stomach. That isn't very good, but it is also scientifically provable. You can test some foods and beverages for pesticides via do-it-yourself kits to test for common contaminants ...
Roundup(Glyphosate)Cancer Cases: Key Documents&Analysis
GMOs and Trader Joe's are neither Bhophal India 15, 000 Dead Company Pesticide Accident nor are they"organic."But the in-between reality of all food in the USA is that about 70%of it tests positive for between 1 and 23 different pesticide residues.
Even Trader Joe's name-brand Hummus has tested positive for Glyphosate herbicide residue . There are several new articles about Glyphosate in beer and Wine ;1()part per trillion of Glyphosate in foods or beverages can be an endocrine disruptor that causes certain cancers. Also, according to, TJ's"Joe's O's"Toasted Whole Grain Oats Cereal tested 672 parts per billion Glyphosate residue. These Glyphosate Herbicide Test Results are significant for those who consume a lot of beer and Wine. There are also homeowner do-it-yourself kits to test for common contaminants in food, beer, and Wine... BTW who makes Trader Joe's Hummus?Bakkavor Foods USA, Inc. has recalled Trader Joe's Mediterranean Hummus(SKU #90642)and Trader Joe's White Bean&Basil Hummus(SKU #91107)with"USE BY"date codes up through and including 12/15/2016 because these products have the potential may be infected with Listeria monocytogenes.
We should all have a good cuss at the EPA's"safe"thresholds on poisons. How much Uranium is safe?How about powerful hormone auxins like 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-TP?
Roundup, Glyphosate, is now a known Carcinogen. If it is in beer and Wine, say 200-400, 000 parts per billion, you drink beer and Wine 1)monthly, 2)weekly, three daily, and 4)day and night. Do you feel the conundrum, what the EPA**claims**is safe, but your uptake could be daily, say a 6-pack per day of 400, 000 ppb of Glyphosate-does that sound safe?
Glyphosate in Beer and Wine-US PIRG Glyphosate-pesticide- beer-and- wine...
The EPA allows Glyphosate residues on over 150 food and feed crops at 0.2 to 400 ppm(200 to 400, 000 ppb).61 The EPA does not currently have a limit on beer or Wine.
Glyphosate in beer and Wine could bring back teetotaling ... glyphosate- beer- wine-teetotaling
Of 20 wine and beer samples tested, 19 contained Glyphosate. The highest level of Glyphosate was in Sutter Home Merlot wine, at 51 ppb. Among the beer brands tested were Budweiser, Coors, Miller Lite, and Tsingtao—with the latter three all containing levels above 25 ppb. Even organic brands tested positive:Samuel Smith Organic at 3.5 ...
Glyphosate pesticide in beer and wine|CALPIRG glyphosate-pesticide- beer-and- wine
US PIRG tested beer and Wine for glyphosate/Roundup to explore how much Roundup we're drinking. As confirmed in this study, Roundup is found in beer and Wine.
BREAKING:Roundup found in beer&wine samples(See the ...
https:// breaking-roundup-found-in-beer-wine-samples-see-the-brands
The beer brands that tested positive for Glyphosate are Budweiser, Coors Light, Miller Lite, Sam Adams, Samuel Smith(organic), New Belgium, Corona, Heineken, Guinness, Stella Artois(beer and cider), Ace Perry, Sierra Nevada, and Tsingtao.
Popular Beer and Wine Brands Contaminated With Monsanto's... glyphosate- wine- beer-testing-2553632957.html
In 2016, beer testing in Germany also revealed residues of Glyphosate in every single sample tested, even independent beers. Moms Across America released test results of 12 California wines that were all f
I urge you, the reader, to follow the Pesticide and pesticide Residue testing and to avoid Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria, and E. coli-tainted foods. Trader Joe's has had numerous E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria food product recalls. Pesticides and Food Poisoning are all natural, proven, indisputable dangers . It is alarming that the Pesticide Manufacturers Dow, Dupont, Bayer, BASF, Syngenta, and Monsanto are using the GMO-eating-public as lab rats to determine if Genetically Engineered foods(GMOs)are safe or unsafe... It is amoral that these Pesticide Companies who patent life itself(food monopolies)use all of us as their lab rats. Earth's six biggest pesticide manufacturers have ongoing monopolies on food crop seed and the Bayer, Syngenta, Dow, Dupont, BASF, and Monsanto War on Bees.
Food Bloggers and Commentators have a boring thread going all over the Internet, interspersed with Shill/Troll/Apologist Propaganda. Blogger A:The food crops in the photo are GMO. Blogger B:The food crops in the photo are non-GMO. Shill/Troll/Apologist C:I don't think they are soaking the food crops;it is more of a very light spritz. Shill/Troll/Apologist D:A child would have to eat 24, 000 baskets of Strawberries to come to any"harm";it is just" harmless "pesticide residue. What is" harmless "about all contaminated wells, the cancers, ADD/ADHD/Autism in our society?" Harmless ?"If you want to know The Truth , start with the Insecticide&Carcinogen Search ... Follow this pesticide database link , go to"Chemical Category Search, "and(for instance)select"Known Carcinogen"and"Herbicides"and click on"Search"—Ditto with Insecticides.
Trader Joe's'name-brand'products are mostly not organic! There are some exceptions, but the Trader Joe's employee's verbal myth that"all Trader Joe's name-brand products are organic"is shrewd, extremely deceptive marketing hubris!Such'verbal contracts'are"organic"guile...
Over 93 percent of the Corn and Soybeans planted in the United States are GMOs. Soybeans are the number one genetically modified crop in the World. Up to 92%of US corn is GMO, as are 94%of soybeans and 94%of cotton(cottonseed oil is frequently used in food products). Herbicide-resistant GMOs are engineered by chemical companies that sell these harmful pesticides. It's no coincidence that only three chemical companies now control over 60 percent of the World's seed supply. GMO Soybeans in the USA contain 11, 900 parts per billion of Glyphosate(Roundup)Herbicide. Soy is the Soylent Green bottom line of Trader Joe's"Health Food, "nearly 12, 000 PPB of Endocrine Disruptor(Gut Bacteria Weed Killer)Glyphosate-so"where is the health?"
Most Trader Joe's and Aldi's stores have one or two(unrefrigerated gondolas that one may perceive as the Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, and Canola Oil Aisle(s). This aisle or these aisles contain cheap(low-cost to Trader Joe's)food stored without refrigeration(higher profits). Trader Joe's/Aldi's aisles contain jars, bottles, cans, boxes, and plastic wrappers filled with GMO Corn, Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, and Canola Oil(suspect pesticide residue foods)."Joe"would have you believe the entire box or jar is the"7%non-GMO, non-pesticide crop"food, but another view is that 93%of the container food content has GMO pesticide residues.
Soy as"human health"is as insidious and brainwashing prevarication as has ever been invented by any snake-oil salesperson. Please read" Mayan beekeepers against Monsanto transgenic soya, Campeche, Mexico ."
Pesticides can be grouped into categories and sub-categories:
When someone lists a pesticide by brand name, look up the active ingredient and look up two things:1)the LD50 and 2)Whether or not it is a known carcinogen. Low LD50 pesticides and known carcinogens are what we wish to cut out of our diets, farms, and landscapes. Two of the most common pesticide residues in food are Malathion and Chlorpyrifos. Pesticide advocates(lobbyists on K-Street)like to point out the low toxicity(high LD50 number), but Malathion and Chlorpyrifos residues tend to get stored in people's body fat. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, women of childbearing age, and women raising rapidly growing children and teens should be particularly interested in Malathion Chlorpyrifos and other pesticide residues in Trader Joe's food. GMO chemicals, such as Atrazine , Metolachlor, Propanil, and Gyphosate's derivative, AMPA, are found in rainwater.
Since before 2000 BC, humans have utilized pesticides to protect their crops. The first known Pesticide was elemental sulfur dusting, used in the ancient land of Sumer about 4, 500 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia. ... By the 15th century, toxic chemicals such as Arsenic, mercury, and Lead were being applied to crops to kill pests. Before World War II, the development of certain pesticides and the creation of nerve gases for chemical warfare have gone hand-in-hand.
One could write a very long article about the morality and Global environmental consequences of GMOs/Factory Farm Techniques .
From Pesticide Tea to E.coli, it is worth noting that when Walmart has an E. coli O157:H7 recall on Cello-Bagged Salads, Trader Joe's has an E. coli O157:H7 recall on Cello-Bagged Salads. When Safeway recalled Listeria Peanut Butter, Trader Joe's recalled Listeria Peanut Butter. There is a distinct pattern in the Trader Joe's recall headlines. Do you see it: "7 Ton Hummus Recall from Trader Joe's, Target."?The Sources below are links to recall articles and whistle-blower stories. The news headline 'Vegetables sold at Albertsons, Walmart, Trader Joe's part of colossol listeria recall'… tells us Trader Joe's veggies are from the same factory farms as Albertsons and Walmart..."Trader Joe's says that the plaintiffs have refused to show them the test results for the company's Charles Shaw White Zinfandel, which the lawsuit claims contain nearly three times the allowable amount of Arsenic for drinking water. ... In Canada, the limit for total Arsenic in Wine is 100 parts per billion."Trader Joe's Aldi connections to Factory Farms and CAFOs are evident in a preponderance of articles linked to this article. Hence, the Roundup weedkiller is in the Hummus, and Arsenicals is in the Wine.
One of my oldest friends worked for Trader Joe's for years to put himself through college. If you ask a Trader Joe's employee if the Corn Chips are GMO, you will be told, "Our Corn chips are sourced from'all-natural ingredients;they are not GMO."There is an unspoken implication(all-natural, non-GMO)that small, organic family farms grow the Corn Chips on all-organic Corn Chip vines. 503 stores in 43 states and Washington, DC, there are only a couple of"small, organic"'family farms' with enough'corn-chip vines'to fill all of those shelves:ConAgra-owned RalCorp and RJ>Reynolds owned Mann Packing.
"The GM corn was grown in no-till fields, continuous GM corn(Roundup Ready)for 5-10 years, and with a glyphosate regime for all of the ten years. The non-GM Corn has not had Glyphosate(or Roundup)applied to the field for at least five years. The GM corn test weight was 57.5 lb. versus the non-GM Corn test weight of 61.5 lb.
Zen Honeycutt, who posted the report, commented that Glyphosate, shown to be toxic at one ppm, is present at 13 ppm in GM corn. Similarly, formaldehyde at 200 ppm is 200 times the level known to be toxic in animals.
The GM corn was also severely depleted in essential minerals-14 ppm vs. 130 ppm of calcium, two ppm vs. 113 ppm of magnesium, two ppm vs. 14 ppm of manganese, three ppm vs 44 ppm of phosphate, three ppm vs 42 ppm of sulfur, and so on." The GM corn bushels weigh less, they are 4-pounds of minerals and vitamins lighter, so much for the Pro-GMO-inept-argument"that GMO's are the same food."A bushel of Corn that weighs 4-pounds less via fewer vitamins and minerals is not"the same food.". This broaches the subject of" GMO Substantial Equivalency Failure Jeffrey Smith ."
My Trader Joe's friend and former employee detest Trader Joe's. We have had several discussions about"all-naturally sourced"products. Much of what ConAgra sells is labeled"all-natural foods"(it is a nonsense term, implying some semi-organic status that is not there, ergo-snake oil. ambivalent). Everything Trader Joe's sells is"all-natural."The US FDA has not developed any rules or regulations on the defining features of what qualifies a product as" natural."Trader Joe's ConAgra Oats, fumigated with Phosphine Gas, are "all-natural." People think of oats as "health food," not realizing that from farm to cereal bowl, oats have become problematic to human health ...
So, what makes Trader Joe's food any different than other foods?
Trader Joe's is not a food producer, they manufacture no food - their "name brand food" is produced by other, separate companies. Trader Joe's and Aldi's foods are mass-produced by their factory farm (sometimes GMO) suppliers. Trader Joe's Food Suppliers Revealed:
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...Soylent Green in Trader Joe's artsy-wrappers. The wrappers are deceptive, Aldi's and Trader Joe's are closed-book secretive, but we have Trader Joe's employees'assurances that the food is, err, 'natural'…Trader Joe's and Aldi's sell farmed Salmon. Salmon farming is a disaster for the environment and human health , and tests show farmed Salmon is about five times more toxic than any other food tested. In animal feeding studies, mice-fed farmed Salmon developed obesity and diabetes—effects researchers believe are related to toxic exposures.*AVOID*Farmed Fish with Chemical Dioxins, PCBs, and GMOs .
Besides pesticides and antibiotics used in fish farming, the most significant source of toxic exposure is the dry pellet feed, which contains dioxins, PCBs, and other toxic pollutants. On average, PCB concentrations in farmed Salmon are eight times higher than in wild Salmon. Farmed Salmon does not have the nutritional profile of wild Salmon, containing more than 5.5 times more omega-6 fat than wild Salmon, which further skews rather than corrects most people's omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Eating Farmed Salmon, unfortunately, raises your Omega-6 and lowers your Omega-3. Farmed salmon feed pellets(Salmon Food Pellets)often contain Dioxin, PCBs, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Toxophene, Cadmium, and eight other fat-binding toxins. Source:
See videos on Farmed Fish. list:6 of the Healthiest Fish to Eat
Albacore Tuna(troll-or pole-caught, from the US or British Columbia)...
Salmon(wild-caught, Alaska)...
Sardines, Pacific(wild-caught)...
Rainbow Trout(farmed)...
Freshwater Coho Salmon(farmed in tank systems from the US)
Four drugs were identified:
Emergency!Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Food Crops ?
No chain store sells 100% pesticide-residue-free food, and neither does Trader Joe's. How much Glyphosate (listed as a known carcinogen in California) is in Trader Joe's Alfalfa (Meat), Corn, Soy, Wheat, Oats, Rice, canned and packaged(frozen and boxed/canned)foods, and produce?What other pesticide residues are in Trader Joe's(besides the Glyphosate Joe's O's Cereal and Hummus) food? Who has been doing the 3rd-party testing, and where are the results? Indeed, a thriving concern that claims their products are "all-naturally sourced" has a long history of conducting pesticide-residue/food-safety tests on all their products, so "where's the beef"?
It is imperative to understand the difference between Acute and Chronic Pesticide Poisoning:
Example One:A Farm Pest Control Operator loads his spray rig without a respirator and inhales Simazine Dust;he is hurried to an ER with Acute Poisoning.
Example Two: You shop in a"Boutique"factory-farm supermarket and buy lettuce washed and rinsed in water from a Simazine-Contaminated Water-Well . You have been buying and eating lettuce containing tiny, microscopic amounts of simazine for years. Your Chronic Pesticide Poisoning bowel cancer develops, and your doctor probably blames"red meat."
In both examples, it is not a GMO-gene-splice that gets you;it is a pesticide. In example two above, your boutique's "all-naturally sourced"vendor has a moral and legal obligation to protect you from high levels of pesticides in your food. Since you are paying extra for the food, you deserve to see their pesticide 3rd-party test records from, say, the past ten years Posted Online …
It is also important to realize that GMO and non-GMO products contain pesticide residue. Blog-Commentators asking" if Trader Joe's sells GMOs and if Trader Joe's foods contain Pesticide Residues in their articles is inane. "If"articles are incredibly ill-informed;instead, ask how many pesticides are in all and how much residue of each Pesticide is there. Anything from overseas probably has high pesticide residues. Produce and grains are also bioaccumulation magnets for sprayed pesticides ending up in our diets...
Since France and Russia banned GMOs(both as food crops and as food imports), incidences of many modern diseases such as diabetes, digestive disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, autism spectrum disorders(ASD)(ADD), autoimmune diseases, sexual dysfunction, sterility, asthma, COPD and obesity have declined. The biotech/GMO/GE, multinational Transgenic'Food'firms, love the words" substantially equivalent, substantial equivalency , "etc.
Most Trader Joe's products are very likely to contain Pesticide Residues. A good rule of thumb is Figure 7, which shows that every 10(70%)food at Trader Joe's has measurable pesticide residues. Strawberries test with up to 22 pesticides. Over 98%of strawberries, spinach, grapes, nectarines, peaches, apples, and cherries test positive for at least one pesticide residue. The notion that Trader Joe's is"exempt"is just marketing brainwashed hubris."All-Natural Goodness, "as the Hawaiian Shirts are prone to pontificate, what is the alternative, mostly unnatural badness?
There are two"dirty dozens";one is vegetable varieties, and the other is pesticide types. Two thousand twenty-three dirty dozen pesticide items are Strawberries, Spinach, Kale Collard and Mustard Greens, Peaches, Pears, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Bell&Hot Peppers, Grapes, Blueberries and Green Beans top the list as the most polluted with pesticides. The PAN Dirty Dozen Pesticides are 2, 4, 5-T, Aldicarb, Aldrin, Atrazine ;Chlorobenzilate, Chlordane, Chlordimeform, DBCP, DDT, Dieldrin, EDB, Endrin, Heptachlor, HCH, Lindane, Methyl Parathion, Paraquat, Parathion, Pentachlorophenol, and Toxaphene. Much more pesticide reading here . The Clean 15 are Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Onions, Papaya, Sweet Peas(frozen), Asparagus, Honeydew, Kiwi, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Mangoes, Sweet Potatoes, Watermelon, and Carrots. You avoid a boatload of pesticide residue if you purchase the dirty dozen as organic produce. Making the Clean 15 part of your regular shopping also avoids unhealthy residues.
The ubiquitous herbicide Atrazine is an Endocrine Disruptor and is linked to reproductive effects, including increased risk of miscarriage, reduced male fertility, low birth weight, increased chances of congenital disabilities, and higher incidence of abdominal defects. Atrazine turns male frogs into female frogs, replete with copulating and laying eggs like a female, but this is in genetically male frogs... Atrazine is terrible stuff. Atrazine exposure has been linked to an elevated risk of breast and prostate cancers. The recent President's Cancer Panel Report notes that Atrazine has possible carcinogenic properties. The US EPA is re-evaluating Atrazine's carcinogenic potential in response to concerns. Bagged veggies in the cellophane would generally have more pesticide residues, be less fresh, and have fewer vitamins. Those"ready"bagged vegetables are E-Coli O157:H7(Escherichia coli O157:H7)Class-Action Lawsuits waiting to unfold(the cello-wraps are frequent recalls for food diseases). Trader Joe's has a record of E-Coli O157:H7 outbreaks, a virulent, deadly disease.
From Madronna Holden, Trader Joe's heavy-metal(s)tainted'candy':
Trader Joe's Company:Trader Joe's Swiss 72%Cacao Dark Chocolate:Lead;
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Bar–Toffee With Walnuts and Pecans 70%cacao:Lead;
Trader Joe's Pound Plus Dark Chocolate:Lead;
Trader Joe's Pound Plus, 72%Cacao Dark Chocolate:Lead;
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate 73%Cacao Super Dark:Lead&Cadmium;
Trader Joe's The Dark Chocolate Lover's Chocolate Bar(85%cacao):Lead&Cadmium
Despite the best attempts to appear"family, "small, and"organic, "many of the"health food"items in Trader Joe's are factory/machine produced by Snyder's-Lance, Pepsi, Tate's Bake Shop, Snack Factory, Tribe Mediterranean Foods, Annie's, Stacey's, Amy's, Tasty Bite, ConAgra, General Mills, and RalCorp. Keep in mind, Trader Joe's"own-label"products are'knock-offs'from more giant corporations; you are what you eat! The hummus brands testing positive for glyphosate residue were Kirkland Signature, Sabra, Cedar's, Balanced, Trader Joe's, Sadaf and Hope.
Some of the produce and processed foods in Trader Joe's contain Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate(trade name Roundup), and the wines contain Arsenic. Legally, Trader Joe's is therefore required in California to have a Proposition 65 Warning posted in conspicuous view: WARNING:This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, congenital disabilities, or other reproductive harm.
I have never seen such a signage warning in a Trader Joe's in California, but then again, Trader Joe's is about secrecy, hiding their shame. Trader Joe's hypocrisy seems to know no bounds…Trader Joe's pretends to be"green"to be"bastions of environmental stewardship."So why are their processed foods filled with(collectively)tons of Palm Oil?See the video documentary Greasy Palms and ask yourself why Trader Joe's would be secretive about its palm oil. In the video, pay attention to all the content about pesticides and who is doing the pesticide work. Trader Joe's"Gyoza"Dough:Unbleached Wheat Flour, Tapioca Starch, Water, Palm Oil …Trader Joe's cookies, known as"Joe Joe's":Sugar, Unbleached Enriched Wheat Flour, Palm Oil …
Many of Trader Joe's"Vegan"products contain Palm Oil, which is technically not Vegan Palm Oil . Trader Joe's and Aldi's are secretive, evasive, and mute on their source for"Vegan" Palm Oil . Palm Oil is bad for forests and wrong for your liver .
You must see the Palm Oil video documentary. One of the women in the video describes being a pesticide slave worker with no formal training. It is entirely likely she suffers bouts of mild to moderate acute poisoning and ongoing chronic poisoning. Think of no clear goggles, rubber gloves, rubber boots, respirator mask(no NIOSH respirator cartridges), and chemical-resistant Tyvek jumpsuit. Even the milder"Caution"pesticides can be fatal if she sleeps in contaminated clothes and works in the same unwashed clothes while spraying seven days a week. This scenario occurs in the Third World(and the US);it is also likely that she uses pesticides from the Pan Dirty-Dozen Pesticide List .
1. Indonesia:US$14.4 billion(51.7%of total palm oil exports)
2. Malaysia:$9.1 billion(32.6%)
3. Netherlands:$1.1 billion(3.9%)
4. Papua New Guinea:$386.2 million(1.4%)
5. Guatemala:$376.2 million(1.4%)
6. Germany:$357.6 million(1.3%)
7. Honduras:$270.2 million(1%)
8. Colombia:$245.5 million(0.9%)
9. Ecuador:$228.2 million(0.8%)
10. Niger:$129.8 million(0.5%)
11. Costa Rica:$101.5 million(0.4%)
12. Denmark:$99.5 million(0.4%)
13. Italy:$98.8 million(0.4%)
14. United Arab Emirates:$90.4 million(0.3%)
15. United States:$85.2 million(0.3%)
The short, 18-minute video heregives you an idea of the environmental and civil rights of indigenous peoples'havoc wreaked by Palm Oil. But Trader Joe's is so proud of their Palm Oil suppliers that they shroud them in a sea of mystery. Are there pesticide residues in Trader Joe's products containing palm oil?
The Oil Palm videoalso outlines the social injustice(Conflict), lawlessness, and ill-health of those robbed of their lands and forced into slave conditions growing"Sustainable Palm-Oil."Victims Nations include Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Niger, and Costa Rica. The slave workers are forced to use the herbicide Paraquat;Paraquat is one of the most poisonous, destructive ag chemicals ever developed. Does Trader Joe's even bother to do a 3rd-party test for Paraquat in its"Sustainable Palm Oil"(there is probably no such thing now)?Paraquat Cl's LD50: The oral LD50 of Paraquat is 196 mg/kg in mice, 50 mg/kg in monkeys, and 48 mg/kg in cats. Extremely toxic.
Read about the"Dirty Dozen Pesticides"(not vegetables, but the chemicals:2, 4, 5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Methyl Parathion, et al.);the Pan Dirty-Dozen Pesticide List . The sky has fallen since World War II and Vietnam;Dow, Dupont, and Monsanto . Read Johnny O'Donnell's(Playboy)Agent Orange/Agent Blue article;you did not just invent the wheel, Vani. You could make it a Baker's dozen if you Yandexed, "DOW Enlist Duo®." Look it up in the English version of Metager. Your articles are a disservice, in the sense you are not writing about Aldicarb(Temik)Melons in 1985 California , but you carry on like you are…It is most apparent you have never attended a Pesticide class or course or read many MSDSs.
The public can exercise your Free Speech with your purses and wallets. Look at the labels in Trader Joe's;when you see"Palm Oil, "read it as"Conflict/Pesticide Palm Oil."Please watch the two videos, and you will understand why Joe is so silent and secretive... Conflict/Pesticide Palm Oil is found in the Cookies/Candy aisle, boxed foods, bagged foods, and microwavable entree sections of Trader Joe's"health boutique."Conflict/Pesticide Palm Oil is an ingredient in Joe's soaps and cosmetic products. Palm Oil is an obesity/diabetes food(Saturated Fat, empty non-vitamin"food, "raises body fat, raises lousy cholesterol but provides no vitamins). You may frequently find Palm Oil in Instant Pastas, Noodles, Pizzas, Bread, Margarines, Crisps, Crackers, Cookies, Vegan-Cheeses, Ice Cream, Microwaveable Popcorn, Frozen Entrees, Soaps, and Cosmetics.
More IMF Business Model Conflict Palm Oil:Land Robbery, Clear-Cut Logging, Burn, Plant African Oil Palms(Bad Cholesterol, Bad Fat). Force Workers to abuse pesticides with no worker safety clothing and no respirators. Kill off wildlife and fish, and keep robbing more land until indigenous people are forced to buy food at the company store…
Third World Pesticide Workers spray food and feed with either'improvised'(raincoats)or no protective gear. Apologists call their pesticide abuse" harmless pesticide residue ."Those without protective gear are shortening their lives;where is the"harmlessness"?In 1977, pesticide proponents boosted Monsanto Roundup® as "nearly harmless," and "low-toxicity, "and "biodegradable." It took 40 years for the public to learn that Roundup® (Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate) has persistent, troublesome residue linked to cancer. California and the World Health Organization list Glyphosate as a known carcinogen, after nearly 40 years of boosterism, as "harmless." The more careless the Pesticide Workers (no protective gear, none whatsoever), the more likely the mixer/loader doubled, tripled, etc., the Pesticide to Water Ratio…This practice results in excessive food pesticide residues (often, there is more than one Pesticide in the mixture). If the fungicides and insecticides are doubled, there is an adverse cubed toxicity effect on human health. Who are Trader Joe's 3rd Party Pesticide Residue Testers?
Somehow, Trader Joe's Hawaiian Shirts and food bloggers have started an urban Internet"myth"that all Trader Joe's "brand-name" products are "Organic"and therefore "Pesticide-Free".
Together, certified organic food cropland and pasture accounted for about 0.6 percent of the US total farmland in 2011. Only a tiny percentage of the top US field crops—Corn(0.3 percent), soybeans(0.2 percent), and wheat(0.6 percent)—were grown under certified organic farming systems as of Sept 22, In 2011, the USDA conducted a series of Glyphosate tests on 300 soybean samples, finding that 271 contained Glyphosate residues . Remember, California and the World Health Organization list the Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate as a known carcinogen. Trader Joe's own-label products are a total of Soy . Women are at an increased risk from the many hormone-disrupting substances found in soy phytosterols . Soy is also not doing men any favors . The trouble is Genistein and Daidzein. The Soy farmers dispute all the harmful aspects of Roundup Ready Soy.
So, if 0.6%of all US food crops(and that 0.6%being largely Corn, soybeans , and wheat), then that would leave a remainder(99.4%)of all crops in the US as Non-Organic(potential or probable GMO and Pesticide-Crops). If 99.4%of US food crops are Non-Organic and have Pesticide Residues, where is Trader Joe's buying all of"his"verbal-contract"Non-GMO, Non-Pesticide"products from?But is it"all-natural"?One of Joe's Managers said, "All of our name-brand products are All-Naturally-Sourced."Meaningless, brainwashed hubris. Food and products that contain or often contain Soy :
The list immediately above from
Trader Joe's Brownie Crisp Coffee Ice Cream Sandwiches ...[SUGAR, UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE, DEXTROSE, COCOA BUTTER, SOY .////Trader Joe's Strawberry Yogurt O's are liberally coated with delicious yogurt–in ... Ingredients:Whole Oat Flour, Unbleached Enriched Flour(niacin, reduced iron, ... yogurt powder[nonfat dry milk, lactic acid], titanium dioxide[white color], Soy .
But Soy is"Animal-Friendly"(feeding Genistein and Daidzein to humans is not"Animal-Friendly")...
Soy Documentaries-Argentina is the Third Largest Soy Producer and an Avid Monsanto Customer
GMO Soy Pesticide Web Searches:
To(partially)understand Soy (and extrapolate on other factory-farmed foods), watch the video:The World according to Monsanto is a video best watched multiple times;said video closely examines how Soy (and other crops)are'farmed.'
From Soy. We've all come to think of Soy as a healthy alternative for protein and calcium. In fact, as a subsidized crop, Soy has become so prevalent in so many foods that allergies are on the rise. It hides on labels as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, lecithin, starch, and vegetable oil. Soy is a source of phytoestrogens(Genistein and Daidzein). Because we are exposed to it so much in our foods(and health and beauty products), it's becoming an endocrine disruptor(fermented Soy is less detrimental with more nutrients).
Food labeled "Natural," according to the USDA definition, does not contain artificial ingredients or preservatives and with ingredients minimally processed. However, they may contain antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemicals. Regulations are relatively lenient for foods labeled "natural." Trader Joe's employees verbally said their private-label foods are"all-naturally sourced." This ambiguous response to a direct question(are the foods GMO, and do they have pesticide residues)is, presently, Trader Joe's only stonewalled response. They verbally implied that Trader Joe's has a"monopoly"on the USA's 0.6%non-GMO, Non-Pesticide crops grown. Some of the main"ingredients"of our human diet impacted by pesticides are Corn, Cotton, Barley, Wheat, Soybeans, Sorghum, Oats, Peanuts, Potatoes, Beets, Tobacco, Sunflowers, Rice, and Forages(Alfalfa). We are bio-accumulators . No washing method is 100%effective for removing all pesticide residues. Many pesticides(Glyphosate and 2, 4-D, to name two)are systemic and absorbed into plants. Fruit and vegetables have pores-dish soap or bleach can get trapped or absorbed by the pores, making it difficult to rinse off the fruit once they have been applied.
Celiac disease, and, more generally, gluten intolerance, is a growing problem worldwide, but especially in North America and Europe, where an estimated 5%of the population now suffers from it. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes, macrocytic anemia, and depression. It is a multifactorial disease associated with numerous nutritional deficiencies as well as reproductive issues and an increased risk of thyroid disease, kidney failure, and cancer. Here, we propose that Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup®, is the most important causal factor in this epidemic. Fish exposed to Glyphosate develop digestive problems that are reminiscent of celiac disease. Celiac disease is associated with imbalances in gut bacteria that the known effects of Glyphosate on gut bacteria can fully explain. Characteristics of celiac disease point to impairment in many cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved with detoxifying environmental toxins, activating vitamin D3, catabolizing vitamin A, and maintaining bile acid production and sulfate supplies to the gut. Glyphosate is known to inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes. Deficiencies in iron, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, and other rare metals associated with Celiac Disease can be consistent with Glyphosate's strong ability to chelate these elements.
Deficiencies in tryptophan, tyrosine, methionine, and selenomethionine associated with celiac disease match glyphosate's known depletion of these amino acids in a smoking Glyphosate gun. Celiac disease patients have an increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which has also been implicated in glyphosate exposure. Reproductive issues associated with celiac disease, infertility, miscarriages, and congenital disabilities can also be explained by Glyphosate. Glyphosate residues in wheat and other crops have likely been increasing recently due to the growing practice of crop desiccation before harvest. We argue that the practice of"ripening"sugar cane with Glyphosate may explain the recent surge in kidney failure among agricultural workers in Central America. We conclude with a plea to governments to reconsider policies regarding the safety of glyphosate residues in foods.
High probability of Glyphosate residue in food;, examples Chips Grapes Wine, and Grape Juice, Beer, Milk, Bread, Dried Pasta, Lentils, White Beans, Soy Beans, Corn, Wheat and Barley, Potatoes, Avocados, Honey, and Corn Syrup, Tofu, Soy Sauce, Tea Leaves, Gelatin, Ground Oats, Pureed Baby Food and Cereal.
Glyphosate Depletes Iron, Manganese and Zinc in Plants*
Mar 24, 2015- iron. manganese. Glyphosate disrupts the body's ability to distribute the minerals safely:Everybody walks a tightrope between deficiency and ...
Pan Dirty Dozen Pesticides Plus Monsanto’sEnlist Duo® Persistent Organic Pollutants( POPs). Pesticides listed as persistent organic pollutants(POPs), due to the chemical's ability to persist in the environment, bioaccumulative, biomagnifying, and long-range transport capacity. You are urged to find additional sources:.govs and wikis are the least helpful. |
Pesticide Name |
Type |
Oral LD50(rats) |
Articles |
Aldicarb |
Systemic Carbamate Insecticide, Acaricide and Nematocide
0.9 mg/kg and 1.0 mg/kg
Aldrin |
Organochlorine Insecticide
39 to 64 mg/kg
Atrazine is a triazine broadleaf pre-and post-emergent herbicide |
672 to 3, 000 mg/kg
Chlorobenzilate |
Organochlorine Miticide |
700 mg/kg
Chlordane |
Highly chlorinated cyclodienesInsecticide
200 to 700 mg/kg |
Chlordimeform |
Organic Halide |
340 mg/kg |
DBCP(1, 2-dibromo-3-chloropropane) |
Brominated Organochlorine was a fruit tree Nematocide(soil fumigant)that is still licensed for Pineapples in the United States |
170-300 mg/kg |
DDT(Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) |
Organochlorine Insecticide |
113 to 800 mg/kg |
Dieldrin |
Organochlorine insecticide |
50-120 mg/kg
EDB(1, 2-Dibromoethane) |
Organobromine Fumigant |
108 mg/kg
Endrin |
Organochloride Insecticide |
7-15 mg/kg
Enlist Duo®(2, 4-D and Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate) |
Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate(Phosphonate)and 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid*(Organic Compound) Blend of two herbicides |
2, 500 mg/kg(this does not seem right…also, how many lower-dose rats still alive 30, 60, 90 and 120 days later?)
Heptachlor |
Organochlorine Compound Insecticide |
40-220 mg/kg |
Organochloride Insecticide |
88-270 mg/kg |
Lindane |
Organochlorine Insecticide |
88-270 mg/kg
Methyl Parathion |
Organophosphate Insecticide |
18 to 50 mg/kg
Paraquat |
Viologen herbicide |
20 mg/kg
Parathion |
Organophosphate insecticide and acaricide |
2 to 30 mg/kg |
Pentachlorophenol |
An Organochlorine compound used as a pesticide and a disinfectant |
25-200 mg/kg
Toxaphene |
A Mixture of over 670 Different Chemicals and is produced by reacting chlorine gas with camphene. Insecticide |
90 mg/kg
*2, 4-D, like 2, 4, 5-T, is a synthetic auxin. Google" Agent Orange birth defects pictures "in Google Images.
Most commonly store-purchased GMO Foods or Food Additives:
1. Soy
Up to 90%of Soybeans in the market continue to be genetically modified to be'naturally'resistant to a herbicide called Roundup. This increased resistance to Glyphosate allows farmers to use more Roundup to kill weeds—genetic engineering results in a genetically modified'food'product containing health-threatening chemical residues.
2. Corn
Half of the US farms growing Corn to sell to the conglomerate Monsanto are growing GMO corn. Most of this corn GMO is for human consumption. Genetically modified Corn has been linked to research on health problems, including weight gain and organ disruption.
3. Canola Oil
Canola Oil is made from rapeseed oil. It is considered one of the most chemically altered oils sold in the US.
4. Cotton(Fabric, Cotton Seed Oil)
Even Cotton is genetically modified to increase yield and resistance to diseases. The most concern relates to Cotton Oil. Cottonseed Oli originating from India and China, in particular, is considered a higher risk for personal health due to Pesticide Residue.
5. Milk
One-fifth of the dairy cows in the United States have tested positive for growth hormones to help them grow faster and increase their yield. These BGH hormones are in the milk produced by BGH cows. Research shows these growth hormones act inside the human body. Most people consider yogurt a"healthy choice."This is the label from Trader Joe's Lemon Yogurt:Grade A pasteurized and cultured low-fat milk, sugar, and corn sweeteners, lemon juice concentrate, lemon zest, modified corn starch, whey protein concentrate(milk), gelatin, natural flavor, cellulose gum, turmeric(color), live active cultures:streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus. Made on shared equipment with soy. Let's question the"health"of our"choice."Is the milk rBST rBGH milk?Is the sugar from Sugar Cane sprayed with the ubiquitous weedkiller, Atrazine?Are the corn sweeteners GMO/glyphosate(roundup ready)high-fructose corn syrup?Is the Corn Starch(filler)GMO/Glyphosate Corn?Is the Gelatin from Pig Carcasses?What is in the"Natural Flavor, "and why isn't it written in plain English?
6. Sugar
Genetically Modified Sugar Beets were introduced to the US market in 2009. These Sugar Beets are modified to resist Roundup, like Corn. Sugar Cane crops are sprayed with the weedkiller Atrazine, a potent human endocrine disrupter. Much of the Cane Sugar in the U.S. contains Atrazine residue.
7. Aspartame
I agree that there are concerns about the safety of Aspartame in the body, including its potential link to certain cancers. It's interesting to note that Aspartame is an artificial sweetener many people use as a sugar substitute. Did you know that it's manufactured from genetically modified bacteria?
8. Zucchini
Genetically modified Zucchini contains a toxic protein that helps make it more insect-resistant. Recently, Pregnant Women and Fetuses tested positive for the pesticide Bt. This research indicates that some insecticides are making their way into our bodies rather than being broken down and excreted.
9. Yellow Squash
Yellow Squash has also been modified with toxic proteins to make it insect-resistant. This plant resembles Zucchini;both have also been GMO'd to resist viruses.
10. Papaya
Genetically Modified Papaya Trees have been grown in Hawaii since 1999. These GMO Papayas are sold in the United States and Canada for human consumption. These Papayas were modified to be'naturally resistant'to the Papaya Ringspot Virus and to delay the fruit's maturity. Delaying maturity gives suppliers more time to ship the fruit to supermarkets.
In the European Union, a European Commission rule allowed countries to opt out of growing genetically modified crops. According to the Commission’s website, nineteen of the 27 member state countries of the EU have voted to either partially or fully ban GMOs. The Commission reports that“several countries such as France, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Poland, Denmark, Malta, Slovenia, Italy and Croatia have chosen a total ban. Wallonia, the French-speaking region of Belgium, has opted out, as well as Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.”
info and GMOWatch
Additional Glyphosate-Contaminated Foods(Not Limited To Trader Joe's)
Glyphosate(Monsanto RoundUp®)is ubiquitous everywhere within the human food chain.
History has repeatedly proven that people receive the type of Government they settle for. In this case, you consume the Lead, Pesticides, and Lack of Vitamins(GMOs)you settle for. Do nothing, say nothing, and the quality of your diet will further erode. The Factory Farm Conglomeration(s)exists in lies, secrecy, and hypocrisy. True power is often said to belong"To the People, "e.g., to the many. Make your voice heard, and join food health and safety organizations. Speak with your purse or wallet. Make a*Do Not Purchase*list from this article;logically, start with frequently recalled foods . Adhere to it wherever you purchase food.
De Cecco, Goya or Barilla Pasta are so much better than Trader Joe's insipid Rice or Whole Wheat Pasta. We bought some of"Trader Joe's brand"of Pasta(Fusilli and Farafel). Their brand of Pasta ruined our meal-like eating raw dough sawdust. The flavor and texture turned a delicious sauce and aged Parmesan into inedible mush. De Cecco, Goya, or Barilla Pastas taste good and have a nice texture. June 13, 2020, is our last time buying noodles or Pasta from Traitor Joe's. We had the same thing happen before and thought it was a one-off. Tonight's Trader Joe's Fusilli was disgusting. It tasted like it had been stored in a Missile Silo for 50 years before us cooking it. It has an appalling texture and a disgusting taste. Post-COVID-19, we have left Trader Joe's for CSA's(Community Supported Agriculture) . We buy a custom box or two of food every week;Imperfect Food delivers it, and we don't deal with Trader Joe's 3rd World ambiance"food"and, worse, their sullen, vengeful, hate-crime, racist employees . has delicious bacon, St. Louis-style ribs, cookies, pears, and apples. Their Sugar Crisp apples are to die for good. Sometimes, we order a lot and don't bother with Trader Joe's or Vons for 2-3 weeks or more. Imperfect Foods has much better pasta noodles and sauce than Trader Joe's. Imperfect food is excellent and honest, but Trader Joe's are sullen, hateful racists . Which is cheaper, Trader Joe's or
Imperfect Food is one of many CSAs;so far, we like the freshness of the food and seeing the source on the online order form. For us, the Pandemic brought better, healthier(CSA)food into our lives, and we lost weight during the lockdown. The name Imperfect Food is a little off-putting. 2 lb of Brown Rice, the rice kernels are chipped, so it cooks faster-that is the Imperfection, but it is still whole grain Brown Rice. It costs much less than Trader Joe's and is much fresher. Imperfect Food charges per item you order at the time it ships;larger orders ship for free.
Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) is a production and marketing model where consumers either buy shares of a farm's harvest in advance or buy deliverables, paying per item ordered. Consumers become CSA members by paying an agreed amount at the beginning of the growing season, either in one lump sum or installments. You can also sign up for a weekly shipped box with a large Ice Pack, everything from Dairy, Meat, Seafood, Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables. You pay for what is in the box, often at a huge savings, i.e., Leaf lettuce for 69¢instead of Trader Joe's$1.69. CSAs are not plowing crops into the ground;instead, they are hiring and expanding. A delivered box or two(for instance, Imperfect Foods )is safer than entering Trader Joe's in person. Having two boxes of farmer-to-family food shipped to your home is safer and costs less for fresher, tastier, and less expensive food.
Some CSAs give you a report such as 91 pounds of food that could have been wasted being shipped to you so far. Three thousand six hundred forty gallons of fresh water was not wasted(by factory-farmed"farmers"and warehouses). You prevented 310 pounds of CO2 from being emitted(so far).
You may wonder if Imperfect Food delivers to my area. If not, this USDA page will find CSAs in your area .
Tea, Coffee, Cacao, Bananas, soy , Corn, Palm Oil, Wheat, Barley, and Rice are common Conflict Farming Crops. Trader Joe's and Aldi's claim(paraphrased)is that we know this ethical guy;he is not a conflict farmer. We cannot tell you his name;it is a secret, but he is wonderfully not a conflict farmer-we need to keep him secret. Either you are proud of your suppliers or ashamed of them. Which is it?Trader Joe's Suppliers, RJ Reynolds, Dole, Russ Davis, Mann Packing, Caito Foods, etc., don't supply."Ma and Pa Stores."
Super King markets had a sale on whole roasted or raw Cashews(September 29 2021). The Cashews are large, plump, and very fresh tasting. Each Cashew is 2x-3x larger than Trader Joe's"Halves and Pieces."The Super King Cashews are very delicious and cost half($4.99 per lb.)the price of Trader Joe's slightly stale Cashews. The Latin Food in Super King is real Latin Food, not contrived"Señor Joe's"food. The same is valid with Super King's Middle Eastern food;one example is a vast, whopping tray of fresh Hummus, sold by the pound, so you can order 1-2 pounds rather than buying a 7 oz package from a factory. Super King and are how we boycott Trader Joe's(and Vons, Pavillions, Albertsons, and Safeway).
From Wikipedia:
Theodor Paul"Theo"Albrecht(March 28 1922–July 24 2010)was a German entrepreneur who 2010 was ranked by Forbes as the 31st richest person in the world, with a net worth of$16.7 billion. He owned and was the CEO of the Aldi Nord discount supermarket chain. He owned the Trader Joe's specialty grocery store chain in the US. His brother Karl Albrecht owned the Aldi Süd discount supermarket chain. The two chains were originally a single-family enterprise until a friendly division of assets in 1960. Aldi Süd operates the Aldi groceries in the United States. While owned by the brothers, Aldi and Trader Joe's have separate and distinct ownership and operations.
Aldi(stylized as ALDI)is the brand of two discount supermarket chains with over 10, 000 stores in 20 countries and an estimated combined turnover of more than€50 billion. The chain was founded in Germany by brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946 when they took over their mother's store in Essen, which had been in operation since 1913. The business was split into two separate groups in 1960, which later became Aldi Nord, headquartered in Essen, and Aldi Süd, headquartered in Mülheim. In 1962, they introduced the name Aldi(a syllabic abbreviation for Albrecht Diskont), pronounced[ˈaldiː]. In Germany, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd have been financially and legally separate since 1966;both divisions appear as if they were a single enterprise)with certain store brands or when negotiating with contractor companies. The formal business name is Aldi Einkauf GmbH&Compagnie, oHG.
Aldi's German operations consist of Aldi Nord's 35 individual regional companies with about 2, 500 stores in western, northern, and Eastern Germany and Aldi Süd's 32 regional companies with 1, 600 stores in western and southern Germany. Internationally, Aldi Nord operates in Denmark, France, the Benelux countries, Portugal, Spain, and Poland. In contrast, Aldi Süd operates in Ireland, Great Britain, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia, China, Italy, Austria, and Slovenia(Aldi Süd operates as Hofer within the latter two countries). Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd also operate in the United States, with 1, 600 stores as of 2017. Some call TJ's/Aldi's"El Pulpo"(The Octopus). Much of the public does not see how brain-washy El Pulpo is in its mass consumer marketing, 4, 600 stores that draw in chalk(like an Ozark Ma and Pa one-of-a-kind establishment). El Pulpo.
There are a plethora of Internet Shills, Trolls, and GMO Apologists pushing hard on the Pesticide Manufacturer's Franken Food. They use the words "GMO"and"Safe" frequently. What could go wrong with fledgling, untested Transgenic Science? The public has started to accept food that is not food, "safety"that is not safe. It is the new"normal.""plant-based"refers to concoctions of largely GMO and certain Lead, Pesticide, and Mercury candidates. Tech will fix this;science will fix that. How many steps in a factory did your new"plant-based"food go through?Months ago, it was a fresh plant in a field;then, it went through a factory replete with GMO Soy and Glyphosate residue. Then, from freezer to grill and then into your gut .
July 14, 2020, from, subject Roundup in Trader Joe's Hummus :
Hummus, chickpeas, and other beans offer multiple nutritional benefits, and Americans should not stop eating them. Our findings show the need not only for a ban on all pre-harvest uses of Glyphosate but also for a much stricter EPA standard and increased testing by the Food and Drug Administration to determine how widely Glyphosate contaminates our food.
Glyphosate is the herbicide sold for decades by Monsanto, now Bayer, under the brand name Roundup. It is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer , or IARC, as a probable human carcinogen and by the State of California as a chemical known to cause cancer.
Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in the U.S., sprayed on different crops and during different parts of the growing season. For consumers, the most problematic is the spraying of Glyphosate, shortly before harvest, on many beans and grains as a drying agent. Previous tests by EWG and other public interest groups have found Glyphosate in popular breakfast cereals and other foods American adults and children love to eat.
All samples were purchased by EWG researchers online or at major food retailers in the Washington, D.C., New York City, and San Francisco metropolitan areas, including Aldi, Costco, Giant, Harris Teeter, Safeway, ShopRite, Target, # #Trader Joe ##, Walmart and Whole Foods grocery stores. Laboratories conducted tests.
List of 20 Trader Joe’s and/or Aldi’s Name-Brand Foods That Tested Positive for Pesticide Residues
· Trader Joe’s Organic Peas-In a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group(EWG), Trader Joe’s Organic Peas were found to have multiple pesticide residues, including bifenthrin and chlorpyrifos.
· Aldi Little Salad Bar Garden Salad-The same study by EWG detected the presence of several pesticides, such as atrazine and propargite, in Aldi’s Little Salad Bar Garden Salad.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Romaine Hearts-Pesticide residues, including imazaliland spinosad, were found in Trader Joe’s Organic Romaine Hearts, according to the EWG analysis.
· Aldi SimplyNatureOrganic Baby Spinach-The EWG study revealed the presence of bifenthrin and permethrin in Aldi’s SimplyNatureOrganic Baby Spinach.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Pasta-Pesticide residues such as glyphosate and acetamiprid were detected in Trader Joe’s Organic Brown Rice Pasta, as reported by the EWG.
· Aldi Earth Grown Meatless Burgers-The EWG analysis found traces of bifenthrin and imidacloprid in Aldi’s Earth Grown Meatless Burgers.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Strawberries-According to the Pesticide Data Program(PDP), Trader Joe’s Organic Strawberries showed the presence of multiple pesticide residues, including carbendazim and azoxystrobin.
· Aldi SimplyNatureOrganic Spring Mix-The PDP testing identified pesticide residues like acetamiprid and cypermethrin in Aldi’s SimplyNatureOrganic Spring Mix.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Baby Spinach-The PDP analysis detected the presence of bifenthrin and permethrin in Trader Joe’s Organic Baby Spinach.
· Aldi Earth Grown Meatless Ground Beef-Pesticide residues, including bifenthrin and imidacloprid, were found in Aldi’s Earth Grown Meatless Ground Beef, as per the PDP report.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Gala Apples-PDP testing revealed the presence of multiple pesticide residues, such as thiabendazole and pyraclostrobin, in Trader Joe’s Organic Gala Apples.
· Aldi SimplyNatureOrganic Frozen Blueberries-According to the PDP analysis, Aldi’s SimplyNatureOrganic Frozen Blueberries contained pesticide residues like bifenthrin and cypermethrin.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Carrots-The PDP report showed the presence of multiple pesticide residues, including chlorprophamand flonicamid, in Trader Joe’s Organic Carrots.
· Aldi Earth Grown Meatless Chicken Strips-Pesticide residues such as bifenthrin and imidacloprid were detected in Aldi’s Earth Grown Meatless Chicken Strips by the PDP.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Red Potatoes-According to the PDP testing, Trader Joe’s Organic Red Potatoes had pesticide residues like chlorprophamand flonicamid.
· Aldi SimplyNatureOrganic Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce-The PDP analysis found traces of acetamiprid and cypermethrin in Aldi’s SimplyNatureOrganic Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Blueberries-Multiple pesticide residues, including thiabendazole and pyraclostrobin, were found in Trader Joe’s Organic Blueberries, as per the PDP report.
· Aldi Earth Grown Meatless Italian Sausage-The PDP testing detected pesticide residues like bifenthrin and imidacloprid in Aldi’s Earth Grown Meatless Italian Sausage.
· Trader Joe’s Organic Green Beans-According to the PDP analysis, Trader Joe’s Organic Green Beans contained pesticide residues such as chlorprophamand flonicamid.
· Aldi SimplyNatureOrganic Diced Tomatoes-The PDP report showed the presence of multiple pesticide residues, including acetamiprid and cypermethrin, in Aldi’s SimplyNatureOrganic Diced Tomatoes.
Other Trader Joe’s food that tested positive for pesticides:
Organic Avocados:Detected pesticide:Imidacloprid. Threat to human health:Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide that can cause hormone disruption and immune system problems.
Organic Peaches:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Organic Nectarines:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Organic Grapes:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Organic Cherries:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Organic Strawberries:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Organic Spinach:Detected pesticide:Chlorpyrifos. Threat to human health:Chlorpyrifos can cause developmental delays and neurological disorders in children.
Trader Joe’s beverages that tested positive for pesticides:
2. Trader Joe’s Organic Raspberry Lemonade:This product was found to contain the pesticide thiamethoxam, which is a neonicotinoid insecticide. This discovery raised concerns about the safety of organic products.
3. Trader Joe’s Organic Orange Juice:Tests revealed that this product contained traces of the pesticide carbendazim, which is a fungicide. This raised questions about the safety and efficacy of organic farming practices.
4. Trader Joe’s Organic Green Tea:This beverage was found to contain the pesticide dichloran, which is a fungicide. This discovery highlighted the need for stricter regulations on pesticide use in organic products.
5. Trader Joe’s Organic Lemonade:This beverage tested positive for the pesticide thiamethoxam, raising concerns about the safety of organic lemonades.
6. Trader Joe’s Organic Apple Juice:Tests showed that this product contained the pesticide carbendazim, which is a fungicide. This discovery led to a call for better pesticide monitoring in organic products.
7. Trader Joe’s Organic Grape Juice:This beverage was found to contain the pesticide thiamethoxam, which is a neonicotinoid insecticide. This discovery sparked a debate about the effectiveness of organic farming practices.
8. Trader Joe’s Organic Pomegranate Blueberry Juice:This product tested positive for the pesticide carbendazim, raising concerns about the safety of organic juices.
9. Trader Joe’s Organic Pineapple Juice:This beverage contained the pesticide thiamethoxam, which is a neonicotinoid insecticide. This discovery led to a call for better pesticide monitoring in organic products.
10. Trader Joe’s Organic Cranberry Juice:This beverage was found to contain the pesticide carbendazim, raising questions about the safety of organic cranberry juices.
11. Trader Joe’s Organic Coconut Water:This product was found to contain the pesticide thiamethoxam, raising concerns about the safety of organic coconut water.
ALDI’s food that tested positive for pesticides:
List of Trader Joe’s Foods Tested Positive for Pesticides: