A Presidential Coup d’etat in Project 2025: Donald Trump’s Coup Gone Wrong

SCOTUS Red Story   Bifurcated America

by Tracy Turner ~ June 15, 2024

project 2025 conservative government federal energy department immigration policy trump coup d'etat foundation proposals policies security document power strategic heritage foundation education national

Former President Donald Trump is the August Arachnid of White Collar Crime, Both Within and Whithout Government Project 2025

Foreword: Project 2025 is not a Democracy, not a Republic; it is a Coup d'etat, a sudden and illegal seizure of power from a people and a government. Like Russia and China before it, the United States is about to watch, hands tied behind its back, as the Coup completes itself. Project 2025 is a lip-sticked, rouged pig, a coup d'etat with patriotic glitter liberally sprinkled over it.

Project 2025, a strategic policy proposal from The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank established in 2022, aims to recruit conservatives to replace federal civil servants and reshape the U.S. government upon a Republican presidential victory in 2024. The project advocates for strategic changes across various sectors, including economic and social policies, environmental regulations, and the role of federal agencies, all designed to align with conservative values and principles (wolves in patriotic camouflage).

In the realm of political initiatives, President Donald Trump’s "Trumpitarianism" Project 2025 emerges as a controversial endeavor that raises eyebrows and stirs concerns among many. The ambitious nature of this project, coupled with its high risk adjacent power mongering , has sparked debates about its true intentions and potential ramifications. As we delve into the intricacies of Project 2025, it becomes evident that the parallels between this initiative and historical coups d’état are unsettling. The echoes of authoritarianism and power consolidation reverberate through the corridors of political discourse, casting a shadow over the democratic principles that underpin our society.

Critical aspects of Project 2025 include:

One of the key proposals of Project 2025 is to reduce funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ). This revision of Government is premised on the belief that the DOJ has become overly politicized and needs to be restructured to ensure its independence and impartiality. Dismantling the FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). (Turn America into a military junta)

Project 2025 proposes a strategic reduction of environmental regulations to create a more favorable environment for fossil fuel production. This is referred to as '1984 Doublespeak ', a term derived from George Orwell's novel '1984 ', which describes language that deliberately obscures, disguises, or reverses the meaning of words. The proposal is based on the belief that a balanced approach to energy production is necessary for economic growth and energy security. It is eliminating the Department of Commerce (putting corporations in charge of Government is aka a fascist dictatorship).

Project 2025 aims to end the independence of federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This proposed Coup is part of a broader strategy to streamline government operations and ensure these agencies are accountable to the elected Government. It also proposes tax cuts, abolishing the Department of Education, cutting funding for climate research while reforming the National Institutes of Health (NIH), criminalizing pornography, removing legal protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and affirmative action Fascist Corporatocracy).

Project contributor Jeffrey Clark advises future presidents to consider deploying the military for domestic law enforcement and pursuing adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807, a law that allows the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion. This strategic recommendation aims to ensure national security and protect the interests of the American people ('America' as an actual, bona fide fascist police state).

While Project 2025 has its supporters, it has also faced criticism. Some have described it as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement that will lead to autocracy. Several legal experts have indicated it would undermine the rule of law and separation of powers. These criticisms underscore the potential far-reaching implications of the proposed policies, necessitating careful consideration and robust debate.

Shocking Revelation of Conservative Influence

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, has relentlessly produced the Mandate for Leadership series since 1981. The Foundation's unwavering commitment to advancing its conservative agenda has raised eyebrows and fueled skepticism among those wary of its influence. 

Dismal Response to Civil Servants' Allegiance

Kevin Roberts' establishment of Project 2025 in response to civil servants' refusal to support Trump during his controversial attempts to implement policies like the Muslim travel ban or overturn election results has sent shockwaves through the political landscape. Roberts's brazen move reflects a disturbing trend of partisan loyalty overriding ethical considerations, underscoring the urgency of the situation.

Undermining Credibility with Partisan Advocacy

The Foundation's extensive history of unabashed conservative policy advocacy may lend a veneer of credibility to the proposals outlined in Project 2025. Still, it also raises serious concerns about the impartiality and objectivity of their recommendations. The blatant alignment with partisan interests casts a shadow of doubt over the legitimacy of their purported solutions.

Despite the impressive list of notable authors involved in Project 2025, including former Trump administration officials such as Jonathan Berry, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, Thomas Gilman, Mandy Gunasekara, Gene Hamilton, Christopher Miller, Bernard McNamee, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter Navarro, William Perry Pendley, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kiron Skinner, Roger Severino, Hans von Spakovsky, Brooks Tucker, Russell Vought, and Paul Winfree, the policy proposals contained within this project raise significant concerns.

It is questionable to what extent these individuals' experiences and insights from their time in the administration contribute to the comprehensive and informed nature of the policy proposals. The Trump administration was known for its divisive and controversial policies in various domains, such as immigration, healthcare, and foreign relations. 

Moreover, the need for more transparency regarding the specific policy proposals and their potential implications is paramount. The shocking absence of concrete information about the project on its official website further fuels doubts about its intentions, highlighting the audience's need for more comprehensive information. 

Project 2025: A Conservative Agenda for a Second Trump Term

The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 is a comprehensive policy document outlining the conservative vision for a potential second term of a Trump presidency. The 900-page manifesto covers various aspects of Government, including immigration, education, energy, and more. 


Here's an overview of some critical proposals:

1.    Restoring the Integrity of the Department of Justice: Project 2025 suggests giving the FBI a hard reset, ensuring consistent litigation decisions, and enforcing immigration laws to restore the Department of Justice's integrity.

2.    Solidifying Our Border: The document proposes restructuring the Department of Homeland Security and its priorities to streamline the immigration process, end unclear immigration visas, and create a more secure immigration process.

3.    Breaking Up the Department of Education: Project 2025 advocates for breaking up the Department of Education to strengthen education freedom, enhance parental rights in education, and protect taxpayers from student loan "forgiveness."

4.    The document proposes slashing federal money for research and investment in renewable energy and replacing carbon-reduction goals with efforts to increase energy production and security. It also sets out two competing visions on tariffs but suggests that a second Trump administration should consider abolishing the Federal Reserve and even returning to a gold-backed currency.

5.    The document proposes drastic cuts in federal funding for renewable energy research, shifts focus from carbon reduction to energy production, and controversially suggests abolishing the Federal Reserve and returning to a gold-backed currency.

6.    Abortion and Tech & Education Proposal: The Project 2025 proposal does not advocate for a nationwide abortion ban but suggests removing mifepristone from the market as part of its strategy to safeguard life. Additionally, the plan includes banning pornography, shutting down tech and telecom companies that enable access to such content, promoting school choice, emphasizing parental control over schools, and aiming to eradicate "woke propaganda." The document also recommends eliminating terms like "sexual orientation," "diversity, equity, and inclusion," "gender equality," "abortion," and "reproductive rights" from all laws and federal regulations.

These are just some highlights from Project 2025's extensive policy recommendations covering various aspects of Government. It is important to note that many of these proposals, while potentially facing immediate legal challenges if implemented due to existing laws or constitutional protections, serve as an insight into the conservative vision for governance under another Trump administration if elected in 2024. They hold the promise of a more "streamlined, efficient, and conservative" fascist government, aligned with the values and principles of the Heritage Foundation and its Coup d'etat supporters.

Pages 600-900 of Project 2025 delve into the detailed policy recommendations and proposals for various governance and societal issues. Given the nature of the Heritage Foundation's conservative stance and the overall government overthrow objectives outlined in the earlier sections of the document, these pages provide in-depth strategies for force-feeding conservative policies across different sectors of the opposition.

Government Restructuring and Control:

The section elaborates on the proposal to place the federal bureaucracy under direct presidential control, including independent agencies like the Department of Justice. This controversial concept, known as "unitary executive theory," could be further explained in terms of its implications for decision-making processes and policy implementation. The proposal is based on the belief that a more centralized and fascist government structure would lead to a more efficient and effective dictatorship.

Immigration Policies:

Pages 600-900 detail specific plans for immigration reform, including increased funding for border security measures such as a wall on the US-Mexico border. Additionally, there are discussions on consolidating immigration agencies, expanding their powers, and introducing new regulations related to immigrant fees and application processes.

As we reflect on President Donald Trump’s Project 2025 and its implications, it is impossible to ignore the striking resemblance to infamous coups d’état throughout history. The brazen disregard for democratic norms and the relentless pursuit of power at all costs draw chilling parallels to past authoritarian regimes. In scrutinizing Project 2025 through this lens, one cannot help but question the motives behind such an initiative and the recent past, ongoing and highly probable erosion of democratic values it signifies.

Climate and Energy Strategies:

The document presents proposals regarding climate change policies. It could potentially focus on reducing federal investments in renewable energy research and emphasizing a shift towards supporting traditional energy sources like oil and natural gas. It might also outline alternative approaches to carbon reduction goals and highlight strategies for boosting domestic energy production.

These sections will likely offer a more granular view of how Project 2025 aims to address critical issues facing the nation from a conservative perspective, providing detailed recommendations for reshaping government structures, immigration frameworks, environmental policies, and other vital areas.

A Coup Disguised as Patriotism:

Project 2025 is a strategic initiative that aims to reshape the country's political landscape under the guise of patriotism. Purportedly designed to enhance national security and strengthen the economy, Project 2025 is a carefully orchestrated coup d’état, as evidenced by January 6, 2021, and the dead cops (Bloody Coup d’état) aimed at consolidating power and control to serve the nation's best interests.

The Facade of Patriotism Under the banner of patriotism, Project 2025 seeks to rally public support by appealing to nationalistic sentiments and invoking a sense of duty towards the country. The project aims to cloak its true intentions and garner widespread public approval by framing its objectives as essential for safeguarding the nation's future.

Project 2025: Despite its claims to uphold democratic values, Project 2025 directly contradicts these principles. It operates through covert manipulation of institutions and suppression of dissent, actions that undermine the foundations of a free and fair society. This initiative paves the way for authoritarian rule, all under the guise of national unity, a contradiction that should be obvious.

Centralization of Power At its core, Project 2025 is driven by a desire to centralize power in the hands of a select few individuals or entities, namely Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans, by exploiting patriotic rhetoric and leveraging fearmongering tactics, this project seeks to concentrate authority within this narrow circle, eroding checks and balances vital for preserving democratic governance.

Project 2025's success hinges on its ability to manipulate public opinion, a power it wields through sophisticated propaganda techniques. It controls the narrative, shapes perceptions, and even resorts to media censorship and disinformation campaigns. This initiative creates an illusion of popular support while silencing dissenting voices that challenge its authority, a tactic that should raise serious concerns.

Project 2025 represents a dangerous subversion of democratic norms disguised as a noble endeavor for national progress. By exploiting patriotism as a smokescreen for consolidating power and stifling opposition, this initiative poses a grave threat to the fundamental principles of democracy and individual freedoms. If successful, it could lead to permanent dictatorship and permanent fascism, fundamentally destroying the fabric of our country and society.

Donald Trump’s “Project 2025” and the Cult of MAGA: Brainwashed Supporters, Sycophants, Yes-Men, and Cultism

During his presidency from 2017 to 2021, Donald J. Trump fostered a significant movement known as the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA). This political ideology, which originated from Trump’s campaign slogan, evolved into a phenomenon of historical significance, akin to a cult, characterized by intense loyalty, devotion, and often fanatical support for the former president. The term “cult” may seem extreme; however, it is an appropriate description given the group’s collective behavior and characteristics.

Trump’s ambitious vision for America is encapsulated in his “Project 2025,” a plan to reshape the country along nationalist lines. This project encompassed various policy initiatives focusing on immigration restriction, economic protectionism, deregulation, and opposition to global institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN). The MAGA movement embraced this vision wholeheartedly and became synonymous with Trump’s presidency.

The cultish nature of the MAGA movement can be gleaned in several ways. Firstly, its members exhibit a high degree of brainwashing or indoctrination. They have been conditioned to view Trump as infallible and believe that his words are gospel truth. This devotion is reminiscent of religious cults, where followers trust their leaders without question or criticism.

Sycophants and yes-men significantly reinforced this belief system within the MAGA movement. These individuals were ardent supporters and actively promoted Trump’s agenda through various media channels and public appearances. Their unwavering loyalty further solidified the group’s commitment to Trump and his policies.

Due to its exclusivity and insularity, the MAGA movement can be described as a cult. Members often reject outside opinions or criticisms of their beliefs and instead rely on internal validation from fellow supporters. This dynamic creates an echo chamber effect where dissenting voices are silenced or dismissed outright.

There are concerning parallels between the MAGA movement and historical examples of cultism. For instance, mass rallies featuring charismatic leaders delivering passionate speeches have long been associated with cultic behavior (Barkun, 1993). Additionally, some members have displayed signs of groupthink mentality – a psychological phenomenon where individuals prioritize group consensus over individual rationality (Janis, 1972).

Donald Trump’s “Project 2025” served as a catalyst for the formation of a cult following known as the MAGA movement during his presidency from 2017 to 2021. Characterized by intense loyalty, devotion, brainwashing, sycophantic behavior from key figures within the movement, exclusivity/insularity, and concerning parallels with historical examples of cultism – this phenomenon represents an alarming trend in modern American politics that demands immediate and thorough study and scrutiny - buyer beware.

Pages 600-900 of Trump's Project 2025 are a study in contrasts. On one hand, they are filled with grandiose promises that seem to promise a utopian future. On the other, they reveal questionable strategies and controversial decisions that cast doubt on the administration's ability to deliver on these promises. This narrative underscores the administration's relentless pursuit of power and influence, often at the expense of ethical considerations and public welfare.

Pages 600-900: The content within these pages is a testament to the administration's self-aggrandizement and disregard for democratic norms. Trump's Project 2025 appears to be more about consolidating power and advancing personal interests than about serving the greater good. The policies outlined, or rather, vaguely hinted at, lack depth and coherence. They rely heavily on divisive rhetoric and fear-mongering tactics to maintain support, revealing a lack of substance and a reliance on emotional manipulation.

Sarcastic Tone: One cannot help but marvel at the audacity displayed in these pages. Trump's administration paints a picture of romantic prosperity while conveniently ignoring their proposals' glaring contradictions and impracticalities. The narrative reads like a poorly scripted reality show, with each chapter revealing new plot twists that strain credulity. Concise Summary: In essence, pages 600-900 of Trump's Project 2025 offer a glimpse into a world where optics trump substance, where bravado substitutes for competence, and where accountability is a foreign concept. The reader is left with unease as they witness the erosion of democratic values in favor of authoritarian tendencies.

In its 920 pages, Project 2025 meticulously documents a web of shady business dealings, revealing a labyrinthine network of offshore accounts, shell companies, and covert transactions. From corporate boardrooms to political offices, the report exposes how key figures manipulate regulations and exploit loopholes for personal gain, illustrating a stark portrait of modern corporate malfeasance and its impact on global economies.

In stark contrast, the same comprehensive study also delves into the pervasive anti-environmentalism prevalent throughout its extensive documentation. Highlighting systematic efforts to undermine ecological protections and sidestep sustainability measures, Project 2025 unveils a chilling narrative of industries prioritizing profit over planet. From lobbying against environmental reforms to greenwashing practices, the report paints a grim picture of forces actively working against ecological preservation in pursuit of short-term financial gains.


  1. The Washington Post - Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise (Article)
  2. The Heritage Foundation - Project 2025: https://www.heritage.org/project-2025 [3]
  3. Axios - Trump’s ‘Project 2025’: A wish list for a second term: https://www.axios.com/trump-project-conservative-agenda-heritage-foundation-a66d3b7c-f4d9-4e8b-a9c3-7f6a3e6b7d9d.html
  4. BBC News - Project 2025: The Trump presidency wish list explained: Harvard Kennedy School - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs: The Belfer Center at Harvard University is offering expert analysis on strategic initiatives like Project 2025.
  5. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): The CFR is a prestigious think tank dedicated to informing policymakers on global issues, including research that can shed light on potential threats posed by projects like Project 2025. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61848491 [3]