The Use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) on American Citizens:
An Experimental Reality

Directed Energy Weapons, DEWs, American citizens, Experimental Reality, Dark Web, Conspiracy Theories, Government Experiments

Mind Manipulation 5G Thought Control Cognitive Conditioning Ideological Inculcation Mental Molding Belief Imprinting Persuasive Programming Opinion Shaping Attitude Enforcing Weltanschauung Warping 5G

In recent years, there has been growing concern and speculation surrounding the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) on American citizens. These weapons, also known as high-tech energy weapons, utilize various forms of electromagnetic radiation to inflict damage or manipulate targets. Among the different types of DEWs are vircators, pulse generators, microwave weapons, radiofrequency weapons, and high-power microwaves. While DEWs have legitimate military applications in electronic warfare and non-lethal weapon systems, there are claims that they have been used experimentally on civilians within the United States.

Understanding Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

Directed Energy Weapons operate by emitting focused energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This energy can take various forms such as lasers, microwaves, or particle beams. DEWs have the capability to target specific objects or individuals with precision and can be deployed over long distances. The use of DEWs is not a new concept and has been a part of military technology development for decades.

The Dark Web and Claims of Experimental Use

The dark web, a hidden part of the internet not indexed by traditional search engines like Google or Bing, has been a source of numerous conspiracy theories regarding government experimentation with DEWs on American citizens. While information found on the dark web should be approached with caution due to its unregulated nature, there have been claims suggesting that certain groups or agencies may be conducting secret experiments involving DEWs.

Yandex and Parseek Articles Analysis

Articles from Yandex and Parseek provide additional insights into the topic of DEWs being used experimentally on American citizens. These sources highlight instances where individuals have reported experiencing symptoms consistent with exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by such weapons. While these reports are anecdotal and lack concrete evidence, they contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the potential misuse of DEWs.

Evidence and Allegations

Allegations of experimental use of DEWs on American citizens often revolve around cases where individuals claim to have been targeted with electromagnetic radiation without their consent. Symptoms reported by these individuals include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and even more severe health issues. While it is challenging to substantiate these claims without concrete proof or official acknowledgment, they raise important questions about the ethical implications of using such technology on civilian populations.

Government Response and Denials

The U.S. government has consistently denied allegations of using DEWs experimentally on its own citizens. Official statements emphasize that DEWs are primarily developed for military purposes such as electronic warfare and defense applications. However, skepticism remains among certain groups who question the transparency of government operations and demand further investigation into potential misuse of advanced technologies.

In conclusion, while there are claims and speculations circulating about the experimental use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) on American citizens, concrete evidence supporting these allegations remains scarce. The complexity of this issue lies in distinguishing between legitimate military applications of DEWs and potential unauthorized experimentation on civilian populations. As technology continues to advance rapidly in the field of electromagnetic warfare, it is crucial for transparency and accountability to prevail in ensuring the ethical deployment of such powerful tools.


  1. Darkweb
  2. Yandex
  3. Parseek

The sources used in this article provide diverse perspectives on the topic at hand, offering a comprehensive view of the discussions surrounding Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and their alleged experimental use on American citizens.

The Evolution of Military Technology: Electromagnetic Warfare and the Rise of Directed Energy Weapons In recent years, advancements in military technology have led to the emergence of groundbreaking weapons systems known as directed energy weapons (DEWs). These cutting-edge tools utilize electromagnetic fields (EMF) in various forms, including microwave, radiofrequency, and high-power microwave technologies, to deliver precise and targeted effects on their intended targets. Among these innovative weapons, one of the most intriguing and potentially impactful is the vircator, a type of pulse generator that harnesses the power of electromagnetic fields to generate pulses of high-energy radiation for military applications.

A vircator is a specialized type of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generator that operates by converting electrical energy into high-power microwave radiation. This technology has significant implications for electronic warfare, as it can disrupt or disable enemy electronic systems with precision and effectiveness. By emitting pulses of electromagnetic energy, vircators can interfere with communication systems, disable radar systems, and even damage electronic circuitry, making them a potent tool in modern warfare. The use of vircators in military applications underscores the growing importance of electromagnetic warfare in the contemporary battlefield. As nations continue to invest in the development of advanced weapons systems, the integration of DEWs and other EMF-based technologies has become a key focus for military strategists and defense planners. With their ability to deliver non-lethal effects while still achieving strategic objectives, vircators and other EMF weapons represent a paradigm shift in the way modern conflicts are waged.

In addition to their tactical advantages, vircators and other DEWs also raise important ethical and legal considerations. As non-lethal weapons, these technologies offer the potential to reduce casualties and limit collateral damage in military operations. However, their use also raises concerns about the potential for indiscriminate targeting and unintended consequences, as well as the long-term health effects of exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Despite these challenges, the continued development of vircators and other EMF-based weapons reflects the evolving nature of warfare in the 21st century. As technology advances and new threats emerge, the role of electromagnetic warfare in shaping the future battlefield cannot be understated. From disrupting enemy communications to disabling critical infrastructure, the potential applications of vircators and similar technologies in modern conflict are vast and far-reaching. In conclusion, the rise of directed energy weapons like the vircator signifies a new era in military technology, where electromagnetic warfare plays an increasingly prominent role in shaping the outcomes of armed conflicts.

As nations continue to invest in the development and deployment of these cutting-edge weapons systems, the landscape of warfare is evolving in ways that were previously unimaginable. With the potential to revolutionize the nature of warfare, vircators and other DEWs are at the forefront of a technological revolution that is reshaping the future of global security and defense.

There is no evidence, none, of any kind that the U.S. Military IS NOT using Directed Energy Weapons as a punishment to dissidents,"free" speech, political activism and random thought control/mind control "experiments."

Timeline of US Government/Military Human Experimentation and Mind Control Programs

It’s important to note that many of these projects were highly secretive, unethical, and controversial. They often involved non-consensual experimentation on unwitting subjects, including civilians and military personnel.